/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ /** * Interface of zone.js configurations. * * You can define the following configurations on the window/global object before * importing `dist/zone.js` to change zone.js default behaviors. */ interface ZoneGlobalConfigurations { /** * Disable the monkey patch of the `Node.js` `EventEmitter` API. * * By default, the `zone.js` monkey patches the `Node.js` `EventEmitter` APIs to make async * callbacks of those APIs in the same zone when scheduled. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const EventEmitter = require('events'); * class MyEmitter extends EventEmitter {} * const myEmitter = new MyEmitter(); * * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * myEmitter.on('event', () => { * console.log('an event occurs in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // the callback runs in the zone when it is scheduled, * // so the output is 'an event occurs in the zone myZone'. * }); * }); * myEmitter.emit('event'); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_EventEmtter = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch the `EventEmitter` API and the above code * outputs 'an event occurred '. */ __Zone_disable_EventEmitter?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the `Node.js` `fs` API. * * By default, the `zone.js` monkey patches `Node.js` `fs` APIs to make async callbacks of those * APIs in the same zone when scheduled. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const fs = require('fs'); * * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * fs.stat('/tmp/world', (err, stats) => { * console.log('fs.stats() callback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // since the callback of the `fs.stat()` runs in the same zone * // when it is called, so the output is 'fs.stats() callback is invoked in the zone myZone'. * }); * }); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_fs = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch the `fs` API and the above code * outputs 'get stats occurred '. */ __Zone_disable_fs?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the `Node.js` `timer` API. * * By default, the `zone.js` monkey patches the `Node.js` `timer` APIs to make async callbacks of * those APIs in the same zone when scheduled. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * setTimeout(() => { * console.log('setTimeout() callback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // since the callback of `setTimeout()` runs in the same zone * // when it is scheduled, so the output is 'setTimeout() callback is invoked in the zone * // myZone'. * }); * }); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_timers = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch the `timer` APIs and the above code * outputs 'timeout '. */ __Zone_disable_node_timers?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the `Node.js` `process.nextTick()` API. * * By default, `zone.js` monkey patches the `Node.js` `process.nextTick()` API to make the * callback in the same zone when calling `process.nextTick()`. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * process.nextTick(() => { * console.log('process.nextTick() callback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // since the callback of `process.nextTick()` runs in the same zone * // when it is scheduled, so the output is 'process.nextTick() callback is invoked in the * // zone myZone'. * }); * }); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_nextTick = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch the `process.nextTick()` API and the above code * outputs 'nextTick '. */ __Zone_disable_nextTick?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the `Node.js` `crypto` API. * * By default, `zone.js` monkey patches the `Node.js` `crypto` APIs to make async callbacks of * those APIs in the same zone when called. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const crypto = require('crypto'); * * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * crypto.randomBytes(() => { * console.log('crypto.randomBytes() callback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // since the callback of `crypto.randomBytes()` runs in the same zone * // when it is called, so the output is 'crypto.randomBytes() callback is invoked in the * // zone myZone'. * }); * }); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_crypto = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch the `crypto` API and the above code * outputs 'crypto '. */ __Zone_disable_crypto?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the `Object.defineProperty()` API. * * NOTE: this configuration is only available in the legacy bundle (dist/zone.js), this * module is not available in the evergreen bundle (zone-evergreen.js). * * In the legacy browser, by default, `zone.js` monkey patches `Object.defineProperty()` * `Object.create()` to try to ensure all property's configurable to be true. This patch is only * needed in some old mobile browsers. * * If you set `__Zone_disable_defineProperty = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch the `Object.defineProperty()` API and does not * modify desc.configurable to true. * */ __Zone_disable_defineProperty?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the browser `registerElement()` API. * * NOTE: This configuration is only available in the legacy bundle (dist/zone.js), this * module is not available in the evergreen bundle (zone-evergreen.js). * * In the legacy bundle, by default, `zone.js` monkey patches `registerElement()` API to make * async callbacks of the API in the same zone when `registerElement()` is called. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const proto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); * proto.createdCallback = function() { * console.log('createdCallback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * }; * proto.attachedCallback = function() { * console.log('attachedCallback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * }; * proto.detachedCallback = function() { * console.log('detachedCallback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * }; * proto.attributeChangedCallback = function() { * console.log('attributeChangedCallback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * }; * * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * document.registerElement('x-elem', {prototype: proto}); * }); * ``` * * When those callbacks are invoked, those callbacks will be in the zone when * `registerElement()` is called. * * If you set `__Zone_disable_registerElement = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch `registerElement()` API and the above code * outputs ''. */ __Zone_disable_registerElement?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the browser legacy `EventTarget` API. * * NOTE: This configuration is only available in the legacy bundle (dist/zone.js), this module * is not available in the evergreen bundle (zone-evergreen.js). * * In some old browsers, the `EventTarget` is not available, so `zone.js` can not directly monkey * patch the `EventTarget`, instead zone.js patches all known Html Elements' prototypes(such as * HtmlDivElement). So the callback of the `addEventListener()` will be in the same zone when * the `addEventListener()` is called. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * div.addEventListener('click', () => { * console.log('div click event listener is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // the output is 'div click event listener is invoked in the zone myZone'. * }); * }); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_EventTargetLegacy = true` before importing zone.js * in some old browsers (`EventTarget` not available). * `zone.js` does not monkey patch all Html Elements APIs and the above code * outputs 'clicked '. */ __Zone_disable_EventTargetLegacy?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the browser `timer` APIs. * * By default, `zone.js` monkey patches browser timer * APIs(`setTimeout()`/`setInterval()`/`setImmediate()`) to make async callbacks of those APIs in * the same zone when scheduled. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * setTimeout(() => { * console.log('setTimeout() callback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // since the callback of `setTimeout()` runs in the same zone * // when it is scheduled, so the output is 'setTimeout() callback is invoked in the zone * // myZone'. * }); * }); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_timers = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch `timer` API and the above code * outputs 'timeout '. * */ __Zone_disable_timers?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the browser `requestAnimationFrame()` API. * * By default, zone.js monkey patches the browser `requestAnimationFrame()` API * to make the async callback of the `requestAnimationFrame()` in the same zone when scheduled. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * requestAnimationFrame(() => { * console.log('requestAnimationFrame() callback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // since the callback of `requestAnimationFrame()` will be in the same zone * // when it is scheduled, so the output will be 'requestAnimationFrame() callback is invoked * // in the zone myZone' * }); * }); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_requestAnimationframe = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch the `requestAnimationFrame()` API and the above code * outputs 'raf '. */ __Zone_disable_requestAnimationFrame?: boolean; /** * * Disable the monkey patch of the browser blocking APIs(`alert()`/`prompt()`/`confirm()`). */ __Zone_disable_blocking?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the browser `EventTarget` APIs. * * By default, `zone.js` monkey patches EventTarget APIs. So the callbacks of the * `addEventListener()` runs in the same zone when the `addEventListener()` is called. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * div.addEventListener('click', () => { * console.log('div event listener is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // the output is 'div event listener is invoked in the zone myZone'. * }); * }); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_EventTarget = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch EventTarget API and the above code * outputs 'clicked '. * */ __Zone_disable_EventTarget?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the browser onProperty APIs(such as onclick). * * By default, zone.js monkey patches onXXX properties(such as onclick). So the callbacks of onXXX * properties runs in the same zone when the onXXX properties is set. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * div.onclick = () => { * console.log('div click event listener is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // the output will be 'div click event listener is invoked in the zone myZone' * } * }); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_on_property = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch onXXX properties and the above code * outputs 'clicked '. * */ __Zone_disable_on_property?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the browser `customElements` APIs. * * By default, zone.js monkey patches `customElements` APIs to make callbacks of the custom * Element run in the same zone when the element is defined. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * class TestCustomElement extends HTMLElement { * constructor() { super(); } * connectedCallback() {} * disconnectedCallback() {} * attributeChangedCallback(attrName, oldVal, newVal) {} * adoptedCallback() {} * } * * const zone = Zone.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * zone.run(() => { * customElements.define('x-elem', TestCustomElement); * }); * ``` * * All those callbacks defined in TestCustomElement runs in the zone when * the `customElements.define()` is called. * * If you set `__Zone_disable_customElements = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch `customElements` APIs and the above code * runs inside zone. */ __Zone_disable_customElements?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the browser `XMLHttpRequest` APIs. * * By default, zone.js monkey patches `XMLHttpRequest` APIs to make XMLHttpRequest act * as macroTask. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const zone = Zone.current.fork({ * name: 'myZone', * onScheduleTask: (delegate, curr, target, task) => { * console.log('task is scheduled', task.type, task.source, task.zone.name); * return delegate.scheduleTask(target, task); * } * }) * const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); * zone.run(() => { * xhr.onload = function() {}; * xhr.open('get', '/', true); * xhr.send(); * }); * ``` * * In this example, the instance of the `XMLHttpRequest` runs in the zone and acts as macroTask, * so the output is 'task is scheduled macroTask, XMLHttpRequest.send, zone'. * * If you set __Zone_disable_XHR = true before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch `XMLHttpRequest` APIs and the above onScheduleTask callback * will not be called. * */ __Zone_disable_XHR?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the browser geolocation APIs. * * By default, Zone.js monkey patches geolcation APIs to make callbacks run in the same zone * when those APIs are called. * * Consider the following examples: * * ``` * const zone = Zone.current.fork({ * name: 'myZone' * }); * * zone.run(() => { * navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(pos => { * console.log('navigator.getCurrentPosition() callback is invoked in the zone', * Zone.current.name); * // output is 'navigator.getCurrentPosition() callback is invoked in the zone myZone'. * } * }); * ``` * * If set you `__Zone_disable_geolocation = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch geolocation APIs and the above code * outputs 'getCurrentPosition '. * */ __Zone_disable_geolocation?: boolean; /** * Disable the monkey patch of the browser `canvas` APIs. * * By default, Zone.js monkey patches `canvas` APIs to make callbacks run in the same zone when * those APIs are called. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * const zone = Zone.current.fork({ * name: 'myZone' * }); * * zone.run(() => { * canvas.toBlob(blog => { * console.log('canvas.toBlob() callback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // output is 'canvas.toBlob() callback is invoked in the zone myZone'. * } * }); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_canvas = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch `canvas` APIs and the above code * outputs 'canvas.toBlob '. */ __Zone_disable_canvas?: boolean; /** * Disable the `Promise` monkey patch. * * By default, zone.js monkey patckes `Promise` APIs to make the `then()/catch()` callbacks in the * same zone when those callbacks are called. * * Consider the following examples: * * ``` * const zone = Zone.current.fork({name: 'myZone'}); * * const p = Promise.resolve(1); * * zone.run(() => { * p.then(() => { * console.log('then() callback is invoked in the zone', Zone.current.name); * // output is 'then() callback is invoked in the zone myZone'. * }); * }); * ``` * * If you set `__Zone_disable_ZoneAwarePromise = true` before importing zone.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch `Promise` APIs and the above code * outputs 'promise then callback '. */ __Zone_disable_ZoneAwarePromise?: boolean; /** * Define event names that users don't want monkey patched by the `zone.js`. * * By default, zone.js monkey patches `EventTarget.addEventListener()`, so the event listener * callback runs in the zone when `addEventListener()` is called. * * But sometimes, users don't want all the event names use this patched version because it * has performance impact. For example, in some cases, users want `scroll` or `mousemove` event * listeners run with native `addEventListener()` for better performance. * * Users can achieve this goal by defining `__zone_symbol__UNPATCHED_EVENTS = ['scroll', * 'mousemove'];` before imporing `zone.js`. */ __zone_symbol__UNPATCHED_EVENTS?: boolean; /** * Define the event names of the passive listeners. * * Now Angular doesn't support to add event listeners as passive very easily. User needs to use * `elem.addEventListener('scroll', listener, {passive: true});` or implements their own * EventManagerPlugin to do that. Angular may finally support new template syntax to support * passive event, for now, this configuration allows the user to define the * passive event names in zone.js configurations. * * User can define a global varibale like this. * * ``` * __zone_symbol__PASSIVE_EVENTS = ['scroll']; * ``` * * to let all `scroll` event listeners passive. */ __zone_symbol__PASSIVE_EVENTS?: boolean; } /** * Interface of zone.js test configurations. * * You can define the following configurations on the `window` or `global` object before * importing `dist/zone-testing.js` to change zone.js default behaviors in the test runner. */ interface ZoneTestConfigurations { /** * Disable the jasmine integration. * * In the zone-testing.js bundle, by default, zone monkey patches jasmine APIs * to make jasmine APIs run in specified zone. * * 1. Make the `describe()`/`xdescribe()`/`fdescribe()` run in the syncTestZone. * 2. Make the `it()`/`xit()`/`fit()`/`beforeEach()`/`afterEach()`/`beforeAll()`/`afterAll()` run * in the ProxyZone. * * With this patch, `async()`/`fakeAsync()` can work with the jasmine runner. * * If you set `__Zone_disable_jasmine = true` before importing `dist/zone-testing.js`, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch the jasmine APIs and the `async()`/`fakeAsync()` can not * work with the jasmine runner any longer. */ __Zone_disable_jasmine?: boolean; /** * Disable the mocha integration. * * In the `zone-testing.js` bundle, by default, zone monkey patches the mocha APIs * to make mocha APIs run in the specified zone. * * 1. Make the `describe()`/`xdescribe()`/`fdescribe()` run in the syncTestZone. * 2. Make the `it()`/`xit()`/`fit()`/`beforeEach()`/`afterEach()`/`beforeAll()`/`afterAll()` run * in the ProxyZone. * * With this patch, `async()`/`fakeAsync()` can work with the mocha runner. * * If you set `__Zone_disable_mocha = true` before importing zone-testing.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch the mocha APIs and the `async()/`fakeAsync()` can not * work with the mocha runner any longer. */ __Zone_disable_mocha?: boolean; /** * Disable the jest integration. * * In the zone-testing.js bundle, by default, zone monkey patches jest APIs * to make jest APIs run in the specified zone. * * 1. Make the `describe()`/`xdescribe()`/`fdescribe()` run in the syncTestZone. * 2. Make the `it()`/`xit()`/`fit()`/`beforeEach()`/`afterEach()`/`before()`/`after()` run * in the ProxyZone. * * With this patch, `async()`/`fakeAsync()` can work with the jest runner. * * If you set `__Zone_disable_jest = true` before importing zone-testing.js, * `zone.js` does not monkey patch the jest APIs and `async()`/`fakeAsync()` can not * work with the jest runner any longer. */ __Zone_disable_jest?: boolean; /** * Disable monkey patch the jasmine clock APIs. * * By default, zone-testing.js monkey patches the `jasmine.clock()` API, * so the `jasmine.clock()` can work with the `fakeAsync()/tick()` API. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * describe('jasmine.clock integration', () => { * beforeEach(() => { * jasmine.clock().install(); * }); * afterEach(() => { * jasmine.clock().uninstall(); * }); * it('fakeAsync test', fakeAsync(() => { * setTimeout(spy, 100); * expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); * jasmine.clock().tick(100); * expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); * })); * }); * ``` * * So in the `fakeAsync()`, `jasmine.clock().tick()` works just like `tick()`. * * If you set `__zone_symbol__fakeAsyncDisablePatchingClock = true` before importing * zone-testing.js,`zone.js` does not monkey patch the `jasmine.clock()` APIs and the * `jasmine.clock()` can not work with `fakeAsync()` any longer. */ __zone_symbol__fakeAsyncDisablePatchingClock?: boolean; /** * Enable auto running into `fakeAsync()` when installing the `jasmine.clock()`. * * By default, zone-testing.js does not automatically run into `fakeAsync()` * if the `jasmine.clock().install()` is called. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * describe('jasmine.clock integration', () => { * beforeEach(() => { * jasmine.clock().install(); * }); * afterEach(() => { * jasmine.clock().uninstall(); * }); * it('fakeAsync test', fakeAsync(() => { * setTimeout(spy, 100); * expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); * jasmine.clock().tick(100); * expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); * })); * }); * ``` * * So we still need to run `fakeAsync()` to make a test case in the `FakeAsyncTestZone`. * * If you set `__zone_symbol__fakeAsyncAutoFakeAsyncWhenClockPatched = true` before importing * zone-testing.js, `zone.js` can run test case automatically into the `FakeAsyncTestZone` without * calling the `fakeAsync()`. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * describe('jasmine.clock integration', () => { * beforeEach(() => { * jasmine.clock().install(); * }); * afterEach(() => { * jasmine.clock().uninstall(); * }); * it('fakeAsync test', () => { // here we don't need to call fakeAsync * setTimeout(spy, 100); * expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); * jasmine.clock().tick(100); * expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); * }); * }); * ``` * */ __zone_symbol__fakeAsyncAutoFakeAsyncWhenClockPatched?: boolean; /** * Enable waiting for the unresolved promise in the `async()` test. * * In the `async()` test, `AsyncTestZone` waits for all the async tasks to be finished. But if * some promises never resolved, by default, `AsyncTestZone` does not wait and report unexpected * result. * * Consider the following example: * * ``` * describe('wait never resolved promise', () => { * it('async with never resolved promise test', async(() => { * const p = new Promise(() => {}); * p.then(() => { * // do some expection. * }); * })) * }); * ``` * * By default, this case passes, because the callback of `p.then()` does not * be called, and the `async()` does not wait there, because p is an unresolved * promise, so there is no pending async task. * * If you set `__zone_symbol__supportWaitUnResolvedChainedPromise = true`, the above case * timeouts, becasue `async()` will wait for the unresolved promise. */ __zone_symbol__supportWaitUnResolvedChainedPromise?: boolean; } /** * The interface of the zone runtime configurations. * * Those configurations can be defined on the `Zone` object after * importing zone.js to change behaviors. The differences between * the `ZoneRuntimeConfigurations` and the `ZoneGlobalConfigurations` are * * 1. the `ZoneGlobalConfigurations` need to be defined on the global/window object before * importing `dist/zone.js`, the value of the configuration can not be changed at runtime. * * 2. the `ZoneRuntimeConfigurations` need to be defined on Zone object after importing * `dist/zone.js`, the value of the configuration canbe changed at runtime. * */ interface ZoneRuntimeConfigurations { /** * Ignore outputing error to console when uncaught Promise error occurs. * * By default, if uncaught Promise error occurs, zone.js outputs the * error to the console by calling `console.error()`. * * If you set `__zone_symbol__ignoreConsoleErrorUncaughtError = true`, `zone.js` does not output * uncaught error to `console.error()`. */ __zone_symbol__ignoreConsoleErrorUncaughtError?: boolean; }