/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {absoluteFrom, AbsoluteFsPath, getFileSystem, NgtscCompilerHost} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system'; import {TestFile} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing'; import {BundleProgram, makeBundleProgram} from '../../src/packages/bundle_program'; import {NgccEntryPointConfig} from '../../src/packages/configuration'; import {EntryPoint, EntryPointFormat} from '../../src/packages/entry_point'; import {EntryPointBundle} from '../../src/packages/entry_point_bundle'; import {NgccSourcesCompilerHost} from '../../src/packages/ngcc_compiler_host'; export type TestConfig = Pick; export function makeTestEntryPoint( entryPointName: string, packageName: string = entryPointName, config?: TestConfig): EntryPoint { return { name: entryPointName, packageJson: {name: entryPointName}, package: absoluteFrom(`/node_modules/${packageName}`), path: absoluteFrom(`/node_modules/${entryPointName}`), typings: absoluteFrom(`/node_modules/${entryPointName}/index.d.ts`), compiledByAngular: true, ignoreMissingDependencies: false, generateDeepReexports: config !== undefined ? !!config.generateDeepReexports : false, }; } /** * * @param format The format of the bundle. * @param files The source files to include in the bundle. * @param dtsFiles The typings files to include the bundle. */ export function makeTestEntryPointBundle( packageName: string, format: EntryPointFormat, isCore: boolean, srcRootNames: AbsoluteFsPath[], dtsRootNames?: AbsoluteFsPath[], config?: TestConfig, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat = false): EntryPointBundle { const entryPoint = makeTestEntryPoint(packageName, packageName, config); const src = makeTestBundleProgram(srcRootNames[0], isCore); const dts = dtsRootNames ? makeTestDtsBundleProgram(dtsRootNames[0], entryPoint.package, isCore) : null; const isFlatCore = isCore && src.r3SymbolsFile === null; return { entryPoint, format, rootDirs: [absoluteFrom('/')], src, dts, isCore, isFlatCore, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat }; } export function makeTestBundleProgram( path: AbsoluteFsPath, isCore: boolean = false, additionalFiles?: AbsoluteFsPath[]): BundleProgram { const fs = getFileSystem(); const entryPointPath = fs.dirname(path); const rootDir = fs.dirname(entryPointPath); const options: ts.CompilerOptions = {allowJs: true, maxNodeModuleJsDepth: Infinity, checkJs: false, rootDir, rootDirs: [rootDir]}; const host = new NgccSourcesCompilerHost(fs, options, entryPointPath); return makeBundleProgram( fs, isCore, rootDir, path, 'r3_symbols.js', options, host, additionalFiles); } export function makeTestDtsBundleProgram( path: AbsoluteFsPath, packagePath: AbsoluteFsPath, isCore: boolean = false): BundleProgram { const fs = getFileSystem(); const options = {}; const host = new NgtscCompilerHost(fs, options); return makeBundleProgram(fs, isCore, packagePath, path, 'r3_symbols.d.ts', options, host); } export function convertToDirectTsLibImport(filesystem: TestFile[]) { return filesystem.map(file => { const contents = file.contents .replace( `import * as tslib_1 from 'tslib';`, `import { __decorate, __metadata, __read, __values, __param, __extends, __assign } from 'tslib';`) .replace(/tslib_1\./g, ''); return {...file, contents}; }); } export function convertToInlineTsLib(filesystem: TestFile[], suffix: string = '') { return filesystem.map(file => { const contents = file.contents .replace(`import * as tslib_1 from 'tslib';`, ` var __decorate${suffix} = null; var __metadata${suffix} = null; var __read${suffix} = null; var __values${suffix} = null; var __param${suffix} = null; var __extends${suffix} = null; var __assign${suffix} = null; `).replace(/tslib_1\.([_a-z]+)/gi, '$1' + suffix.replace('$', '$$')); return {...file, contents}; }); } export function getRootFiles(testFiles: TestFile[]): AbsoluteFsPath[] { return testFiles.filter(f => f.isRoot !== false).map(f => absoluteFrom(f.name)); }