var compiler = require('../index'); var temp = require('temp'); var fs = require('fs'); temp.track(); var DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { sourceMaps: false, annotations: true, // parse annotations types: true, // parse types script: false, // parse as a module memberVariables: true // parse class fields }; describe('transpile to dart', function(){ var options; beforeEach(function() { options = merge(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, {outputLanguage: 'dart'}); }); // describe('string interpolation', function() { it('should not interpolate inside old quotes', function(){ var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "var a:number = 1;" + "var s1:string = \"${a}\";" + "var s2:string = '\\${a}';" + "var s3:string = '$a';"); expect(result.js).toBe("library test;\n" + "num a = 1;\n" + "String s1 = \"\\${a}\";\n" + "String s2 = '\\${a}';\n" + "String s3 = '\\$a';\n"); }); it('should not interpolate without curly braces', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "var a:number = 1;" + "var s1:string = `$a`;" + "var s2:string = `\\$a`;"); expect(result.js).toBe("library test;\n" + "num a = 1;\n" + "String s1 = '''\\$a''';\n" + "String s2 = '''\\$a''';\n"); }); it('should interpolate inside template quotes', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "var a:number = 1;" + "var s1:string = `${a}`;"); expect(result.js).toBe("library test;\n" + "num a = 1;\n" + "String s1 = '''${a}''';\n"); }); }); describe('generic', function() { it('should support types without generics', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "var a:List = [];"); expect(result.js).toBe("library test;\nList a = [];\n"); }); it('should support one level generics', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "var a:List = [];"); expect(result.js).toBe("library test;\nList a = [];\n"); }); it('should support multiple one level generics', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "var a:List = [];"); expect(result.js).toBe("library test;\nList a = [];\n"); }); it('should support nested generics', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "var a:List> = [];"); expect(result.js).toBe("library test;\nList> a = [];\n"); }); it('should add dart suffix to reserved words', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "project/if.js", "var a;"); expect(result.js).toBe("library project.if_dart;\nvar a;\n"); }); }); }); describe('transpile to es6', function() { var options; beforeEach(function() { options = merge(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, {outputLanguage: 'es6', typeAssertions: 'true'}); }); it('should preserve generic type information', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "function f(a:List){}"); expect(result.js).toBe('function f(a) {\n'+ ' assert.argumentTypes(a, assert.genericType(List, assert.type.string));\n'+ '}\n'+ 'Object.defineProperty(f, "parameters", {get: function() {\n'+ ' return [[assert.genericType(List, assert.type.string)]];\n'+ ' }});\n'); }); it('should allow super() calls when transpiling to ES6 with source maps', function() { options = merge(options, {sourceMaps: true}); var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "class Test {" + " constructor() { super(); }" + "}"); expect(result.js).toBe("class Test {\n" + " constructor() {\n"+ " super();\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n\n"+ "//#\n"); }); it('should convert types to expressions', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "function f(a:string) {}"); expect(result.js).toBe('function f(a) {\n'+ ' assert.argumentTypes(a, assert.type.string);\n'+ '}\n' + 'Object.defineProperty(f, "parameters", {get: function() {\n' + ' return [[assert.type.string]];\n' + ' }});\n'); }); it('should not convert type properties to getter/setters', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "class Test {" + " constructor() { this.a = 1; }" + "}"); expect(result.js).toBe("class Test {\n" + " constructor() {\n"+ " this.a = 1;\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); }); it('should remove class field declarations', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "class Test {" + " a:number = 1;" + "}"); expect(result.js).toBe("class Test {}\n"); }); it('should convert types to expressions on "assert" module', function() { var result = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", "function f(a:string, b) { return a+b; }"); expect(result.js).toBe('function f(a, b) {\n'+ ' assert.argumentTypes(a, assert.type.string, b, assert.type.any);\n'+ ' return a + b;\n'+ '}\n'+ 'Object.defineProperty(f, "parameters", {get: function() {\n'+ ' return [[assert.type.string], []];\n'+ ' }});\n'); }); }); describe('transpile to cjs', function() { var options; beforeEach(function() { options = merge(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, {modules: 'commonjs'}); }); function compileAndWrite(input) { var transpiledCode = compiler.compile(options, "test.js", input).js; var tempFile = temp.openSync('ng2transpiler'); fs.writeSync(tempFile.fd, transpiledCode); return tempFile.path; } it('should transpile export *', function() { var file1 = compileAndWrite('export var a = 1'); var file2 = compileAndWrite('export * from "' + file1 + '"'); expect(require(file2).a).toBe(1); }); it('should transpile export {name}', function() { var file1 = compileAndWrite('export var a = 1'); var file2 = compileAndWrite('export {a} from "' + file1 + '"'); expect(require(file2).a).toBe(1); }); }); function merge(a, b) { var result = {}; for (var prop in a) { result[prop] = a[prop]; } for (var prop in b) { result[prop] = b[prop]; } return result; }