# Deployment When you are ready to deploy your Angular application to a remote server, you have various options for deployment. You may need to configure {@a dev-deploy} {@a copy-files} ## Simplest deployment possible For the simplest deployment, build for development and copy the output directory to a web server. 1. Start with the development build ng build 2. Copy _everything_ within the output folder (`dist/` by default) to a folder on the server. 3. Configure the server to redirect requests for missing files to `index.html`. Learn more about server-side redirects [below](guide/deployment#fallback). This is _not_ a production deployment. It's not optimized and it won't be fast for users. It might be good enough for sharing your progress and ideas internally with managers, teammates, and other stakeholders. For the next steps in deployment, see [Optimize for production](#optimize). {@a deploy-to-github} ## Deploy to GitHub pages Another simple way to deploy your Angular app is to use [GitHub Pages](https://help.github.com/articles/what-is-github-pages/). 1. You will need to [create a GitHub account](https://github.com/join) if you don't have one, then [create a repository](https://help.github.com/articles/create-a-repo/) for your project. Make a note of the user name and project name in GitHub. 1. Build your project using Github project name, with the following CLI command: ng build --prod --output-path docs --base-href 1. When the build is complete, make a copy of `docs/index.html` and name it `docs/404.html`. 1. Commit your changes and push. 1. On the GitHub project page, configure it to [publish from the docs folder](https://help.github.com/articles/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-github-pages/#publishing-your-github-pages-site-from-a-docs-folder-on-your-master-branch). You can see your deployed page at `https://.github.io//`.