# Make compilation fast, by keeping a few copies of the compilers # running as daemons, and cache SourceFile AST's to reduce parse time. build --strategy=TypeScriptCompile=worker build --strategy=AngularTemplateCompile=worker # Don't create bazel-* symlinks in the WORKSPACE directory. # These require .gitignore and may scare users. # Also, it's a workaround for https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_typescript/issues/12 # which affects the common case of having `tsconfig.json` in the WORKSPACE directory. # # Instead, you should run `bazel info bazel-bin` to find out where the outputs went. build --symlink_prefix=/ # Performance: avoid stat'ing input files build --watchfs # Don't print all the .d.ts output locations after builds build --show_result=0