import { ddescribe, describe, xdescribe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach, inject, beforeEachProviders, } from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal'; import {IS_DART} from '../src/facade/lang'; import {Injector} from '@angular/core'; import {ComponentFactory} from '@angular/core/src/linker/component_factory'; import * as typed from './offline_compiler_codegen_typed'; import * as untyped from './offline_compiler_codegen_untyped'; import {getDOM} from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/dom_adapter'; import {SharedStylesHost} from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/shared_styles_host'; import {CompA} from './offline_compiler_util'; export function main() { var typedComponentFactory = typed.CompANgFactory; var untypedComponentFactory = untyped.CompANgFactory; var fixtures: TestFixture[] = []; if (IS_DART || !getDOM().supportsDOMEvents()) { // Our generator only works on node.js and Dart... fixtures.push(new TestFixture(typedComponentFactory, 'typed')); } if (!IS_DART) { // Our generator only works on node.js and Dart... if (!getDOM().supportsDOMEvents()) { fixtures.push(new TestFixture(untypedComponentFactory, 'untyped')); } } describe('OfflineCompiler', () => { var injector: Injector; var sharedStylesHost: SharedStylesHost; beforeEach(inject([Injector, SharedStylesHost], (_injector, _sharedStylesHost) => { injector = _injector; sharedStylesHost = _sharedStylesHost; })); fixtures.forEach((fixture) => { describe(`${}`, () => { it('should compile components', () => { var hostEl = fixture.compFactory.create(injector); expect(hostEl.instance).toBeAnInstanceOf(CompA); var styles = sharedStylesHost.getAllStyles(); expect(styles[0]).toContain('.redStyle[_ngcontent'); expect(styles[1]).toContain('.greenStyle[_ngcontent'); }); }); }); }); } class TestFixture { constructor(public compFactory: ComponentFactory, public name: string) {} }