# Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license """Angular integration testing """ load("//tools/npm_integration_test:npm_integration_test.bzl", "npm_integration_test") # The @npm packages at the root node_modules are used by integration tests # with `file:../../node_modules/foobar` references NPM_PACKAGE_ARCHIVES = [ "check-side-effects", "core-js", "jasmine", "typescript", "rxjs", "systemjs", "tsickle", "tslib", "protractor", "puppeteer", "rollup", "rollup-plugin-commonjs", "rollup-plugin-node-resolve", "webdriver-manager", "@angular/cli", "@angular-devkit/build-angular", "@bazel/bazel", "@types/jasmine", "@types/jasminewd2", "@types/node", ] # The generated npm packages should ALWAYS be replaced in integration tests # so we pass them to the `check_npm_packages` attribute of npm_integration_test GENERATED_NPM_PACKAGES = [ "@angular/animations", "@angular/bazel", "@angular/benchpress", "@angular/common", "@angular/compiler", "@angular/compiler-cli", "@angular/core", "@angular/elements", "@angular/forms", "@angular/http", "@angular/language-service", "@angular/localize", "@angular/platform-browser", "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic", "@angular/platform-server", "@angular/platform-webworker", "@angular/platform-webworker-dynamic", "@angular/router", "@angular/service-worker", "@angular/upgrade", "zone.js", ] def npm_package_archives(): """Function to generate pkg_tar definitions for WORKSPACE yarn_install manual_build_file_contents""" npm_packages_to_archive = NPM_PACKAGE_ARCHIVES result = """load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar") """ for name in npm_packages_to_archive: label_name = _npm_package_archive_label(name) last_segment_name = name if name.find("/") == -1 else name.split("/")[-1] result += """pkg_tar( name = "{label_name}", srcs = ["//{name}:{last_segment_name}__all_files"], extension = "tar.gz", strip_prefix = "./node_modules/{name}", # should not be built unless it is a dependency of another rule tags = ["manual"], ) """.format(name = name, label_name = label_name, last_segment_name = last_segment_name) return result def _npm_package_archive_label(package_name): return package_name.replace("/", "_").replace("@", "") + "_archive" def _angular_integration_test(name, **kwargs): "Set defaults for the npm_integration_test common to the angular repo" payload_size_tracking = kwargs.pop("payload_size_tracking", []) pinned_npm_packages = kwargs.pop("pinned_npm_packages", []) data = [ # We need the yarn_bin & yarn_files available at runtime "@nodejs//:yarn_bin", "@nodejs//:yarn_files", ] # By default run `yarn install` followed by `yarn test` using # the bazel managed hermetic version of yarn inside DEFAULT_COMMANDS = [ "patch-package-json", # Workaround https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/2165 # Yarn will cache file://dist URIs and not update Angular code "rm -rf ./.yarn_local_cache", "mkdir .yarn_local_cache", "$(rootpath @nodejs//:yarn_bin) install --cache-folder ./.yarn_local_cache", "$(rootpath @nodejs//:yarn_bin) test", ] commands = kwargs.pop("commands", []) if commands == "default": commands = DEFAULT_COMMANDS elif commands == "payload_size_tracking": commands = DEFAULT_COMMANDS + [ "$(rootpath @nodejs//:yarn_bin) build", "$(rootpath //:scripts/ci/track-payload-size.sh) %s dist/*.js true ${RUNFILES}/angular/$(rootpath //integration:_payload-limits.json)" % name, ] data = data + [ "//integration:_payload-limits.json", "//:scripts/ci/track-payload-size.sh", "//:scripts/ci/payload-size.sh", "//:scripts/ci/payload-size.js", ] # Complete list of npm packages to override in the test's package.json file mapped to # tgz archive to use for the replacement. This is the full list for all integration # tests. Any given integration does not need to use all of these packages. npm_packages = {} for pkg in NPM_PACKAGE_ARCHIVES: if pkg not in pinned_npm_packages: npm_packages["@npm//:" + _npm_package_archive_label(pkg)] = pkg for pkg in GENERATED_NPM_PACKAGES: last_segment_name = pkg if pkg.find("/") == -1 else pkg.split("/")[-1] npm_packages["//packages/%s:npm_package_archive" % last_segment_name] = pkg npm_integration_test( name = name + "_test", check_npm_packages = GENERATED_NPM_PACKAGES, commands = commands, npm_packages = npm_packages, tags = kwargs.pop("tags", []) + [ # `integration` tag is used for filtering out these tests from the normal # developer workflow "integration", # Integration do not work inside of a sandbox as they may run host applications such # as chrome (which is run by ng) that require access to files outside of the sandbox. "no-sandbox", # Remote doesn't work as it needs network access right now "no-remote-exec", ], data = kwargs.pop("data", []) + data, # 15-minute timeout timeout = "long", # Tells bazel that this test should be allocated a large amount of memory. # See https://docs.bazel.build/versions/2.0.0/be/common-definitions.html#common-attributes-tests. size = "enormous", **kwargs ) def angular_integration_test(name, **kwargs): "Sets up the integration test target based on the test folder name" native.filegroup( name = "_%s_sources" % name, srcs = native.glob( include = ["%s/**" % name], exclude = [ "%s/node_modules/**" % name, "%s/.yarn_local_cache/**" % name, ], ), ) _angular_integration_test( name = name, test_files = kwargs.pop("test_files", "_%s_sources" % name), **kwargs )