.grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-8 .c3.text-center .sticker .c7 h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Mobile First p.text-body. Angular's modular library design and mobile-specific routing help keep your app's code lean, so users on low-bandwidth networks don't need to wait. Other mobile-first features include first-class support for touch event gestures, tuning for performance and low-memory usage on mobile platforms, and material design UI components with responsive, cross-device support. .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-8 .c3.text-center .sticker .c7 h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Future Ready p.text-body. Angular 2 is written in TypeScript, which is a superset of ECMAScript 6 (ES6) with the addition of features including types and annotations. TypeScript allows Angular to benefit from the best of JavaScript, while maintaining clean and easy-to-read code. .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-8 .c3.text-center .sticker .c7 h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Flexible Development p.text-body. The choice of language is up to you. In addition to providing full support for ES6 and TypeScript, Angular 2 works equally well with today's ES5, Dart, CoffeeScript, and other languages that compile to JavaScript. .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-8 .c3.text-center .sticker .c7 h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Speed & Performance p.text-body. Change detection is now 5x faster, thanks to tunings for modern JavaScript engines. If you use data structures that imply change guarantees (like immutables and observables), Angular 2 can use those guarantees to speed up your application. .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-8 .c3.text-center .sticker .c7 h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Simple & Expressive p.text-body. Make your intention clear using natural, easy-to-write syntax. Reduce complexity for your team: new, structure-rich templates are readable and easy to understand at a glance. .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-8 .c3.text-center .sticker .c7 h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Comprehensive Routing p.text-body. Design sophisticated views: map URL paths to application components, and use advanced features like nested and sibling routes. Angular 2 supports card stack navigation, animated transitions, and lazy loading for mobile users. If you already use routing from a prior version of Angular, you can easily migrate to Angular 2 routing. .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-8 .c3.text-center .sticker .c7 h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Animations p.text-body. Tap directly into low-level animation support on mobile and desktop environments with easy-to-use Angular events. You can use CSS, JavaScript, and the Web Animations API to intelligently handle changes to animations in response to user events. Plan complex animation flows by sequencing the behavior of an entire website on a timeline. .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-8 .c3.text-center .sticker .c7 h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Hierarchical Dependency Injection p.text-body. Angular 2 ships with powerful, yet simple-to-use dependency injection, allowing you to maintain modular applications without writing tedious glue code. Dependency injection helps you write tests by making it easy to inject test doubles. .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-8 .c3.text-center .sticker .c7 h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Support for Web Components p.text-body. Angular 2 plays nicely with web components built using other libraries (Polymer, X-Tag, and others), allowing you to pass data into them as easily as if they were written in Angular. Angular components use web standards (such as shadow DOM and the HTML5 template tag) in browsers that support them. .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-8 .c3.text-center .sticker .c7 h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Internationalization (I18N) & Accessibility p.text-body(ng-non-bindable). Reach all your users. Use the familiar ICU message format in Angular interpolation syntax ({{ }}), including pluralization and gender rules. Automate message extraction, pseudo-localization, and translation updates. Generate static applications for each locale. Easily promote accessibility via screen readers and assistive devices by automatically generating appropriate ARIA attributes. != partial("/_includes/_cta-bar")