#!/usr/bin/env node const path = require('path'); const getMappings = require('./parseMap'); const CLOSURE_REGEX = /tsickle_Closure_declarations\(\)/g; const VAR_REGEX = /(export )?(var (\S+) =)/g; const FUNCTION_REGEX = /(export )?function (\S+)\((.*)\) {/g; const CLASS_REGEX = /var (\S+) = \(function \((\S*)\) {/g; const PROPERTY_REGEX = /Object.defineProperty\((\S+)\.prototype, "(\S+)", {/g; const METHOD_REGEX = /(\S+)\.prototype\.(\S+) = function \((\S*)\) {/g; const GETTER_REGEX = /get_REGEX = function \((\S*)\) {/g; const TYPE_COMMENT_REGEX = /\/\*\* @type {\?} \*\/ /g; const AFTER_EQUALS_REGEX = /(.+)=(.*)/g; const EXPORT_REGEX = /export /g; const TSLIB_REGEX = /tslib_\d\.__/g; const STRIP_PREFIX_REGEX = /ɵ/g; const STRIP_SUFFIX_REGEX = /([^$]+)(\$)+\d/g; module.exports = function sourceMapTest(package) { const mappings = getMappings(getBundlePath(package)).filter(mapping => shouldCheckMapping(mapping.sourceText)); console.log(`Analyzing ${mappings.length} mappings for ${package}...`); const failures = mappings.filter( mapping => { return cleanSource(mapping.sourceText) !== cleanGen(mapping.genText); }); logResults(failures); return failures; }; function shouldCheckMapping(text) { // tsickle closure declaration does not exist in final bundle, so can't be checked if (CLOSURE_REGEX.test(text)) return false; return VAR_REGEX.test(text) || FUNCTION_REGEX.test(text) || CLASS_REGEX.test(text) || PROPERTY_REGEX.test(text) || METHOD_REGEX.test(text) || GETTER_REGEX.test(text); } function cleanSource(source) { return source.replace(TYPE_COMMENT_REGEX, '') .replace(EXPORT_REGEX, '') .replace(STRIP_PREFIX_REGEX, '') .replace(TSLIB_REGEX, '__') .replace(AFTER_EQUALS_REGEX, '$1='); } function cleanGen(gen) { return gen.replace(TYPE_COMMENT_REGEX, '') .replace(STRIP_PREFIX_REGEX, '') .replace(STRIP_SUFFIX_REGEX, '$1') .replace(AFTER_EQUALS_REGEX, '$1='); } function logResults(failures) { if (failures.length) { console.error(`... and source maps appear to be broken: ${failures.length} failures.`); failures.forEach(failure => console.error(failure)); } else { console.log('... and source maps look good! 100% match'); } } function getBundlePath(package) { return path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'dist/packages-dist/', package, 'esm5/', package + '.js'); }