// Imports import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'; import {GithubPullRequests} from '../../lib/common/github-pull-requests'; import {GithubTeams} from '../../lib/common/github-teams'; import {BuildVerifier} from '../../lib/upload-server/build-verifier'; import {expectToBeUploadError} from './helpers'; // Tests describe('BuildVerifier', () => { const defaultConfig = { allowedTeamSlugs: ['team1', 'team2'], githubToken: 'githubToken', organization: 'organization', repoSlug: 'repo/slug', secret: 'secret', }; let bv: BuildVerifier; // Helpers const createBuildVerifier = (partialConfig: Partial = {}) => { const cfg = {...defaultConfig, ...partialConfig}; return new BuildVerifier(cfg.secret, cfg.githubToken, cfg.repoSlug, cfg.organization, cfg.allowedTeamSlugs); }; beforeEach(() => bv = createBuildVerifier()); describe('constructor()', () => { ['secret', 'githubToken', 'repoSlug', 'organization', 'allowedTeamSlugs'].forEach(param => { it(`should throw if '${param}' is missing or empty`, () => { expect(() => createBuildVerifier({[param]: ''})). toThrowError(`Missing or empty required parameter '${param}'!`); }); }); it('should throw if \'allowedTeamSlugs\' is an empty array', () => { expect(() => createBuildVerifier({allowedTeamSlugs: []})). toThrowError('Missing or empty required parameter \'allowedTeamSlugs\'!'); }); }); describe('verify()', () => { const pr = 9; const defaultJwt = { 'exp': Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 30, 'iat': Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) - 30, 'iss': 'Travis CI, GmbH', 'pull-request': pr, 'slug': defaultConfig.repoSlug, }; let prsFetchSpy: jasmine.Spy; let teamsIsMemberBySlugSpy: jasmine.Spy; // Heleprs const createAuthHeader = (partialJwt: Partial = {}, secret: string = defaultConfig.secret) => `Token ${jwt.sign({...defaultJwt, ...partialJwt}, secret)}`; beforeEach(() => { prsFetchSpy = spyOn(GithubPullRequests.prototype, 'fetch'). and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({user: {login: 'username'}})); teamsIsMemberBySlugSpy = spyOn(GithubTeams.prototype, 'isMemberBySlug'). and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(true)); }); it('should return a promise', () => { expect(bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader())).toEqual(jasmine.any(Promise)); }); it('should fail if the authorization header is invalid', done => { bv.verify(pr, 'foo').catch(err => { const errorMessage = 'Error while verifying upload for PR 9: jwt malformed'; expectToBeUploadError(err, 403, errorMessage); done(); }); }); it('should fail if the secret is invalid', done => { bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader({}, 'foo')).catch(err => { const errorMessage = 'Error while verifying upload for PR 9: invalid signature'; expectToBeUploadError(err, 403, errorMessage); done(); }); }); it('should fail if the issuer is invalid', done => { bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader({iss: 'not valid'})).catch(err => { const errorMessage = 'Error while verifying upload for PR 9: ' + `jwt issuer invalid. expected: ${defaultJwt.iss}`; expectToBeUploadError(err, 403, errorMessage); done(); }); }); it('should fail if the token has expired', done => { bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader({exp: 0})).catch(err => { const errorMessage = 'Error while verifying upload for PR 9: jwt expired'; expectToBeUploadError(err, 403, errorMessage); done(); }); }); it('should fail if the repo slug does not match', done => { bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader({slug: 'foo/bar'})).catch(err => { const errorMessage = 'Error while verifying upload for PR 9: ' + `jwt slug invalid. expected: ${defaultConfig.repoSlug}`; expectToBeUploadError(err, 403, errorMessage); done(); }); }); it('should fail if the PR does not match', done => { bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader({'pull-request': 1337})).catch(err => { const errorMessage = 'Error while verifying upload for PR 9: ' + `jwt pull-request invalid. expected: ${pr}`; expectToBeUploadError(err, 403, errorMessage); done(); }); }); it('should not fail if the token is valid', done => { bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader()).then(done); }); it('should not fail even if the token has been issued in the future', done => { const in30s = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 30; bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader({iat: in30s})).then(done); }); it('should fetch the corresponding PR if the token is valid', done => { bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader()).then(() => { expect(prsFetchSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(pr); done(); }); }); it('should fail if fetching the PR errors', done => { prsFetchSpy.and.callFake(() => Promise.reject('Test')); bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader()).catch(err => { expectToBeUploadError(err, 403, `Error while verifying upload for PR ${pr}: Test`); done(); }); }); it('should verify the PR author\'s membership in the specified teams', done => { bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader()).then(() => { expect(teamsIsMemberBySlugSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('username', ['team1', 'team2']); done(); }); }); it('should fail if verifying membership errors', done => { teamsIsMemberBySlugSpy.and.callFake(() => Promise.reject('Test')); bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader()).catch(err => { expectToBeUploadError(err, 403, `Error while verifying upload for PR ${pr}: Test`); done(); }); }); it('should fail if the PR author is not a member of the specified teams', done => { teamsIsMemberBySlugSpy.and.callFake(() => Promise.resolve(false)); bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader()).catch(err => { const errorMessage = `Error while verifying upload for PR ${pr}: ` + `User 'username' is not an active member of any of: team1, team2`; expectToBeUploadError(err, 403, errorMessage); done(); }); }); it('should succeed if everything checks outs', done => { bv.verify(pr, createAuthHeader()).then(done); }); }); });