export const runTests = (specFiles: string[], helpers?: string[]) => { // We can't use `import` here, because of the following mess: // - GitHub project `jasmine/jasmine` is `jasmine-core` on npm and its typings `@types/jasmine`. // - GitHub project `jasmine/jasmine-npm` is `jasmine` on npm and has no typings. // // Using `import...from 'jasmine'` here, would import from `@types/jasmine` (which refers to the // `jasmine-core` module and the `jasmine` module). // tslint:disable-next-line: no-var-requires variable-name const Jasmine = require('jasmine'); const config = { helpers, random: true, spec_files: specFiles, stopSpecOnExpectationFailure: true, }; process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason: any) => console.log('Unhandled rejection:', reason)); const runner = new Jasmine(); runner.loadConfig(config); runner.onComplete((passed: boolean) => process.exit(passed ? 0 : 1)); runner.execute(); };