#!/usr/bin/env bash set -u -e -o pipefail # Setup environment readonly thisDir=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd) source ${thisDir}/_travis-fold.sh # If the previous commands in the `script` section of .travis.yaml failed, then abort. # The variable is not set in early stages of the build, so we default to 0 there. # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/ if [[ ${TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT=0} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi # No build needed for bazel or aio docs tests if [[ ${CI_MODE:-} == "bazel" ]]; then exit 0; fi travisFoldStart "tsc tools" $(npm bin)/tsc -p tools $(npm bin)/tsc -p packages/compiler/tsconfig-tools.json $(npm bin)/tsc -p packages/compiler-cli/tsconfig-tools.json travisFoldEnd "tsc tools" travisFoldStart "tsc all" node dist/tools/@angular/compiler-cli/src/main -p packages/tsconfig-metadata.json $(npm bin)/tsc -p packages $(npm bin)/tsc -p packages/examples $(npm bin)/tsc -p modules travisFoldEnd "tsc all"