// Imports import * as cp from 'child_process'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as shell from 'shelljs'; import {AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR, HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX} from '../common/constants'; import { AIO_BUILDS_DIR, AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP, AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS, AIO_WWW_USER, } from '../common/env-variables'; import {computeShortSha, Logger} from '../common/utils'; // Interfaces - Types export interface CmdResult { success: boolean; err: Error | null; stdout: string; stderr: string; } export interface FileSpecs { content?: string; size?: number; } export type CleanUpFn = () => void; export type TestSuiteFactory = (scheme: string, port: number) => void; export type VerifyCmdResultFn = (result: CmdResult) => void; // Classes class Helper { // Properties - Protected protected cleanUpFns: CleanUpFn[] = []; protected portPerScheme: {[scheme: string]: number} = { http: AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP, https: AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS, }; private logger = new Logger('TestHelper'); // Constructor constructor() { shell.mkdir('-p', AIO_BUILDS_DIR); shell.exec(`chown -R ${AIO_WWW_USER} ${AIO_BUILDS_DIR}`); shell.mkdir('-p', AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR); shell.exec(`chown -R ${AIO_WWW_USER} ${AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR}`); } // Methods - Public public cleanUp(): void { while (this.cleanUpFns.length) { // Clean-up fns remove themselves from the list. this.cleanUpFns[0](); } const leftoverDownloads = fs.readdirSync(AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR); const leftoverBuilds = fs.readdirSync(AIO_BUILDS_DIR); if (leftoverDownloads.length) { this.logger.log(`Downloads directory '${AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR}' is not empty after clean-up.`, leftoverDownloads); shell.rm('-rf', `${AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR}/*`); } if (leftoverBuilds.length) { this.logger.log(`Builds directory '${AIO_BUILDS_DIR}' is not empty after clean-up.`, leftoverBuilds); shell.rm('-rf', `${AIO_BUILDS_DIR}/*`); } if (leftoverBuilds.length || leftoverDownloads.length) { throw new Error(`Unexpected test files not cleaned up.`); } } public createDummyBuild(pr: number, sha: string, isPublic = true, force = false, legacy = false): CleanUpFn { const prDir = this.getPrDir(pr, isPublic); const shaDir = this.getShaDir(prDir, sha, legacy); const idxPath = path.join(shaDir, 'index.html'); const barPath = path.join(shaDir, 'foo', 'bar.js'); this.writeFile(idxPath, {content: `PR: ${pr} | SHA: ${sha} | File: /index.html`}, force); this.writeFile(barPath, {content: `PR: ${pr} | SHA: ${sha} | File: /foo/bar.js`}, force); shell.exec(`chown -R ${AIO_WWW_USER} ${prDir}`); return this.createCleanUpFn(() => shell.rm('-rf', prDir)); } public getPrDir(pr: number, isPublic: boolean): string { const prDirName = isPublic ? '' + pr : HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX + pr; return path.join(AIO_BUILDS_DIR, prDirName); } public getShaDir(prDir: string, sha: string, legacy = false): string { return path.join(prDir, legacy ? sha : computeShortSha(sha)); } public readBuildFile(pr: number, sha: string, relFilePath: string, isPublic = true, legacy = false): string { const shaDir = this.getShaDir(this.getPrDir(pr, isPublic), sha, legacy); const absFilePath = path.join(shaDir, relFilePath); return fs.readFileSync(absFilePath, 'utf8'); } public runCmd(cmd: string, opts: cp.ExecFileOptions = {}): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { const proc = cp.exec(cmd, opts, (err, stdout, stderr) => resolve({success: !err, err, stdout, stderr})); this.createCleanUpFn(() => proc.kill()); }); } public runForAllSupportedSchemes(suiteFactory: TestSuiteFactory): void { Object.keys(this.portPerScheme).forEach(scheme => suiteFactory(scheme, this.portPerScheme[scheme])); } public verifyResponse(status: number, regex: string | RegExp = /^/): VerifyCmdResultFn { return (result: CmdResult) => { const [headers, body] = result.stdout. split(/(?:\r?\n){2,}/). map(s => s.trim()). slice(-2); // In case of redirect, discard the previous headers. // Only keep the last to sections (final headers and body). if (!result.success) { this.logger.log('Stdout:', result.stdout); this.logger.error('Stderr:', result.stderr); this.logger.error('Error:', result.err); } expect(result.success).toBe(true); expect(headers).toMatch(new RegExp(`HTTP/(?:1\\.1|2) ${status} `)); expect(body).toMatch(regex); }; } public writeBuildFile(pr: number, sha: string, relFilePath: string, content: string, isPublic = true, legacy = false): void { const shaDir = this.getShaDir(this.getPrDir(pr, isPublic), sha, legacy); const absFilePath = path.join(shaDir, relFilePath); this.writeFile(absFilePath, {content}, true); } public writeFile(filePath: string, {content, size}: FileSpecs, force = false): void { if (!force && fs.existsSync(filePath)) { throw new Error(`Refusing to overwrite existing file '${filePath}'.`); } let cleanUpTarget = filePath; while (!fs.existsSync(path.dirname(cleanUpTarget))) { cleanUpTarget = path.dirname(cleanUpTarget); } shell.mkdir('-p', path.dirname(filePath)); if (size) { // Create a file of the specified size. cp.execSync(`fallocate -l ${size} ${filePath}`); } else { // Create a file with the specified content. fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content || ''); } shell.exec(`chown ${AIO_WWW_USER} ${filePath}`); } // Methods - Protected protected createCleanUpFn(fn: () => void): CleanUpFn { const cleanUpFn = () => { const idx = this.cleanUpFns.indexOf(cleanUpFn); if (idx !== -1) { this.cleanUpFns.splice(idx, 1); fn(); } }; this.cleanUpFns.push(cleanUpFn); return cleanUpFn; } } interface DefaultCurlOptions { defaultMethod?: CurlOptions['method']; defaultOptions?: CurlOptions['options']; defaultHeaders?: CurlOptions['headers']; defaultData?: CurlOptions['data']; defaultExtraPath?: CurlOptions['extraPath']; } interface CurlOptions { method?: string; options?: string; headers?: string[]; data?: any; url?: string; extraPath?: string; } export function makeCurl(baseUrl: string, { defaultMethod = 'POST', defaultOptions = '', defaultHeaders = ['Content-Type: application/json'], defaultData = {}, defaultExtraPath = '', }: DefaultCurlOptions = {}) { return function curl({ method = defaultMethod, options = defaultOptions, headers = defaultHeaders, data = defaultData, url = baseUrl, extraPath = defaultExtraPath, }: CurlOptions) { const dataString = data ? JSON.stringify(data) : ''; const cmd = `curl -iLX ${method} ` + `${options} ` + headers.map(header => `--header "${header}" `).join('') + `--data '${dataString}' ` + `${url}${extraPath}`; return helper.runCmd(cmd); }; } export interface PayloadData { data: { payload: { build_num: number, build_parameters: { CIRCLE_JOB: string; }; }; }; } export function payload(buildNum: number): PayloadData { return { data: { payload: { build_num: buildNum, build_parameters: { CIRCLE_JOB: 'aio_preview' }, }, }, }; } // Exports export const helper = new Helper();