/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {isBrowser} from '../../lib/common/utils'; import {isSafari, zoneSymbol} from '../test-util'; // simulate @angular/facade/src/error.ts class BaseError extends Error { /** @internal **/ _nativeError: Error; constructor(message: string) { super(message); const nativeError = new Error(message) as any as Error; this._nativeError = nativeError; } get message() { return this._nativeError.message; } set message(message) { this._nativeError.message = message; } get name() { return this._nativeError.name; } get stack() { return (this._nativeError as any).stack; } set stack(value) { (this._nativeError as any).stack = value; } toString() { return this._nativeError.toString(); } } class WrappedError extends BaseError { originalError: any; constructor(message: string, error: any) { super(`${message} caused by: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : error}`); this.originalError = error; } get stack() { return ((this.originalError instanceof Error ? this.originalError : this._nativeError) as any) .stack; } } class TestError extends WrappedError { constructor(message: string, error: any) { super(`${message} caused by: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : error}`, error); } get message() { return 'test ' + this.originalError.message; } } class TestMessageError extends WrappedError { constructor(message: string, error: any) { super(`${message} caused by: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : error}`, error); } get message() { return 'test ' + this.originalError.message; } set message(value) { this.originalError.message = value; } } describe('ZoneAwareError', () => { // If the environment does not supports stack rewrites, then these tests will fail // and there is no point in running them. const _global: any = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global; let config: any; const __karma__ = _global.__karma__; if (typeof __karma__ !== 'undefined') { config = __karma__ && (__karma__ as any).config; } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') { config = process.env; } const policy = (config && config['errorpolicy']) || 'default'; if (!(Error as any)['stackRewrite'] && policy !== 'disable') return; it('should keep error prototype chain correctly', () => { class MyError extends Error {} const myError = new MyError(); expect(myError instanceof Error).toBe(true); expect(myError instanceof MyError).toBe(true); expect(myError.stack).not.toBe(undefined); }); it('should instanceof error correctly', () => { let myError = Error('myError'); expect(myError instanceof Error).toBe(true); let myError1 = Error.call(undefined, 'myError'); expect(myError1 instanceof Error).toBe(true); let myError2 = Error.call(global, 'myError'); expect(myError2 instanceof Error).toBe(true); let myError3 = Error.call({}, 'myError'); expect(myError3 instanceof Error).toBe(true); let myError4 = Error.call({test: 'test'}, 'myError'); expect(myError4 instanceof Error).toBe(true); }); it('should return error itself from constructor', () => { class MyError1 extends Error { constructor() { const err: any = super('MyError1'); this.message = err.message; } } let myError1 = new MyError1(); expect(myError1.message).toEqual('MyError1'); expect(myError1.name).toEqual('Error'); }); it('should return error by calling error directly', () => { let myError = Error('myError'); expect(myError.message).toEqual('myError'); let myError1 = Error.call(undefined, 'myError'); expect(myError1.message).toEqual('myError'); let myError2 = Error.call(global, 'myError'); expect(myError2.message).toEqual('myError'); let myError3 = Error.call({}, 'myError'); expect(myError3.message).toEqual('myError'); }); it('should have browser specified property', () => { let myError = new Error('myError'); if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Error.prototype, 'description')) { // in IE, error has description property expect((myError).description).toEqual('myError'); } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Error.prototype, 'fileName')) { // in firefox, error has fileName property expect((myError).fileName).toBeTruthy(); } }); it('should not use child Error class get/set in ZoneAwareError constructor', () => { const func = () => { const error = new BaseError('test'); expect(error.message).toEqual('test'); }; expect(func).not.toThrow(); }); it('should behave correctly with wrapped error', () => { const error = new TestError('originalMessage', new Error('error message')); expect(error.message).toEqual('test error message'); error.originalError.message = 'new error message'; expect(error.message).toEqual('test new error message'); const error1 = new TestMessageError('originalMessage', new Error('error message')); expect(error1.message).toEqual('test error message'); error1.message = 'new error message'; expect(error1.message).toEqual('test new error message'); }); it('should copy customized NativeError properties to ZoneAwareError', () => { const spy = jasmine.createSpy('errorCustomFunction'); const NativeError = (global as any)[(Zone as any).__symbol__('Error')]; NativeError.customFunction = function(args: any) { spy(args); }; expect((Error as any)['customProperty']).toBe('customProperty'); expect(typeof (Error as any)['customFunction']).toBe('function'); (Error as any)['customFunction']('test'); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('test'); }); it('should always have stack property even without throw', () => { // in IE, the stack will be undefined without throw // in ZoneAwareError, we will make stack always be // there event without throw const error = new Error('test'); const errorWithoutNew = Error('test'); expect(error.stack!.split('\n').length > 0).toBeTruthy(); expect(errorWithoutNew.stack!.split('\n').length > 0).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should show zone names in stack frames and remove extra frames', () => { if (policy === 'disable' || !(Error as any)['stackRewrite']) { return; } if (isBrowser && isSafari()) { return; } const rootZone = Zone.root; const innerZone = rootZone.fork({name: 'InnerZone'}); rootZone.run(testFn); function testFn() { let outside: any; let inside: any; let outsideWithoutNew: any; let insideWithoutNew: any; try { throw new Error('Outside'); } catch (e) { outside = e; } try { throw Error('Outside'); } catch (e) { outsideWithoutNew = e; } innerZone.run(function insideRun() { try { throw new Error('Inside'); } catch (e) { inside = e; } try { throw Error('Inside'); } catch (e) { insideWithoutNew = e; } }); if (policy === 'lazy') { outside.stack = outside.zoneAwareStack; outsideWithoutNew.stack = outsideWithoutNew.zoneAwareStack; inside.stack = inside.zoneAwareStack; insideWithoutNew.stack = insideWithoutNew.zoneAwareStack; } expect(outside.stack).toEqual(outside.zoneAwareStack); expect(outsideWithoutNew.stack).toEqual(outsideWithoutNew.zoneAwareStack); expect(inside!.stack).toEqual(inside!.zoneAwareStack); expect(insideWithoutNew!.stack).toEqual(insideWithoutNew!.zoneAwareStack); expect(typeof inside!.originalStack).toEqual('string'); expect(typeof insideWithoutNew!.originalStack).toEqual('string'); const outsideFrames = outside.stack!.split(/\n/); const insideFrames = inside!.stack!.split(/\n/); const outsideWithoutNewFrames = outsideWithoutNew!.stack!.split(/\n/); const insideWithoutNewFrames = insideWithoutNew!.stack!.split(/\n/); // throw away first line if it contains the error if (/Outside/.test(outsideFrames[0])) { outsideFrames.shift(); } if (/Error /.test(outsideFrames[0])) { outsideFrames.shift(); } if (/Outside/.test(outsideWithoutNewFrames[0])) { outsideWithoutNewFrames.shift(); } if (/Error /.test(outsideWithoutNewFrames[0])) { outsideWithoutNewFrames.shift(); } if (/Inside/.test(insideFrames[0])) { insideFrames.shift(); } if (/Error /.test(insideFrames[0])) { insideFrames.shift(); } if (/Inside/.test(insideWithoutNewFrames[0])) { insideWithoutNewFrames.shift(); } if (/Error /.test(insideWithoutNewFrames[0])) { insideWithoutNewFrames.shift(); } expect(outsideFrames[0]).toMatch(/testFn.*[]/); expect(insideFrames[0]).toMatch(/insideRun.*[InnerZone]]/); expect(insideFrames[1]).toMatch(/testFn.*[]]/); expect(outsideWithoutNewFrames[0]).toMatch(/testFn.*[]/); expect(insideWithoutNewFrames[0]).toMatch(/insideRun.*[InnerZone]]/); expect(insideWithoutNewFrames[1]).toMatch(/testFn.*[]]/); } }); const zoneAwareFrames = [ 'Zone.run', 'Zone.runGuarded', 'Zone.scheduleEventTask', 'Zone.scheduleMicroTask', 'Zone.scheduleMacroTask', 'Zone.runTask', 'ZoneDelegate.scheduleTask', 'ZoneDelegate.invokeTask', 'zoneAwareAddListener', 'Zone.prototype.run', 'Zone.prototype.runGuarded', 'Zone.prototype.scheduleEventTask', 'Zone.prototype.scheduleMicroTask', 'Zone.prototype.scheduleMacroTask', 'Zone.prototype.runTask', 'ZoneDelegate.prototype.scheduleTask', 'ZoneDelegate.prototype.invokeTask', 'ZoneTask.invokeTask' ]; function assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFrames(err: any) { const frames = policy === 'lazy' ? err.zoneAwareStack.split('\n') : err.stack.split('\n'); if (policy === 'disable') { let hasZoneStack = false; for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { if (hasZoneStack) { break; } hasZoneStack = zoneAwareFrames.filter(f => frames[i].indexOf(f) !== -1).length > 0; } if (!hasZoneStack) { console.log('stack', err.originalStack); } expect(hasZoneStack).toBe(true); } else { for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { expect(zoneAwareFrames.filter(f => frames[i].indexOf(f) !== -1)).toEqual([]); } } }; const errorZoneSpec = { name: 'errorZone', done: <(() => void)|null>null, onHandleError: (parentDelegate: ZoneDelegate, currentZone: Zone, targetZone: Zone, error: Error) => { assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFrames(error); setTimeout(() => { errorZoneSpec.done && errorZoneSpec.done(); }, 0); return false; } }; const errorZone = Zone.root.fork(errorZoneSpec); const assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFramesTest = function(testFn: Function) { return function(done: () => void) { errorZoneSpec.done = done; errorZone.run(testFn); }; }; describe('Error stack', () => { it('Error with new which occurs in setTimeout callback should not have zone frames visible', assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFramesTest(() => { setTimeout(() => { throw new Error('timeout test error'); }, 10); })); it('Error without new which occurs in setTimeout callback should not have zone frames visible', assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFramesTest(() => { setTimeout(() => { throw Error('test error'); }, 10); })); it('Error with new which cause by promise rejection should not have zone frames visible', (done) => { const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error('test error')); }); }); p.catch(err => { assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFrames(err); done(); }); }); it('Error without new which cause by promise rejection should not have zone frames visible', (done) => { const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { reject(Error('test error')); }); }); p.catch(err => { assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFrames(err); done(); }); }); it('Error with new which occurs in eventTask callback should not have zone frames visible', assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFramesTest(() => { const task = Zone.current.scheduleEventTask('errorEvent', () => { throw new Error('test error'); }, undefined, () => null, undefined); task.invoke(); })); it('Error without new which occurs in eventTask callback should not have zone frames visible', assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFramesTest(() => { const task = Zone.current.scheduleEventTask('errorEvent', () => { throw Error('test error'); }, undefined, () => null, undefined); task.invoke(); })); it('Error with new which occurs in longStackTraceZone should not have zone frames and longStackTraceZone frames visible', assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFramesTest(() => { const task = Zone.current.fork((Zone as any)['longStackTraceZoneSpec']) .scheduleEventTask('errorEvent', () => { throw new Error('test error'); }, undefined, () => null, undefined); task.invoke(); })); it('Error without new which occurs in longStackTraceZone should not have zone frames and longStackTraceZone frames visible', assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFramesTest(() => { const task = Zone.current.fork((Zone as any)['longStackTraceZoneSpec']) .scheduleEventTask('errorEvent', () => { throw Error('test error'); }, undefined, () => null, undefined); task.invoke(); })); it('stack frames of the callback in user customized zoneSpec should be kept', assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFramesTest(() => { const task = Zone.current.fork((Zone as any)['longStackTraceZoneSpec']) .fork({ name: 'customZone', onScheduleTask: (parentDelegate, currentZone, targetZone, task) => { return parentDelegate.scheduleTask(targetZone, task); }, onHandleError: (parentDelegate, currentZone, targetZone, error) => { parentDelegate.handleError(targetZone, error); const containsCustomZoneSpecStackTrace = error.stack.indexOf('onScheduleTask') !== -1; expect(containsCustomZoneSpecStackTrace).toBeTruthy(); return false; } }) .scheduleEventTask('errorEvent', () => { throw new Error('test error'); }, undefined, () => null, undefined); task.invoke(); })); it('should be able to generate zone free stack even NativeError stack is readonly', function() { const _global: any = typeof window === 'object' && window || typeof self === 'object' && self || global; const NativeError = _global[zoneSymbol('Error')]; const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(NativeError.prototype, 'stack'); if (desc) { const originalSet: ((value: any) => void)|undefined = desc.set; // make stack readonly desc.set = null as any; try { const error = new Error('test error'); expect(error.stack).toBeTruthy(); assertStackDoesNotContainZoneFrames(error); } finally { desc.set = originalSet; } } }); }); });