function assertInsideProxyZone() { expect('ProxyZone'); } function assertInsideSyncDescribeZone() { expect('syncTestZone for jest.describe'); } describe('describe', () => { assertInsideSyncDescribeZone(); beforeEach(() => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); beforeAll(() => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); afterEach(() => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); afterAll(() => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); }); describe.each([[1, 2]])('describe.each', (arg1, arg2) => { assertInsideSyncDescribeZone(); expect(arg1).toBe(1); expect(arg2).toBe(2); }); describe('test', () => { it('it', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); it.each([[1, 2]])('it.each', (arg1, arg2) => { assertInsideProxyZone(); expect(arg1).toBe(1); expect(arg2).toBe(2); }); test('test', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); test.each([[]])('test.each', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); }); it('it', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); it('it with done', done => { assertInsideProxyZone(); done(); }); it.each([[1, 2]])('it.each', (arg1, arg2, done) => { assertInsideProxyZone(); expect(arg1).toBe(1); expect(arg2).toBe(2); done(); }); it.each([2])('it.each with 1D array', arg1 => { assertInsideProxyZone(); expect(arg1).toBe(2); }); it.each([2])('it.each with 1D array and done', (arg1, done) => { assertInsideProxyZone(); expect(arg1).toBe(2); done(); }); it.each` foo | bar ${1} | ${2} `('it.each should work with table as a tagged template literal', ({foo, bar}) => { expect(foo).toBe(1); expect(bar).toBe(2); }); it.each` foo | bar ${1} | ${2} `('it.each should work with table as a tagged template literal with done', ({foo, bar}, done) => { expect(foo).toBe(1); expect(bar).toBe(2); done(); }); it.each` foo | bar ${1} | ${2} `('(async) it.each should work with table as a tagged template literal', async ({foo, bar}) => { expect(foo).toBe(1); expect(bar).toBe(2); }); test('test', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); test.each([[]])('test.each', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); test.todo('todo');