#!/usr/bin/env bash set -u -e -o pipefail TRAVIS=${TRAVIS:-} CI_MODE=${CI_MODE:-} # Setup environment readonly thisDir=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd) source ${thisDir}/_travis-fold.sh # If the previous commands in the `script` section of .travis.yaml failed, then abort. # The variable is not set in early stages of the build, so we default to 0 there. # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/ if [[ ${TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT=0} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi mkdir -p ${LOGS_DIR} # TODO: install nvm?? it's already on travis so we don't need it #curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.0/install.sh | bash # Install node #nvm install ${NODE_VERSION} # Install version of yarn that we are locked against travisFoldStart "install-yarn" curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash -s -- --version "${YARN_VERSION}" travisFoldEnd "install-yarn" # Install all npm dependencies according to yarn.lock travisFoldStart "yarn-install" (node tools/npm/check-node-modules --purge && yarn postinstall) || yarn install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive travisFoldEnd "yarn-install" # Install bower packages travisFoldStart "bower-install" $(npm bin)/bower install travisFoldEnd "bower-install" if [[ ${TRAVIS} && ${CI_MODE} == "aio" || ${CI_MODE} == "aio_e2e" || ${CI_MODE} == "aio_tools_test" ]]; then # angular.io: Install all yarn dependencies according to angular.io/yarn.lock travisFoldStart "yarn-install.aio" ( cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/aio yarn install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive ) travisFoldEnd "yarn-install.aio" fi # Install bazel if [[ ${TRAVIS} && ${CI_MODE} == "e2e_2" ]]; then travisFoldStart "bazel-install" ( mkdir tmp cd tmp curl --location --compressed https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/${BAZEL_VERSION}/bazel-${BAZEL_VERSION}-installer-linux-x86_64.sh > bazel-${BAZEL_VERSION}-installer-linux-x86_64.sh chmod +x bazel-${BAZEL_VERSION}-installer-linux-x86_64.sh ./bazel-${BAZEL_VERSION}-installer-linux-x86_64.sh --user cd .. rm -rf tmp ) travisFoldEnd "bazel-install" fi # Install Chromium if [[ ${TRAVIS} && ${CI_MODE} == "js" || ${CI_MODE} == "e2e" || ${CI_MODE} == "e2e_2" || ${CI_MODE} == "aio" || ${CI_MODE} == "aio_e2e" ]]; then travisFoldStart "install-chromium" ( ${thisDir}/install-chromium.sh # Start xvfb for local Chrome used for testing if [[ ${TRAVIS} ]]; then travisFoldStart "install-chromium.xvfb-start" sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start travisFoldEnd "install-chromium.xvfb-start" fi ) travisFoldEnd "install-chromium" fi # Install Sauce Connect if [[ ${TRAVIS}] && (${CI_MODE} == "saucelabs_required" || ${CI_MODE} == "saucelabs_optional") ]]; then travisFoldStart "install-sauceConnect" ( ${thisDir}/../sauce/sauce_connect_setup.sh ) travisFoldEnd "install-sauceConnect" fi # Install BrowserStack Tunnel if [[ ${TRAVIS} && (${CI_MODE} == "browserstack_required" || ${CI_MODE} == "browserstack_optional") ]]; then travisFoldStart "install-browserstack" ( ${thisDir}/../browserstack/start_tunnel.sh ) travisFoldEnd "install-browserstack" fi # Print return arrows as a log separator travisFoldReturnArrows