import {AppPage} from '../app.po'; import {browser, logging} from 'protractor'; describe('cli-hello-world-ivy App', () => { let page: AppPage; beforeEach(() => { page = new AppPage(); page.navigateTo(); }); it('should display title', () => { expect(page.getHeading()).toEqual('Hello cli-hello-world-ivy-i18n!'); }); it('should display the locale', () => { expect(page.getParagraph('locale')).toEqual('en-US'); }); it('the date pipe should show the localized month', () => { page.navigateTo(); expect(page.getParagraph('date')).toEqual('January'); }); afterEach(async () => { // Assert that there are no errors emitted from the browser const logs = await browser.manage().logs().get(logging.Type.BROWSER); expect(logs).not.toContain(jasmine.objectContaining({ level: logging.Level.SEVERE, } as logging.Entry)); }); });