var broccoli = require('broccoli'); var fs = require('fs'); var makeBrowserTree = require('./trees/browser_tree'); var makeNodeTree = require('./trees/node_tree'); var path = require('path'); var printSlowTrees = require('broccoli-slow-trees'); var Q = require('q'); export type ProjectMap = { [key: string]: boolean }; export type Options = { projects: ProjectMap; noTypeChecks: boolean; generateEs6: boolean; useBundles: boolean; }; export interface AngularBuilderOptions { outputPath: string; dartSDK?: any; logs?: any; } /** * BroccoliBuilder facade for all of our build pipelines. */ export class AngularBuilder { private nodeBuilder: BroccoliBuilder; private browserDevBuilder: BroccoliBuilder; private browserProdBuilder: BroccoliBuilder; private dartBuilder: BroccoliBuilder; private outputPath: string; private firstResult: BuildResult; constructor(public options: AngularBuilderOptions) { this.outputPath = options.outputPath; } public rebuildBrowserDevTree(opts: Options): Promise<BuildResult> { this.browserDevBuilder = this.browserDevBuilder || this.makeBrowserDevBuilder(opts); return this.rebuild(this.browserDevBuilder, ''); } public rebuildBrowserProdTree(opts: Options): Promise<BuildResult> { this.browserProdBuilder = this.browserProdBuilder || this.makeBrowserProdBuilder(opts); return this.rebuild(this.browserProdBuilder, ''); } public rebuildNodeTree(opts: Options): Promise<BuildResult> { this.nodeBuilder = this.nodeBuilder || this.makeNodeBuilder(opts.projects); return this.rebuild(this.nodeBuilder, 'js.cjs'); } public rebuildDartTree(projects: ProjectMap): Promise<BuildResult> { this.dartBuilder = this.dartBuilder || this.makeDartBuilder(projects); return this.rebuild(this.dartBuilder, 'dart'); } cleanup(): Promise<any> { return Q.all([ this.nodeBuilder && this.nodeBuilder.cleanup(), this.browserDevBuilder && this.browserDevBuilder.cleanup(), this.browserProdBuilder && this.browserProdBuilder.cleanup() ]); } private makeBrowserDevBuilder(opts: Options): BroccoliBuilder { let tree = makeBrowserTree( { name: 'dev', typeAssertions: true, sourceMaps: true, projects: opts.projects, noTypeChecks: opts.noTypeChecks, generateEs6: opts.generateEs6, useBundles: opts.useBundles }, path.join(this.outputPath, 'js', 'dev')); return new broccoli.Builder(tree); } private makeBrowserProdBuilder(opts: Options): BroccoliBuilder { let tree = makeBrowserTree( { name: 'prod', typeAssertions: false, sourceMaps: false, projects: opts.projects, noTypeChecks: opts.noTypeChecks, generateEs6: opts.generateEs6, useBundles: opts.useBundles }, path.join(this.outputPath, 'js', 'prod')); return new broccoli.Builder(tree); } private makeNodeBuilder(projects: ProjectMap): BroccoliBuilder { let tree = makeNodeTree(projects, path.join(this.outputPath, 'js', 'cjs')); return new broccoli.Builder(tree); } private makeDartBuilder(projects: ProjectMap): BroccoliBuilder { let options = { outputPath: path.join(this.outputPath, 'dart'), dartSDK: this.options.dartSDK, logs: this.options.logs, projects: projects }; // Workaround for var makeDartTree = require('./trees/dart_tree'); let tree = makeDartTree(options); return new broccoli.Builder(tree); } private rebuild(builder: BroccoliBuilder, name: string): Promise<BuildResult> { return<BuildResult>( (result) => { if (!this.firstResult) { this.firstResult = result; } printSlowTrees(result.graph); writeBuildLog(result, name); return result; }, (error): any => { // the build tree is the same during rebuilds, only leaf properties of the nodes // change // so let's traverse it and get updated values for input/cache/output paths if (this.firstResult) { writeBuildLog(this.firstResult, name); } throw error; }); } } function writeBuildLog(result: BuildResult, name: string) { let logPath = `tmp/build.${name}.log`; let prevLogPath = logPath + '.previous'; let formattedLogContent = JSON.stringify(broccoliNodeToBuildNode(result.graph), null, 2); if (fs.existsSync(prevLogPath)) fs.unlinkSync(prevLogPath); if (fs.existsSync(logPath)) fs.renameSync(logPath, prevLogPath); fs.writeFileSync(logPath, formattedLogContent, {encoding: 'utf-8'}); } function broccoliNodeToBuildNode(broccoliNode: BroccoliNode): BuildNode { let tree = broccoliNode.tree.newStyleTree || broccoliNode.tree; return new BuildNode( tree.description || (<any>tree.constructor).name, tree.inputPath ? [tree.inputPath] : tree.inputPaths, tree.cachePath, tree.outputPath, broccoliNode.selfTime / (1000 * 1000 * 1000), broccoliNode.totalTime / (1000 * 1000 * 1000),; } class BuildNode { constructor( public pluginName: string, public inputPaths: string[], public cachePath: string, public outputPath: string, public selfTime: number, public totalTime: number, public inputNodes: BuildNode[]) {} }