/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Component, Directive, ElementRef, HostBinding} from '@angular/core'; import {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers'; import {ivyEnabled, onlyInIvy} from '@angular/private/testing'; describe('acceptance integration tests', () => { onlyInIvy('map-based [style] and [class] bindings are not supported in VE') .it('should render host bindings on the root component', () => { @Component({template: '...'}) class MyApp { @HostBinding('style') myStylesExp = {}; @HostBinding('class') myClassesExp = {}; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyApp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyApp); const element = fixture.nativeElement; fixture.detectChanges(); const component = fixture.componentInstance; component.myStylesExp = {width: '100px'}; component.myClassesExp = 'foo'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(element.style['width']).toEqual('100px'); expect(element.classList.contains('foo')).toBeTruthy(); component.myStylesExp = {width: '200px'}; component.myClassesExp = 'bar'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(element.style['width']).toEqual('200px'); expect(element.classList.contains('foo')).toBeFalsy(); expect(element.classList.contains('bar')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should render host class and style on the root component', () => { @Component({template: '...', host: {class: 'foo', style: 'color: red'}}) class MyApp { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyApp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyApp); const element = fixture.nativeElement; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(element.style['color']).toEqual('red'); expect(element.classList.contains('foo')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should combine the inherited static styles of a parent and child component', () => { @Component({template: '...', host: {'style': 'width:100px; height:100px;'}}) class ParentCmp { } @Component({template: '...', host: {'style': 'width:200px; color:red'}}) class ChildCmp extends ParentCmp { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [ChildCmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ChildCmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement; if (ivyEnabled) { expect(element.style['height']).toEqual('100px'); } expect(element.style['width']).toEqual('200px'); expect(element.style['color']).toEqual('red'); }); it('should combine the inherited static classes of a parent and child component', () => { @Component({template: '...', host: {'class': 'foo bar'}}) class ParentCmp { } @Component({template: '...', host: {'class': 'foo baz'}}) class ChildCmp extends ParentCmp { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [ChildCmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ChildCmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement; if (ivyEnabled) { expect(element.classList.contains('bar')).toBeTruthy(); } expect(element.classList.contains('foo')).toBeTruthy(); expect(element.classList.contains('baz')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should render inline style and class attribute values on the element before a directive is instantiated', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { } @Directive({selector: '[directive-expecting-styling]'}) class DirectiveExpectingStyling { constructor(elm: ElementRef) { const native = elm.nativeElement; native.setAttribute('data-captured-width', native.style.width); native.setAttribute('data-captured-classes', native.className); } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirectiveExpectingStyling]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('200px'); expect(element.getAttribute('data-captured-width')).toEqual('200px'); expect(element.className.trim()).toEqual('abc xyz'); expect(element.getAttribute('data-captured-classes')).toEqual('abc xyz'); }); it('should only render the same initial styling values once before a directive runs', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { } @Directive({selector: '[directive-expecting-styling]'}) class DirectiveExpectingStyling { constructor(elm: ElementRef) { const native = elm.nativeElement; native.style.width = '300px'; native.classList.remove('abc'); } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp, DirectiveExpectingStyling]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const element = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div'); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('300px'); expect(element.classList.contains('abc')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should render styling for parent and sub-classed components in order', () => { @Component({ template: ` ` }) class MyApp { } @Component({template: '...'}) class ParentCmp { @HostBinding('style.width') width1 = '100px'; @HostBinding('style.height') height1 = '100px'; @HostBinding('style.opacity') opacity1 = '0.5'; } @Component({selector: 'child-and-parent-cmp', template: '...'}) class ChildCmp extends ParentCmp { @HostBinding('style.width') width2 = '200px'; @HostBinding('style.height') height2 = '200px'; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyApp, ParentCmp, ChildCmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyApp); const element = fixture.nativeElement; fixture.detectChanges(); const childElement = element.querySelector('child-and-parent-cmp'); expect(childElement.style.width).toEqual('200px'); expect(childElement.style.height).toEqual('200px'); expect(childElement.style.opacity).toEqual('0.5'); }); onlyInIvy('[style.prop] and [class.name] prioritization is a new feature') .it('should prioritize styling present in the order of directive hostBinding evaluation, but consider sub-classed directive styling to be the most important', () => { const log: string[] = []; @Component({template: '
'}) class MyApp { } @Directive({selector: '[parent-dir]'}) class ParentDir { @HostBinding('style.width') get width1() { return '100px'; } @HostBinding('style.height') get height1() { return '100px'; } @HostBinding('style.color') get color1() { return 'red'; } } @Directive({selector: '[child-dir]'}) class ChildDir extends ParentDir { @HostBinding('style.width') get width2() { return '200px'; } @HostBinding('style.height') get height2() { return '200px'; } } @Directive({selector: '[sibling-dir]'}) class SiblingDir { @HostBinding('style.width') get width3() { return '300px'; } @HostBinding('style.height') get height3() { return '300px'; } @HostBinding('style.opacity') get opacity3() { return '0.5'; } @HostBinding('style.color') get color1() { return 'blue'; } } TestBed.configureTestingModule( {declarations: [MyApp, ParentDir, ChildDir, SiblingDir]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyApp); const element = fixture.nativeElement; fixture.detectChanges(); const childElement = element.querySelector('div'); // width/height values were set in all directives, but the sub-class directive // (ChildDir) // had priority over the parent directive (ParentDir) which is why its value won. It // also // won over Dir because the SiblingDir directive was evaluated later on. expect(childElement.style.width).toEqual('200px'); expect(childElement.style.height).toEqual('200px'); // ParentDir styled the color first before Dir expect(childElement.style.color).toEqual('red'); // Dir was the only directive to style opacity expect(childElement.style.opacity).toEqual('0.5'); }); it('should ensure that static classes are assigned to ng-container elements and picked up for content projection', () => { @Component({ template: ` outer inner ` }) class MyApp { } @Component({ selector: 'project', template: `
` }) class ProjectCmp { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyApp, ProjectCmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyApp); const element = fixture.nativeElement; fixture.detectChanges(); const inner = element.querySelector('.inner-area'); expect(inner.textContent.trim()).toEqual('inner'); const outer = element.querySelector('.outer-area'); expect(outer.textContent.trim()).toEqual('outer'); }); it('should allow class-bindings to be placed on ng-container elements', () => { @Component({ template: ` ... ` }) class MyApp { } @Directive({selector: '[dir-that-adds-other-classes]'}) class DirThatAddsOtherClasses { @HostBinding('class.other-class') bool = true; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyApp, DirThatAddsOtherClasses]}); expect(() => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyApp); fixture.detectChanges(); }).not.toThrow(); }); });