/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {createLanguageService} from '../src/language_service'; import {TypeScriptServiceHost} from '../src/typescript_host'; import {MockTypescriptHost} from './test_utils'; describe('completions', () => { let mockHost = new MockTypescriptHost(['/app/main.ts', '/app/parsing-cases.ts']); let service = ts.createLanguageService(mockHost); let ngHost = new TypeScriptServiceHost(mockHost, service); let ngService = createLanguageService(ngHost); beforeEach(() => { mockHost.reset(); }); it('should be able to get entity completions', () => { expectContains('/app/test.ng', 'entity-amp', '&', '>', '<', 'ι'); }); it('should be able to return html elements', () => { let htmlTags = ['h1', 'h2', 'div', 'span']; let locations = ['empty', 'start-tag-h1', 'h1-content', 'start-tag', 'start-tag-after-h']; for (let location of locations) { expectContains('/app/test.ng', location, ...htmlTags); } }); it('should be able to return element diretives', () => { expectContains('/app/test.ng', 'empty', 'my-app'); }); it('should be able to return h1 attributes', () => { expectContains('/app/test.ng', 'h1-after-space', 'id', 'dir', 'lang', 'onclick'); }); it('should be able to find common angular attributes', () => { expectContains('/app/test.ng', 'div-attributes', '(click)', '[ngClass]'); }); it('should be able to infer the type of a ngForOf', () => { const fileName = mockHost.addCode(` interface Person { name: string, street: string } @Component({template: '
{{person.~{name}name}} { const fileName = mockHost.addCode(` interface Person { name: string, street: string } @Component({template: '
'}) export class MyComponent { people: Promise; }`); expectContains(fileName, 'name', 'name', 'street'); }); describe('with regression tests', () => { it('should not crash with an incomplete component', () => { expect(() => { const fileName = mockHost.addCode(` @Component({ template: '~{inside-template}' }) export class MyComponent { }`); expectContains(fileName, 'inside-template', 'h1'); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('should hot crash with an incomplete class', () => { expect(() => { mockHost.addCode('\nexport class'); ngHost.getAnalyzedModules(); }).not.toThrow(); }); }); it('should respect paths configuration', () => { mockHost.overrideOptions({ baseUrl: '/app', paths: {'bar/*': ['foo/bar/*']}, }); mockHost.addScript('/app/foo/bar/shared.ts', ` export interface Node { children: Node[]; } `); mockHost.addScript('/app/my.component.ts', ` import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Node } from 'bar/shared'; @Component({ selector: 'my-component', template: '{{tree.~{tree} }}' }) export class MyComponent { tree: Node; } `); ngHost.getAnalyzedModules(); expectContains('/app/my.component.ts', 'tree', 'children'); }); it('should work with input and output', () => { const fileName = mockHost.addCode(` @Component({ selector: 'foo-component', template: \`
\`, }) export class FooComponent { text: string; value: number; } `); expectContains(fileName, 'stringMarker', '[model]', '(model)'); expectContains(fileName, 'numberMarker', '[inputAlias]', '(outputAlias)'); }); function expectContains(fileName: string, locationMarker: string, ...names: string[]) { const marker = mockHost.getLocationMarkerFor(fileName, locationMarker); expectEntries(locationMarker, ngService.getCompletionsAt(fileName, marker.start), ...names); } }); function expectEntries( locationMarker: string, completion: ts.CompletionInfo | undefined, ...names: string[]) { let entries: {[name: string]: boolean} = {}; if (!completion) { throw new Error( `Expected result from ${locationMarker} to include ${names.join(', ')} but no result provided`); } if (!completion.entries.length) { throw new Error( `Expected result from ${locationMarker} to include ${names.join(', ')} an empty result provided`); } for (const entry of completion.entries) { entries[entry.name] = true; } let missing = names.filter(name => !entries[name]); if (missing.length) { throw new Error( `Expected result from ${locationMarker} to include at least one of the following, ${missing.join(', ')}, in the list of entries ${completion.entries.map(entry => entry.name).join(', ')}`); } }