import { AsyncTestCompleter, describe, it, iit, ddescribe, expect, inject, beforeEach, SpyObject } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {Promise, PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async'; import {RouteRegistry} from 'angular2/src/router/route_registry'; import {RouteConfig, Route, AsyncRoute} from 'angular2/src/router/route_config_decorator'; export function main() { describe('RouteRegistry', () => { var registry; beforeEach(() => { registry = new RouteRegistry(); }); it('should match the full URL', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/', component: DummyCmpA})); registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/test', component: DummyCmpB})); registry.recognize('/test', RootHostCmp) .then((instruction) => { expect(instruction.component).toBe(DummyCmpB); async.done(); }); })); it('should generate URLs starting at the given component', () => { registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/first/...', component: DummyParentCmp, as: 'firstCmp'})); expect(registry.generate(['firstCmp', 'secondCmp'], RootHostCmp)).toEqual('first/second'); expect(registry.generate(['secondCmp'], DummyParentCmp)).toEqual('second'); }); it('should generate URLs with params', () => { registry.config( RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/first/:param/...', component: DummyParentParamCmp, as: 'firstCmp'})); var url = registry.generate(['firstCmp', {param: 'one'}, 'secondCmp', {param: 'two'}], RootHostCmp); expect(url).toEqual('first/one/second/two'); }); it('should generate URLs of loaded components after they are loaded', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { registry.config( RootHostCmp, new AsyncRoute({path: '/first/...', loader: AsyncParentLoader, as: 'firstCmp'})); expect(() => registry.generate(['firstCmp', 'secondCmp'], RootHostCmp)) .toThrowError('Could not find route named "secondCmp".'); registry.recognize('/first/second', RootHostCmp) .then((_) => { expect(registry.generate(['firstCmp', 'secondCmp'], RootHostCmp)) .toEqual('first/second'); async.done(); }); })); it('should throw when generating a url and a parent has no config', () => { expect(() => registry.generate(['firstCmp', 'secondCmp'], RootHostCmp)) .toThrowError('Component "RootHostCmp" has no route config.'); }); it('should prefer static segments to dynamic', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/:site', component: DummyCmpB})); registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/home', component: DummyCmpA})); registry.recognize('/home', RootHostCmp) .then((instruction) => { expect(instruction.component).toBe(DummyCmpA); async.done(); }); })); it('should prefer dynamic segments to star', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/:site', component: DummyCmpA})); registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/*site', component: DummyCmpB})); registry.recognize('/home', RootHostCmp) .then((instruction) => { expect(instruction.component).toBe(DummyCmpA); async.done(); }); })); it('should prefer routes with more dynamic segments', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/:first/*rest', component: DummyCmpA})); registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/*all', component: DummyCmpB})); registry.recognize('/some/path', RootHostCmp) .then((instruction) => { expect(instruction.component).toBe(DummyCmpA); async.done(); }); })); it('should prefer routes with more static segments', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/first/:second', component: DummyCmpA})); registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/:first/:second', component: DummyCmpB})); registry.recognize('/first/second', RootHostCmp) .then((instruction) => { expect(instruction.component).toBe(DummyCmpA); async.done(); }); })); it('should prefer routes with static segments before dynamic segments', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/first/second/:third', component: DummyCmpB})); registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/first/:second/third', component: DummyCmpA})); registry.recognize('/first/second/third', RootHostCmp) .then((instruction) => { expect(instruction.component).toBe(DummyCmpB); async.done(); }); })); it('should match the full URL using child components', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/first/...', component: DummyParentCmp})); registry.recognize('/first/second', RootHostCmp) .then((instruction) => { expect(instruction.component).toBe(DummyParentCmp); expect(instruction.child.component).toBe(DummyCmpB); async.done(); }); })); it('should match the URL using async child components', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/first/...', component: DummyAsyncCmp})); registry.recognize('/first/second', RootHostCmp) .then((instruction) => { expect(instruction.component).toBe(DummyAsyncCmp); expect(instruction.child.component).toBe(DummyCmpB); async.done(); }); })); it('should match the URL using an async parent component', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { registry.config(RootHostCmp, new AsyncRoute({path: '/first/...', loader: AsyncParentLoader})); registry.recognize('/first/second', RootHostCmp) .then((instruction) => { expect(instruction.component).toBe(DummyParentCmp); expect(instruction.child.component).toBe(DummyCmpB); async.done(); }); })); // TODO: not sure what to do with these tests // it('should throw when a config does not have a component or redirectTo property', () => { // expect(() => registry.config(rootHostComponent, {'path': '/some/path'})) // .toThrowError( // 'Route config should contain exactly one \'component\', or \'redirectTo\' // property'); //}); // // it('should throw when a config has an invalid component type', () => { // expect(() => registry.config( // rootHostComponent, // {'path': '/some/path', 'component': {'type': // 'intentionallyWrongComponentType'}})) // .toThrowError('Invalid component type \'intentionallyWrongComponentType\''); //}); it('should throw when a parent config is missing the `...` suffix any of its children add routes', () => { expect(() => registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/', component: DummyParentCmp}))) .toThrowError( 'Child routes are not allowed for "/". Use "..." on the parent\'s route path.'); }); it('should throw when a parent config uses `...` suffix before the end of the route', () => { expect(() => registry.config(RootHostCmp, new Route({path: '/home/.../fun/', component: DummyParentCmp}))) .toThrowError('Unexpected "..." before the end of the path for "home/.../fun/".'); }); }); } function AsyncParentLoader() { return PromiseWrapper.resolve(DummyParentCmp); } function AsyncChildLoader() { return PromiseWrapper.resolve(DummyCmpB); } class RootHostCmp {} @RouteConfig([new AsyncRoute({path: '/second', loader: AsyncChildLoader})]) class DummyAsyncCmp { } class DummyCmpA {} class DummyCmpB {} @RouteConfig([new Route({path: '/second', component: DummyCmpB, as: 'secondCmp'})]) class DummyParentCmp { } @RouteConfig([new Route({path: '/second/:param', component: DummyCmpB, as: 'secondCmp'})]) class DummyParentParamCmp { }