const testPackage = require('../../helpers/test-package'); const Dgeni = require('dgeni'); describe('postProcessHtml', function() { let dgeni, injector, processor, createDocMessage; beforeEach(function() { dgeni = new Dgeni([testPackage('post-process-package', true)]); injector = dgeni.configureInjector(); createDocMessage = injector.get('createDocMessage'); processor = injector.get('postProcessHtml'); processor.docTypes = ['a', 'b']; }); it('should be available from the injector', () => { expect(processor).toBeDefined(); }); it('should only process docs that match the specified docTypes', () => { const elements = []; const captureFirstElement = ast => { elements.push(ast.children[0].tagName); }; processor.plugins = [() => captureFirstElement]; const docs = [ { docType: 'a', renderedContent: '' }, { docType: 'b', renderedContent: '' }, { docType: 'c', renderedContent: '' }, { docType: 'd', renderedContent: '' }, ]; processor.$process(docs); expect(elements).toEqual(['a', 'b']); }); it('should run all the plugins on each doc', () => { const capitalizeFirstElement = ast => { ast.children[0].tagName = ast.children[0].tagName.toUpperCase(); }; const addOneToFirstElement = ast => { ast.children[0].tagName = ast.children[0].tagName + '1'; }; const elements = []; const captureFirstElement = ast => { elements.push(ast.children[0].tagName); }; const docs = [ { docType: 'a', renderedContent: '' }, { docType: 'b', renderedContent: '' }, { docType: 'c', renderedContent: '' }, { docType: 'd', renderedContent: '' }, ]; processor.plugins = [ () => capitalizeFirstElement, () => addOneToFirstElement, () => captureFirstElement ]; processor.$process(docs); expect(elements).toEqual(['A1', 'B1']); }); it('should report non-fatal errors', () => { const log = injector.get('log'); const addWarning = (ast, file) => { file.message('There was a problem'); }; processor.plugins = [() => addWarning]; processor.$process([{ docType: 'a', renderedContent: '' }]); expect(log.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('There was a problem - doc (a) '); }); it('should throw on fatal errors', () => { const log = injector.get('log'); const addError = (ast, file) => {'There was an error'); }; const doc = { docType: 'a', renderedContent: '' }; processor.plugins = [() => addError]; expect(() => processor.$process([doc])).toThrowError(createDocMessage('There was an error', doc)); expect(log.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });