import {AnimationAnimateMetadata, AnimationEntryMetadata, AnimationGroupMetadata, AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata, AnimationMetadata, AnimationStateDeclarationMetadata, AnimationStateMetadata, AnimationStateTransitionMetadata, AnimationStyleMetadata, AnimationWithStepsMetadata, AttributeMetadata, ComponentMetadata, HostMetadata, Inject, InjectMetadata, Injectable, Optional, OptionalMetadata, Provider, QueryMetadata, SelfMetadata, SkipSelfMetadata, ViewMetadata, ViewQueryMetadata, resolveForwardRef} from '@angular/core'; import {LIFECYCLE_HOOKS_VALUES, ReflectorReader, createProvider, isProviderLiteral, reflector} from '../core_private'; import {StringMapWrapper} from '../src/facade/collection'; import {BaseException} from '../src/facade/exceptions'; import {Type, isArray, isBlank, isPresent, isString, isStringMap, stringify} from '../src/facade/lang'; import {assertArrayOfStrings, assertInterpolationSymbols} from './assertions'; import * as cpl from './compile_metadata'; import {CompilerConfig} from './config'; import {hasLifecycleHook} from './directive_lifecycle_reflector'; import {DirectiveResolver} from './directive_resolver'; import {PipeResolver} from './pipe_resolver'; import {getUrlScheme} from './url_resolver'; import {MODULE_SUFFIX, ValueTransformer, sanitizeIdentifier, visitValue} from './util'; import {ViewResolver} from './view_resolver'; @Injectable() export class CompileMetadataResolver { private _directiveCache = new Map(); private _pipeCache = new Map(); private _anonymousTypes = new Map(); private _anonymousTypeIndex = 0; constructor( private _directiveResolver: DirectiveResolver, private _pipeResolver: PipeResolver, private _viewResolver: ViewResolver, private _config: CompilerConfig, private _reflector: ReflectorReader = reflector) {} private sanitizeTokenName(token: any): string { let identifier = stringify(token); if (identifier.indexOf('(') >= 0) { // case: anonymous functions! let found = this._anonymousTypes.get(token); if (isBlank(found)) { this._anonymousTypes.set(token, this._anonymousTypeIndex++); found = this._anonymousTypes.get(token); } identifier = `anonymous_token_${found}_`; } return sanitizeIdentifier(identifier); } getAnimationEntryMetadata(entry: AnimationEntryMetadata): cpl.CompileAnimationEntryMetadata { var defs = => this.getAnimationStateMetadata(def)); return new cpl.CompileAnimationEntryMetadata(, defs); } getAnimationStateMetadata(value: AnimationStateMetadata): cpl.CompileAnimationStateMetadata { if (value instanceof AnimationStateDeclarationMetadata) { var styles = this.getAnimationStyleMetadata(value.styles); return new cpl.CompileAnimationStateDeclarationMetadata(value.stateNameExpr, styles); } else if (value instanceof AnimationStateTransitionMetadata) { return new cpl.CompileAnimationStateTransitionMetadata( value.stateChangeExpr, this.getAnimationMetadata(value.steps)); } return null; } getAnimationStyleMetadata(value: AnimationStyleMetadata): cpl.CompileAnimationStyleMetadata { return new cpl.CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(value.offset, value.styles); } getAnimationMetadata(value: AnimationMetadata): cpl.CompileAnimationMetadata { if (value instanceof AnimationStyleMetadata) { return this.getAnimationStyleMetadata(value); } else if (value instanceof AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata) { return new cpl.CompileAnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata( => this.getAnimationStyleMetadata(entry))); } else if (value instanceof AnimationAnimateMetadata) { let animateData = this .getAnimationMetadata(value.styles); return new cpl.CompileAnimationAnimateMetadata(value.timings, animateData); } else if (value instanceof AnimationWithStepsMetadata) { var steps = => this.getAnimationMetadata(step)); if (value instanceof AnimationGroupMetadata) { return new cpl.CompileAnimationGroupMetadata(steps); } else { return new cpl.CompileAnimationSequenceMetadata(steps); } } return null; } getDirectiveMetadata(directiveType: Type): cpl.CompileDirectiveMetadata { var meta = this._directiveCache.get(directiveType); if (isBlank(meta)) { var dirMeta = this._directiveResolver.resolve(directiveType); var templateMeta: cpl.CompileTemplateMetadata = null; var changeDetectionStrategy: any /** TODO #9100 */ = null; var viewProviders: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = []; var moduleUrl = staticTypeModuleUrl(directiveType); if (dirMeta instanceof ComponentMetadata) { assertArrayOfStrings('styles', dirMeta.styles); var cmpMeta = dirMeta; var viewMeta = this._viewResolver.resolve(directiveType); assertArrayOfStrings('styles', viewMeta.styles); assertInterpolationSymbols('interpolation', viewMeta.interpolation); var animations = isPresent(viewMeta.animations) ? => this.getAnimationEntryMetadata(e)) : null; templateMeta = new cpl.CompileTemplateMetadata({ encapsulation: viewMeta.encapsulation, template: viewMeta.template, templateUrl: viewMeta.templateUrl, styles: viewMeta.styles, styleUrls: viewMeta.styleUrls, animations: animations, interpolation: viewMeta.interpolation }); changeDetectionStrategy = cmpMeta.changeDetection; if (isPresent(dirMeta.viewProviders)) { viewProviders = this.getProvidersMetadata(dirMeta.viewProviders); } moduleUrl = componentModuleUrl(this._reflector, directiveType, cmpMeta); } var providers: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = []; if (isPresent(dirMeta.providers)) { providers = this.getProvidersMetadata(dirMeta.providers); } var queries: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = []; var viewQueries: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = []; if (isPresent(dirMeta.queries)) { queries = this.getQueriesMetadata(dirMeta.queries, false, directiveType); viewQueries = this.getQueriesMetadata(dirMeta.queries, true, directiveType); } meta = cpl.CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({ selector: dirMeta.selector, exportAs: dirMeta.exportAs, isComponent: isPresent(templateMeta), type: this.getTypeMetadata(directiveType, moduleUrl), template: templateMeta, changeDetection: changeDetectionStrategy, inputs: dirMeta.inputs, outputs: dirMeta.outputs, host:, lifecycleHooks: LIFECYCLE_HOOKS_VALUES.filter(hook => hasLifecycleHook(hook, directiveType)), providers: providers, viewProviders: viewProviders, queries: queries, viewQueries: viewQueries }); this._directiveCache.set(directiveType, meta); } return meta; } /** * @param someType a symbol which may or may not be a directive type * @returns {cpl.CompileDirectiveMetadata} if possible, otherwise null. */ maybeGetDirectiveMetadata(someType: Type): cpl.CompileDirectiveMetadata { try { return this.getDirectiveMetadata(someType); } catch (e) { if (e.message.indexOf('No Directive annotation') !== -1) { return null; } throw e; } } getTypeMetadata(type: Type, moduleUrl: string, dependencies: any[] = null): cpl.CompileTypeMetadata { return new cpl.CompileTypeMetadata({ name: this.sanitizeTokenName(type), moduleUrl: moduleUrl, runtime: type, diDeps: this.getDependenciesMetadata(type, dependencies) }); } getFactoryMetadata(factory: Function, moduleUrl: string, dependencies: any[] = null): cpl.CompileFactoryMetadata { return new cpl.CompileFactoryMetadata({ name: this.sanitizeTokenName(factory), moduleUrl: moduleUrl, runtime: factory, diDeps: this.getDependenciesMetadata(factory, dependencies) }); } getPipeMetadata(pipeType: Type): cpl.CompilePipeMetadata { var meta = this._pipeCache.get(pipeType); if (isBlank(meta)) { var pipeMeta = this._pipeResolver.resolve(pipeType); meta = new cpl.CompilePipeMetadata({ type: this.getTypeMetadata(pipeType, staticTypeModuleUrl(pipeType)), name:, pure: pipeMeta.pure, lifecycleHooks: LIFECYCLE_HOOKS_VALUES.filter(hook => hasLifecycleHook(hook, pipeType)), }); this._pipeCache.set(pipeType, meta); } return meta; } getViewDirectivesMetadata(component: Type): cpl.CompileDirectiveMetadata[] { var view = this._viewResolver.resolve(component); var directives = flattenDirectives(view, this._config.platformDirectives); for (var i = 0; i < directives.length; i++) { if (!isValidType(directives[i])) { throw new BaseException( `Unexpected directive value '${stringify(directives[i])}' on the View of component '${stringify(component)}'`); } } return => this.getDirectiveMetadata(type)); } getViewPipesMetadata(component: Type): cpl.CompilePipeMetadata[] { var view = this._viewResolver.resolve(component); var pipes = flattenPipes(view, this._config.platformPipes); for (var i = 0; i < pipes.length; i++) { if (!isValidType(pipes[i])) { throw new BaseException( `Unexpected piped value '${stringify(pipes[i])}' on the View of component '${stringify(component)}'`); } } return => this.getPipeMetadata(type)); } getDependenciesMetadata(typeOrFunc: Type|Function, dependencies: any[]): cpl.CompileDiDependencyMetadata[] { let hasUnknownDeps = false; let params = isPresent(dependencies) ? dependencies : this._reflector.parameters(typeOrFunc); if (isBlank(params)) { params = []; } let dependenciesMetadata: cpl.CompileDiDependencyMetadata[] = => { let isAttribute = false; let isHost = false; let isSelf = false; let isSkipSelf = false; let isOptional = false; let query: QueryMetadata = null; let viewQuery: ViewQueryMetadata = null; var token: any = null; if (isArray(param)) { (param).forEach((paramEntry) => { if (paramEntry instanceof HostMetadata) { isHost = true; } else if (paramEntry instanceof SelfMetadata) { isSelf = true; } else if (paramEntry instanceof SkipSelfMetadata) { isSkipSelf = true; } else if (paramEntry instanceof OptionalMetadata) { isOptional = true; } else if (paramEntry instanceof AttributeMetadata) { isAttribute = true; token = paramEntry.attributeName; } else if (paramEntry instanceof QueryMetadata) { if (paramEntry.isViewQuery) { viewQuery = paramEntry; } else { query = paramEntry; } } else if (paramEntry instanceof InjectMetadata) { token = paramEntry.token; } else if (isValidType(paramEntry) && isBlank(token)) { token = paramEntry; } }); } else { token = param; } if (isBlank(token)) { hasUnknownDeps = true; return null; } return new cpl.CompileDiDependencyMetadata({ isAttribute: isAttribute, isHost: isHost, isSelf: isSelf, isSkipSelf: isSkipSelf, isOptional: isOptional, query: isPresent(query) ? this.getQueryMetadata(query, null, typeOrFunc) : null, viewQuery: isPresent(viewQuery) ? this.getQueryMetadata(viewQuery, null, typeOrFunc) : null, token: this.getTokenMetadata(token) }); }); if (hasUnknownDeps) { let depsTokens = => { return dep ? stringify(dep.token) : '?'; }) .join(', '); throw new BaseException( `Can't resolve all parameters for ${stringify(typeOrFunc)}: (${depsTokens}).`); } return dependenciesMetadata; } getTokenMetadata(token: any): cpl.CompileTokenMetadata { token = resolveForwardRef(token); var compileToken: any /** TODO #9100 */; if (isString(token)) { compileToken = new cpl.CompileTokenMetadata({value: token}); } else { compileToken = new cpl.CompileTokenMetadata({ identifier: new cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata({ runtime: token, name: this.sanitizeTokenName(token), moduleUrl: staticTypeModuleUrl(token) }) }); } return compileToken; } getProvidersMetadata(providers: any[]): Array { return => { provider = resolveForwardRef(provider); if (isArray(provider)) { return this.getProvidersMetadata(provider); } else if (provider instanceof Provider) { return this.getProviderMetadata(provider); } else if (isProviderLiteral(provider)) { return this.getProviderMetadata(createProvider(provider)); } else { return this.getTypeMetadata(provider, staticTypeModuleUrl(provider)); } }); } getProviderMetadata(provider: Provider): cpl.CompileProviderMetadata { var compileDeps: cpl.CompileDiDependencyMetadata[]; var compileTypeMetadata: cpl.CompileTypeMetadata = null; var compileFactoryMetadata: cpl.CompileFactoryMetadata = null; if (isPresent(provider.useClass)) { compileTypeMetadata = this.getTypeMetadata( provider.useClass, staticTypeModuleUrl(provider.useClass), provider.dependencies); compileDeps = compileTypeMetadata.diDeps; } else if (isPresent(provider.useFactory)) { compileFactoryMetadata = this.getFactoryMetadata( provider.useFactory, staticTypeModuleUrl(provider.useFactory), provider.dependencies); compileDeps = compileFactoryMetadata.diDeps; } return new cpl.CompileProviderMetadata({ token: this.getTokenMetadata(provider.token), useClass: compileTypeMetadata, useValue: convertToCompileValue(provider.useValue), useFactory: compileFactoryMetadata, useExisting: isPresent(provider.useExisting) ? this.getTokenMetadata(provider.useExisting) : null, deps: compileDeps, multi: provider.multi }); } getQueriesMetadata( queries: {[key: string]: QueryMetadata}, isViewQuery: boolean, directiveType: Type): cpl.CompileQueryMetadata[] { var compileQueries: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = []; StringMapWrapper.forEach( queries, (query: any /** TODO #9100 */, propertyName: any /** TODO #9100 */) => { if (query.isViewQuery === isViewQuery) { compileQueries.push(this.getQueryMetadata(query, propertyName, directiveType)); } }); return compileQueries; } getQueryMetadata(q: QueryMetadata, propertyName: string, typeOrFunc: Type|Function): cpl.CompileQueryMetadata { var selectors: cpl.CompileTokenMetadata[]; if (q.isVarBindingQuery) { selectors = => this.getTokenMetadata(varName)); } else { if (!isPresent(q.selector)) { throw new BaseException( `Can't construct a query for the property "${propertyName}" of "${stringify(typeOrFunc)}" since the query selector wasn't defined.`); } selectors = [this.getTokenMetadata(q.selector)]; } return new cpl.CompileQueryMetadata({ selectors: selectors, first: q.first, descendants: q.descendants, propertyName: propertyName, read: isPresent( ? this.getTokenMetadata( : null }); } } function flattenDirectives(view: ViewMetadata, platformDirectives: any[]): Type[] { let directives: Type[] = []; if (isPresent(platformDirectives)) { flattenArray(platformDirectives, directives); } if (isPresent(view.directives)) { flattenArray(view.directives, directives); } return directives; } function flattenPipes(view: ViewMetadata, platformPipes: any[]): Type[] { let pipes: Type[] = []; if (isPresent(platformPipes)) { flattenArray(platformPipes, pipes); } if (isPresent(view.pipes)) { flattenArray(view.pipes, pipes); } return pipes; } function flattenArray(tree: any[], out: Array): void { for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var item = resolveForwardRef(tree[i]); if (isArray(item)) { flattenArray(item, out); } else { out.push(item); } } } function isStaticType(value: any): boolean { return isStringMap(value) && isPresent(value['name']) && isPresent(value['filePath']); } function isValidType(value: any): boolean { return isStaticType(value) || (value instanceof Type); } function staticTypeModuleUrl(value: any): string { return isStaticType(value) ? value['filePath'] : null; } function componentModuleUrl( reflector: ReflectorReader, type: any, cmpMetadata: ComponentMetadata): string { if (isStaticType(type)) { return staticTypeModuleUrl(type); } if (isPresent(cmpMetadata.moduleId)) { var moduleId = cmpMetadata.moduleId; var scheme = getUrlScheme(moduleId); return isPresent(scheme) && scheme.length > 0 ? moduleId : `package:${moduleId}${MODULE_SUFFIX}`; } return reflector.importUri(type); } // Only fill CompileIdentifierMetadata.runtime if needed... function convertToCompileValue(value: any): any { return visitValue(value, new _CompileValueConverter(), null); } class _CompileValueConverter extends ValueTransformer { visitOther(value: any, context: any): any { if (isStaticType(value)) { return new cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata( {name: value['name'], moduleUrl: staticTypeModuleUrl(value)}); } else { return new cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata({runtime: value}); } } }