# 3.0.0-beta.2 (2016-06-30) ## Bug Fixes * fix(router): remove private and internal annotations * fix(router): remove the precompile warning # 3.0.0-beta.1 (2016-06-30) ## Features * feat(router): make router links work on non-a tags * feat(router): add pathMatch property to replace terminal * feat(router): use componentFactoryResolver * feat(router): implement data and resolve ## Bug Fixes * fix(router): fix RouterLinkActive to handle the case when the link has extra paths * fix(router): redirect should not add unnecessary brackets * fix(router): reexport router directives * fix(router): make the constructor of the router service public * fix(router): top-levels do not work in ngIf * fix(router): canceled navigations should return a promise that is resolved with false * fix(router): handle empty path with query params * fix(router): preserve fragment on initial load # 3.0.0-alpha.8 (2016-06-24) ## Features * feat(router): add support for componentless routes * feat(router): add UMD bundles ## Bug Fixes * fix(router): handle path:'' redirects and matches * fix(router): wildcard don't get notified on url changes * fix(router): default exact to false in routerLinkActiveOptions * fix(router): doesn't throw on canDeactivate when a route hasn't advanced # 3.0.0-alpha.7 (2016-06-17) ## Features * feat(router): add route config validation * feat(router): do not support paths starting with / * feat(router): drop index property ## Bug Fixes * fix(router): stringify positional parameters when using routerLink * fix(router): change serialize not to require parenthesis in query string to be encoded ## Breaking Changes No longer supporting paths starting with / BEFORE The following two routes were equivalent: { path: '/a', component: ComponentA } { path: 'a', component: ComponentA } AFTER Only the following works: { path: 'a', component: ComponentA } No longer supporting index routs BEFORE The following two routes were equivalent: { path: '', component: ComponentA } { index: true, component: ComponentA } AFTER Only the following works: { path: '', component: ComponentA } # 3.0.0-alpha.6 (2016-06-16)