workspace(name = "angular") # Using a pre-release snapshot to pick up a commit that makes all nodejs_binary # programs produce source-mapped stack traces and uglify sourcemaps. RULES_NODEJS_VERSION = "4303cbef12e5e252ad66cc35cff1123e3a44ee83" http_archive( name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs", url = "" % RULES_NODEJS_VERSION, strip_prefix = "rules_nodejs-%s" % RULES_NODEJS_VERSION, sha256 = "fccb9a7122f339d89c9994dc0fea33c737dd76e66281d0da0cb841da5f1edec7", ) load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:defs.bzl", "check_bazel_version", "node_repositories") check_bazel_version("0.9.0") node_repositories(package_json = ["//:package.json"]) RULES_TYPESCRIPT_VERSION = "d3cc5cd72d89aee0e4c2553ae1b99c707ecbef4e" http_archive( name = "build_bazel_rules_typescript", url = "" % RULES_TYPESCRIPT_VERSION, strip_prefix = "rules_typescript-%s" % RULES_TYPESCRIPT_VERSION, sha256 = "a233fcca41c3e59f639ac71c396edb30e9e9716cf8ed5fb20b51ff8910d5d895", ) load("@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:defs.bzl", "ts_setup_workspace") ts_setup_workspace() local_repository( name = "rxjs", path = "node_modules/rxjs/src", ) # This commit matches the version of buildifier in angular/ngcontainer # If you change this, also check if it matches the version in the angular/ngcontainer # version in /.circleci/config.yml BAZEL_BUILDTOOLS_VERSION = "b3b620e8bcff18ed3378cd3f35ebeb7016d71f71" http_archive( name = "com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools", url = "" % BAZEL_BUILDTOOLS_VERSION, strip_prefix = "buildtools-%s" % BAZEL_BUILDTOOLS_VERSION, sha256 = "dad19224258ed67cbdbae9b7befb785c3b966e5a33b04b3ce58ddb7824b97d73", ) http_archive( name = "io_bazel_rules_go", url = "", sha256 = "341d5eacef704415386974bc82a1783a8b7ffbff2ab6ba02375e1ca20d9b031c", ) load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies", "go_register_toolchains") go_rules_dependencies() go_register_toolchains() # Fetching the Bazel source code allows us to compile the Skylark linter http_archive( name = "io_bazel", url = "", strip_prefix = "bazel-9755c72b48866ed034bd28aa033e9abd27431b1e", sha256 = "5b8443fc3481b5fcd9e7f348e1dd93c1397f78b223623c39eb56494c55f41962", ) # We have a source dependency on the Devkit repository, because it's built with # Bazel. # This allows us to edit sources and have the effect appear immediately without # re-packaging or "npm link"ing. # Even better, things like aspects will visit the entire graph including # ts_library rules in the devkit repository. http_archive( name = "angular_devkit", url = "", strip_prefix = "devkit-0.3.1", sha256 = "31d4b597fe9336650acf13df053c1c84dcbe9c29c6a833bcac3819cd3fd8cad3", ) http_archive( name = "org_brotli", url = "", strip_prefix = "brotli-1.0.2", sha256 = "b43d5d6bc40f2fa6c785b738d86c6bbe022732fe25196ebbe43b9653a025920d", )