package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:defs.bzl", "ts_config") exports_files(["tsconfig.json"]) ts_config( name = "tsconfig-test", src = "tsconfig-test.json", deps = ["tsconfig.json"], ) # The toolchain container used for execution is defined in the target indicated # by "extra_execution_platforms", "host_platform" and "platforms". # If you are using your own toolchain container, you need to create a platform # target with "constraint_values" that allow for the toolchain specified with # "extra_toolchains" to be selected (given constraints defined in # "exec_compatible_with"). # More about platforms: platform( name = "rbe_ubuntu1604-angular", constraint_values = [ "@bazel_tools//platforms:x86_64", "@bazel_tools//platforms:linux", "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:clang", "@bazel_toolchains//constraints:xenial", ], # We are currently using the docker container image provided by RBE. Once # Angular has the billing account setup, we should start using/maintaining # our own docker container image. remote_execution_properties = """ properties: { name: "container-image" value:"docker://" } properties: { name: "dockerAddCapabilities" value: "SYS_ADMIN" } """, )