// This will be nicer once we switch to Ng2. For now, define a singleton. var NgIoUtil = (function () { function NgIoUtil() { } NgIoUtil.isDoc = function ($location, lang) { var loc = $location.absUrl(); return loc.includes('/docs/' + lang + '/'); }; // The following util functions are adapted from _utils-fn.jade. // Note that basename(), etc doesn't quite follow // https://nodejs.org/api/path.html // but it suits our purpose for now. NgIoUtil.adjustTsExamplePathForDart = function (_path) { /* Convert a TS example path into a Dart example path. E.g., * * - app/main.ts -> web/main.dart * - displaying-data/ts/app/app.component.2.ts -> displaying-data/dart/lib/app_component.dart * * Notice that the '.2' is dropped from the name. */ if (!_path) return _path; var path = _path.trim(); var folder = NgIoUtil.folderName(path); var ext = NgIoUtil.extname(path); var baseNameNoExt = NgIoUtil.basename(path, ext); var inWebFolder = baseNameNoExt.match(/^(main|index)(\.\d)?$/); // Adjust the folder path, e.g., '/ts/' -> '/dart/' folder = folder .replace(/(^|\/)ts($|\/)/, '$1dart$2') .replace(/(^|\/)app($|\/)/, inWebFolder ? '$1web$2' : '$1lib$2'); // Special case not handled above: e.g., index.html -> web/index.html if (baseNameNoExt.match(/^(index|styles)(\.\d)?$/) && !folder.match(/web$/)) folder = (folder ? folder + '/' : '') + 'web'; // In file name, replace special characters with underscore baseNameNoExt = baseNameNoExt.replace(/[\-\.]/g, '_'); // Adjust the file extension if (ext == '.ts') ext = '.dart'; return (folder ? folder + '/' : '') + baseNameNoExt + ext; }; NgIoUtil.extname = function (path) { var i = path.lastIndexOf('.'); return i > 0 ? path.substr(i) : ''; }; NgIoUtil.basename = function (path, optExt) { var i = path.lastIndexOf('/'); var name = i > 0 ? path.substr(i + 1) : path; if (optExt) name = name.substr(0, name.length - optExt.length); return name; }; NgIoUtil.folderName = function (path) { var i = path.lastIndexOf('/'); return i > 0 ? path.substr(0, i) : ''; }; NgIoUtil._exampleName = ''; // example name is unique to a page; e.g., toh-1 NgIoUtil.setExampleName = function (name) { // Adjust name for known cases where chapter name is not the example name. var matches = name.match(/(toh-)pt(\d+)/); if (matches) name = matches[1] + matches[2]; NgIoUtil._exampleName = name; } NgIoUtil.getExampleName = function ($location) { if (!NgIoUtil._exampleName) { // TODO: use $location.path() instead(?). It seems to be empty. var loc = $location.absUrl(); // E.g., https://example.com/docs/dart/latest/guide/displaying-data.html var matches = loc.match(/.*\/([\w\-]+)(\.html)?/); if (matches) NgIoUtil.setExampleName(matches[1]); // cache name } return NgIoUtil._exampleName; }; return NgIoUtil; } ());