const path = require('canonical-path'); const Dgeni = require('dgeni'); const testPackage = require('../../helpers/test-package'); const mockLogger = require('dgeni/lib/mocks/log')(false); const processorFactory = require('./generateKeywords'); const mockReadFilesProcessor = { basePath: 'base/path' }; const ignoreWords = require(path.resolve(__dirname, '../ignore-words'))['en']; function createProcessor() { const processor = processorFactory(mockLogger, mockReadFilesProcessor); processor.ignoreWords = ignoreWords; return processor; } describe('generateKeywords processor', () => { it('should be available on the injector', () => { const dgeni = new Dgeni([testPackage('angular-base-package')]); const injector = dgeni.configureInjector(); const processor = injector.get('generateKeywordsProcessor'); expect(processor.$process).toBeDefined(); }); it('should run after the correct processor', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); expect(processor.$runAfter).toEqual(['postProcessHtml']); }); it('should run before the correct processor', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); expect(processor.$runBefore).toEqual(['writing-files']); }); it('should ignore internal and private exports', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); const docs = [ { docType: 'class', name: 'PublicExport' }, { docType: 'class', name: 'PrivateExport', privateExport: true }, { docType: 'class', name: 'InternalExport', internal: true } ]; processor.$process(docs); expect(docs[docs.length - 1].data.pages).toEqual([ jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'PublicExport', type: 'class' }) ]); }); it('should ignore docs that are in the `docTypesToIgnore` list', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); processor.docTypesToIgnore = ['interface']; const docs = [ { docType: 'class', name: 'Class' }, { docType: 'interface', name: 'Interface' }, { docType: 'content', name: 'Guide' }, ]; processor.$process(docs); expect(docs[docs.length - 1].data.pages).toEqual([ jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'Class', type: 'class' }), jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'Guide', type: 'content' }), ]); }); it('should not collect keywords from properties that are in the `propertiesToIgnore` list', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); processor.propertiesToIgnore = ['docType', 'ignore']; const docs = [ { docType: 'class', name: 'FooClass', ignore: 'ignore this content' }, { docType: 'interface', name: 'BarInterface', capture: 'capture this content' }, ]; processor.$process(docs); expect(docs[docs.length - 1].data).toEqual({ dictionary: [ 'fooclass', 'barinterfac', 'captur', 'content' ], pages: [ jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'FooClass', type: 'class', keywords: [0] }), jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'BarInterface', type: 'interface', keywords: [1, 2, 3] }), ], }); }); it('should not collect keywords that look like HTML tags', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); const docs = [ { docType: 'class', name: 'FooClass', content: `
Content inside a table
` }, ]; processor.$process(docs); expect(docs[docs.length - 1].data).toEqual({ dictionary: ['class', 'fooclass', 'content', 'insid', 'tabl'], pages: [ jasmine.objectContaining({keywords: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }) ], }); }); it('should compute `doc.searchTitle` from the doc properties if not already provided', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); const docs = [ { docType: 'class', name: 'A', searchTitle: 'searchTitle A', title: 'title A', vFile: { headings: { h1: ['vFile A'] } } }, { docType: 'class', name: 'B', title: 'title B', vFile: { headings: { h1: ['vFile B'] } } }, { docType: 'class', name: 'C', vFile: { title: 'vFile C', headings: { h1: ['vFile C'] } } }, { docType: 'class', name: 'D' }, ]; processor.$process(docs); expect(docs[docs.length - 1].data.pages).toEqual([ jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'searchTitle A' }), jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'title B' }), jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'vFile C' }), jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'D' }), ]); }); it('should use `doc.searchTitle` as the title in the search index', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); const docs = [ { docType: 'class', name: 'PublicExport', searchTitle: 'class PublicExport' }, ]; processor.$process(docs); const keywordsDoc = docs[docs.length - 1]; expect([ jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'class PublicExport', type: 'class' }) ]); }); it('should add heading words to the search terms', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); const docs = [ { docType: 'class', name: 'PublicExport', searchTitle: 'class PublicExport', vFile: { headings: { h2: ['Important heading', 'Secondary heading'] } } }, ]; processor.$process(docs); const keywordsDoc = docs[docs.length - 1]; expect({ dictionary: ['class', 'publicexport', 'head', 'secondari'], pages: [ jasmine.objectContaining({ headings: [2, 3, 2] }) ] }); }); it('should add member doc properties to the search terms', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); const docs = [ { docType: 'class', name: 'PublicExport', searchTitle: 'class PublicExport', vFile: { headings: { h2: ['heading A'] } }, content: 'Some content with ngClass in it.', members: [ { name: 'instanceMethodA' }, { name: 'instancePropertyA' }, { name: 'instanceMethodB' }, { name: 'instancePropertyB' }, ], statics: [ { name: 'staticMethodA' }, { name: 'staticPropertyA' }, { name: 'staticMethodB' }, { name: 'staticPropertyB' }, ], }, ]; processor.$process(docs); const keywordsDoc = docs[docs.length - 1]; expect({ dictionary: ['class', 'publicexport', 'content', 'ngclass', 'instancemethoda','instancepropertya','instancemethodb','instancepropertyb','staticmethoda','staticpropertya','staticmethodb','staticpropertyb', 'head'], pages: [ jasmine.objectContaining({ members: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] }) ] }); }); it('should add inherited member doc properties to the search terms', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); const parentClass = { docType: 'class', name: 'ParentClass', members: [ { name: 'parentMember1' }, ], statics: [ { name: 'parentMember2' }, ], }; const parentInterface = { docType: 'interface', name: 'ParentInterface', members: [ { name: 'parentMember3' }, ] }; const childClass = { docType: 'class', name: 'Child', members: [ { name: 'childMember1' } ], statics: [ { name: 'childMember2' } ], extendsClauses: [{ doc: parentClass }], implementsClauses: [{ doc: parentInterface }] }; const docs = [childClass, parentClass, parentInterface]; processor.$process(docs); const keywordsDoc = docs[docs.length - 1]; expect({ dictionary: ['class', 'child', 'childmember1', 'childmember2', 'parentmember1', 'parentmember2', 'parentmember3', 'parentclass', 'interfac', 'parentinterfac'], pages: [ jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'Child', members: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] }), jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'ParentClass', members: [4, 5] }), jasmine.objectContaining({ title: 'ParentInterface', members: [6] }) ] }); }); it('should include both stripped and unstripped "ng" prefixed tokens', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); const docs = [ { docType: 'class', name: 'PublicExport', searchTitle: 'ngController', vFile: { headings: { h2: ['ngModel'] } }, content: 'Some content with ngClass in it.' }, ]; processor.$process(docs); const keywordsDoc = docs[docs.length - 1]; expect({ dictionary: ['class', 'publicexport', 'ngcontrol', 'control', 'content', 'ngclass', 'ngmodel', 'model'], pages: [ jasmine.objectContaining({ headings: [6, 7], keywords: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0], }) ], }); }); it('should generate compressed encoded renderedContent property', () => { const processor = createProcessor(); const docs = [ { docType: 'class', name: 'SomeClass', description: 'The is the documentation for the SomeClass API.', vFile: { headings: { h1: ['SomeClass'], h2: ['Some heading'] } } }, { docType: 'class', name: 'SomeClass2', description: 'description', members: [ { name: 'member1' }, ], deprecated: true }, ]; processor.$process(docs); const keywordsDoc = docs[docs.length - 1]; expect(JSON.parse(keywordsDoc.renderedContent)).toEqual({ dictionary: ['class', 'someclass', 'document', 'api', 'head', 'someclass2', 'descript', 'member1'], pages: [{ 'title':'SomeClass', 'type':'class', 'headings': [1, 4], 'keywords': [0, 1, 2, 1, 3], }, { 'title':'SomeClass2', 'type':'class', 'keywords': [0, 5, 6], 'members': [7], 'deprecated': true, }] }); }); });