{ "_listtype": "ordered", "index": { "title": "Developer Guides" }, "cheatsheet": { "title": "Angular Cheat Sheet" }, "displaying-data": { "title": "Displaying Data", "intro": "In Angular, we display data by binding component properties to elements in HTML templates using interpolation and other forms of Property Binding." }, "user-input": { "title": "User Input", "intro": "User input triggers DOM events. We listen to those events with EventBindings that funnel updated values back into our components and models." }, "forms": { "title": "Forms", "intro": "A form creates a cohesive, effective, and compelling data entry experience. An Angular form coordinates a set of data-bound user controls, tracks changes, validates input, and presents errors." }, "pipes": { "title": "Pipes", "intro": "Pipes transform displayed values within a template" }, "template-syntax": { "title": "Template Syntax", "intro": "How to write templates that display data and consume user events with the help of data binding." }, "dependency-injection": { "title": "Dependency Injection", "intro": "Angular's dependency injection system creates and delivers dependent services \"just-in-time\"." }, "hierarchical-dependency-injection": { "title": "Hierarchical Injectors", "intro": "Angular's hierarchical dependency injection system supports nested injectors in parallel with the component tree." }, "glossary": { "title": "Glossary", "intro": "Brief definitions of the most important words in the Angular 2 vocabulary" } }