const visit = require('unist-util-visit-parents'); const is = require('hast-util-is-element'); const textContent = require('hast-util-to-string'); /** * Automatically add in a link to the relevant document for code blocks. * E.g. `MyClass` becomes `MyClass` * * @property docTypes an array of strings. * Only docs that have one of these docTypes will be linked to. * Usually set to the API exported docTypes, e.g. "class", "function", "directive", etc. * * @property customFilters array of functions `(docs, words, wordIndex) => docs` that will filter * out docs where a word should not link to a doc. * - `docs` is the array of docs that match the link `word` * - `words` is the collection of words parsed from the code text * - `wordIndex` is the index of the current `word` for which we are finding a link * * @property codeElements an array of strings. * Only text contained in these elements will be linked to. * Usually set to "code" but also "code-example" for */ module.exports = function autoLinkCode(getDocFromAlias) { autoLinkCodeImpl.docTypes = []; autoLinkCodeImpl.customFilters = []; autoLinkCodeImpl.codeElements = ['code']; return autoLinkCodeImpl; function autoLinkCodeImpl() { return (ast) => { visit(ast, 'element', (node, ancestors) => { // Only interested in code elements that are not inside links if (autoLinkCodeImpl.codeElements.some(elementType => is(node, elementType)) && (! ||'no-auto-link') === -1) && ancestors.every(ancestor => !is(ancestor, 'a'))) { visit(node, 'text', (node, ancestors) => { // Only interested in text nodes that are not inside links if (ancestors.every(ancestor => !is(ancestor, 'a'))) { const parent = ancestors[ancestors.length - 1]; const index = parent.children.indexOf(node); // Can we convert the whole text node into a doc link? const docs = getDocFromAlias(node.value); if (foundValidDoc(docs)) { parent.children.splice(index, 1, createLinkNode(docs[0], node.value)); } else { // Parse the text for words that we can convert to links const nodes = textContent(node).split(/([A-Za-z0-9_.-]+)/) .filter(word => word.length) .map((word, index, words) => { // remove docs that fail the custom filter tests const filteredDocs = autoLinkCodeImpl.customFilters.reduce((docs, filter) => filter(docs, words, index), getDocFromAlias(word)); return foundValidDoc(filteredDocs) ? createLinkNode(filteredDocs[0], word) : // Create a link wrapping the text node. { type: 'text', value: word }; // this is just text so push a new text node }); // Replace the text node with the links and leftover text nodes Array.prototype.splice.apply(parent.children, [index, 1].concat(nodes)); } } }); } }); }; } function foundValidDoc(docs) { return docs.length === 1 && !docs[0].internal && autoLinkCodeImpl.docTypes.indexOf(docs[0].docType) !== -1; } function createLinkNode(doc, text) { return { type: 'element', tagName: 'a', properties: { href: doc.path, class: 'code-anchor' }, children: [{ type: 'text', value: text }] }; } };