var testPackage = require('../../helpers/test-package'); var Dgeni = require('dgeni'); describe('convertToJson processor', () => { var dgeni, injector, processor, log; beforeEach(function() { dgeni = new Dgeni([testPackage('angular-base-package')]); injector = dgeni.configureInjector(); processor = injector.get('convertToJsonProcessor'); log = injector.get('log'); processor.docTypes = ['test-doc']; }); it('should be part of the dgeni package', () => { expect(processor).toBeDefined(); }); it('should convert the renderedContent to JSON', () => { const docs = [{ docType: 'test-doc', title: 'The Title', name: 'The Name', path: 'test/doc', renderedContent: 'Some Content' }]; processor.$process(docs); expect(JSON.parse(docs[0].renderedContent).id).toEqual('test/doc'); expect(JSON.parse(docs[0].renderedContent).title).toEqual('The Title'); expect(JSON.parse(docs[0].renderedContent).contents).toEqual('Some Content'); }); it('should get the title from name if no title is specified', () => { const docs = [{ docType: 'test-doc', name: 'The Name' }]; processor.$process(docs); expect(JSON.parse(docs[0].renderedContent).title).toEqual('The Name'); }); it('should accept an empty title', () => { const docs = [{ docType: 'test-doc', title: '' }]; processor.$process(docs); expect(JSON.parse(docs[0].renderedContent).title).toEqual(''); expect(log.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should accept an empty name if title is not provided', () => { const docs = [{ docType: 'test-doc', name: '' }]; processor.$process(docs); expect(JSON.parse(docs[0].renderedContent).title).toEqual(''); expect(log.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should get the title from the title extracted from the h1 in the rendered content if no title property is specified', () => { const docs = [{ docType: 'test-doc', vFile: { title: 'Some title' }, renderedContent: '