/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {SpawnSyncOptions, SpawnSyncReturns} from 'child_process'; import * as parseArgs from 'minimist'; import {SemVer} from 'semver'; import {NgDevConfig} from '../config'; import {AuthenticatedGitClient} from '../git/authenticated-git-client'; import {GitClient} from '../git/git-client'; /** * Temporary directory which will be used as project directory in tests. Note that * this environment variable is automatically set by Bazel for tests. */ export const testTmpDir: string = process.env['TEST_TMPDIR']!; /** A mock instance of a configuration for the ng-dev toolset for default testing. */ export const mockNgDevConfig: NgDevConfig = { github: { name: 'name', owner: 'owner', } }; /** Type describing a Git head. */ interface GitHead { /** Name of the head. Not defined in a detached state. */ branch?: string; /** Ref associated with this head. i.e. the remote base of this head. */ ref?: RemoteRef; /** List of commits added to this head (on top of the ref's base). */ newCommits: Commit[]; } /** Type describing a remote Git ref. */ export interface RemoteRef { /** Name of the reference. */ name: string; /** Repository containing this ref. */ repoUrl: string; } /** Type describing a Git commit. */ export interface Commit { /** Commit message. */ message: string; /** List of files included in this commit. */ files: string[]; } /** * Virtual git client that mocks Git commands and keeps track of the repository state * in memory. This allows for convenient test assertions with Git interactions. */ export class VirtualGitClient extends AuthenticatedGitClient { static createInstance(config = mockNgDevConfig, tmpDir = testTmpDir): VirtualGitClient { return new VirtualGitClient('abc123', tmpDir, config); } /** Current Git HEAD that has been previously fetched. */ fetchHeadRef: RemoteRef|null = null; /** List of known branches in the repository. */ branches: {[branchName: string]: GitHead} = {master: {branch: 'master', newCommits: []}}; /** Current checked out HEAD in the repository. */ head: GitHead = this.branches['master']; /** List of pushed heads to a given remote ref. */ pushed: {remote: RemoteRef, head: GitHead}[] = []; /** * Override the actual GitClient getLatestSemverTag, as an actual tag cannot be retrieved in * testing. */ getLatestSemverTag() { return new SemVer('0.0.0'); } /** Override for the actual Git client command execution. */ runGraceful(args: string[], options: SpawnSyncOptions = {}): SpawnSyncReturns { const [command, ...rawArgs] = args; switch (command) { case 'push': this._push(rawArgs); break; case 'fetch': this._fetch(rawArgs); break; case 'checkout': this._checkout(rawArgs); break; case 'commit': this._commit(rawArgs); break; } // Return a fake spawn sync return value. We error non-gracefully if any command fails // in the tests, so we always return success and stub out the `SpawnSyncReturns` type. return {status: 0, stderr: '', output: [], pid: -1, signal: null, stdout: ''}; } /** Handler for the `git push` command. */ private _push(args: string[]) { const [repoUrl, refspec] = parseArgs(args)._; const ref = this._unwrapRefspec(refspec); const name = ref.destination || ref.source; const existingPush = this.pushed.find(({remote}) => remote.repoUrl === repoUrl && remote.name === name); const pushedHead = this._cloneHead(this.head); // Either, update a previously pushed branch, or keep track of a newly // performed branch push. We don't respect the `--force` flag. if (existingPush !== undefined) { existingPush.head = pushedHead; } else { this.pushed.push({remote: {repoUrl, name}, head: pushedHead}); } } /** Handler for the `git commit` command. */ private _commit(rawArgs: string[]) { const args = parseArgs(rawArgs, {string: ['m', 'message']}); const message = args['m'] || args['message']; const files = args._; if (!message) { throw Error('No commit message has been specified.'); } this.head.newCommits.push({message, files}); } /** Handler for the `git fetch` command. */ private _fetch(rawArgs: string[]) { const args = parseArgs(rawArgs, {boolean: ['f', 'force', 'q', 'quiet']}); const [repoUrl, refspec] = args._; const force = args['f'] || args['force']; const ref = this._unwrapRefspec(refspec); // Keep track of the fetch head, so that it can be checked out // later in a detached state. this.fetchHeadRef = {name: ref.source, repoUrl}; // If a destination has been specified in the ref spec, add it to the // list of available local branches. if (ref.destination) { if (this.branches[ref.destination] && !force) { throw Error('Cannot override existing local branch when fetching.'); } this.branches[ref.destination] = { branch: ref.destination, ref: this.fetchHeadRef, newCommits: [], }; } } /** Handler for the `git checkout` command. */ private _checkout(rawArgs: string[]) { const args = parseArgs(rawArgs, {boolean: ['detach', 'B']}); const createBranch = args['B']; const detached = args['detach']; const [target] = args._; if (target === 'FETCH_HEAD') { if (this.fetchHeadRef === null) { throw Error('Unexpectedly trying to check out "FETCH_HEAD". Not fetch head set.'); } this.head = {ref: this.fetchHeadRef, newCommits: []}; } else if (this.branches[target]) { this.head = this._cloneHead(this.branches[target], detached); } else if (createBranch) { this.head = this.branches[target] = {branch: target, ...this._cloneHead(this.head, detached)}; } else { throw Error(`Unexpected branch checked out: ${target}`); } } /** * Unwraps a refspec into the base and target ref names. * https://git-scm.com/docs/git-fetch#Documentation/git-fetch.txt-ltrefspecgt. */ private _unwrapRefspec(refspec: string): {source: string, destination?: string} { const [source, destination] = refspec.split(':'); if (!destination) { return {source}; } else { return {source, destination}; } } /** Clones the specified Git head with respect to the detached flag. */ private _cloneHead(head: GitHead, detached = false): GitHead { return { branch: detached ? undefined : head.branch, ref: head.ref, newCommits: [...head.newCommits], }; } } export function installVirtualGitClientSpies(mockInstance = VirtualGitClient.createInstance()) { spyOn(GitClient, 'get').and.returnValue(mockInstance); spyOn(AuthenticatedGitClient, 'get').and.returnValue(mockInstance); }