import { ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach, el, AsyncTestCompleter, inject } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {ControlGroup, Control, ControlArray, Validators} from 'angular2/forms'; import {ObservableWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async'; import {ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; export function main() { describe("Form Model", () => { describe("Control", () => { describe("validator", () => { it("should run validator with the initial value", () => { var c = new Control("value", Validators.required); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); }); it("should rerun the validator when the value changes", () => { var c = new Control("value", Validators.required); c.updateValue(null); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); }); it("should return errors", () => { var c = new Control(null, Validators.required); expect(c.errors).toEqual({"required": true}); }); }); describe("pristine", () => { it("should be true after creating a control", () => { var c = new Control("value"); expect(c.pristine).toEqual(true); }); it("should be false after changing the value of the control", () => { var c = new Control("value"); c.updateValue("new value"); expect(c.pristine).toEqual(false); }); }); describe("dirty", () => { it("should be false after creating a control", () => { var c = new Control("value"); expect(c.dirty).toEqual(false); }); it("should be true after changing the value of the control", () => { var c = new Control("value"); c.updateValue("new value"); expect(c.dirty).toEqual(true); }); }); describe("valueChanges", () => { var c; beforeEach(() => { c = new Control("old"); }); it("should fire an event after the value has been updated", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { ObservableWrapper.subscribe(c.valueChanges, (value) => { expect(c.value).toEqual('new'); expect(value).toEqual('new'); async.done(); }); c.updateValue("new"); })); it("should return a cold observable", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { c.updateValue("will be ignored"); ObservableWrapper.subscribe(c.valueChanges, (value) => { expect(value).toEqual('new'); async.done(); }); c.updateValue("new"); })); }); }); describe("ControlGroup", () => { describe("value", () => { it("should be the reduced value of the child controls", () => { var g = new ControlGroup({"one": new Control("111"), "two": new Control("222")}); expect(g.value).toEqual({"one": "111", "two": "222"}); }); it("should be empty when there are no child controls", () => { var g = new ControlGroup({}); expect(g.value).toEqual({}); }); it("should support nested groups", () => { var g = new ControlGroup({ "one": new Control("111"), "nested": new ControlGroup({"two": new Control("222")}) }); expect(g.value).toEqual({"one": "111", "nested": {"two": "222"}}); g.controls["nested"].controls["two"].updateValue("333"); expect(g.value).toEqual({"one": "111", "nested": {"two": "333"}}); }); }); describe("validator", () => { it("should run the validator with the initial value (valid)", () => { var g = new ControlGroup({"one": new Control('value', Validators.required)}); expect(g.valid).toEqual(true); expect(g.errors).toEqual(null); }); it("should run the validator with the initial value (invalid)", () => { var one = new Control(null, Validators.required); var g = new ControlGroup({"one": one}); expect(g.valid).toEqual(false); expect(g.errors).toEqual({"required": [one]}); }); it("should run the validator with the value changes", () => { var c = new Control(null, Validators.required); var g = new ControlGroup({"one": c}); c.updateValue("some value"); expect(g.valid).toEqual(true); expect(g.errors).toEqual(null); }); }); describe("pristine", () => { it("should be true after creating a control", () => { var c = new Control('value'); var g = new ControlGroup({"one": c}); expect(g.pristine).toEqual(true); }); it("should be false after changing the value of the control", () => { var c = new Control('value'); var g = new ControlGroup({"one": c}); c.updateValue('new value'); expect(g.pristine).toEqual(false); }); }); describe("optional components", () => { describe("contains", () => { var group; beforeEach(() => { group = new ControlGroup( { "required": new Control("requiredValue"), "optional": new Control("optionalValue") }, {"optional": false}); }); // rename contains into has it("should return false when the component is not included", () => { expect(group.contains("optional")).toEqual(false); }) it("should return false when there is no component with the given name", () => { expect(group.contains("something else")).toEqual(false); }); it("should return true when the component is included", () => { expect(group.contains("required")).toEqual(true); group.include("optional"); expect(group.contains("optional")).toEqual(true); }); }); it("should not include an inactive component into the group value", () => { var group = new ControlGroup( {"required": new Control("requiredValue"), "optional": new Control("optionalValue")}, {"optional": false}); expect(group.value).toEqual({"required": "requiredValue"}); group.include("optional"); expect(group.value).toEqual({"required": "requiredValue", "optional": "optionalValue"}); }); it("should not run Validators on an inactive component", () => { var group = new ControlGroup( { "required": new Control("requiredValue", Validators.required), "optional": new Control("", Validators.required) }, {"optional": false}); expect(group.valid).toEqual(true); group.include("optional"); expect(group.valid).toEqual(false); }); describe("valueChanges", () => { var g, c1, c2; beforeEach(() => { c1 = new Control("old1"); c2 = new Control("old2"); g = new ControlGroup({"one": c1, "two": c2}, {"two": true}); }); it("should fire an event after the value has been updated", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { ObservableWrapper.subscribe(g.valueChanges, (value) => { expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'new1', 'two': 'old2'}); expect(value).toEqual({'one': 'new1', 'two': 'old2'}); async.done(); }); c1.updateValue("new1"); })); it("should fire an event after the control's observable fired an event", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var controlCallbackIsCalled = false; ObservableWrapper.subscribe(c1.valueChanges, (value) => { controlCallbackIsCalled = true; }); ObservableWrapper.subscribe(g.valueChanges, (value) => { expect(controlCallbackIsCalled).toBe(true); async.done(); }); c1.updateValue("new1"); })); it("should fire an event when a control is excluded", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { ObservableWrapper.subscribe(g.valueChanges, (value) => { expect(value).toEqual({'one': 'old1'}); async.done(); }); g.exclude("two"); })); it("should fire an event when a control is included", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { g.exclude("two"); ObservableWrapper.subscribe(g.valueChanges, (value) => { expect(value).toEqual({'one': 'old1', 'two': 'old2'}); async.done(); }); g.include("two"); })); it("should fire an event every time a control is updated", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var loggedValues = []; ObservableWrapper.subscribe(g.valueChanges, (value) => { ListWrapper.push(loggedValues, value); if (loggedValues.length == 2) { expect(loggedValues) .toEqual([{"one": "new1", "two": "old2"}, {"one": "new1", "two": "new2"}]) async.done(); } }); c1.updateValue("new1"); c2.updateValue("new2"); })); xit("should not fire an event when an excluded control is updated", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { // hard to test without hacking zones })); }); }); describe("ControlArray", () => { describe("adding/removing", () => { var a; var c1, c2, c3; beforeEach(() => { a = new ControlArray([]); c1 = new Control(1); c2 = new Control(2); c3 = new Control(3); }); it("should support pushing", () => { a.push(c1); expect(a.length).toEqual(1); expect(a.controls).toEqual([c1]); }); it("should support removing", () => { a.push(c1); a.push(c2); a.push(c3); a.removeAt(1); expect(a.controls).toEqual([c1, c3]); }); it("should support inserting", () => { a.push(c1); a.push(c3); a.insert(1, c2); expect(a.controls).toEqual([c1, c2, c3]); }); }); describe("value", () => { it("should be the reduced value of the child controls", () => { var a = new ControlArray([new Control(1), new Control(2)]); expect(a.value).toEqual([1, 2]); }); it("should be an empty array when there are no child controls", () => { var a = new ControlArray([]); expect(a.value).toEqual([]); }); }); describe("validator", () => { it("should run the validator with the initial value (valid)", () => { var a = new ControlArray( [new Control(1, Validators.required), new Control(2, Validators.required)]); expect(a.valid).toBe(true); expect(a.errors).toBe(null); }); it("should run the validator with the initial value (invalid)", () => { var a = new ControlArray([ new Control(1, Validators.required), new Control(null, Validators.required), new Control(2, Validators.required) ]); expect(a.valid).toBe(false); expect(a.errors).toEqual({"required": [a.controls[1]]}); }); it("should run the validator when the value changes", () => { var a = new ControlArray([]); var c = new Control(null, Validators.required); a.push(c); expect(a.valid).toBe(false); c.updateValue("some value"); expect(a.valid).toBe(true); expect(a.errors).toBe(null); }); }); describe("pristine", () => { it("should be true after creating a control", () => { var a = new ControlArray([new Control(1)]); expect(a.pristine).toBe(true); }); it("should be false after changing the value of the control", () => { var c = new Control(1); var a = new ControlArray([c]); c.updateValue('new value'); expect(a.pristine).toEqual(false); }); }); describe("valueChanges", () => { var a, c1, c2; beforeEach(() => { c1 = new Control("old1"); c2 = new Control("old2"); a = new ControlArray([c1, c2]); }); it("should fire an event after the value has been updated", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { ObservableWrapper.subscribe(a.valueChanges, (value) => { expect(a.value).toEqual(['new1', 'old2']); expect(value).toEqual(['new1', 'old2']); async.done(); }); c1.updateValue("new1"); })); it("should fire an event after the control's observable fired an event", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var controlCallbackIsCalled = false; ObservableWrapper.subscribe(c1.valueChanges, (value) => { controlCallbackIsCalled = true; }); ObservableWrapper.subscribe(a.valueChanges, (value) => { expect(controlCallbackIsCalled).toBe(true); async.done(); }); c1.updateValue("new1"); })); it("should fire an event when a control is removed", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { ObservableWrapper.subscribe(a.valueChanges, (value) => { expect(value).toEqual(['old1']); async.done(); }); a.removeAt(1); })); it("should fire an event when a control is added", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { a.removeAt(1); ObservableWrapper.subscribe(a.valueChanges, (value) => { expect(value).toEqual(['old1', 'old2']); async.done(); }); a.push(c2); })); }); }); }); }); }