import {resolveForwardRef, Injectable, DirectiveMetadata, ComponentMetadata, InputMetadata, OutputMetadata, HostBindingMetadata, HostListenerMetadata, ContentChildrenMetadata, ViewChildrenMetadata, ContentChildMetadata, ViewChildMetadata,} from '@angular/core'; import {ReflectorReader, reflector} from '../core_private'; import {Type, isPresent, stringify} from '../src/facade/lang'; import {BaseException} from '../src/facade/exceptions'; import {ListWrapper, StringMapWrapper} from '../src/facade/collection'; function _isDirectiveMetadata(type: any): boolean { return type instanceof DirectiveMetadata; } /* * Resolve a `Type` for {@link DirectiveMetadata}. * * This interface can be overridden by the application developer to create custom behavior. * * See {@link Compiler} */ @Injectable() export class DirectiveResolver { private _reflector: ReflectorReader; constructor(_reflector?: ReflectorReader) { if (isPresent(_reflector)) { this._reflector = _reflector; } else { this._reflector = reflector; } } /** * Return {@link DirectiveMetadata} for a given `Type`. */ resolve(type: Type): DirectiveMetadata { var typeMetadata = this._reflector.annotations(resolveForwardRef(type)); if (isPresent(typeMetadata)) { var metadata = typeMetadata.find(_isDirectiveMetadata); if (isPresent(metadata)) { var propertyMetadata = this._reflector.propMetadata(type); return this._mergeWithPropertyMetadata(metadata, propertyMetadata, type); } } throw new BaseException(`No Directive annotation found on ${stringify(type)}`); } private _mergeWithPropertyMetadata( dm: DirectiveMetadata, propertyMetadata: {[key: string]: any[]}, directiveType: Type): DirectiveMetadata { var inputs: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = []; var outputs: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = []; var host: {[key: string]: string} = {}; var queries: {[key: string]: any} = {}; StringMapWrapper.forEach(propertyMetadata, (metadata: any[], propName: string) => { metadata.forEach(a => { if (a instanceof InputMetadata) { if (isPresent(a.bindingPropertyName)) { inputs.push(`${propName}: ${a.bindingPropertyName}`); } else { inputs.push(propName); } } if (a instanceof OutputMetadata) { if (isPresent(a.bindingPropertyName)) { outputs.push(`${propName}: ${a.bindingPropertyName}`); } else { outputs.push(propName); } } if (a instanceof HostBindingMetadata) { if (isPresent(a.hostPropertyName)) { host[`[${a.hostPropertyName}]`] = propName; } else { host[`[${propName}]`] = propName; } } if (a instanceof HostListenerMetadata) { var args = isPresent(a.args) ? (a.args).join(', ') : ''; host[`(${a.eventName})`] = `${propName}(${args})`; } if (a instanceof ContentChildrenMetadata) { queries[propName] = a; } if (a instanceof ViewChildrenMetadata) { queries[propName] = a; } if (a instanceof ContentChildMetadata) { queries[propName] = a; } if (a instanceof ViewChildMetadata) { queries[propName] = a; } }); }); return this._merge(dm, inputs, outputs, host, queries, directiveType); } private _merge( dm: DirectiveMetadata, inputs: string[], outputs: string[], host: {[key: string]: string}, queries: {[key: string]: any}, directiveType: Type): DirectiveMetadata { var mergedInputs = isPresent(dm.inputs) ? ListWrapper.concat(dm.inputs, inputs) : inputs; var mergedOutputs: any /** TODO #9100 */; if (isPresent(dm.outputs)) { dm.outputs.forEach((propName: string) => { if (ListWrapper.contains(outputs, propName)) { throw new BaseException( `Output event '${propName}' defined multiple times in '${stringify(directiveType)}'`); } }); mergedOutputs = ListWrapper.concat(dm.outputs, outputs); } else { mergedOutputs = outputs; } var mergedHost = isPresent( ? StringMapWrapper.merge(, host) : host; var mergedQueries = isPresent(dm.queries) ? StringMapWrapper.merge(dm.queries, queries) : queries; if (dm instanceof ComponentMetadata) { return new ComponentMetadata({ selector: dm.selector, inputs: mergedInputs, outputs: mergedOutputs, host: mergedHost, exportAs: dm.exportAs, moduleId: dm.moduleId, queries: mergedQueries, changeDetection: dm.changeDetection, providers: dm.providers, viewProviders: dm.viewProviders }); } else { return new DirectiveMetadata({ selector: dm.selector, inputs: mergedInputs, outputs: mergedOutputs, host: mergedHost, exportAs: dm.exportAs, queries: mergedQueries, providers: dm.providers }); } } } export var CODEGEN_DIRECTIVE_RESOLVER = new DirectiveResolver(reflector);