#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu -o pipefail readonly PROJECT_NAME="angular-payload-size" # Calculate the size of target file uncompressed size, gzip7 size, gzip9 size # Write to global variable $payloadData, $filename calculateSize() { size["uncompressed"]=$(stat -c%s "$filename") label=$(echo "$filename" | sed "s/.*\///" | sed "s/\..*//") payloadData="$payloadData\"uncompressed/$label\": ${size["uncompressed"]}, " gzip -7 $filename -c >> "${filename}7.gz" size["gzip7"]=$(stat -c%s "${filename}7.gz") payloadData="$payloadData\"gzip7/$label\": ${size["gzip7"]}, " gzip -9 $filename -c >> "${filename}9.gz" size["gzip9"]=$(stat -c%s "${filename}9.gz") payloadData="$payloadData\"gzip9/$label\": ${size["gzip9"]}, " } # Check whether the file size is under limit. # Exit with an error if limit is exceeded. # $1: string - The name in database. # $2: string - The payload size limit file. checkSize() { name="$1" limitFile="$2" node ${PROJECT_ROOT}/scripts/ci/payload-size.js $limitFile $name $TRAVIS_BRANCH $TRAVIS_COMMIT } # Write timestamp to global variable `$payloadData`. addTimestamp() { # Add Timestamp timestamp=$(date +%s) payloadData="$payloadData\"timestamp\": $timestamp, " } # Write travis commit message to global variable `$payloadData`. addMessage() { # Grab the set of SHAs for the message. This can fail when you force push or do initial build # because $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE will contain the previous SHA which will not be in the # force push or commit, hence we default to last commit. message=$(git log --oneline $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE -- || git log --oneline -n1) message=$(echo $message | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g' | sed 's/"/\\"/g') payloadData="$payloadData\"message\": \"$message\"" } # Add change source: `application`, `dependencies`, or `application+dependencies` # Read from global variable `$parentDir`. # Update the change source in global variable `$payloadData`. addChange() { yarnChanged=false allChangedFiles=$(git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE $parentDir | wc -l) allChangedFileNames=$(git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE $parentDir) if [[ $allChangedFileNames == *"yarn.lock"* ]]; then yarnChanged=true fi if [[ $allChangedFiles -eq 1 ]] && [[ "$yarnChanged" = true ]]; then # only yarn.lock changed change='dependencies' elif [[ $allChangedFiles -gt 1 ]] && [[ "$yarnChanged" = true ]]; then change='application+dependencies' elif [[ $allChangedFiles -gt 0 ]]; then change='application' else # Nothing changed in aio/ exit 0 fi payloadData="$payloadData\"change\": \"$change\", " } # Upload data to firebase database if it's commit, print out data for pull requests. # $1: string - The name in database. uploadData() { name="$1" payloadData="{${payloadData}}" echo $payloadData > /tmp/current.log readonly safeBranchName=$(echo $TRAVIS_BRANCH | sed -e 's/\./_/g') if [[ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]]; then readonly dbPath=/payload/$name/$safeBranchName/$TRAVIS_COMMIT # WARNING: FIREBASE_TOKEN should NOT be printed. set +x $PROJECT_ROOT/node_modules/.bin/firebase database:update --data "$payloadData" --project $PROJECT_NAME --confirm --token "$ANGULAR_PAYLOAD_FIREBASE_TOKEN" $dbPath fi } # Track payload size. # $1: string - The name in database. # $2: string - The file path. # $3: true | false - Whether to check the payload size and fail the test if it exceeds limit. # $4: true | false - Whether to record the type of changes. # $5: [string] - The payload size limit file. Only necessary if `$3` is `true`. trackPayloadSize() { name="$1" path="$2" checkSize="$3" trackChange="$4" limitFile="${5:-}" payloadData="" for filename in $path; do declare -A size calculateSize done addTimestamp if [[ $trackChange = true ]]; then addChange fi addMessage uploadData $name if [[ $checkSize = true ]]; then checkSize $name $limitFile fi }