var mockPackage = require('../mocks/mockPackage'); var Dgeni = require('dgeni'); var path = require('canonical-path'); describe('contentFileReader', function() { var dgeni, injector, fileReader; beforeEach(function() { dgeni = new Dgeni([mockPackage()]); injector = dgeni.configureInjector(); fileReader = injector.get('contentFileReader'); }); var createFileInfo = function(file, content, basePath) { return { fileReader:, filePath: file, baseName: path.basename(file, path.extname(file)), extension: path.extname(file).replace(/^\./, ''), basePath: basePath, relativePath: path.relative(basePath, file), content: content }; }; describe('defaultPattern', function() { it('should match .md files', function() { expect(fileReader.defaultPattern.test('')).toBeTruthy(); expect(fileReader.defaultPattern.test('abc.js')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('getDocs', function() { it('should return an object containing info about the file and its contents', function() { var fileInfo = createFileInfo('project/path/modules/someModule/foo/docs/subfolder/bar.ngdoc', 'A load of content', 'project/path'); expect(fileReader.getDocs(fileInfo)).toEqual([{ docType: 'guide', content: 'A load of content', startingLine: 1 }]); }); }); });