module.exports = function generateApiListDoc() { return { $runAfter: ['extra-docs-added'], $runBefore: ['rendering-docs'], outputFolder: null, $validate: {outputFolder: {presence: true}}, $process: function(docs) { docs.push({ docType: 'api-list-data', template: 'json-doc.template.json', path: this.outputFolder + '/api-list.json', outputPath: this.outputFolder + '/api-list.json', data: docs .filter(doc => doc.docType === 'module') .map(getModuleInfo) }); } }; }; function getModuleInfo(moduleDoc) { const moduleName =\/index$/, ''); return { name: moduleName.toLowerCase(), title: moduleName, items: moduleDoc.exports.filter(doc => !doc.internal).map(getExportInfo) }; } function getExportInfo(exportDoc) { return { name:, title:, path: exportDoc.path, docType: getDocType(exportDoc), stability: getStability(exportDoc), securityRisk: !! }; } function getDocType(doc) { // We map `let` and `var` types to `const` if (['let', 'var'].indexOf(doc.docType) !== -1) { return 'const'; } return doc.docType; } const stabilityProperties = ['stable', 'experimental', 'deprecated']; function getStability(doc) { return stabilityProperties.find(prop => doc.hasOwnProperty(prop)) || ''; }