import {ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect} from 'test_lib/test_lib'; import {isPresent} from 'facade/lang'; import {List, ListWrapper, MapWrapper} from 'facade/collection'; import {ContextWithVariableBindings} from 'change_detection/parser/context_with_variable_bindings'; import {Parser} from 'change_detection/parser/parser'; import {Lexer} from 'change_detection/parser/lexer'; import { ChangeDetector, ProtoRecordRange, RecordRange, WatchGroupDispatcher, ProtoRecord } from 'change_detection/change_detector'; import {Record} from 'change_detection/record'; export function main() { function ast(exp:string) { var parser = new Parser(new Lexer()); return parser.parseBinding(exp).ast; } function createChangeDetector(memo:string, exp:string, context = null, formatters = null) { var prr = new ProtoRecordRange(); prr.addRecordsFromAST(ast(exp), memo, false); var dispatcher = new LoggingDispatcher(); var rr = prr.instantiate(dispatcher, formatters); rr.setContext(context); var cd = new ChangeDetector(rr); return {"changeDetector" : cd, "dispatcher" : dispatcher}; } function executeWatch(memo:string, exp:string, context = null, formatters = null) { var res = createChangeDetector(memo, exp, context, formatters); res["changeDetector"].detectChanges(); return res["dispatcher"].log; } describe('change_detection', () => { describe('ChangeDetection', () => { it('should do simple watching', () => { var person = new Person("misko"); var c = createChangeDetector('name', 'name', person); var cd = c["changeDetector"]; var dispatcher = c["dispatcher"]; cd.detectChanges(); expect(dispatcher.log).toEqual(['name=misko']); dispatcher.clear(); cd.detectChanges(); expect(dispatcher.log).toEqual([]); = "Misko"; cd.detectChanges(); expect(dispatcher.log).toEqual(['name=Misko']); }); it('should support chained properties', () => { var address = new Address('Grenoble'); var person = new Person('Victor', address); expect(executeWatch('', '', person)) .toEqual(['']); }); it("should support method calls", () => { var person = new Person('Victor'); expect(executeWatch('m', 'sayHi("Jim")', person)).toEqual(['m=Hi, Jim']); }); it("should support function calls", () => { var td = new TestData(() => (a) => a); expect(executeWatch('value', 'a()(99)', td)).toEqual(['value=99']); }); it("should support chained method calls", () => { var person = new Person('Victor'); var td = new TestData(person); expect(executeWatch('m', 'a.sayHi("Jim")', td)).toEqual(['m=Hi, Jim']); }); it("should support literals", () => { expect(executeWatch('const', '10')).toEqual(['const=10']); expect(executeWatch('const', '"str"')).toEqual(['const=str']); }); it("should support literal array", () => { var c = createChangeDetector('array', '[1,2]'); c["changeDetector"].detectChanges(); expect(c["dispatcher"].loggedValues).toEqual([[1,2]]); c = createChangeDetector('array', '[1,a]', new TestData(2)); c["changeDetector"].detectChanges(); expect(c["dispatcher"].loggedValues).toEqual([[1,2]]); }); it("should support literal maps", () => { var c = createChangeDetector('map', '{z:1}'); c["changeDetector"].detectChanges(); expect(MapWrapper.get(c["dispatcher"].loggedValues[0], 'z')).toEqual(1); c = createChangeDetector('map', '{z:a}', new TestData(1)); c["changeDetector"].detectChanges(); expect(MapWrapper.get(c["dispatcher"].loggedValues[0], 'z')).toEqual(1); }); it("should support binary operations", () => { expect(executeWatch('exp', '10 + 2')).toEqual(['exp=12']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '10 - 2')).toEqual(['exp=8']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '10 * 2')).toEqual(['exp=20']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '10 / 2')).toEqual([`exp=${5.0}`]); //dart exp=5.0, js exp=5 expect(executeWatch('exp', '11 % 2')).toEqual(['exp=1']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '1 == 1')).toEqual(['exp=true']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '1 != 1')).toEqual(['exp=false']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '1 < 2')).toEqual(['exp=true']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '2 < 1')).toEqual(['exp=false']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '2 > 1')).toEqual(['exp=true']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '2 < 1')).toEqual(['exp=false']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '1 <= 2')).toEqual(['exp=true']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '2 <= 2')).toEqual(['exp=true']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '2 <= 1')).toEqual(['exp=false']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '2 >= 1')).toEqual(['exp=true']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '2 >= 2')).toEqual(['exp=true']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '1 >= 2')).toEqual(['exp=false']); expect(executeWatch('exp', 'true && true')).toEqual(['exp=true']); expect(executeWatch('exp', 'true && false')).toEqual(['exp=false']); expect(executeWatch('exp', 'true || false')).toEqual(['exp=true']); expect(executeWatch('exp', 'false || false')).toEqual(['exp=false']); }); it("should support negate", () => { expect(executeWatch('exp', '!true')).toEqual(['exp=false']); expect(executeWatch('exp', '!!true')).toEqual(['exp=true']); }); it("should support conditionals", () => { expect(executeWatch('m', '1 < 2 ? 1 : 2')).toEqual(['m=1']); expect(executeWatch('m', '1 > 2 ? 1 : 2')).toEqual(['m=2']); }); describe("formatters", () => { it("should support formatters", () => { var formatters = MapWrapper.createFromPairs([ ['uppercase', (v) => v.toUpperCase()], ['wrap', (v, before, after) => `${before}${v}${after}`]]); expect(executeWatch('str', '"aBc" | uppercase', null, formatters)).toEqual(['str=ABC']); expect(executeWatch('str', '"b" | wrap:"a":"c"', null, formatters)).toEqual(['str=abc']); }); it("should rerun formatters only when arguments change", () => { var counter = 0; var formatters = MapWrapper.createFromPairs([ ['formatter', (_) => {counter += 1; return 'value'}] ]); var person = new Person('Jim'); var c = createChangeDetector('formatter', 'name | formatter', person, formatters); var cd = c['changeDetector']; cd.detectChanges(); expect(counter).toEqual(1); cd.detectChanges(); expect(counter).toEqual(1); = 'bob'; cd.detectChanges(); expect(counter).toEqual(2); }); }); describe("ContextWithVariableBindings", () => { it('should read a field from ContextWithVariableBindings', () => { var locals = new ContextWithVariableBindings(null, MapWrapper.createFromPairs([["key", "value"]])); expect(executeWatch('key', 'key', locals)) .toEqual(['key=value']); }); it('should handle nested ContextWithVariableBindings', () => { var nested = new ContextWithVariableBindings(null, MapWrapper.createFromPairs([["key", "value"]])); var locals = new ContextWithVariableBindings(nested, MapWrapper.create()); expect(executeWatch('key', 'key', locals)) .toEqual(['key=value']); }); it("should fall back to a regular field read when ContextWithVariableBindings " + "does not have the requested field", () => { var locals = new ContextWithVariableBindings(new Person("Jim"), MapWrapper.createFromPairs([["key", "value"]])); expect(executeWatch('name', 'name', locals)) .toEqual(['name=Jim']); }); }); }); }); } class Person { name:string; address:Address; constructor(name:string, address:Address = null) { = name; this.address = address; } sayHi(m) { return `Hi, ${m}`; } toString():string { var address = this.address == null ? '' : ' address=' + this.address.toString(); return 'name=' + + address; } } class Address { city:string; constructor(city:string) { = city; } toString():string { return; } } class TestData { a; constructor(a) { this.a = a; } } class LoggingDispatcher extends WatchGroupDispatcher { log:List; loggedValues:List; constructor() { this.log = null; this.loggedValues = null; this.clear(); } clear() { this.log = ListWrapper.create(); this.loggedValues = ListWrapper.create(); } onRecordChange(record:Record, context) { ListWrapper.push(this.loggedValues, record.currentValue); ListWrapper.push(this.log, context + '=' + record.currentValue.toString()); } }