// Canonical path provides a consistent path (i.e. always forward slashes) across different OSes var path = require('canonical-path'); var Q = require('q'); var _ = require('lodash'); var jsdom = require("jsdom"); var fs = require("fs"); var globby = require('globby'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var indexHtmlTranslator = require('./indexHtmlTranslator'); var regionExtractor = require('../doc-shredder/regionExtractor'); module.exports = { buildPlunkers: buildPlunkers }; function buildPlunkers(basePath, destPath, options) { var errFn = options.errFn || function(e) { console.log(e); }; var configExtns = ['plnkr.json', '*plnkr.json']; var gpaths = configExtns.map(function(extn) { return path.join(basePath, '**/' + extn); }); var fileNames = globby.sync(gpaths, { ignore: "**/node_modules/**"}); fileNames.forEach(function(configFileName) { try { buildPlunkerFrom(configFileName, basePath, destPath); } catch (e) { errFn(e); } }); } // config has // files: [] - optional array of globs - defaults to all js, ts, html, json, css and md files (with certain files removed) // description: optional string - description of this plunker - defaults to the title in the index.html page. // tags: [] - optional array of strings // main: string - filename of what will become index.html in the plunker - defaults to index.html function buildPlunkerFrom(configFileName, basePath, destPath ) { // replace ending 'plnkr.json' with 'plnkr.no-link.html' to create output file name; var outputFileName = configFileName.substr(0, configFileName.length - 'plnkr.json'.length) + 'plnkr.no-link.html'; var altFileName; if (destPath && destPath.length > 0) { var partPath = path.dirname(path.relative(basePath, outputFileName)); var altFileName = path.join(destPath, partPath, path.basename(outputFileName)).replace('.no-link.', '.'); } try { var config = initConfigAndCollectFileNames(configFileName); var postData = createPostData(config); var html = createPlunkerHtml(postData); fs.writeFileSync(outputFileName, html, 'utf-8'); if (altFileName) { var altDirName = path.dirname(altFileName); if (!fs.existsSync(altDirName)) { mkdirp.sync(altDirName); } fs.writeFileSync(altFileName, html, 'utf-8'); } } catch (e) { // if we fail delete the outputFile if it exists because it is an old one. if (existsSync(outputFileName)) { fs.unlinkSync(outputFileName); } if (altFileName && existsSync(altFileName)) { fs.unlinkSync(altFileName); } throw e; } } function initConfigAndCollectFileNames(configFileName) { var basePath = path.dirname(configFileName); var configSrc = fs.readFileSync(configFileName, 'utf-8'); try { var config = (configSrc && configSrc.trim().length) ? JSON.parse(configSrc) : {}; } catch (e) { throw new Error("Plunker config - unable to parse json file: " + configFileName + '\n ' + e); } var defaultIncludes = ['**/*.ts', '**/*.js', '**/*.css', '**/*.html', '**/*.md', '**/*.json', '**/*.png']; if (config.files) { if (config.files.length > 0) { if (config.files[0].substr(0, 1) == '!') { config.files = defaultIncludes.concat(config.files); } } } else { config.files = defaultIncludes; } var gpaths = config.files.map(function(fileName) { fileName = fileName.trim(); if (fileName.substr(0,1) == '!') { return "!" + path.join(basePath, fileName.substr(1)); } else { return path.join(basePath, fileName); } }); // var defaultExcludes = [ '!**/node_modules/**','!**/typings/**','!**/tsconfig.json', '!**/*plnkr.json', '!**/*plnkr.html', '!**/*plnkr.no-link.html' ]; var defaultExcludes = [ '!**/typings/**', '!**/tsconfig.json', '!**/*plnkr.*', '!**/package.json', '!**/example-config.json', '!**/*.spec.*' ]; Array.prototype.push.apply(gpaths, defaultExcludes); config.fileNames = globby.sync(gpaths, { ignore: ["**/node_modules/**"] }); config.basePath = basePath; return config; } function createPostData(config) { var postData = {}; config.fileNames.forEach(function(fileName) { var content; var extn = path.extname(fileName); if (extn == '.png') { content = encodeBase64(fileName); fileName = fileName.substr(0, fileName.length - 4) + '.base64.png' } else { content = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf-8'); } // var escapedValue = escapeHtml(content); var relativeFileName = path.relative(config.basePath, fileName); if (relativeFileName == config.main) { relativeFileName = 'index.html'; } if (relativeFileName == 'index.html') { content = indexHtmlTranslator.translate(content); if (config.description == null) { // set config.description to title from index.html var matches = /(.*)<\/title>/.exec(content); if (matches) { config.description = matches[1]; } } } content = regionExtractor.removeDocTags(content, extn.substr(1)); postData['files[' + relativeFileName + ']'] = content; }); postData['files[license.md]'] = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "license.md")); var tags = ['angular2', 'example'].concat(config.tags || []); tags.forEach(function(tag,ix) { postData['tags[' + ix + ']'] = tag; }); // postData['tags[0]'] = "angular2"; // postData['tags[1]'] = "example"; postData.private = true; postData.description = "Angular 2 Example - " + config.description; return postData; } function existsSync(filename) { try { fs.accessSync(filename); return true; } catch(ex) { return false; } } function encodeBase64(file) { // read binary data var bitmap = fs.readFileSync(file); // convert binary data to base64 encoded string return new Buffer(bitmap).toString('base64'); } function createPlunkerHtml(postData) { useNewWindow = false; var baseHtml = createBasePlunkerHtml(useNewWindow); var doc = jsdom.jsdom(baseHtml); var form = doc.querySelector('form'); _.forEach(postData, function(value, key) { var ele = htmlToElement(doc, '<input type="hidden" name="' + key + '">'); ele.setAttribute('value', value); form.appendChild(ele) }); var html = doc.documentElement.outerHTML; return html; } function createBasePlunkerHtml(useNewWindow) { var url = 'http://plnkr.co/edit/?p=preview'; // If the form posts to target="_blank", pop-up blockers can cause it not to work. // If a user choses to bypass pop-up blocker one time and click the link, they will arrive at // a new default plnkr, not a plnkr with the desired template. Given this undesired behavior, // some may still want to open the plnk in a new window by opting-in via ctrl+click. The // newWindow param allows for this possibility. var target = useNewWindow ? '_blank' : '_self'; var html = '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body>' html += '<form id="mainForm" method="post" action="' + url + '" target="' + target + '">' // html += '<div class="button"><button id="formButton" type="submit">Create Plunker</button></div>' // html += '</form><script>document.getElementById("formButton").click();</script>' html += '</form><script>document.getElementById("mainForm").submit();</script>' html += '</body></html>'; return html; } function htmlToElement(document, html) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; return div.firstChild; } // not currently used. function escapeHtml(unsafe) { return unsafe .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'"); } //// Old version - no longer used //function createPlunkerHtmlAsync(basePath, postData) { // // useNewWindow = false; // jsdom.env({ // html: createBasePlunkerHtml(useNewWindow), // done: function (err, window) { // var doc = window.document; // var form = doc.querySelector('form'); // // _.forEach(postData, function(value, key) { // var ele = htmlToElement(doc, '<input type="hidden" name="' + key + '">'); // ele.setAttribute('value', value); // form.appendChild(ele) // }); // var html = doc.documentElement.outerHTML; // var outputFn = path.join(basePath, "plnkr.html"); // fs.writeFileSync(outputFn, html, 'utf-8' ); // } // }); //}