/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ /** * Promise for async/fakeAsync zoneSpec test * can support async operation which not supported by zone.js * such as * it ('test jsonp in AsyncZone', async() => { * new Promise(res => { * jsonp(url, (data) => { * // success callback * res(data); * }); * }).then((jsonpResult) => { * // get jsonp result. * * // user will expect AsyncZoneSpec wait for * // then, but because jsonp is not zone aware * // AsyncZone will finish before then is called. * }); * }); */ Zone.__load_patch('promisefortest', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType, api: _ZonePrivate) => { const symbolState: string = api.symbol('state'); const UNRESOLVED: null = null; const symbolParentUnresolved = api.symbol('parentUnresolved'); // patch Promise.prototype.then to keep an internal // number for tracking unresolved chained promise // we will decrease this number when the parent promise // being resolved/rejected and chained promise was // scheduled as a microTask. // so we can know such kind of chained promise still // not resolved in AsyncTestZone (Promise as any)[api.symbol('patchPromiseForTest')] = function patchPromiseForTest() { let oriThen = (Promise as any)[Zone.__symbol__('ZonePromiseThen')]; if (oriThen) { return; } oriThen = (Promise as any)[Zone.__symbol__('ZonePromiseThen')] = Promise.prototype.then; Promise.prototype.then = function() { const chained = oriThen.apply(this, arguments); if (this[symbolState] === UNRESOLVED) { // parent promise is unresolved. const asyncTestZoneSpec = Zone.current.get('AsyncTestZoneSpec'); if (asyncTestZoneSpec) { asyncTestZoneSpec.unresolvedChainedPromiseCount++; chained[symbolParentUnresolved] = true; } } return chained; }; }; (Promise as any)[api.symbol('unPatchPromiseForTest')] = function unpatchPromiseForTest() { // restore origin then const oriThen = (Promise as any)[Zone.__symbol__('ZonePromiseThen')]; if (oriThen) { Promise.prototype.then = oriThen; (Promise as any)[Zone.__symbol__('ZonePromiseThen')] = undefined; } }; });