/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {ChangeDetectorRef, Class, Component, EventEmitter, Input, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA, NgModule, NgZone, OnChanges, SimpleChange, SimpleChanges, Testability, destroyPlatform, forwardRef} from '@angular/core'; import {async, fakeAsync, flushMicrotasks, tick} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser'; import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import * as angular from '@angular/upgrade/src/common/angular1'; import {UpgradeAdapter, UpgradeAdapterRef} from '@angular/upgrade/src/dynamic/upgrade_adapter'; import {$digest, html, multiTrim} from './test_helpers'; export function main() { describe('adapter: ng1 to ng2', () => { beforeEach(() => destroyPlatform()); afterEach(() => destroyPlatform()); describe('(basic use)', () => { it('should have AngularJS loaded', () => expect(angular.version.major).toBe(1)); it('should instantiate ng2 in ng1 template and project content', async(() => { const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: `{{ 'NG2' }}()`, }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const Ng2Module = NgModule({declarations: [Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule]}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const element = html('
{{ \'ng1[\' }}~{{ \'ng-content\' }}~{{ \']\' }}
'); const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(Ng2Module); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(document.body.textContent).toEqual('ng1[NG2(~ng-content~)]'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should instantiate ng1 in ng2 template and project content', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: `{{ 'ng2(' }}{{'transclude'}}{{ ')' }}`, }).Class({constructor: function Ng2() {}}); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function Ng2Module() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng1', () => { return {transclude: true, template: '{{ "ng1" }}()'}; }); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html('
'); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(document.body.textContent).toEqual('ng1(ng2(ng1(transclude)))'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('supports the compilerOptions argument', async(() => { const platformRef = platformBrowserDynamic(); spyOn(platformRef, '_bootstrapModuleWithZone').and.callThrough(); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: `{{ 'NG2' }}()` }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const element = html('
{{ \'ng1[\' }}~{{ \'ng-content\' }}~{{ \']\' }}
'); const Ng2AppModule = NgModule({ declarations: [Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function Ng2AppModule() {}, ngDoBootstrap: function() {}}); const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(Ng2AppModule, {providers: []}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect((platformRef as any)._bootstrapModuleWithZone) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function), {providers: []}, jasmine.any(Object)); ref.dispose(); }); })); }); describe('bootstrap errors', () => { let adapter: UpgradeAdapter; beforeEach(() => { angular.module('ng1', []); const ng2Component = Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: ``, }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [ng2Component], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); adapter = new UpgradeAdapter(Ng2Module); }); it('should throw an uncaught error', fakeAsync(() => { const resolveSpy = jasmine.createSpy('resolveSpy'); spyOn(console, 'error'); expect(() => { adapter.bootstrap(html(''), ['ng1']).ready(resolveSpy); flushMicrotasks(); }).toThrowError(); expect(resolveSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); })); it('should output an error message to the console and re-throw', fakeAsync(() => { const consoleErrorSpy: jasmine.Spy = spyOn(console, 'error'); expect(() => { adapter.bootstrap(html(''), ['ng1']); flushMicrotasks(); }).toThrowError(); const args: any[] = consoleErrorSpy.calls.mostRecent().args; expect(consoleErrorSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(args.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(args[0]).toEqual(jasmine.any(Error)); })); }); describe('scope/component change-detection', () => { it('should interleave scope and component expressions', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const log: string[] = []; const l = (value: string) => { log.push(value); return value + ';'; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1a', () => ({template: '{{ l(\'ng1a\') }}'})); ng1Module.directive('ng1b', () => ({template: '{{ l(\'ng1b\') }}'})); ng1Module.run(($rootScope: any) => { $rootScope.l = l; $rootScope.reset = () => log.length = 0; }); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: `{{l('2A')}}{{l('2B')}}{{l('2C')}}` }).Class({constructor: function() { this.l = l; }}); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [ adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1a'), adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1b'), Ng2 ], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html('
{{reset(); l(\'1A\');}}{{l(\'1B\')}}{{l(\'1C\')}}
'); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(document.body.textContent).toEqual('1A;2A;ng1a;2B;ng1b;2C;1C;'); // https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/12983 expect(log).toEqual(['1A', '1C', '2A', '2B', '2C', 'ng1a', 'ng1b']); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should propagate changes to a downgraded component inside the ngZone', async(() => { let appComponent: AppComponent; let upgradeRef: UpgradeAdapterRef; @Component({selector: 'my-app', template: ''}) class AppComponent { value: number; constructor() { appComponent = this; } } @Component({ selector: 'my-child', template: '
{{valueFromPromise}}', }) class ChildComponent { valueFromPromise: number; @Input() set value(v: number) { expect(NgZone.isInAngularZone()).toBe(true); } constructor(private zone: NgZone) {} ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { if (changes['value'].isFirstChange()) return; this.zone.onMicrotaskEmpty.subscribe(() => { expect(element.textContent).toEqual('5'); upgradeRef.dispose(); }); Promise.resolve().then(() => this.valueFromPromise = changes['value'].currentValue); } } @NgModule({declarations: [AppComponent, ChildComponent], imports: [BrowserModule]}) class Ng2Module { } const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []).directive( 'myApp', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(AppComponent)); const element = html(''); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { upgradeRef = ref; appComponent.value = 5; }); })); // This test demonstrates https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/6385 // which was invalidly fixed by https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/6386 // it('should not trigger $digest from an async operation in a watcher', async(() => { // @Component({selector: 'my-app', template: ''}) // class AppComponent { // } // @NgModule({declarations: [AppComponent], imports: [BrowserModule]}) // class Ng2Module { // } // const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); // const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []).directive( // 'myApp', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(AppComponent)); // const element = html(''); // adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { // let doTimeout = false; // let timeoutId: number; // ref.ng1RootScope.$watch(() => { // if (doTimeout && !timeoutId) { // timeoutId = window.setTimeout(function() { // timeoutId = null; // }, 10); // } // }); // doTimeout = true; // }); // })); }); describe('downgrade ng2 component', () => { it('should allow non-element selectors for downgraded components', async(() => { @Component({selector: '[itWorks]', template: 'It works'}) class WorksComponent { } @NgModule({declarations: [WorksComponent], imports: [BrowserModule]}) class Ng2Module { } const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(WorksComponent)); const element = html(''); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent !)).toBe('It works'); }); })); it('should bind properties, events', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []).value('$exceptionHandler', (err: any) => { throw err; }); ng1Module.run(($rootScope: any) => { $rootScope.name = 'world'; $rootScope.dataA = 'A'; $rootScope.dataB = 'B'; $rootScope.modelA = 'initModelA'; $rootScope.modelB = 'initModelB'; $rootScope.eventA = '?'; $rootScope.eventB = '?'; }); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', inputs: ['literal', 'interpolate', 'oneWayA', 'oneWayB', 'twoWayA', 'twoWayB'], outputs: [ 'eventA', 'eventB', 'twoWayAEmitter: twoWayAChange', 'twoWayBEmitter: twoWayBChange' ], template: 'ignore: {{ignore}}; ' + 'literal: {{literal}}; interpolate: {{interpolate}}; ' + 'oneWayA: {{oneWayA}}; oneWayB: {{oneWayB}}; ' + 'twoWayA: {{twoWayA}}; twoWayB: {{twoWayB}}; ({{ngOnChangesCount}})' }).Class({ constructor: function() { this.ngOnChangesCount = 0; this.ignore = '-'; this.literal = '?'; this.interpolate = '?'; this.oneWayA = '?'; this.oneWayB = '?'; this.twoWayA = '?'; this.twoWayB = '?'; this.eventA = new EventEmitter(); this.eventB = new EventEmitter(); this.twoWayAEmitter = new EventEmitter(); this.twoWayBEmitter = new EventEmitter(); }, ngOnChanges: function(changes: SimpleChanges) { const assert = (prop: string, value: any) => { if (this[prop] != value) { throw new Error(`Expected: '${prop}' to be '${value}' but was '${this[prop]}'`); } }; const assertChange = (prop: string, value: any) => { assert(prop, value); if (!changes[prop]) { throw new Error(`Changes record for '${prop}' not found.`); } const actValue = changes[prop].currentValue; if (actValue != value) { throw new Error( `Expected changes record for'${prop}' to be '${value}' but was '${actValue}'`); } }; switch (this.ngOnChangesCount++) { case 0: assert('ignore', '-'); assertChange('literal', 'Text'); assertChange('interpolate', 'Hello world'); assertChange('oneWayA', 'A'); assertChange('oneWayB', 'B'); assertChange('twoWayA', 'initModelA'); assertChange('twoWayB', 'initModelB'); this.twoWayAEmitter.emit('newA'); this.twoWayBEmitter.emit('newB'); this.eventA.emit('aFired'); this.eventB.emit('bFired'); break; case 1: assertChange('twoWayA', 'newA'); assertChange('twoWayB', 'newB'); break; case 2: assertChange('interpolate', 'Hello everyone'); break; default: throw new Error('Called too many times! ' + JSON.stringify(changes)); } } }); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const element = html(`
| modelA: {{modelA}}; modelB: {{modelB}}; eventA: {{eventA}}; eventB: {{eventB}};
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent !)) .toEqual( 'ignore: -; ' + 'literal: Text; interpolate: Hello world; ' + 'oneWayA: A; oneWayB: B; twoWayA: newA; twoWayB: newB; (2) | ' + 'modelA: newA; modelB: newB; eventA: aFired; eventB: bFired;'); ref.ng1RootScope.$apply('name = "everyone"'); expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent !)) .toEqual( 'ignore: -; ' + 'literal: Text; interpolate: Hello everyone; ' + 'oneWayA: A; oneWayB: B; twoWayA: newA; twoWayB: newB; (3) | ' + 'modelA: newA; modelB: newB; eventA: aFired; eventB: bFired;'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should initialize inputs in time for `ngOnChanges`', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: ` ngOnChangesCount: {{ ngOnChangesCount }} | firstChangesCount: {{ firstChangesCount }} | initialValue: {{ initialValue }}` }) class Ng2Component implements OnChanges { ngOnChangesCount = 0; firstChangesCount = 0; initialValue: string; @Input() foo: string; ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { this.ngOnChangesCount++; if (this.ngOnChangesCount === 1) { this.initialValue = this.foo; } if (changes['foo'] && changes['foo'].isFirstChange()) { this.firstChangesCount++; } } } @NgModule({imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [Ng2Component]}) class Ng2Module { } const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []).directive( 'ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); const element = html(` `); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready(ref => { const nodes = element.querySelectorAll('ng2'); const expectedTextWith = (value: string) => `ngOnChangesCount: 1 | firstChangesCount: 1 | initialValue: ${value}`; expect(multiTrim(nodes[0].textContent)).toBe(expectedTextWith('foo')); expect(multiTrim(nodes[1].textContent)).toBe(expectedTextWith('bar')); expect(multiTrim(nodes[2].textContent)).toBe(expectedTextWith('baz')); expect(multiTrim(nodes[3].textContent)).toBe(expectedTextWith('qux')); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should bind to ng-model', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); ng1Module.run(($rootScope: any /** TODO #9100 */) => { $rootScope.modelA = 'A'; }); let ng2Instance: Ng2; @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: '{{_value}}'}) class Ng2 { private _value: any = ''; private _onChangeCallback: (_: any) => void = () => {}; constructor() { ng2Instance = this; } writeValue(value: any) { this._value = value; } registerOnChange(fn: any) { this._onChangeCallback = fn; } doChange(newValue: string) { this._value = newValue; this._onChangeCallback(newValue); } } ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
| {{modelA}}
`); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { let $rootScope: any = ref.ng1RootScope; expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('A | A'); $rootScope.modelA = 'B'; $rootScope.$apply(); expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('B | B'); ng2Instance.doChange('C'); expect($rootScope.modelA).toBe('C'); expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('C | C'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should properly run cleanup when ng1 directive is destroyed', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const onDestroyed: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); ng1Module.directive('ng1', () => { return { template: '
', controller: function($rootScope: any, $timeout: Function) { $timeout(() => { $rootScope.destroyIt = true; }); } }; }); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: 'test'}).Class({ constructor: function() {}, ngOnDestroy: function() { onDestroyed.emit('destroyed'); } }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(''); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { onDestroyed.subscribe(() => { ref.dispose(); }); }); })); it('should fallback to the root ng2.injector when compiled outside the dom', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); ng1Module.directive('ng1', [ '$compile', ($compile: Function) => { return { link: function($scope: any, $element: any, $attrs: any) { const compiled = $compile(''); const template = compiled($scope); $element.append(template); } }; } ]); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: 'test'}).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(''); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('test'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support multi-slot projection', async(() => { const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: '2a()' + '2b()' }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const Ng2Module = NgModule({declarations: [Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule]}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); // The ng-if on one of the projected children is here to make sure // the correct slot is targeted even with structural directives in play. const element = html( '
'); const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(Ng2Module); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(document.body.textContent).toEqual('2a(1a)2b(1b)'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should correctly project structural directives', async(() => { @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: 'ng2-{{ itemId }}()'}) class Ng2Component { @Input() itemId: string; } @NgModule({imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [Ng2Component]}) class Ng2Module { } const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(Ng2Module); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)) .run(($rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService) => { $rootScope['items'] = [ {id: 'a', subitems: [1, 2, 3]}, {id: 'b', subitems: [4, 5, 6]}, {id: 'c', subitems: [7, 8, 9]} ]; }); const element = html(`
{{ subitem }}
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, [ng1Module.name]).ready(ref => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)) .toBe('ng2-a( 123 )ng2-b( 456 )ng2-c( 789 )'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should allow attribute selectors for components in ng2', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => MyNg2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('myExample', []); @Component({selector: '[works]', template: 'works!'}) class WorksComponent { } @Component({selector: 'root-component', template: 'It
'}) class RootComponent { } @NgModule({imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [RootComponent, WorksComponent]}) class MyNg2Module { } ng1Module.directive('rootComponent', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(RootComponent)); document.body.innerHTML = ''; adapter.bootstrap(document.body.firstElementChild !, ['myExample']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('It works!'); ref.dispose(); }); })); }); describe('upgrade ng1 component', () => { it('should support `@` bindings', fakeAsync(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component; // Define `ng1Component` const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = { template: 'Inside: {{ $ctrl.inputA }}, {{ $ctrl.inputB }}', bindings: {inputA: '@inputAttrA', inputB: '@'} }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: ` | Outside: {{ dataA }}, {{ dataB }} ` }) class Ng2Component { dataA = 'foo'; dataB = 'bar'; constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; } } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', []) .component('ng1', ng1Component) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component], imports: [BrowserModule] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1Module']).ready(ref => { const ng1 = element.querySelector('ng1') !; const ng1Controller = angular.element(ng1).controller !('ng1'); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('Inside: foo, bar | Outside: foo, bar'); ng1Controller.inputA = 'baz'; ng1Controller.inputB = 'qux'; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('Inside: baz, qux | Outside: foo, bar'); ng2ComponentInstance.dataA = 'foo2'; ng2ComponentInstance.dataB = 'bar2'; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)) .toBe('Inside: foo2, bar2 | Outside: foo2, bar2'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support `<` bindings', fakeAsync(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component; // Define `ng1Component` const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = { template: 'Inside: {{ $ctrl.inputA.value }}, {{ $ctrl.inputB.value }}', bindings: {inputA: ' | Outside: {{ dataA.value }}, {{ dataB.value }} ` }) class Ng2Component { dataA = {value: 'foo'}; dataB = {value: 'bar'}; constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; } } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', []) .component('ng1', ng1Component) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component], imports: [BrowserModule] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1Module']).ready(ref => { const ng1 = element.querySelector('ng1') !; const ng1Controller = angular.element(ng1).controller !('ng1'); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('Inside: foo, bar | Outside: foo, bar'); ng1Controller.inputA = {value: 'baz'}; ng1Controller.inputB = {value: 'qux'}; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('Inside: baz, qux | Outside: foo, bar'); ng2ComponentInstance.dataA = {value: 'foo2'}; ng2ComponentInstance.dataB = {value: 'bar2'}; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)) .toBe('Inside: foo2, bar2 | Outside: foo2, bar2'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support `=` bindings', fakeAsync(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component; // Define `ng1Component` const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = { template: 'Inside: {{ $ctrl.inputA.value }}, {{ $ctrl.inputB.value }}', bindings: {inputA: '=inputAttrA', inputB: '='} }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: ` | Outside: {{ dataA.value }}, {{ dataB.value }} ` }) class Ng2Component { dataA = {value: 'foo'}; dataB = {value: 'bar'}; constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; } } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', []) .component('ng1', ng1Component) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component], imports: [BrowserModule] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1Module']).ready(ref => { const ng1 = element.querySelector('ng1') !; const ng1Controller = angular.element(ng1).controller !('ng1'); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('Inside: foo, bar | Outside: foo, bar'); ng1Controller.inputA = {value: 'baz'}; ng1Controller.inputB = {value: 'qux'}; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('Inside: baz, qux | Outside: baz, qux'); ng2ComponentInstance.dataA = {value: 'foo2'}; ng2ComponentInstance.dataB = {value: 'bar2'}; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)) .toBe('Inside: foo2, bar2 | Outside: foo2, bar2'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support `&` bindings', fakeAsync(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); // Define `ng1Component` const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = { template: 'Inside: -', bindings: {outputA: '&outputAttrA', outputB: '&'} }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: ` | Outside: {{ dataA }}, {{ dataB }} ` }) class Ng2Component { dataA = 'foo'; dataB = 'bar'; } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', []) .component('ng1', ng1Component) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component], imports: [BrowserModule] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1Module']).ready(ref => { const ng1 = element.querySelector('ng1') !; const ng1Controller = angular.element(ng1).controller !('ng1'); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('Inside: - | Outside: foo, bar'); ng1Controller.outputA('baz'); ng1Controller.outputB('qux'); $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('Inside: - | Outside: baz, qux'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should bind properties, events', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = () => { return { template: 'Hello {{fullName}}; A: {{modelA}}; B: {{modelB}}; C: {{modelC}}; | ', scope: {fullName: '@', modelA: '=dataA', modelB: '=dataB', modelC: '=', event: '&'}, link: function(scope: any) { scope.$watch('modelB', (v: string) => { if (v == 'Savkin') { scope.modelB = 'SAVKIN'; scope.event('WORKS'); // Should not update because [model-a] is uni directional scope.modelA = 'VICTOR'; } }); } }; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: '' + '' + '{{event}}-{{last}}, {{first}}, {{city}}' }).Class({ constructor: function() { this.first = 'Victor'; this.last = 'Savkin'; this.city = 'SF'; this.event = '?'; } }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { // we need to do setTimeout, because the EventEmitter uses setTimeout to schedule // events, and so without this we would not see the events processed. setTimeout(() => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)) .toEqual( 'Hello SAVKIN, Victor, SF; A: VICTOR; B: SAVKIN; C: SF; | Hello TEST; A: First; B: Last; C: City; | WORKS-SAVKIN, Victor, SF'); ref.dispose(); }, 0); }); })); it('should bind optional properties', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = () => { return { template: 'Hello; A: {{modelA}}; B: {{modelB}}; | ', scope: {modelA: '=?dataA', modelB: '=?'} }; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: '' + '' + '' + '' }).Class({ constructor: function() { this.first = 'Victor'; this.last = 'Savkin'; } }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { // we need to do setTimeout, because the EventEmitter uses setTimeout to schedule // events, and so without this we would not see the events processed. setTimeout(() => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)) .toEqual( 'Hello; A: Victor; B: Savkin; | Hello; A: First; B: Last; | Hello; A: ; B: ; | Hello; A: ; B: ; |'); ref.dispose(); }, 0); }); })); it('should bind properties, events in controller when bindToController is not used', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = () => { return { restrict: 'E', template: '{{someText}} - Length: {{data.length}}', scope: {data: '='}, controller: function($scope: any) { $scope.someText = 'ng1 - Data: ' + $scope.data; } }; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: '{{someText}} - Length: {{dataList.length}} | ' }).Class({ constructor: function() { this.dataList = [1, 2, 3]; this.someText = 'ng2'; } }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { // we need to do setTimeout, because the EventEmitter uses setTimeout to schedule // events, and so without this we would not see the events processed. setTimeout(() => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)) .toEqual('ng2 - Length: 3 | ng1 - Data: 1,2,3 - Length: 3'); ref.dispose(); }, 0); }); })); it('should bind properties, events in link function', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = () => { return { restrict: 'E', template: '{{someText}} - Length: {{data.length}}', scope: {data: '='}, link: function($scope: any) { $scope.someText = 'ng1 - Data: ' + $scope.data; } }; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: '{{someText}} - Length: {{dataList.length}} | ' }).Class({ constructor: function() { this.dataList = [1, 2, 3]; this.someText = 'ng2'; } }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { // we need to do setTimeout, because the EventEmitter uses setTimeout to schedule // events, and so without this we would not see the events processed. setTimeout(() => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)) .toEqual('ng2 - Length: 3 | ng1 - Data: 1,2,3 - Length: 3'); ref.dispose(); }, 0); }); })); it('should support templateUrl fetched from $httpBackend', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); ng1Module.value( '$httpBackend', (method: string, url: string, post: any, cbFn: Function) => { cbFn(200, `${method}:${url}`); }); const ng1 = () => { return {templateUrl: 'url.html'}; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('GET:url.html'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support templateUrl as a function', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); ng1Module.value( '$httpBackend', (method: string, url: string, post: any, cbFn: Function) => { cbFn(200, `${method}:${url}`); }); const ng1 = () => { return {templateUrl() { return 'url.html'; }}; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('GET:url.html'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support empty template', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = () => { return {template: ''}; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual(''); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support template as a function', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = () => { return {template() { return ''; }}; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual(''); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support templateUrl fetched from $templateCache', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); ng1Module.run(($templateCache: any) => $templateCache.put('url.html', 'WORKS')); const ng1 = () => { return {templateUrl: 'url.html'}; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('WORKS'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support controller with controllerAs', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = () => { return { scope: true, template: '{{ctl.scope}}; {{ctl.isClass}}; {{ctl.hasElement}}; {{ctl.isPublished()}}', controllerAs: 'ctl', controller: Class({ constructor: function($scope: any, $element: any) { (this).verifyIAmAClass(); this.scope = $scope.$parent.$parent == $scope.$root ? 'scope' : 'wrong-scope'; this.hasElement = $element[0].nodeName; this.$element = $element; }, verifyIAmAClass: function() { this.isClass = 'isClass'; }, isPublished: function() { return this.$element.controller('ng1') == this ? 'published' : 'not-published'; } }) }; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('scope; isClass; NG1; published'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support bindToController', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = () => { return { scope: {title: '@'}, bindToController: true, template: '{{ctl.title}}', controllerAs: 'ctl', controller: Class({constructor: function() {}}) }; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('WORKS'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support bindToController with bindings', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = () => { return { scope: {}, bindToController: {title: '@'}, template: '{{ctl.title}}', controllerAs: 'ctl', controller: Class({constructor: function() {}}) }; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('WORKS'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support single require in linking fn', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = ($rootScope: any) => { return { scope: {title: '@'}, bindToController: true, template: '{{ctl.status}}', require: 'ng1', controllerAs: 'ctrl', controller: Class({constructor: function() { this.status = 'WORKS'; }}), link: function(scope: any, element: any, attrs: any, linkController: any) { expect(scope.$root).toEqual($rootScope); expect(element[0].nodeName).toEqual('NG1'); expect(linkController.status).toEqual('WORKS'); scope.ctl = linkController; } }; }; ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('WORKS'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support array require in linking fn', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const parent = () => { return {controller: Class({constructor: function() { this.parent = 'PARENT'; }})}; }; const ng1 = () => { return { scope: {title: '@'}, bindToController: true, template: '{{parent.parent}}:{{ng1.status}}', require: ['ng1', '^parent', '?^^notFound'], controllerAs: 'ctrl', controller: Class({constructor: function() { this.status = 'WORKS'; }}), link: function(scope: any, element: any, attrs: any, linkControllers: any) { expect(linkControllers[0].status).toEqual('WORKS'); expect(linkControllers[1].parent).toEqual('PARENT'); expect(linkControllers[2]).toBe(undefined); scope.ng1 = linkControllers[0]; scope.parent = linkControllers[1]; } }; }; ng1Module.directive('parent', parent); ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('PARENT:WORKS'); ref.dispose(); }); })); describe('with lifecycle hooks', () => { it('should call `$onInit()` on controller', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const $onInitSpyA = jasmine.createSpy('$onInitA'); const $onInitSpyB = jasmine.createSpy('$onInitB'); @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ' | '}) class Ng2Component { } angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1A', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: true, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: class {$onInit() { $onInitSpyA(); }} })) .directive('ng1B', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: false, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function() { this.$onInit = $onInitSpyB; } })) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); @NgModule({ declarations: [ adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1B'), Ng2Component ], imports: [BrowserModule], }) class Ng2Module { } const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect($onInitSpyA).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($onInitSpyB).toHaveBeenCalled(); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should not call `$onInit()` on scope', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const $onInitSpy = jasmine.createSpy('$onInit'); @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ' | '}) class Ng2Component { } angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1A', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: true, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function($scope: angular.IScope) { Object.getPrototypeOf($scope).$onInit = $onInitSpy; } })) .directive('ng1B', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: false, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function($scope: angular.IScope) { $scope['$onInit'] = $onInitSpy; } })) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); @NgModule({ declarations: [ adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1B'), Ng2Component ], imports: [BrowserModule], }) class Ng2Module { } const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect($onInitSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should call `$doCheck()` on controller', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const $doCheckSpyA = jasmine.createSpy('$doCheckA'); const $doCheckSpyB = jasmine.createSpy('$doCheckB'); let changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef; @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ' | '}) class Ng2Component { constructor(cd: ChangeDetectorRef) { changeDetector = cd; } } angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1A', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: true, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: class {$doCheck() { $doCheckSpyA(); }} })) .directive('ng1B', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: false, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function() { this.$doCheck = $doCheckSpyB; } })) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); @NgModule({ declarations: [ adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1B'), Ng2Component ], imports: [BrowserModule], }) class Ng2Module { } const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect($doCheckSpyA).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($doCheckSpyB).toHaveBeenCalled(); $doCheckSpyA.calls.reset(); $doCheckSpyB.calls.reset(); changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect($doCheckSpyA).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($doCheckSpyB).toHaveBeenCalled(); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should not call `$doCheck()` on scope', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const $doCheckSpyA = jasmine.createSpy('$doCheckA'); const $doCheckSpyB = jasmine.createSpy('$doCheckB'); let changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef; @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ' | '}) class Ng2Component { constructor(cd: ChangeDetectorRef) { changeDetector = cd; } } angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1A', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: true, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function($scope: angular.IScope) { Object.getPrototypeOf($scope).$doCheck = $doCheckSpyA; } })) .directive('ng1B', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: false, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function($scope: angular.IScope) { $scope['$doCheck'] = $doCheckSpyB; } })) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); @NgModule({ declarations: [ adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1B'), Ng2Component ], imports: [BrowserModule], }) class Ng2Module { } const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { $doCheckSpyA.calls.reset(); $doCheckSpyB.calls.reset(); changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect($doCheckSpyA).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($doCheckSpyB).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should call `$postLink()` on controller', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const $postLinkSpyA = jasmine.createSpy('$postLinkA'); const $postLinkSpyB = jasmine.createSpy('$postLinkB'); @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ' | '}) class Ng2Component { } angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1A', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: true, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: class {$postLink() { $postLinkSpyA(); }} })) .directive('ng1B', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: false, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function() { this.$postLink = $postLinkSpyB; } })) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); @NgModule({ declarations: [ adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1B'), Ng2Component ], imports: [BrowserModule], }) class Ng2Module { } const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect($postLinkSpyA).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($postLinkSpyB).toHaveBeenCalled(); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should not call `$postLink()` on scope', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const $postLinkSpy = jasmine.createSpy('$postLink'); @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ' | '}) class Ng2Component { } angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1A', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: true, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function($scope: angular.IScope) { Object.getPrototypeOf($scope).$postLink = $postLinkSpy; } })) .directive('ng1B', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: false, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function($scope: angular.IScope) { $scope['$postLink'] = $postLinkSpy; } })) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); @NgModule({ declarations: [ adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1B'), Ng2Component ], imports: [BrowserModule], }) class Ng2Module { } const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect($postLinkSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should call `$onChanges()` on binding destination', fakeAsync(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const $onChangesControllerSpyA = jasmine.createSpy('$onChangesControllerA'); const $onChangesControllerSpyB = jasmine.createSpy('$onChangesControllerB'); const $onChangesScopeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('$onChangesScope'); let ng2Instance: any; @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: ' | ' }) class Ng2Component { constructor() { ng2Instance = this; } } angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1A', () => ({ template: '', scope: {valA: '<'}, bindToController: true, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function($scope: angular.IScope) { this.$onChanges = $onChangesControllerSpyA; } })) .directive( 'ng1B', () => ({ template: '', scope: {valB: '<'}, bindToController: false, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: class { $onChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { $onChangesControllerSpyB(changes); } } })) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)) .run(($rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService) => { Object.getPrototypeOf($rootScope).$onChanges = $onChangesScopeSpy; }); @NgModule({ declarations: [ adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1B'), Ng2Component ], imports: [BrowserModule], }) class Ng2Module { } const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { // Initial `$onChanges()` call tick(); expect($onChangesControllerSpyA.calls.count()).toBe(1); expect($onChangesControllerSpyA.calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual({ valA: jasmine.any(SimpleChange) }); expect($onChangesControllerSpyB).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($onChangesScopeSpy.calls.count()).toBe(1); expect($onChangesScopeSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual({ valB: jasmine.any(SimpleChange) }); $onChangesControllerSpyA.calls.reset(); $onChangesControllerSpyB.calls.reset(); $onChangesScopeSpy.calls.reset(); // `$onChanges()` call after a change ng2Instance.val = 'new value'; tick(); ref.ng1RootScope.$digest(); expect($onChangesControllerSpyA.calls.count()).toBe(1); expect($onChangesControllerSpyA.calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual({ valA: jasmine.objectContaining({currentValue: 'new value'}) }); expect($onChangesControllerSpyB).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($onChangesScopeSpy.calls.count()).toBe(1); expect($onChangesScopeSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual({ valB: jasmine.objectContaining({currentValue: 'new value'}) }); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should call `$onDestroy()` on controller', fakeAsync(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const $onDestroySpyA = jasmine.createSpy('$onDestroyA'); const $onDestroySpyB = jasmine.createSpy('$onDestroyB'); let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component; @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: `
` }) class Ng2Component { ng2Destroy: boolean = false; constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; } } // On browsers that don't support `requestAnimationFrame` (IE 9, Android <= 4.3), // `$animate` will use `setTimeout(..., 16.6)` instead. This timeout will still be on // the queue at the end of the test, causing it to fail. // Mocking animations (via `ngAnimateMock`) avoids the issue. angular.module('ng1', ['ngAnimateMock']) .directive('ng1A', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: true, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: class {$onDestroy() { $onDestroySpyA(); }} })) .directive('ng1B', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: false, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function() { this.$onDestroy = $onDestroySpyB; } })) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); @NgModule({ declarations: [ adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1B'), Ng2Component ], imports: [BrowserModule], }) class Ng2Module { } const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { const $rootScope = ref.ng1RootScope as any; $rootScope.ng1Destroy = false; tick(); $rootScope.$digest(); expect($onDestroySpyA).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($onDestroySpyB).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); $rootScope.ng1Destroy = true; tick(); $rootScope.$digest(); expect($onDestroySpyA).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($onDestroySpyB).toHaveBeenCalled(); $onDestroySpyA.calls.reset(); $onDestroySpyB.calls.reset(); $rootScope.ng1Destroy = false; tick(); $rootScope.$digest(); expect($onDestroySpyA).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($onDestroySpyB).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); ng2ComponentInstance.ng2Destroy = true; tick(); $rootScope.$digest(); expect($onDestroySpyA).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($onDestroySpyB).toHaveBeenCalled(); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should not call `$onDestroy()` on scope', fakeAsync(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const $onDestroySpy = jasmine.createSpy('$onDestroy'); let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component; @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: `
` }) class Ng2Component { ng2Destroy: boolean = false; constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; } } // On browsers that don't support `requestAnimationFrame` (IE 9, Android <= 4.3), // `$animate` will use `setTimeout(..., 16.6)` instead. This timeout will still be on // the queue at the end of the test, causing it to fail. // Mocking animations (via `ngAnimateMock`) avoids the issue. angular.module('ng1', ['ngAnimateMock']) .directive('ng1A', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: true, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function($scope: angular.IScope) { Object.getPrototypeOf($scope).$onDestroy = $onDestroySpy; } })) .directive('ng1B', () => ({ template: '', scope: {}, bindToController: false, controllerAs: '$ctrl', controller: function($scope: angular.IScope) { $scope['$onDestroy'] = $onDestroySpy; } })) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); @NgModule({ declarations: [ adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1B'), Ng2Component ], imports: [BrowserModule], }) class Ng2Module { } const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { const $rootScope = ref.ng1RootScope as any; $rootScope.ng1Destroy = false; tick(); $rootScope.$digest(); $rootScope.ng1Destroy = true; tick(); $rootScope.$digest(); $rootScope.ng1Destroy = false; tick(); $rootScope.$digest(); ng2ComponentInstance.ng2Destroy = true; tick(); $rootScope.$digest(); expect($onDestroySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); ref.dispose(); }); })); }); describe('linking', () => { it('should run the pre-linking after instantiating the controller', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const log: string[] = []; // Define `ng1Directive` const ng1Directive: angular.IDirective = { template: '', link: {pre: () => log.push('ng1-pre')}, controller: class {constructor() { log.push('ng1-ctrl'); }} }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}) class Ng2Component { } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1', () => ng1Directive) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready(() => { expect(log).toEqual(['ng1-ctrl', 'ng1-pre']); }); })); it('should run the pre-linking function before linking', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const log: string[] = []; // Define `ng1Directive` const ng1DirectiveA: angular.IDirective = { template: '', link: {pre: () => log.push('ng1A-pre')} }; const ng1DirectiveB: angular.IDirective = {link: () => log.push('ng1B-post')}; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}) class Ng2Component { } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1A', () => ng1DirectiveA) .directive('ng1B', () => ng1DirectiveB) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), Ng2Component], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready(() => { expect(log).toEqual(['ng1A-pre', 'ng1B-post']); }); })); it('should run the post-linking function after linking (link: object)', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const log: string[] = []; // Define `ng1Directive` const ng1DirectiveA: angular.IDirective = { template: '', link: {post: () => log.push('ng1A-post')} }; const ng1DirectiveB: angular.IDirective = {link: () => log.push('ng1B-post')}; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}) class Ng2Component { } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1A', () => ng1DirectiveA) .directive('ng1B', () => ng1DirectiveB) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), Ng2Component], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready(() => { expect(log).toEqual(['ng1B-post', 'ng1A-post']); }); })); it('should run the post-linking function after linking (link: function)', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const log: string[] = []; // Define `ng1Directive` const ng1DirectiveA: angular.IDirective = { template: '', link: () => log.push('ng1A-post') }; const ng1DirectiveB: angular.IDirective = {link: () => log.push('ng1B-post')}; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}) class Ng2Component { } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1A', () => ng1DirectiveA) .directive('ng1B', () => ng1DirectiveB) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1A'), Ng2Component], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready(() => { expect(log).toEqual(['ng1B-post', 'ng1A-post']); }); })); it('should run the post-linking function before `$postLink`', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const log: string[] = []; // Define `ng1Directive` const ng1Directive: angular.IDirective = { template: '', link: () => log.push('ng1-post'), controller: class {$postLink() { log.push('ng1-$post'); }} }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}) class Ng2Component { } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []) .directive('ng1', () => ng1Directive) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready(() => { expect(log).toEqual(['ng1-post', 'ng1-$post']); }); })); }); describe('transclusion', () => { it('should support single-slot transclusion', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); let ng2ComponentAInstance: Ng2ComponentA; let ng2ComponentBInstance: Ng2ComponentB; // Define `ng1Component` const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = { template: 'ng1(
)', transclude: true }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({ selector: 'ng2A', template: 'ng2A({{ value }} | )' }) class Ng2ComponentA { value = 'foo'; showB = false; constructor() { ng2ComponentAInstance = this; } } @Component({selector: 'ng2B', template: 'ng2B({{ value }})'}) class Ng2ComponentB { value = 'bar'; constructor() { ng2ComponentBInstance = this; } } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', []) .component('ng1', ng1Component) .directive('ng2A', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2ComponentA)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2ComponentA, Ng2ComponentB] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1Module']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('ng2A(ng1(foo | ))'); ng2ComponentAInstance.value = 'baz'; ng2ComponentAInstance.showB = true; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('ng2A(ng1(baz | ng2B(bar)))'); ng2ComponentBInstance.value = 'qux'; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('ng2A(ng1(baz | ng2B(qux)))'); }); })); it('should support single-slot transclusion with fallback content', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); let ng1ControllerInstances: any[] = []; let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component; // Define `ng1Component` const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = { template: 'ng1(
{{ $ctrl.value }}
)', transclude: true, controller: class { value = 'from-ng1'; constructor() { ng1ControllerInstances.push(this); } } }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: ` ng2(
{{ value }}
| {{ value }} | )` }) class Ng2Component { value = 'from-ng2'; constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; } } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', []) .component('ng1', ng1Component) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1Module']).ready(ref => { expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)) .toBe('ng2(ng1(from-ng2)|ng1(from-ng2)|ng1(from-ng1))'); ng1ControllerInstances.forEach(ctrl => ctrl.value = 'ng1-foo'); ng2ComponentInstance.value = 'ng2-bar'; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)) .toBe('ng2(ng1(ng2-bar)|ng1(ng2-bar)|ng1(ng1-foo))'); }); })); it('should support multi-slot transclusion', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component; // Define `ng1Component` const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = { template: 'ng1(x(
) | y(
))', transclude: {slotX: 'contentX', slotY: 'contentY'} }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: ` ng2( {{ x }}1 {{ y }}1 {{ x }}2 {{ y }}2 )` }) class Ng2Component { x = 'foo'; y = 'bar'; constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; } } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', []) .component('ng1', ng1Component) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1Module']).ready(ref => { expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)) .toBe('ng2(ng1(x(foo1foo2)|y(bar1bar2)))'); ng2ComponentInstance.x = 'baz'; ng2ComponentInstance.y = 'qux'; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)) .toBe('ng2(ng1(x(baz1baz2)|y(qux1qux2)))'); }); })); it('should support default slot (with fallback content)', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); let ng1ControllerInstances: any[] = []; let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component; // Define `ng1Component` const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = { template: 'ng1(default(
fallback-{{ $ctrl.value }}
))', transclude: {slotX: 'contentX', slotY: 'contentY'}, controller: class {value = 'ng1'; constructor() { ng1ControllerInstances.push(this); }} }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: ` ng2( ({{ x }}) ignored x {{ x }}-{{ y }} ignored y ({{ y }}) | ignored xignored y | {{ x }}ignored x{{ y + x }}ignored y{{ y }} )` }) class Ng2Component { x = 'foo'; y = 'bar'; constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; } } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', []) .component('ng1', ng1Component) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1Module']).ready(ref => { expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)) .toBe( 'ng2(ng1(default((foo)foo-bar(bar)))|ng1(default(fallback-ng1))|ng1(default(foobarfoobar)))'); ng1ControllerInstances.forEach(ctrl => ctrl.value = 'ng1-plus'); ng2ComponentInstance.x = 'baz'; ng2ComponentInstance.y = 'qux'; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)) .toBe( 'ng2(ng1(default((baz)baz-qux(qux)))|ng1(default(fallback-ng1-plus))|ng1(default(bazquxbazqux)))'); }); })); it('should support optional transclusion slots (with fallback content)', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); let ng1ControllerInstances: any[] = []; let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component; // Define `ng1Component` const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = { template: ` ng1( x(
{{ $ctrl.x }}
) | y(
{{ $ctrl.y }}
) )`, transclude: {slotX: '?contentX', slotY: '?contentY'}, controller: class { x = 'ng1X'; y = 'ng1Y'; constructor() { ng1ControllerInstances.push(this); } } }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: ` ng2( {{ x }} | {{ y }} )` }) class Ng2Component { x = 'ng2X'; y = 'ng2Y'; constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; } } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', []) .component('ng1', ng1Component) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1Module']).ready(ref => { expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)) .toBe('ng2(ng1(x(ng2X)|y(ng1Y))|ng1(x(ng1X)|y(ng2Y)))'); ng1ControllerInstances.forEach(ctrl => { ctrl.x = 'ng1X-foo'; ctrl.y = 'ng1Y-bar'; }); ng2ComponentInstance.x = 'ng2X-baz'; ng2ComponentInstance.y = 'ng2Y-qux'; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)) .toBe('ng2(ng1(x(ng2X-baz)|y(ng1Y-bar))|ng1(x(ng1X-foo)|y(ng2Y-qux)))'); }); })); it('should throw if a non-optional slot is not filled', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); let errorMessage: string; // Define `ng1Component` const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = { template: '', transclude: {slotX: '?contentX', slotY: 'contentY'} }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}) class Ng2Component { } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', []) .value('$exceptionHandler', (error: Error) => errorMessage = error.message) .component('ng1', ng1Component) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1Module']).ready(ref => { expect(errorMessage) .toContain('Required transclusion slot \'slotY\' on directive: ng1'); }); })); it('should support structural directives in transcluded content', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component; // Define `ng1Component` const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = { template: 'ng1(x(
) | default(
))', transclude: {slotX: 'contentX'} }; // Define `Ng2Component` @Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: ` ng2(
{{ x }}1
{{ y }}1
{{ x }}2
{{ y }}2
)` }) class Ng2Component { x = 'foo'; y = 'bar'; show = true; constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; } } // Define `ng1Module` const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', []) .component('ng1', ng1Component) .directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component)); // Define `Ng2Module` @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2Component], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) class Ng2Module { } // Bootstrap const element = html(``); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1Module']).ready(ref => { expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)).toBe('ng2(ng1(x(foo1)|default(bar2)))'); ng2ComponentInstance.x = 'baz'; ng2ComponentInstance.y = 'qux'; ng2ComponentInstance.show = false; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)).toBe('ng2(ng1(x(baz2)|default(qux1)))'); ng2ComponentInstance.show = true; $digest(ref); expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)).toBe('ng2(ng1(x(baz1)|default(qux2)))'); }); })); }); it('should bind input properties (<) of components', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = { bindings: {personProfile: '<'}, template: 'Hello {{$ctrl.personProfile.firstName}} {{$ctrl.personProfile.lastName}}', controller: Class({constructor: function() {}}) }; ng1Module.component('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''}).Class({ constructor: function() { this.goku = {firstName: 'GOKU', lastName: 'SAN'}; } }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual(`Hello GOKU SAN`); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should support ng2 > ng1 > ng2', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const ng1 = { template: 'ng1()', }; ng1Module.component('ng1', ng1); const Ng2a = Component({selector: 'ng2a', template: 'ng2a()'}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); ng1Module.directive('ng2a', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2a)); const Ng2b = Component({selector: 'ng2b', template: 'ng2b'}).Class({constructor: function() {}}); ng1Module.directive('ng2b', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2b)); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2a, Ng2b], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const element = html(`
`); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)).toEqual('ng2a(ng1(ng2b))'); }); })); }); describe('injection', () => { function SomeToken() {} it('should export ng2 instance to ng1', async(() => { const MyNg2Module = NgModule({ providers: [{provide: SomeToken, useValue: 'correct_value'}], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(MyNg2Module); const module = angular.module('myExample', []); module.factory('someToken', adapter.downgradeNg2Provider(SomeToken)); adapter.bootstrap(html('
'), ['myExample']).ready((ref) => { expect(ref.ng1Injector.get('someToken')).toBe('correct_value'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should export ng1 instance to ng2', async(() => { const MyNg2Module = NgModule({imports: [BrowserModule]}).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(MyNg2Module); const module = angular.module('myExample', []); module.value('testValue', 'secreteToken'); adapter.upgradeNg1Provider('testValue'); adapter.upgradeNg1Provider('testValue', {asToken: 'testToken'}); adapter.upgradeNg1Provider('testValue', {asToken: String}); adapter.bootstrap(html('
'), ['myExample']).ready((ref) => { expect(ref.ng2Injector.get('testValue')).toBe('secreteToken'); expect(ref.ng2Injector.get(String)).toBe('secreteToken'); expect(ref.ng2Injector.get('testToken')).toBe('secreteToken'); ref.dispose(); }); })); it('should respect hierarchical dependency injection for ng2', async(() => { const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const Ng2Parent = Component({ selector: 'ng2-parent', template: `ng2-parent()` }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const Ng2Child = Component({selector: 'ng2-child', template: `ng2-child`}).Class({ constructor: [Ng2Parent, function(parent: any) {}] }); const Ng2Module = NgModule({declarations: [Ng2Parent, Ng2Child], imports: [BrowserModule]}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const element = html(''); const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(Ng2Module); ng1Module.directive('ng2Parent', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Parent)) .directive('ng2Child', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Child)); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(document.body.textContent).toEqual('ng2-parent(ng2-child)'); ref.dispose(); }); })); }); describe('testability', () => { it('should handle deferred bootstrap', async(() => { const MyNg2Module = NgModule({imports: [BrowserModule]}).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(MyNg2Module); angular.module('ng1', []); let bootstrapResumed: boolean = false; const element = html('
'); window.name = 'NG_DEFER_BOOTSTRAP!' + window.name; adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { expect(bootstrapResumed).toEqual(true); ref.dispose(); }); setTimeout(() => { bootstrapResumed = true; (window).angular.resumeBootstrap(); }, 100); })); it('should wait for ng2 testability', async(() => { const MyNg2Module = NgModule({imports: [BrowserModule]}).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(MyNg2Module); angular.module('ng1', []); const element = html('
'); adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => { const ng2Testability: Testability = ref.ng2Injector.get(Testability); ng2Testability.increasePendingRequestCount(); let ng2Stable = false; angular.getTestability(element).whenStable(() => { expect(ng2Stable).toEqual(true); ref.dispose(); }); setTimeout(() => { ng2Stable = true; ng2Testability.decreasePendingRequestCount(); }, 100); }); })); }); describe('examples', () => { it('should verify UpgradeAdapter example', async(() => { const adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2Module)); const module = angular.module('myExample', []); const ng1 = () => { return { scope: {title: '='}, transclude: true, template: 'ng1[Hello {{title}}!]()' }; }; module.directive('ng1', ng1); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', inputs: ['name'], template: 'ng2[transclude]()' }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const Ng2Module = NgModule({ declarations: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1'), Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule], }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); document.body.innerHTML = 'project'; adapter.bootstrap(document.body.firstElementChild !, ['myExample']).ready((ref) => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)) .toEqual('ng2[ng1[Hello World!](transclude)](project)'); ref.dispose(); }); })); }); describe('registerForNg1Tests', () => { let upgradeAdapterRef: UpgradeAdapterRef; let $compile: angular.ICompileService; let $rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService; beforeEach(() => { const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []); const Ng2 = Component({ selector: 'ng2', template: 'Hello World', }).Class({constructor: function() {}}); const Ng2Module = NgModule({declarations: [Ng2], imports: [BrowserModule]}).Class({ constructor: function() {} }); const upgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(Ng2Module); ng1Module.directive('ng2', upgradeAdapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2)); upgradeAdapterRef = upgradeAdapter.registerForNg1Tests(['ng1']); }); beforeEach( inject((_$compile_: angular.ICompileService, _$rootScope_: angular.IRootScopeService) => { $compile = _$compile_; $rootScope = _$rootScope_; })); it('should be able to test ng1 components that use ng2 components', async(() => { upgradeAdapterRef.ready(() => { const element = $compile('')($rootScope); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(element[0].textContent).toContain('Hello World'); }); })); }); }); }