Introduction to the Angular Docs

Angular is an application design framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated single-page apps. These Angular docs help you learn and use the Angular framework and development platform, from your first application to optimizing complex single-page apps for enterprises. Tutorials and guides include downloadable examples to accelerate your projects.
What is Angular

Get a high-level overview of the Angular platform.

Get Started

Set up your local environment for development with the Angular CLI.

Learn and Explore

Learn about the fundamental design concepts and architecture of Angular apps.

Take a Look

Examine and work with a small ready-made Angular app, without any setup.

Hello World

Work through a full tutorial to create your first app.

## Assumptions These docs assume that you are already familiar with [HTML]( "Learn HTML"), [CSS]( "Learn CSS"), [JavaScript]( "Learn JavaScript"), and some of the tools from the [latest standards]( "Latest JavaScript standards"), such as [classes]( "ES2015 Classes") and [modules]( "ES2015 Modules"). The code samples are written using [TypeScript]( "TypeScript"). Most Angular code can be written with just the latest JavaScript, using [types]( "TypeScript Types") for dependency injection, and using [decorators]( "Decorators") for metadata. ## Feedback

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We want to hear from you. [Report problems or submit suggestions for future docs]( "Angular GitHub repository new issue form"). Contribute to Angular docs by creating [pull requests]( "Angular Github pull requests") on the Angular Github repository. See [Contributing to Angular]( "Contributing guide") for information about submission guidelines. Our community values respectful, supportive communication. Please consult and adhere to the [Code of Conduct]( "Contributor code of conduct").