{ "Community": { "order": 3, "subCategories": { "Community Curations": { "order": 1, "resources": { "awesome-angular-components": { "desc": "A community index of components and libraries maintained on GitHub", "title": "Catalog of Angular Components & Libraries", "url": "https://github.com/brillout/awesome-angular-components" }, "angular-ru": { "desc": "Angular-RU Community on GitHub is a single entry point for all resources, chats, podcasts and meetups for Angular in Russia.", "title": "Angular Conferences and Angular Camps in Moscow, Russia.", "url": "https://angular-ru.github.io/" }, "made-with-angular": { "desc": "A showcase of web apps built with Angular.", "title": "Made with Angular", "url": "https://www.madewithangular.com/" }, "angular-subreddit": { "desc": "An Angular-dedicated subreddit.", "title": "Angular Subreddit", "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Angular2/" }, "angular-devto": { "desc": "Read and share content and chat about Angular on DEV Community.", "url": "https://dev.to/t/angular", "title": "DEV Community" }, "indepth-dev": { "desc": "Peer-reviewed Angular articles and tutorials.", "url": "https://indepth.dev/angular/", "title": "Angular inDepth" } } }, "Podcasts": { "order": 3, "resources": { "sdfjkdkfj": { "desc": "Adventures in Angular is a weekly podcast dedicated to the Angular platform and related technologies, tools, languages, and practices.", "logo": "", "title": "Adventures in Angular", "url": "https://devchat.tv/adv-in-angular/" }, "sdlkfjsldfkj": { "desc": "Weekly video podcast hosted by Jeff Whelpley with all the latest and greatest happenings in the wild world of Angular.", "logo": "", "title": "AngularAir", "url": "https://angularair.com/" }, "sdlkfjsldfkz": { "desc": "A weekly German podcast for Angular on the go", "logo": "", "title": "Happy Angular Podcast", "url": "https://happy-angular.de/" }, "ngruair": { "desc": "Russian language video podcast about Angular.", "logo": "", "title": "NgRuAir", "url": "https://github.com/ngRuAir/ngruair" }, "the-deep-dive": { "desc": "The advanced web development podcast about Angular, RxJS, TypeScript and other technologies. English, audio only.", "logo": "https://i.imgur.com/mmE5Feq.jpg", "title": "The Deep Dive", "url": "https://thedeepdive.simplecast.com" } } } } }, "Development": { "order": 1, "subCategories": { "Cross-Platform Development": { "order": 5, "resources": { "a3b": { "desc": "Ionic offers a library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components and tools for building highly interactive native and progressive web apps.", "logo": "http://ionicframework.com/img/ionic-logo-white.svg", "title": "Ionic", "url": "https://ionicframework.com/docs" }, "a4b": { "desc": "Electron Platform for Angular.", "logo": "", "title": "Electron", "url": "https://github.com/maximegris/angular-electron" }, "ab": { "desc": "NativeScript is how you build cross-platform, native iOS and Android apps with Angular and TypeScript. Get 100% access to native APIs via JavaScript and reuse of packages from NPM, CocoaPods and Gradle. Open source and backed by Telerik.​​​", "logo": "", "title": "NativeScript", "url": "https://docs.nativescript.org/angular/start/introduction" } } }, "Data Libraries": { "order": 3, "resources": { "formly": { "desc": "Formly is a dynamic (JSON powered) form library, built on top of Angular Reactive Forms.", "title": "Formly", "url": "https://formly.dev" }, "rx-web": { "desc": "RxWeb Reactive Form Validators provides all types of complex, conditional, cross field, and dynamic validation on validator-based reactive forms, model-based reactive forms, and template driven forms.", "title": "RxWeb Reactive Form Validators", "url": "https://www.rxweb.io" }, "-KLIzHDRfiB3d7W7vk-e": { "desc": "Reactive Extensions for Angular", "title": "ngrx", "url": "https://ngrx.io/" }, "ngxs": { "desc": "NGXS is a state management pattern + library for Angular. NGXS is modeled after the CQRS pattern popularly implemented in libraries like Redux and NgRx but reduces boilerplate by using modern TypeScript features such as classes and decorators.", "title": "NGXS", "url": "https://ngxs.io/" }, "akita": { "desc": "Akita is a state management pattern, built on top of RxJS, which takes the idea of multiple data stores from Flux and the immutable updates from Redux, along with the concept of streaming data, to create the Observable Data Store model.", "title": "Akita", "url": "https://datorama.github.io/akita/docs/angular/architecture" }, "ab": { "desc": "The official library for Firebase and Angular", "logo": "", "title": "Angular Fire", "url": "https://github.com/angular/angularfire2" }, "ab2": { "desc": "Use Angular and Meteor to build full-stack JavaScript apps for Mobile and Desktop.", "logo": "http://www.angular-meteor.com/images/logo.png", "title": "Meteor", "url": "https://github.com/urigo/angular-meteor" }, "ab3": { "desc": "Apollo is a data stack for modern apps, built with GraphQL.", "logo": "http://docs.apollostack.com/logo/large.png", "title": "Apollo", "url": "https://www.apollographql.com/docs/angular/" }, "ngx-api-utils": { "desc": "ngx-api-utils is a lean library of utilities and helpers to quickly integrate any HTTP API (REST, Ajax, and any other) with Angular.", "logo": "", "title": "ngx-api-utils", "url": "https://github.com/ngx-api-utils/ngx-api-utils" } } }, "IDEs": { "order": 1, "resources": { "ab": { "desc": "VS Code is a Free, Lightweight Tool for Editing and Debugging Web Apps.", "logo": "", "title": "Visual Studio Code", "url": "http://code.visualstudio.com/" }, "ab2": { "desc": "Lightweight yet powerful IDE, perfectly equipped for complex client-side development and server-side development with Node.js", "logo": "", "title": "WebStorm", "url": "https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/" }, "ab3": { "desc": "Capable and Ergonomic Java * IDE", "logo": "", "title": "IntelliJ IDEA", "url": "https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/" }, "angular-ide": { "desc": "Built first and foremost for Angular. Turnkey setup for beginners; powerful for experts.", "title": "Angular IDE by Webclipse", "url": "https://www.genuitec.com/products/angular-ide" }, "amexio-canvas": { "desc": "Amexio Canvas is Drag and Drop Environment to create Fully Responsive Web and Smart Device HTML5/Angular Apps. Code will be auto generated and hot deployed by the Canvas for live testing. Out of the box 50+ Material Design Theme support. Commit your code to GitHub public or private repository.", "title": "Amexio Canvas Web Based Drag and Drop IDE by MetaMagic", "url": "https://amexio.tech/" } } }, "Tooling": { "order": 2, "resources": { "a1": { "desc": "A Google Chrome Dev Tools extension for debugging Angular applications.", "logo": "https://augury.angular.io/images/augury-logo.svg", "title": "Augury", "url": "http://augury.angular.io/" }, "b1": { "desc": "Server-side Rendering for Angular apps.", "logo": "https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1016365/10639063/138338bc-7806-11e5-8057-d34c75f3cafc.png", "title": "Angular Universal", "url": "https://angular.io/guide/universal" }, "c1": { "desc": "Lightweight development only Node.js® server", "logo": "", "title": "Lite-server", "url": "https://github.com/johnpapa/lite-server" }, "cli": { "desc": "The official Angular CLI makes it easy to create and develop applications from initial commit to production deployment. It already follows our best practices right out of the box!", "title": "Angular CLI", "url": "https://cli.angular.io" }, "d1": { "desc": "Static analysis for Angular projects.", "logo": "", "title": "Codelyzer", "url": "https://github.com/mgechev/codelyzer" }, "f1": { "desc": "This tool generates dedicated documentation for Angular applications.", "logo": "", "title": "Compodoc", "url": "https://github.com/compodoc/compodoc" }, "angular-playground": { "desc": "UI development environment for building, testing, and documenting Angular applications.", "title": "Angular Playground", "url": "http://www.angularplayground.it/" }, "nx": { "desc": "Nx (Nrwl Extensions for Angular) is an open source toolkit built on top of Angular CLI to help enterprise teams develop Angular at scale.", "title": "Nx", "logo": "https://nrwl.io/assets/nx-logo.png", "url": "https://nrwl.io/nx" }, "uijar": { "desc": "A drop in module to automatically create a living style guide based on the test you write for your components.", "logo": "", "title": "UI-jar - Test Driven Style Guide Development", "url": "https://github.com/ui-jar/ui-jar" }, "protactor": { "desc": "The official end to end testing framework for Angular apps", "logo": "", "title": "Protractor", "url": "https://protractor.angular.io/" }, "scully": { "desc": "Scully (Jamstack Toolchain for Angular) makes building, testing, and deploying Jamstack apps extremely simple.", "title": "Scully", "logo": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scullyio/scully/main/assets/logos/PNG/Green/scullyio-logo-green.png", "url": "https://scully.io" } } }, "UI Components": { "order": 4, "resources": { "AngularUIToolkit": { "desc": "Angular UI Toolkit: 115 professionally maintained UI components ranging from a robust grid to charts and more. Try for free & build Angular apps faster.", "title": "Angular UI Toolkit", "url": "https://www.angular-ui-tools.com" }, "SenchaforAngular": { "desc": "Build modern web apps faster with 115+ pre-built UI components. Try for free and download today.", "title": "Sencha for Angular", "url": "https://www.sencha.com/products/extangular/" }, "IgniteUIforAngular": { "desc": "Ignite UI for Angular is a dependency-free Angular toolkit for building modern web apps.", "title": "Ignite UI for Angular", "url": "https://www.infragistics.com/products/ignite-ui-angular?utm_source=angular.io&utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=Angular" }, "DevExtreme": { "desc": "50+ UI components including data grid, pivot grid, scheduler, charts, editors, maps and other multi-purpose controls for creating highly responsive web applications for touch devices and traditional desktops.", "title": "DevExtreme", "url": "https://js.devexpress.com/Overview/Angular/" }, "234237": { "desc": "UX guidelines, HTML/CSS framework, and Angular components working together to craft exceptional experiences", "title": "Clarity Design System", "url": "https://vmware.github.io/clarity/" }, "-KMVB8P4TDfht8c0L1AE": { "desc": "The Angular version of the Angular UI Bootstrap library. This library is being built from scratch in Typescript using the Bootstrap 4 CSS framework.", "title": "ng-bootstrap", "url": "https://ng-bootstrap.github.io/" }, "4ab": { "desc": "Native Angular components & directives for Lightning Design System", "logo": "http://ng-lightning.github.io/ng-lightning/img/shield.svg", "title": "ng-lightning", "url": "http://ng-lightning.github.io/ng-lightning/" }, "7ab": { "desc": "UI components for hybrid mobile apps with bindings for both Angular & AngularJS.", "title": "Onsen UI", "url": "https://onsen.io/v2/" }, "a2b": { "desc": "PrimeNG is a collection of rich UI components for Angular", "logo": "http://www.primefaces.org/primeng/showcase/resources/images/primeng.svg", "title": "Prime Faces", "url": "http://www.primefaces.org/primeng/" }, "a3b": { "desc": "A professional grade library of Angular UI components written in TypeScript that includes our Data Grid, TreeView, Charts, Editors, DropDowns, DatePickers, and many more. Features include support for AOT compilation, Tree Shaking for high-performance, localization, and accessibility.", "logo": "", "title": "Kendo UI", "url": "http://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/" }, "a5b": { "desc": "High-performance UI controls with the most complete Angular support available. Wijmo’s controls are all written in TypeScript and have zero dependencies. FlexGrid control includes full declarative markup, including cell templates.", "logo": "http://wijmocdn.azureedge.net/wijmositeblob/wijmo-theme/logos/wijmo-55.png", "title": "Wijmo", "url": "http://wijmo.com/products/wijmo-5/" }, "a6b": { "desc": "Material design inspired UI components for building great web apps. For mobile and desktop.", "logo": "", "title": "Vaadin", "url": "https://vaadin.com/elements" }, "a7b": { "desc": "Native Angular directives for Bootstrap", "logo": "", "title": "ngx-bootstrap", "url": "http://valor-software.com/ngx-bootstrap/#/" }, "ab": { "desc": "Material Design components for Angular", "logo": "", "title": "Angular Material", "url": "https://material.angular.io/" }, "mcc": { "desc": "Material components made by the community", "logo": "", "title": "Material Community Components", "url": "https://github.com/tiaguinho/material-community-components" }, "mosaic": { "desc": "Positive Technologies UI components based on Angular", "logo": "https://i.ibb.co/fQNPgv6/logo-png-200.png", "title": "Mosaic - Angular UI Components", "url": "https://github.com/positive-js/mosaic" }, "ngzorro": { "desc": "A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular", "title": "Ant Design of Angular (ng-zorro-antd)", "url": "https://ng.ant.design/docs/introduce/en" }, "ngzorromobile": { "desc": "A set of enterprise-class mobile UI components based on Ant Design Mobile and Angular", "title": "Ant Design Mobile of Angular (ng-zorro-antd-mobile)", "url": "http://ng.mobile.ant.design/#/docs/introduce/en" }, "aggrid": { "desc": "A datagrid for Angular with enterprise style features such as sorting, filtering, custom rendering, editing, grouping, aggregation and pivoting.", "title": "ag-Grid", "url": "https://www.ag-grid.com/best-angular-2-data-grid/" }, "angular-slickgrid": { "desc": "Angular-SlickGrid is a wrapper of the lightning fast & customizable SlickGrid datagrid library with Bootstrap 3,4 themes", "title": "Angular-Slickgrid", "url": "https://github.com/ghiscoding/Angular-Slickgrid" }, "fancygrid": { "desc": "Angular grid library with charts integration and server communication for Enterprise.", "title": "FancyGrid", "url": "https://fancygrid.com/docs/getting-started/angular" }, "ngx-smart-modal": { "desc": "Angular smart, light and fast modal handler to manage modals and data everywhere.", "title": "ngx-smart-modal", "url": "https://biig-io.github.io/ngx-smart-modal" }, "jqwidgets": { "desc": "Angular UI Components including data grid, tree grid, pivot grid, scheduler, charts, editors and other multi-purpose components", "title": "jQWidgets", "url": "https://www.jqwidgets.com/angular/" }, "amexio": { "desc": "Amexio is a rich set of Angular components powered by HTML5 & CSS3 for Responsive Web Design and 80+ built-in Material Design Themes. Amexio has 3 Editions, Standard, Enterprise and Creative. Std Edition consists of basic UI Components which include Grid, Tabs, Form Inputs and so on. While Enterprise Edition consists of components like Calendar, Tree Tabs, Social Media Logins (Facebook, GitHub, Twitter and so on) and Creative Edition is focused building elegant and beautiful websites. With more than 200+ components/features. All the editions are open-sourced and free, based on Apache 2 License.", "title": "Amexio - Angular Extensions", "url": "http://www.amexio.tech/", "logo": "http://www.amexio.org/amexio-logo.png" }, "bm": { "desc": "A lightweight Material Design library for Angular, based upon Google's Material Components for the Web", "logo": "https://blox.src.zone/assets/bloxmaterial.03ecfe4fa0147a781487749dc1cc4580.svg", "title": "Blox Material", "url": "https://github.com/src-zone/material" }, "essentialjs2": { "desc": "Essential JS 2 for Angular is a collection modern TypeScript based true Angular Components. It has support for Ahead Of Time (AOT) compilation and Tree-Shaking. All the components are developed from the ground up to be lightweight, responsive, modular and touch friendly.", "title": "Essential JS 2", "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/products/angular-js2" }, "trulyui": { "desc": "TrulyUI is an Angular UI Framework especially developed for Desktop Applications based on Web Components using the greatest technologies of the world.", "title": "Truly UI", "url": "http://truly-ui.com" }, "ngsqui": { "desc": "Simple Quality UI (SQ-UI) is a flexible and easily customizable UI-kit, aiming to provide maximum efficiency with as little overhead as possible. Driven by the idea that it should be strictly \"for developers by developers\", every new feature release includes functionalities demanded by the developers who are using it.", "logo": "https://sq-ui.github.io/ng-sq-ui/_media/sq-ui-logo.png", "title": "Simple Quality UI", "url": "https://sq-ui.github.io/ng-sq-ui/#/" }, "smart": { "desc": "Web Components for Angular. Dependency-free Angular components for building modern and mobile-friendly web apps", "title": "Smart Web Components", "url": "https://www.htmlelements.com/angular/" }, "AlyleUI": { "desc": "Minimal Design, a set of components for Angular.", "title": "Alyle UI", "url": "https://alyle-ui.firebaseapp.com/" }, "nebular": { "desc": "Theme System, UI Components, Auth and Security for your next Angular application.", "title": "Nebular", "url": "https://akveo.github.io/nebular/" }, "carbondesignsystem": { "desc": "An Angular implementation of the Carbon Design System for IBM.", "title": "Carbon Components Angular", "url": "https://angular.carbondesignsystem.com/" }, "jigsaw": { "desc": "Jigsaw provides a set of web components based on Angular. It is supporting the development of all applications of Big Data Product of ZTE (https://www.zte.com.cn).", "title": "Awade Jigsaw (Chinese)", "url": "https://jigsaw-zte.gitee.io" }, "material-dayjs-adapter": { "desc": "A DayJS implementation of @angular/material's DateAdapter that results in smaller bundle sizes than its MomentJS counterpart.", "rev": true, "title": "material-dayjs-adapter", "url": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/@tabuckner/material-dayjs-adapter" }, "ngx-skeleton-loader": { "desc": "NGX Skeleton Loader is a lightweight and A11Y friendly solution for blazing fast loading skeletons that automatically adapt to your Angular apps.", "title": "NGX Skeleton Loader", "url": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-skeleton-loader" } } } } }, "Education": { "order": 2, "subCategories": { "Books": { "order": 1, "resources": { "-KLIzGEp8Mh5W-FkiQnL": { "desc": "A no-nonsense beginner's guide to building web applications with Angular and TypeScript", "title": "Learning Angular - Third Edition", "url": "https://www.packtpub.com/product/learning-angular-third-edition/9781839210662" }, "3ab": { "desc": "More than 15 books from O'Reilly about Angular", "title": "O'Reilly Media", "url": "https://ssearch.oreilly.com/?q=angular" }, "a5b": { "desc": "The in-depth, complete, and up-to-date book on Angular. Become an Angular expert today.", "title": "ng-book", "url": "https://www.ng-book.com/2/" }, "a7b": { "desc": "This ebook will help you getting the philosophy of the framework: what comes from 1.x, what has been introduced and why", "title": "Becoming a Ninja with Angular", "url": "https://books.ninja-squad.com/angular" }, "ab": { "desc": "More than 10 books from Packt Publishing about Angular", "title": "Packt Publishing", "url": "https://www.packtpub.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=angular" }, "cnoring-rxjs-fundamentals": { "desc": "A free book that covers all facets of working with Rxjs from your first Observable to how to make your code run at optimal speed with Schedulers.", "title": "RxJS Ultimate", "url": "https://chrisnoring.gitbooks.io/rxjs-5-ultimate/content/" }, "vsavkin-angular-router": { "desc": "This book is a comprehensive guide to the Angular router written by its designer. The book explores the library in depth, including the mental model, design constraints, subtleties of the API.", "title": "Angular Router", "url": "https://leanpub.com/router" }, "vsavkin-essential-angular": { "desc": "The book is a short, but at the same time, fairly complete overview of the key aspects of Angular written by its core contributors Victor Savkin and Jeff Cross. The book will give you a strong foundation. It will help you put all the concepts into right places. So you will get a good understanding of why the framework is the way it is.", "title": "Essential Angular", "url": "https://gumroad.com/l/essential_angular" }, "angular-buch": { "desc": "The first German book about Angular. It gives you a detailed practical overview of the key concepts of the platform. In each chapter a sample application is built upon with a new Angular topic. All sources are available on GitHub.", "logo": "https://angular-buch.com/assets/img/brand.svg", "title": "Angular-Buch (German)", "url": "https://angular-buch.com/" }, "wishtack-guide-angular": { "desc": "The free, open-source and up-to-date Angular guide. This pragmatic guide is focused on best practices and will drive you from scratch to cloud.", "logo": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wishtack/gitbook-guide-angular/master/.gitbook/assets/wishtack-logo-with-text.png", "title": "The Angular Guide by Wishtack (Français)", "url": "https://guide-angular.wishtack.io/" }, "ab5": { "desc": "How to build Angular applications using NGRX", "logo": "", "title": "Architecting Angular Applications with NGRX", "url": "https://www.packtpub.com/web-development/architecting-angular-applications-redux" }, "dwa": { "desc": "Practical journey with Angular framework, ES6, TypeScript, webpack and Angular CLI.", "title": "Developing with Angular", "url": "https://leanpub.com/developing-with-angular" } } }, "Online Training": { "order": 3, "resources": { "angular-dyma": { "desc": "Learn Angular and all its ecosystem (Material, Flex-layout, Ngrx and more) from scratch.", "title": "Dyma (French)", "url": "https://dyma.fr/angular" }, "-KLIBoTWXMiBcvG0dAM6": { "desc": "This course introduces you to the essentials of this \"superheroic\" framework, including declarative templates, two-way data binding, and dependency injection.", "title": "Angular: Essential Training", "url": "https://www.lynda.com/AngularJS-tutorials/Angular-2-Essential-Training/540347-2.html" }, "-KLIzGq3CiFeoZUemVyE": { "desc": "Learn the core concepts, play with the code, become a competent Angular developer", "title": "Angular Concepts, Code and Collective Wisdom", "url": "https://www.udemy.com/angular-2-concepts-code-and-collective-wisdom/" }, "-KLIzHwg-glQLXni1hvL": { "desc": "Spanish language Angular articles and information", "title": "Academia Binaria (español)", "url": "http://academia-binaria.com/" }, "-KN3uNQvxifu26D6WKJW": { "category": "Education", "desc": "Create the future of web applications by taking Angular for a test drive.", "subcategory": "Online Training", "title": "CodeSchool: Accelerating Through Angular", "url": "https://www.codeschool.com/courses/accelerating-through-angular-2" }, "angular-playbook": { "desc": "Learn advanced Angular best practices for enterprise teams, created by Nrwl.io.", "logo": "https://nrwl.io/assets/logo_footer_2x.png", "title": "Angular Enterprise Playbook", "url": "https://angularplaybook.com" }, "a2b": { "desc": "Hundreds of Angular courses for all skill levels", "logo": "", "title": "Pluralsight", "url": "https://www.pluralsight.com/paths/angular" }, "ab3": { "desc": "Angular courses hosted by Udemy", "logo": "", "title": "Udemy", "url": "https://www.udemy.com/courses/search/?q=angular" }, "ab4": { "desc": "Angular Fundamentals and advanced topics focused on Redux Style Angular Applications", "logo": "", "title": "Egghead.io", "url": "https://egghead.io/browse/frameworks/angular" }, "ab5": { "desc": "Build Web Apps with Angular - recorded video content", "logo": "", "title": "Frontend Masters", "url": "https://frontendmasters.com/courses/angular-core/" }, "angular-love": { "desc": "Polish language Angular articles and information", "title": "angular.love (Polski)", "url": "http://www.angular.love/" }, "learn-angular-fr": { "desc": "French language Angular content.", "title": "Learn Angular (francais)", "url": "http://www.learn-angular.fr/" }, "upgrading-ajs": { "desc": "The world's most comprehensive, step-by-step course on using best practices and avoiding pitfalls while migrating from AngularJS to Angular.", "title": "Upgrading AngularJS", "url": "https://www.upgradingangularjs.com" }, "toddmotto-ultimateangular": { "desc": "Online courses providing in-depth coverage of the Angular ecosystem, AngularJS, Angular and TypeScript, with functional code samples and a full-featured seed environment. Get a deep understanding of Angular and TypeScript from foundation to functional application, then move on to advanced topics with Todd Motto and collaborators.", "title": "Ultimate Angular", "url": "https://ultimateangular.com/" }, "willh-angular-zero": { "desc": "Online video course in Chinese for newbies who need to learning from the scratch in Chinese. It's covering Angular, Angular CLI, TypeScript, VSCode, and some must known knowledge of Angular development.", "title": "Angular in Action: Start From Scratch (正體中文)", "url": "https://www.udemy.com/angular-zero/?couponCode=ANGULAR.IO" }, "angular-firebase": { "desc": "Video lessons covering progressive web apps with Angular, Firebase, RxJS, and related APIs.", "title": "AngularFirebase.com", "url": "https://angularfirebase.com/" }, "loiane-angulartraining": { "desc": "Free Angular course in Portuguese.", "title": "Loiane Training (Português)", "url": "https://loiane.training/course/angular/" }, "web-dev-angular": { "desc": "Build performant and progressive Angular applications.", "title": "web.dev/angular", "url": "https://web.dev/angular" }, "mdb-angular-boilerplate": { "desc": "Angular CRUD application starter with NgRx state management, Firebase backend and installation guide.", "title": "MDB Angular Boilerplate", "url": "https://github.com/mdbootstrap/Angular-Bootstrap-Boilerplate" }, "dotnettricks": { "desc": "Online videos and training for Angular.", "logo": "", "title": "DotNetTricks", "url": "https://www.dotnettricks.com/courses/angular" } } }, "Workshops & Onsite Training": { "order": 2, "resources": { "webucator": { "desc": "Customized in-person instructor-led Angular training for private groups and public online instructor-led Angular classes.", "title": "Webucator", "url": "https://www.webucator.com/webdev-training/angular-training" }, "-acceleb": { "desc": "Customized, Instructor-Led Angular Training", "title": "Accelebrate", "url": "https://www.accelebrate.com/angular-training" }, "-KLIBoFWStce29UCwkvY": { "desc": "Private Angular Training and Mentoring", "title": "Chariot Solutions", "url": "http://chariotsolutions.com/course/angular2-workshop-fundamentals-architecture/" }, "-KLIBoN0p9be3kwC6-ga": { "desc": "Angular Academy is a two day hands-on public course given in-person across Canada!", "title": "Angular Academy (Canada)", "url": "http://www.angularacademy.ca" }, "at": { "desc": "Angular Training teaches Angular on-site all over the world. Also provides consulting and mentoring.", "title": "Angular Training", "url": "http://www.angulartraining.com" }, "-KLIBo_lm-WrK1Sjtt-2": { "desc": "Basic and Advanced training across Europe in German", "title": "TheCodeCampus (German)", "url": "https://www.thecodecampus.de/schulungen/angular" }, "-KLIzFhfGKi1xttqJ7Uh": { "desc": "4 day in-depth Angular training in Israel", "title": "ng-course (Israel)", "url": "http://ng-course.org/" }, "-KLIzIcRoDq3TzCJWnYc": { "desc": "Virtual and in-person training in Canada and the US", "title": "Web Age Solutions", "url": "http://www.webagesolutions.com/courses/WA2533-angular-2-programming" }, "500tech": { "desc": "Learn from 500Tech, an Angular consultancy in Israel. This course was built by an expert developer, who lives and breathes Angular, and has practical experience with real world large scale Angular apps.", "title": "Angular Hands-on Course (Israel)", "url": "http://angular2.courses.500tech.com/" }, "9ab": { "desc": "OnSite Training From the Authors of \"Become A Ninja with Angular\"", "title": "Ninja Squad", "url": "http://ninja-squad.com/formations/formation-angular2" }, "a2b": { "desc": "Angular Boot Camp covers introductory through advanced Angular topics. It includes extensive workshop sessions, with hands-on help from our experienced developer-trainers. We take developers or teams from the beginnings of Angular understanding through a working knowledge of all essential Angular features.", "logo": "https://angularbootcamp.com/images/angular-boot-camp-logo.svg", "title": "Angular Boot Camp", "url": "https://angularbootcamp.com" }, "ab3": { "desc": "Trainings & Code Reviews. We help people to get a deep understanding of different technologies through trainings and code reviews. Our services can be arranged online, making it possible to join in from anywhere in the world, or on-site to get the best experience possible.", "logo": "", "title": "Thoughtram", "url": "http://thoughtram.io/" }, "jsru": { "desc": "Complete Angular online course. Constantly updating. Real-time webinars with immediate feedback from the teacher.", "logo": "https://learn.javascript.ru/img/sitetoolbar__logo_ru.svg", "title": "Learn Javascript (Russian)", "url": "https://learn.javascript.ru/courses/angular" }, "zenika-angular": { "desc": "Angular trainings delivered by Zenika (FRANCE)", "title": "Angular Trainings (French)", "url": "https://training.zenika.com/fr/training/angular/description" }, "formationjs": { "desc": "Angular onsite training in Paris (France). Monthly Angular workshops and custom onsite classes. We are focused on Angular, so we are always up to date.", "title": "Formation JavaScript (French)", "url": "https://formationjavascript.com/formation-angular/" }, "humancoders-angular": { "desc": "Angular trainings delivered by Human Coders (France)", "title": "Formation Angular (French)", "url": "https://www.humancoders.com/formations/angular" }, "wao": { "desc": "Onsite Angular Training delivered by We Are One Sàrl in Switzerland", "logo": "https://weareone.ch/wordpress/wao-content/uploads/2014/12/logo_200_2x.png", "title": "We Are One Sàrl", "url": "https://weareone.ch/courses/angular/" }, "angular-schule": { "desc": "Angular onsite training and public workshops in Germany from the authors of the German Angular book. We also regularly post articles and videos on our blog (in English and German language).", "logo": "https://angular.schule/assets/img/brand.svg", "title": "Angular.Schule (German)", "url": "https://angular.schule/" }, "strbrw": { "desc": "Angular and RxJS trainings, Code Reviews and consultancy. We help software engineers all over the world to create better web-applications...", "title": "StrongBrew", "url": "https://strongbrew.io/" }, "angular.de": { "desc": "Onsite Angular Training delivered by the greatest community in the german speaking area in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We also regularly post articles and tutorials on our blog.", "logo": "https://angular.de/assets/img/angular-de-logo.svg", "title": "Angular.de (German)", "url": "https://angular.de/" } } } } } }