/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {promises as fs} from 'fs'; import * as ora from 'ora'; import {join} from 'path'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import {debug, error, green, info, promptConfirm, red, warn, yellow} from '../../utils/console'; import {getListCommitsInBranchUrl, getRepositoryGitUrl} from '../../utils/git/github-urls'; import {GitClient} from '../../utils/git/index'; import {BuiltPackage, ReleaseConfig} from '../config'; import {ActiveReleaseTrains} from '../versioning/active-release-trains'; import {runNpmPublish} from '../versioning/npm-publish'; import {FatalReleaseActionError, UserAbortedReleaseActionError} from './actions-error'; import {getCommitMessageForRelease, getReleaseNoteCherryPickCommitMessage} from './commit-message'; import {changelogPath, packageJsonPath, waitForPullRequestInterval} from './constants'; import {invokeReleaseBuildCommand, invokeYarnInstallCommand} from './external-commands'; import {findOwnedForksOfRepoQuery} from './graphql-queries'; import {getPullRequestState} from './pull-request-state'; import {getDefaultExtractReleaseNotesPattern, getLocalChangelogFilePath} from './release-notes'; /** Interface describing a Github repository. */ export interface GithubRepo { owner: string; name: string; } /** Interface describing a Github pull request. */ export interface PullRequest { /** Unique id for the pull request (i.e. the PR number). */ id: number; /** URL that resolves to the pull request in Github. */ url: string; /** Fork containing the head branch of this pull request. */ fork: GithubRepo; /** Branch name in the fork that defines this pull request. */ forkBranch: string; } /** Constructor type for instantiating a release action */ export interface ReleaseActionConstructor { /** Whether the release action is currently active. */ isActive(active: ActiveReleaseTrains): Promise; /** Constructs a release action. */ new(...args: [ActiveReleaseTrains, GitClient, ReleaseConfig, string]): T; } /** * Abstract base class for a release action. A release action is selectable by the caretaker * if active, and can perform changes for releasing, such as staging a release, bumping the * version, cherry-picking the changelog, branching off from master. etc. */ export abstract class ReleaseAction { /** Whether the release action is currently active. */ static isActive(_trains: ActiveReleaseTrains): Promise { throw Error('Not implemented.'); } /** Gets the description for a release action. */ abstract getDescription(): Promise; /** * Performs the given release action. * @throws {UserAbortedReleaseActionError} When the user manually aborted the action. * @throws {FatalReleaseActionError} When the action has been aborted due to a fatal error. */ abstract perform(): Promise; /** Cached found fork of the configured project. */ private _cachedForkRepo: GithubRepo|null = null; constructor( protected active: ActiveReleaseTrains, protected git: GitClient, protected config: ReleaseConfig, protected projectDir: string) {} /** Updates the version in the project top-level `package.json` file. */ protected async updateProjectVersion(newVersion: semver.SemVer) { const pkgJsonPath = join(this.projectDir, packageJsonPath); const pkgJson = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(pkgJsonPath, 'utf8')); pkgJson.version = newVersion.format(); // Write the `package.json` file. Note that we add a trailing new line // to avoid unnecessary diff. IDEs usually add a trailing new line. await fs.writeFile(pkgJsonPath, `${JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, 2)}\n`); info(green(` ✓ Updated project version to ${pkgJson.version}`)); } /** Gets the most recent commit of a specified branch. */ private async _getCommitOfBranch(branchName: string): Promise { const {data: {commit}} = await this.git.github.repos.getBranch({...this.git.remoteParams, branch: branchName}); return commit.sha; } /** Verifies that the latest commit for the given branch is passing all statuses. */ protected async verifyPassingGithubStatus(branchName: string) { const commitSha = await this._getCommitOfBranch(branchName); const {data: {state}} = await this.git.github.repos.getCombinedStatusForRef( {...this.git.remoteParams, ref: commitSha}); const branchCommitsUrl = getListCommitsInBranchUrl(this.git, branchName); if (state === 'failure') { error( red(` ✘ Cannot stage release. Commit "${commitSha}" does not pass all github ` + 'status checks. Please make sure this commit passes all checks before re-running.')); error(` Please have a look at: ${branchCommitsUrl}`); if (await promptConfirm('Do you want to ignore the Github status and proceed?')) { info(yellow( ' ⚠ Upstream commit is failing CI checks, but status has been forcibly ignored.')); return; } throw new UserAbortedReleaseActionError(); } else if (state === 'pending') { error( red(` ✘ Commit "${commitSha}" still has pending github statuses that ` + 'need to succeed before staging a release.')); error(red(` Please have a look at: ${branchCommitsUrl}`)); if (await promptConfirm('Do you want to ignore the Github status and proceed?')) { info(yellow(' ⚠ Upstream commit is pending CI, but status has been forcibly ignored.')); return; } throw new UserAbortedReleaseActionError(); } info(green(' ✓ Upstream commit is passing all github status checks.')); } /** Generates the changelog for the specified for the current `HEAD`. */ private async _generateReleaseNotesForHead(version: semver.SemVer) { const changelogPath = getLocalChangelogFilePath(this.projectDir); await this.config.generateReleaseNotesForHead(changelogPath); info(green(` ✓ Updated the changelog to capture changes for "${version}".`)); } /** Extract the release notes for the given version from the changelog file. */ private _extractReleaseNotesForVersion(changelogContent: string, version: semver.SemVer): string |null { const pattern = this.config.extractReleaseNotesPattern !== undefined ? this.config.extractReleaseNotesPattern(version) : getDefaultExtractReleaseNotesPattern(version); const matchedNotes = pattern.exec(changelogContent); return matchedNotes === null ? null : matchedNotes[1]; } /** * Prompts the user for potential release notes edits that need to be made. Once * confirmed, a new commit for the release point is created. */ protected async waitForEditsAndCreateReleaseCommit(newVersion: semver.SemVer) { info(yellow( ' ⚠ Please review the changelog and ensure that the log contains only changes ' + 'that apply to the public API surface. Manual changes can be made. When done, please ' + 'proceed with the prompt below.')); if (!await promptConfirm('Do you want to proceed and commit the changes?')) { throw new UserAbortedReleaseActionError(); } // Commit message for the release point. const commitMessage = getCommitMessageForRelease(newVersion); // Create a release staging commit including changelog and version bump. await this.createCommit(commitMessage, [packageJsonPath, changelogPath]); info(green(` ✓ Created release commit for: "${newVersion}".`)); } /** * Gets an owned fork for the configured project of the authenticated user. Aborts the * process with an error if no fork could be found. Also caches the determined fork * repository as the authenticated user cannot change during action execution. */ private async _getForkOfAuthenticatedUser(): Promise { if (this._cachedForkRepo !== null) { return this._cachedForkRepo; } const {owner, name} = this.git.remoteConfig; const result = await this.git.github.graphql.query(findOwnedForksOfRepoQuery, {owner, name}); const forks = result.repository.forks.nodes; if (forks.length === 0) { error(red(' ✘ Unable to find fork for currently authenticated user.')); error(red(` Please ensure you created a fork of: ${owner}/${name}.`)); throw new FatalReleaseActionError(); } const fork = forks[0]; return this._cachedForkRepo = {owner: fork.owner.login, name: fork.name}; } /** Checks whether a given branch name is reserved in the specified repository. */ private async _isBranchNameReservedInRepo(repo: GithubRepo, name: string): Promise { try { await this.git.github.repos.getBranch({owner: repo.owner, repo: repo.name, branch: name}); return true; } catch (e) { // If the error has a `status` property set to `404`, then we know that the branch // does not exist. Otherwise, it might be an API error that we want to report/re-throw. if (e.status === 404) { return false; } throw e; } } /** Finds a non-reserved branch name in the repository with respect to a base name. */ private async _findAvailableBranchName(repo: GithubRepo, baseName: string): Promise { let currentName = baseName; let suffixNum = 0; while (await this._isBranchNameReservedInRepo(repo, currentName)) { suffixNum++; currentName = `${baseName}_${suffixNum}`; } return currentName; } /** * Creates a local branch from the current Git `HEAD`. Will override * existing branches in case of a collision. */ protected async createLocalBranchFromHead(branchName: string) { this.git.run(['checkout', '-B', branchName]); } /** Pushes the current Git `HEAD` to the given remote branch in the configured project. */ protected async pushHeadToRemoteBranch(branchName: string) { // Push the local `HEAD` to the remote branch in the configured project. this.git.run(['push', this.git.repoGitUrl, `HEAD:refs/heads/${branchName}`]); } /** * Pushes the current Git `HEAD` to a fork for the configured project that is owned by * the authenticated user. If the specified branch name exists in the fork already, a * unique one will be generated based on the proposed name to avoid collisions. * @param proposedBranchName Proposed branch name for the fork. * @param trackLocalBranch Whether the fork branch should be tracked locally. i.e. whether * a local branch with remote tracking should be set up. * @returns The fork and branch name containing the pushed changes. */ private async _pushHeadToFork(proposedBranchName: string, trackLocalBranch: boolean): Promise<{fork: GithubRepo, branchName: string}> { const fork = await this._getForkOfAuthenticatedUser(); // Compute a repository URL for pushing to the fork. Note that we want to respect // the SSH option from the dev-infra github configuration. const repoGitUrl = getRepositoryGitUrl({...fork, useSsh: this.git.remoteConfig.useSsh}, this.git.githubToken); const branchName = await this._findAvailableBranchName(fork, proposedBranchName); const pushArgs: string[] = []; // If a local branch should track the remote fork branch, create a branch matching // the remote branch. Later with the `git push`, the remote is set for the branch. if (trackLocalBranch) { await this.createLocalBranchFromHead(branchName); pushArgs.push('--set-upstream'); } // Push the local `HEAD` to the remote branch in the fork. this.git.run(['push', repoGitUrl, `HEAD:refs/heads/${branchName}`, ...pushArgs]); return {fork, branchName}; } /** * Pushes changes to a fork for the configured project that is owned by the currently * authenticated user. A pull request is then created for the pushed changes on the * configured project that targets the specified target branch. * @returns An object describing the created pull request. */ protected async pushChangesToForkAndCreatePullRequest( targetBranch: string, proposedForkBranchName: string, title: string, body?: string): Promise { const repoSlug = `${this.git.remoteParams.owner}/${this.git.remoteParams.repo}`; const {fork, branchName} = await this._pushHeadToFork(proposedForkBranchName, true); const {data} = await this.git.github.pulls.create({ ...this.git.remoteParams, head: `${fork.owner}:${branchName}`, base: targetBranch, body, title, }); info(green(` ✓ Created pull request #${data.number} in ${repoSlug}.`)); return { id: data.number, url: data.html_url, fork, forkBranch: branchName, }; } /** * Waits for the given pull request to be merged. Default interval for checking the Github * API is 10 seconds (to not exceed any rate limits). If the pull request is closed without * merge, the script will abort gracefully (considering a manual user abort). */ protected async waitForPullRequestToBeMerged(id: number, interval = waitForPullRequestInterval): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { debug(`Waiting for pull request #${id} to be merged.`); const spinner = ora.call(undefined).start(`Waiting for pull request #${id} to be merged.`); const intervalId = setInterval(async () => { const prState = await getPullRequestState(this.git, id); if (prState === 'merged') { spinner.stop(); info(green(` ✓ Pull request #${id} has been merged.`)); clearInterval(intervalId); resolve(); } else if (prState === 'closed') { spinner.stop(); warn(yellow(` ✘ Pull request #${id} has been closed.`)); clearInterval(intervalId); reject(new UserAbortedReleaseActionError()); } }, interval); }); } /** * Prepend releases notes for a version published in a given branch to the changelog in * the current Git `HEAD`. This is useful for cherry-picking the changelog. * @returns A boolean indicating whether the release notes have been prepended. */ protected async prependReleaseNotesFromVersionBranch( version: semver.SemVer, containingBranch: string): Promise { const {data} = await this.git.github.repos.getContents( {...this.git.remoteParams, path: '/' + changelogPath, ref: containingBranch}); const branchChangelog = Buffer.from(data.content, 'base64').toString(); let releaseNotes = this._extractReleaseNotesForVersion(branchChangelog, version); // If no release notes could be extracted, return "false" so that the caller // can tell that changelog prepending failed. if (releaseNotes === null) { return false; } const localChangelogPath = getLocalChangelogFilePath(this.projectDir); const localChangelog = await fs.readFile(localChangelogPath, 'utf8'); // If the extracted release notes do not have any new lines at the end and the // local changelog is not empty, we add lines manually so that there is space // between the previous and cherry-picked release notes. if (!/[\r\n]+$/.test(releaseNotes) && localChangelog !== '') { releaseNotes = `${releaseNotes}\n\n`; } // Prepend the extracted release notes to the local changelog and write it back. await fs.writeFile(localChangelogPath, releaseNotes + localChangelog); return true; } /** Checks out an upstream branch with a detached head. */ protected async checkoutUpstreamBranch(branchName: string) { this.git.run(['fetch', '-q', this.git.repoGitUrl, branchName]); this.git.run(['checkout', 'FETCH_HEAD', '--detach']); } /** * Creates a commit for the specified files with the given message. * @param message Message for the created commit * @param files List of project-relative file paths to be commited. */ protected async createCommit(message: string, files: string[]) { this.git.run(['commit', '--no-verify', '-m', message, ...files]); } /** * Creates a cherry-pick commit for the release notes of the specified version that * has been pushed to the given branch. * @returns a boolean indicating whether the commit has been created successfully. */ protected async createCherryPickReleaseNotesCommitFrom( version: semver.SemVer, branchName: string): Promise { const commitMessage = getReleaseNoteCherryPickCommitMessage(version); // Fetch, extract and prepend the release notes to the local changelog. If that is not // possible, abort so that we can ask the user to manually cherry-pick the changelog. if (!await this.prependReleaseNotesFromVersionBranch(version, branchName)) { return false; } // Create a changelog cherry-pick commit. await this.createCommit(commitMessage, [changelogPath]); info(green(` ✓ Created changelog cherry-pick commit for: "${version}".`)); return true; } /** * Stages the specified new version for the current branch and creates a * pull request that targets the given base branch. * @returns an object describing the created pull request. */ protected async stageVersionForBranchAndCreatePullRequest( newVersion: semver.SemVer, pullRequestBaseBranch: string): Promise { await this.updateProjectVersion(newVersion); await this._generateReleaseNotesForHead(newVersion); await this.waitForEditsAndCreateReleaseCommit(newVersion); const pullRequest = await this.pushChangesToForkAndCreatePullRequest( pullRequestBaseBranch, `release-stage-${newVersion}`, `Bump version to "v${newVersion}" with changelog.`); info(green(' ✓ Release staging pull request has been created.')); info(yellow(` Please ask team members to review: ${pullRequest.url}.`)); return pullRequest; } /** * Checks out the specified target branch, verifies its CI status and stages * the specified new version in order to create a pull request. * @returns an object describing the created pull request. */ protected async checkoutBranchAndStageVersion(newVersion: semver.SemVer, stagingBranch: string): Promise { await this.verifyPassingGithubStatus(stagingBranch); await this.checkoutUpstreamBranch(stagingBranch); return await this.stageVersionForBranchAndCreatePullRequest(newVersion, stagingBranch); } /** * Cherry-picks the release notes of a version that have been pushed to a given branch * into the `next` primary development branch. A pull request is created for this. * @returns a boolean indicating successful creation of the cherry-pick pull request. */ protected async cherryPickChangelogIntoNextBranch( newVersion: semver.SemVer, stagingBranch: string): Promise { const nextBranch = this.active.next.branchName; const commitMessage = getReleaseNoteCherryPickCommitMessage(newVersion); // Checkout the next branch. await this.checkoutUpstreamBranch(nextBranch); // Cherry-pick the release notes into the current branch. If it fails, // ask the user to manually copy the release notes into the next branch. if (!await this.createCherryPickReleaseNotesCommitFrom(newVersion, stagingBranch)) { error(yellow(` ✘ Could not cherry-pick release notes for v${newVersion}.`)); error( yellow(` Please copy the release notes manually into the "${nextBranch}" branch.`)); return false; } // Create a cherry-pick pull request that should be merged by the caretaker. const {url} = await this.pushChangesToForkAndCreatePullRequest( nextBranch, `changelog-cherry-pick-${newVersion}`, commitMessage, `Cherry-picks the changelog from the "${stagingBranch}" branch to the next ` + `branch (${nextBranch}).`); info(green( ` ✓ Pull request for cherry-picking the changelog into "${nextBranch}" ` + 'has been created.')); info(yellow(` Please ask team members to review: ${url}.`)); return true; } /** * Creates a Github release for the specified version in the configured project. * The release is created by tagging the specified commit SHA. */ private async _createGithubReleaseForVersion( newVersion: semver.SemVer, versionBumpCommitSha: string) { const tagName = newVersion.format(); await this.git.github.git.createRef({ ...this.git.remoteParams, ref: `refs/tags/${tagName}`, sha: versionBumpCommitSha, }); info(green(` ✓ Tagged v${newVersion} release upstream.`)); await this.git.github.repos.createRelease({ ...this.git.remoteParams, name: `v${newVersion}`, tag_name: tagName, }); info(green(` ✓ Created v${newVersion} release in Github.`)); } /** * Builds and publishes the given version in the specified branch. * @param newVersion The new version to be published. * @param publishBranch Name of the branch that contains the new version. * @param npmDistTag NPM dist tag where the version should be published to. */ protected async buildAndPublish( newVersion: semver.SemVer, publishBranch: string, npmDistTag: string) { const versionBumpCommitSha = await this._getCommitOfBranch(publishBranch); if (!await this._isCommitForVersionStaging(newVersion, versionBumpCommitSha)) { error(red(` ✘ Latest commit in "${publishBranch}" branch is not a staging commit.`)); error(red(' Please make sure the staging pull request has been merged.')); throw new FatalReleaseActionError(); } // Checkout the publish branch and build the release packages. await this.checkoutUpstreamBranch(publishBranch); // Install the project dependencies for the publish branch, and then build the release // packages. Note that we do not directly call the build packages function from the release // config. We only want to build and publish packages that have been configured in the given // publish branch. e.g. consider we publish patch version and a new package has been // created in the `next` branch. The new package would not be part of the patch branch, // so we cannot build and publish it. await invokeYarnInstallCommand(this.projectDir); const builtPackages = await invokeReleaseBuildCommand(); // Create a Github release for the new version. await this._createGithubReleaseForVersion(newVersion, versionBumpCommitSha); // Walk through all built packages and publish them to NPM. for (const builtPackage of builtPackages) { await this._publishBuiltPackageToNpm(builtPackage, npmDistTag); } info(green(' ✓ Published all packages successfully')); } /** Publishes the given built package to NPM with the specified NPM dist tag. */ private async _publishBuiltPackageToNpm(pkg: BuiltPackage, npmDistTag: string) { debug(`Starting publish of "${pkg.name}".`); const spinner = ora.call(undefined).start(`Publishing "${pkg.name}"`); try { await runNpmPublish(pkg.outputPath, npmDistTag, this.config.publishRegistry); spinner.stop(); info(green(` ✓ Successfully published "${pkg.name}.`)); } catch (e) { spinner.stop(); error(e); error(red(` ✘ An error occurred while publishing "${pkg.name}".`)); throw new FatalReleaseActionError(); } } /** Checks whether the given commit represents a staging commit for the specified version. */ private async _isCommitForVersionStaging(version: semver.SemVer, commitSha: string) { const {data} = await this.git.github.repos.getCommit({...this.git.remoteParams, ref: commitSha}); return data.commit.message.startsWith(getCommitMessageForRelease(version)); } }