/** * A processor that can run arbitrary checking rules against properties of documents * The configuration for the processor is via the `docTypeRules`. * This is a hash of docTypes to rulesets. * Each rules set is a hash of properties to rule functions. * * The processor will run each rule function against each matching property of each matching doc. * * An example rule might look like: * * ``` * function noMarkdownHeadings(doc, prop, value) { * const match = /^\s?#+\s+.*$/m.exec(value); * if (match) { * return `Headings not allowed in "${prop}" property. Found "${match[0]}"`; * } * } * ``` * */ module.exports = function checkContentRules(log, createDocMessage) { return { /** * { * [docType]: { * [property]: Array<(doc: Document, property: string, value: any) => string|undefined> * } * } */ docTypeRules: {}, failOnContentErrors: false, $runAfter: ['tags-extracted'], $runBefore: ['processing-docs'], $process(docs) { const errors = []; docs.forEach(doc => { const docErrors = []; const rules = this.docTypeRules[doc.docType] || {}; if (rules) { Object.keys(rules).forEach(property => { const ruleFns = rules[property]; ruleFns.forEach(ruleFn => { const error = ruleFn(doc, property, doc[property]); if (error) { docErrors.push(error); } }); }); } if (docErrors.length) { errors.push({ doc, errors: docErrors }); } }); if (errors.length) { log.error('Content contains errors'); errors.forEach(docError => { const errors = docError.errors.join('\n '); log.error(createDocMessage(errors + '\n ', docError.doc)); }); if (this.failOnContentErrors) { throw new Error('Stopping due to content errors.'); } } } }; };