/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {AnimationEvent, NoopAnimationPlayer, animate, keyframes, state, style, transition, trigger} from '@angular/animations'; import {el} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/browser_util'; import {buildAnimationKeyframes} from '../../src/dsl/animation_timeline_visitor'; import {buildTrigger} from '../../src/dsl/animation_trigger'; import {AnimationStyleNormalizer, NoopAnimationStyleNormalizer} from '../../src/dsl/style_normalization/animation_style_normalizer'; import {DomAnimationEngine} from '../../src/render/dom_animation_engine'; import {MockAnimationDriver, MockAnimationPlayer} from '../../testing/src/mock_animation_driver'; function makeTrigger(name: string, steps: any) { const triggerData = trigger(name, steps); const triggerInstance = buildTrigger(triggerData.name, triggerData.definitions); return triggerInstance; } export function main() { const driver = new MockAnimationDriver(); // these tests are only mean't to be run within the DOM if (typeof Element == 'undefined') return; describe('DomAnimationEngine', () => { let element: any; beforeEach(() => { MockAnimationDriver.log = []; element = el('
'); }); function makeEngine(normalizer?: AnimationStyleNormalizer) { return new DomAnimationEngine(driver, normalizer || new NoopAnimationStyleNormalizer()); } describe('trigger registration', () => { it('should ignore and not throw an error if the same trigger is registered twice', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); engine.registerTrigger(trigger('trig', [])); expect(() => { engine.registerTrigger(trigger('trig', [])); }).not.toThrow(); }); }); describe('property setting', () => { it('should invoke a transition based on a property change', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = trigger('myTrigger', [ transition('* => *', [style({height: '0px'}), animate(1000, style({height: '100px'}))]) ]); engine.registerTrigger(trig); expect(engine.queuedPlayers.length).toEqual(0); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', 'value'); expect(engine.queuedPlayers.length).toEqual(1); const player = MockAnimationDriver.log.pop() as MockAnimationPlayer; expect(player.keyframes).toEqual([ {height: '0px', offset: 0}, {height: '100px', offset: 1} ]); }); it('should always invoke an animation even if the property change is not matched', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = trigger( 'myTrigger', [transition( 'yes => no', [style({height: '0px'}), animate(1000, style({height: '100px'}))])]); engine.registerTrigger(trig); expect(engine.queuedPlayers.length).toEqual(0); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', 'no'); expect(engine.queuedPlayers.length).toEqual(1); expect(engine.queuedPlayers.pop() instanceof NoopAnimationPlayer).toBe(true); engine.flush(); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', 'yes'); expect(engine.queuedPlayers.length).toEqual(1); expect(engine.queuedPlayers.pop() instanceof NoopAnimationPlayer).toBe(true); }); it('should not initialize the animation until the engine has been flushed', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); engine.registerTrigger(trigger( 'trig', [transition('* => something', [animate(1000, style({color: 'gold'}))])])); engine.setProperty(element, 'trig', 'something'); const player = engine.queuedPlayers.pop() as MockAnimationPlayer; let initialized = false; player.onInit(() => initialized = true); expect(initialized).toBe(false); engine.flush(); expect(initialized).toBe(true); }); it('should not queue an animation if the property value has not changed at all', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = trigger('myTrigger', [ transition('* => *', [style({height: '0px'}), animate(1000, style({height: '100px'}))]) ]); engine.registerTrigger(trig); expect(engine.queuedPlayers.length).toEqual(0); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', 'abc'); expect(engine.queuedPlayers.length).toEqual(1); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', 'abc'); expect(engine.queuedPlayers.length).toEqual(1); }); it('should throw an error if an animation property without a matching trigger is changed', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); expect(() => { engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', 'no'); }).toThrowError(/The provided animation trigger "myTrigger" has not been registered!/); }); }); describe('event listeners', () => { it('should listen to the onStart operation for the animation', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = trigger('myTrigger', [ transition('* => *', [style({height: '0px'}), animate(1000, style({height: '100px'}))]) ]); let count = 0; engine.registerTrigger(trig); engine.listen(element, 'myTrigger', 'start', () => count++); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', 'value'); expect(count).toEqual(0); engine.flush(); expect(count).toEqual(1); }); it('should listen to the onDone operation for the animation', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = trigger('myTrigger', [ transition('* => *', [style({height: '0px'}), animate(1000, style({height: '100px'}))]) ]); let count = 0; engine.registerTrigger(trig); engine.listen(element, 'myTrigger', 'done', () => count++); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', 'value'); expect(count).toEqual(0); engine.flush(); expect(count).toEqual(0); const player = engine.activePlayers.pop() !; player.finish(); expect(count).toEqual(1); }); it('should throw an error when an event is listened to that isn\'t supported', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = trigger('myTrigger', []); engine.registerTrigger(trig); expect(() => { engine.listen(element, 'myTrigger', 'explode', () => {}); }) .toThrowError( /The provided animation trigger event "explode" for the animation trigger "myTrigger" is not supported!/); }); it('should throw an error when an event is listened for a trigger that doesn\'t exist', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); expect(() => { engine.listen(element, 'myTrigger', 'explode', () => {}); }) .toThrowError( /Unable to listen on the animation trigger event "explode" because the animation trigger "myTrigger" doesn\'t exist!/); }); it('should throw an error when an undefined event is listened for', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = trigger('myTrigger', []); engine.registerTrigger(trig); expect(() => { engine.listen(element, 'myTrigger', '', () => {}); }) .toThrowError( /Unable to listen on the animation trigger "myTrigger" because the provided event is undefined!/); }); it('should retain event listeners and call them for sucessive animation state changes', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = trigger( 'myTrigger', [transition( '* => *', [style({height: '0px'}), animate(1000, style({height: '100px'}))])]); engine.registerTrigger(trig); let count = 0; engine.listen(element, 'myTrigger', 'start', () => count++); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', '123'); engine.flush(); expect(count).toEqual(1); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', '456'); engine.flush(); expect(count).toEqual(2); }); it('should only fire event listener changes for when the corresponding trigger changes state', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig1 = trigger( 'myTrigger1', [transition( '* => 123', [style({height: '0px'}), animate(1000, style({height: '100px'}))])]); engine.registerTrigger(trig1); const trig2 = trigger( 'myTrigger2', [transition( '* => 123', [style({width: '0px'}), animate(1000, style({width: '100px'}))])]); engine.registerTrigger(trig2); let count = 0; engine.listen(element, 'myTrigger1', 'start', () => count++); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger1', '123'); engine.flush(); expect(count).toEqual(1); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger2', '123'); engine.flush(); expect(count).toEqual(1); }); it('should allow a listener to be deregistered', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = trigger( 'myTrigger', [transition( '* => 123', [style({height: '0px'}), animate(1000, style({height: '100px'}))])]); engine.registerTrigger(trig); let count = 0; const deregisterFn = engine.listen(element, 'myTrigger', 'start', () => count++); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', '123'); engine.flush(); expect(count).toEqual(1); deregisterFn(); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', '456'); engine.flush(); expect(count).toEqual(1); }); it('should trigger a listener callback with an AnimationEvent argument', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); engine.registerTrigger(trigger( 'myTrigger', [transition( '* => *', [style({height: '0px'}), animate(1234, style({height: '100px'}))])])); // we do this so that the next transition has a starting value that isnt null engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', '123'); engine.flush(); let capture: AnimationEvent = null !; engine.listen(element, 'myTrigger', 'start', (e) => capture = e); engine.listen(element, 'myTrigger', 'done', (e) => capture = e); engine.setProperty(element, 'myTrigger', '456'); engine.flush(); expect(capture).toEqual({ element, triggerName: 'myTrigger', phaseName: 'start', fromState: '123', toState: '456', totalTime: 1234 }); capture = null !; const player = engine.activePlayers.pop() !; player.finish(); expect(capture).toEqual({ element, triggerName: 'myTrigger', phaseName: 'done', fromState: '123', toState: '456', totalTime: 1234 }); }); }); describe('instructions', () => { it('should animate a transition instruction', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = makeTrigger('something', [ state('on', style({height: 100})), state('off', style({height: 0})), transition('on => off', animate(9876)) ]); const instruction = trig.matchTransition('on', 'off') !; expect(MockAnimationDriver.log.length).toEqual(0); engine.animateTransition(element, instruction); expect(MockAnimationDriver.log.length).toEqual(1); }); it('should animate a timeline instruction', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const timelines = buildAnimationKeyframes([style({height: 100}), animate(1000, style({height: 0}))]); expect(MockAnimationDriver.log.length).toEqual(0); engine.animateTimeline(element, timelines); expect(MockAnimationDriver.log.length).toEqual(1); }); it('should animate an array of animation instructions', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const instructions = buildAnimationKeyframes([ style({height: 100}), animate(1000, style({height: 0})), animate(1000, keyframes([style({width: 0}), style({width: 1000})])) ]); expect(MockAnimationDriver.log.length).toEqual(0); engine.animateTimeline(element, instructions); expect(MockAnimationDriver.log.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); }); describe('removals / insertions', () => { it('should allow text nodes to be removed through the engine', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const node = document.createTextNode('hello'); element.appendChild(node); let called = false; engine.onRemove(node, () => called = true); expect(called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should allow text nodes to be inserted through the engine', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const node = document.createTextNode('hello'); let called = false; engine.onInsert(node, () => called = true); expect(called).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('transition operations', () => { it('should persist the styles on the element as actual styles once the animation is complete', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = makeTrigger('something', [ state('on', style({height: '100px'})), state('off', style({height: '0px'})), transition('on => off', animate(9876)) ]); const instruction = trig.matchTransition('on', 'off') !; const player = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction); expect(element.style.height).not.toEqual('0px'); player.finish(); expect(element.style.height).toEqual('0px'); }); it('should remove all existing state styling from an element when a follow-up transition occurs on the same trigger', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = makeTrigger('something', [ state('a', style({height: '100px'})), state('b', style({height: '500px'})), state('c', style({width: '200px'})), transition('* => *', animate(9876)) ]); const instruction1 = trig.matchTransition('a', 'b') !; const player1 = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction1); player1.finish(); expect(element.style.height).toEqual('500px'); const instruction2 = trig.matchTransition('b', 'c') !; const player2 = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction2); expect(element.style.height).not.toEqual('500px'); player2.finish(); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('200px'); expect(element.style.height).not.toEqual('500px'); }); it('should allow two animation transitions with different triggers to animate in parallel', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig1 = makeTrigger('something1', [ state('a', style({width: '100px'})), state('b', style({width: '200px'})), transition('* => *', animate(1000)) ]); const trig2 = makeTrigger('something2', [ state('x', style({height: '500px'})), state('y', style({height: '1000px'})), transition('* => *', animate(2000)) ]); let doneCount = 0; function doneCallback() { doneCount++; } const instruction1 = trig1.matchTransition('a', 'b') !; const instruction2 = trig2.matchTransition('x', 'y') !; const player1 = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction1); player1.onDone(doneCallback); expect(doneCount).toEqual(0); const player2 = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction2); player2.onDone(doneCallback); expect(doneCount).toEqual(0); player1.finish(); expect(doneCount).toEqual(1); player2.finish(); expect(doneCount).toEqual(2); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('200px'); expect(element.style.height).toEqual('1000px'); }); it('should cancel a previously running animation when a follow-up transition kicks off on the same trigger', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = makeTrigger('something', [ state('x', style({opacity: 0})), state('y', style({opacity: .5})), state('z', style({opacity: 1})), transition('* => *', animate(1000)) ]); const instruction1 = trig.matchTransition('x', 'y') !; const instruction2 = trig.matchTransition('y', 'z') !; expect(parseFloat(element.style.opacity)).not.toEqual(.5); const player1 = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction1); const player2 = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction2); expect(parseFloat(element.style.opacity)).toEqual(.5); player2.finish(); expect(parseFloat(element.style.opacity)).toEqual(1); player1.finish(); expect(parseFloat(element.style.opacity)).toEqual(1); }); it('should pass in the previously running players into the follow-up transition player when cancelled', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = makeTrigger('something', [ state('x', style({opacity: 0})), state('y', style({opacity: .5})), state('z', style({opacity: 1})), transition('* => *', animate(1000)) ]); const instruction1 = trig.matchTransition('x', 'y') !; const instruction2 = trig.matchTransition('y', 'z') !; const instruction3 = trig.matchTransition('z', 'x') !; const player1 = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction1); engine.flush(); player1.setPosition(0.5); const player2 = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction2); expect(player2.previousPlayers).toEqual([player1]); player2.finish(); const player3 = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction3); expect(player3.previousPlayers).toEqual([]); }); it('should cancel all existing players if a removal animation is set to occur', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = makeTrigger('something', [ state('m', style({opacity: 0})), state('n', style({opacity: 1})), transition('* => *', animate(1000)) ]); let doneCount = 0; function doneCallback() { doneCount++; } const instruction1 = trig.matchTransition('m', 'n') !; const instructions2 = buildAnimationKeyframes([style({height: 0}), animate(1000, style({height: 100}))]) !; const instruction3 = trig.matchTransition('n', 'void') !; const player1 = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction1); player1.onDone(doneCallback); const player2 = engine.animateTimeline(element, instructions2); player2.onDone(doneCallback); engine.flush(); expect(doneCount).toEqual(0); const player3 = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction3); expect(doneCount).toEqual(2); }); it('should only persist styles that exist in the final state styles and not the last keyframe', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = makeTrigger('something', [ state('0', style({width: '0px'})), state('1', style({width: '100px'})), transition('* => *', [animate(1000, style({height: '200px'}))]) ]); const instruction = trig.matchTransition('0', '1') !; const player = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction); expect(element.style.width).not.toEqual('100px'); player.finish(); expect(element.style.height).not.toEqual('200px'); expect(element.style.width).toEqual('100px'); }); it('should default to using styling from the `*` state if a matching state is not found', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = makeTrigger('something', [ state('a', style({opacity: 0})), state('*', style({opacity: .5})), transition('* => *', animate(1000)) ]); const instruction = trig.matchTransition('a', 'z') !; engine.animateTransition(element, instruction).finish(); expect(parseFloat(element.style.opacity)).toEqual(.5); }); it('should treat `void` as `void`', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const trig = makeTrigger('something', [ state('a', style({opacity: 0})), state('void', style({opacity: .8})), transition('* => *', animate(1000)) ]); const instruction = trig.matchTransition('a', 'void') !; engine.animateTransition(element, instruction).finish(); expect(parseFloat(element.style.opacity)).toEqual(.8); }); }); describe('timeline operations', () => { it('should not destroy timeline-based animations after they have finished', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); const log: string[] = []; function capture(value: string) { return () => { log.push(value); }; } const instructions = buildAnimationKeyframes([style({height: 0}), animate(1000, style({height: 500}))]); const player = engine.animateTimeline(element, instructions); player.onDone(capture('done')); player.onDestroy(capture('destroy')); expect(log).toEqual([]); player.finish(); expect(log).toEqual(['done']); player.destroy(); expect(log).toEqual(['done', 'destroy']); }); }); describe('style normalizer', () => { it('should normalize the style values that are animateTransitioned within an a transition animation', () => { const engine = makeEngine(new SuffixNormalizer('-normalized')); const trig = makeTrigger('something', [ state('on', style({height: 100})), state('off', style({height: 0})), transition('on => off', animate(9876)) ]); const instruction = trig.matchTransition('on', 'off') !; const player = engine.animateTransition(element, instruction); expect(player.keyframes).toEqual([ {'height-normalized': '100-normalized', offset: 0}, {'height-normalized': '0-normalized', offset: 1} ]); }); it('should normalize the style values that are animateTransitioned within an a timeline animation', () => { const engine = makeEngine(new SuffixNormalizer('-normalized')); const instructions = buildAnimationKeyframes([ style({width: '333px'}), animate(1000, style({width: '999px'})), ]); const player = engine.animateTimeline(element, instructions); expect(player.keyframes).toEqual([ {'width-normalized': '333px-normalized', offset: 0}, {'width-normalized': '999px-normalized', offset: 1} ]); }); it('should throw an error when normalization fails within a transition animation', () => { const engine = makeEngine(new ExactCssValueNormalizer({left: '100px'})); const trig = makeTrigger('something', [ state('a', style({left: '0px', width: '200px'})), state('b', style({left: '100px', width: '100px'})), transition('a => b', animate(9876)) ]); const instruction = trig.matchTransition('a', 'b') !; let errorMessage = ''; try { engine.animateTransition(element, instruction); } catch (e) { errorMessage = e.toString(); } expect(errorMessage).toMatch(/Unable to animate due to the following errors:/); expect(errorMessage).toMatch(/- The CSS property `left` is not allowed to be `0px`/); expect(errorMessage).toMatch(/- The CSS property `width` is not allowed/); }); }); describe('view operations', () => { it('should perform insert operations immediately ', () => { const engine = makeEngine(); let container = el('
'); let child1 = el('
'); let child2 = el('
'); engine.onInsert(container, () => container.appendChild(child1)); engine.onInsert(container, () => container.appendChild(child2)); expect(container.contains(child1)).toBe(true); expect(container.contains(child2)).toBe(true); }); }); }); } class SuffixNormalizer extends AnimationStyleNormalizer { constructor(private _suffix: string) { super(); } normalizePropertyName(propertyName: string, errors: string[]): string { return propertyName + this._suffix; } normalizeStyleValue( userProvidedProperty: string, normalizedProperty: string, value: string|number, errors: string[]): string { return value + this._suffix; } } class ExactCssValueNormalizer extends AnimationStyleNormalizer { constructor(private _allowedValues: {[propName: string]: any}) { super(); } normalizePropertyName(propertyName: string, errors: string[]): string { if (!this._allowedValues[propertyName]) { errors.push(`The CSS property \`${propertyName}\` is not allowed`); } return propertyName; } normalizeStyleValue( userProvidedProperty: string, normalizedProperty: string, value: string|number, errors: string[]): string { const expectedValue = this._allowedValues[userProvidedProperty]; if (expectedValue != value) { errors.push(`The CSS property \`${userProvidedProperty}\` is not allowed to be \`${value}\``); } return expectedValue; } }