# TypeScript to JavaScript # 从 TypeScript 到 JavaScript ## Introduction ## 简介 Anything you can do with Angular in _TypeScript_, you can also do in JavaScript. Translating from one language to the other is mostly a matter of changing the way you organize your code and access Angular APIs. 在 Angular 中,_TypeScript_ 可以做的任何事,也可以用 JavaScript 实现。 将一种语言翻译成另一种语言,主要是改变了组织代码和访问 Angular API 的方式。 _TypeScript_ is a popular language option for Angular development. Most code examples on the Internet as well as on this site are written in _TypeScript_. This cookbook contains recipes for translating _TypeScript_ code examples to _ES6_ and to _ES5_ so that JavaScript developers can read and write Angular apps in their preferred dialect. `TypeScript` 在 Angular 开发中比较流行。 互联网上和本网站中的大多数范例都是用 `TypeScript` 写的。 这本烹饪宝典会教你如何把 `TypeScript` 代码的例子翻译成 `ES6` 和 `ES5` 以便 JavaScript 的开发者可以用自己喜欢的语言来写 Angular 应用。 Run and compare the live TypeScript and JavaScript code shown in this cookbook. 运行并比较本章显示的在线例子的 TypeScript 版和 JavaScript 版。 ## _TypeScript_ to _ES6_ to _ES5_ ##_TypeScript_ 到 _ES6_ 到 _ES5_ _TypeScript_ is a typed superset of _ES6 JavaScript_. _ES6 JavaScript_ is a superset of _ES5 JavaScript_. _ES5_ is the kind of JavaScript that runs natively in all modern browsers. The transformation of _TypeScript_ code all the way down to _ES5_ code can be seen as "shedding" features. _TypeScript_ 是 _ES6 JavaScript_ 类型化的超集。_ES6 JavaScript_ 是 _ES5 JavaScript_ 的超集。_ES5_ 是可以在所有现代浏览器中运行的 JavaScript。 The downgrade progression is as follows: 降级的过程是 * _TypeScript_ to _ES6-with-decorators_. _TypeScript_ 降级到 _带装饰器的 ES6_。 * _ES6-with-decorators_ to _ES6-without-decorators_ ("_plain ES6_"). _带装饰器的 ES6_ 降级到 _没有装饰器的 ES6_ (“_普通 ES6_”)。 * _ES6-without-decorators_ to _ES5_. _没有装饰器的 ES6_ 降级到 _ES5_。 When translating from _TypeScript_ to _ES6-with-decorators_, remove [class property access modifiers](http://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/classes.html#public-private-and-protected-modifiers) such as `public` and `private`. Remove most of the [type declarations](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/basic-types.html), such as `:string` and `:boolean` but **keep the constructor parameter types, which are used for dependency injection**. _TypeScript_ 翻译到 _带装饰器的 ES6_ 时,移除了[类属性访问修饰符](http://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/classes.html#public-private-and-protected-modifiers),如`public`和`private`。 移除了大部分的[类型声明](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/basic-types.html),如`:string`和`:boolean`。 但**保留了用于依赖注入的构造函数参数类型**。 From _ES6-with-decorators_ to _plain ES6_, remove all [decorators](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/decorators.html) and the remaining types. You must declare properties in the class constructor (`this.title = '...'`) rather than in the body of the class. _带装饰器的 ES6_ 翻译到_普通 ES6_ 时,移除了所有的[装饰器](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/decorators.html)和剩下的类型。 必须在构造函数中声明属性(`this.title = '...'`),而不是在类的代码体中。 Finally, from _plain ES6_ to _ES5_, the main missing features are `import` statements and `class` declarations. 最后,_普通 ES6_ 翻译成 _ES5_,缺少的主要特性是`import`和`class`声明。 For _plain ES6_ transpilation you can _start_ with a setup similar to the [_TypeScript_ quickstart](https://github.com/angular/quickstart) and adjust the application code accordingly. Transpile with [Babel](https://babeljs.io/) using the `es2015` preset. To use decorators and annotations with Babel, install the [`angular2`](https://github.com/shuhei/babel-plugin-angular2-annotations) preset as well. 对_普通 ES6_ 的翻译,可以从类似 [_TypeScript_ 快速开始](https://github.com/angular/quickstart)的设置开始, 调整相应代码。然后用 [Babel](https://babeljs.io/) 进行转译,使用`es2015`预设值。 要在 Babel 中使用装饰器和注释,还需安装[`angular2`](https://github.com/shuhei/babel-plugin-angular2-annotations)预设值。 {@a modularity} ## Importing and Exporting ## 导入和导出 ### Importing Angular Code ### 导入 Angular 代码 In both _TypeScript_ and _ES6_, you import Angular classes, functions, and other members with _ES6_ `import` statements. 在 _TypeScript_ 和 _ES6_ 中,可以使用 _ES6_ `import`语句导入 Angular 类、函数和其它成员。 In _ES5_, you access the Angular entities of the [the Angular packages](guide/glossary#scoped-package) through the global `ng` object. Anything you can import from `@angular` is a nested member of this `ng` object: 在 _ES5_ 中,通过全局`ng`对象访问 [Angular 包](guide/glossary#scoped-package)中的 Angular 实体。 凡是可以从`@angular`导入的,都是该`ng`对象的嵌套成员。 ### Exporting application code ### 导出应用代码 Each file in a _TypeScript_ or _ES6_ Angular application constitutes an _ES6_ module. When you want to make something available to other modules, you `export` it. _TypeScript_ 或 _ES6_ Angular 应用中每个文件都构成一个 _ES6_ 模块。 当想要让某个东西对其它模块可用时,就`export`它。 _ES5_ lacks native support for modules. In an Angular _ES5_ application, you load each file manually by adding a `