/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {fakeAsync, tick, waitForAsync} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {AsyncTestCompleter, beforeEach, describe, inject, it} from '@angular/core/testing/src/testing_internal'; import {AbstractControl, FormArray, FormControl, FormGroup, ValidationErrors, Validators} from '@angular/forms'; import {of} from 'rxjs'; import {asyncValidator, asyncValidatorReturningObservable, currentStateOf, simpleAsyncValidator} from './util'; (function() { function simpleValidator(c: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors|null { return c.get('one')!.value === 'correct' ? null : {'broken': true}; } function otherObservableValidator() { return of({'other': true}); } describe('FormGroup', () => { describe('value', () => { it('should be the reduced value of the child controls', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': new FormControl('111'), 'two': new FormControl('222')}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '111', 'two': '222'}); }); it('should be empty when there are no child controls', () => { const g = new FormGroup({}); expect(g.value).toEqual({}); }); it('should support nested groups', () => { const g = new FormGroup({ 'one': new FormControl('111'), 'nested': new FormGroup({'two': new FormControl('222')}) }); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '111', 'nested': {'two': '222'}}); ((g.get('nested.two'))).setValue('333'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '111', 'nested': {'two': '333'}}); }); }); describe('getRawValue', () => { let fg: FormGroup; it('should work with nested form groups/arrays', () => { fg = new FormGroup({ 'c1': new FormControl('v1'), 'group': new FormGroup({'c2': new FormControl('v2'), 'c3': new FormControl('v3')}), 'array': new FormArray([new FormControl('v4'), new FormControl('v5')]) }); fg.get('group')!.get('c3')!.disable(); (fg.get('array') as FormArray).at(1).disable(); expect(fg.getRawValue()) .toEqual({'c1': 'v1', 'group': {'c2': 'v2', 'c3': 'v3'}, 'array': ['v4', 'v5']}); }); }); describe('markAllAsTouched', () => { it('should mark all descendants as touched', () => { const formGroup: FormGroup = new FormGroup({ 'c1': new FormControl('v1'), 'group': new FormGroup({'c2': new FormControl('v2'), 'c3': new FormControl('v3')}), 'array': new FormArray([ new FormControl('v4'), new FormControl('v5'), new FormGroup({'c4': new FormControl('v4')}) ]) }); expect(formGroup.touched).toBe(false); const control1 = formGroup.get('c1') as FormControl; expect(control1.touched).toBe(false); const innerGroup = formGroup.get('group') as FormGroup; expect(innerGroup.touched).toBe(false); const innerGroupFirstChildCtrl = innerGroup.get('c2') as FormControl; expect(innerGroupFirstChildCtrl.touched).toBe(false); formGroup.markAllAsTouched(); expect(formGroup.touched).toBe(true); expect(control1.touched).toBe(true); expect(innerGroup.touched).toBe(true); expect(innerGroupFirstChildCtrl.touched).toBe(true); const innerGroupSecondChildCtrl = innerGroup.get('c3') as FormControl; expect(innerGroupSecondChildCtrl.touched).toBe(true); const array = formGroup.get('array') as FormArray; expect(array.touched).toBe(true); const arrayFirstChildCtrl = array.at(0) as FormControl; expect(arrayFirstChildCtrl.touched).toBe(true); const arraySecondChildCtrl = array.at(1) as FormControl; expect(arraySecondChildCtrl.touched).toBe(true); const arrayFirstChildGroup = array.at(2) as FormGroup; expect(arrayFirstChildGroup.touched).toBe(true); const arrayFirstChildGroupFirstChildCtrl = arrayFirstChildGroup.get('c4') as FormControl; expect(arrayFirstChildGroupFirstChildCtrl.touched).toBe(true); }); }); describe('adding and removing controls', () => { let logger: any[]; beforeEach(() => { logger = []; }); it('should update value and validity when control is added', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': new FormControl('1')}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '1'}); expect(g.valid).toBe(true); g.addControl('two', new FormControl('2', Validators.minLength(10))); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '1', 'two': '2'}); expect(g.valid).toBe(false); }); it('should update value and validity when control is removed', () => { const g = new FormGroup( {'one': new FormControl('1'), 'two': new FormControl('2', Validators.minLength(10))}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '1', 'two': '2'}); expect(g.valid).toBe(false); g.removeControl('two'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '1'}); expect(g.valid).toBe(true); }); it('should not emit events when `FormGroup.addControl` is called with `emitEvent: false`', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': new FormControl('1')}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '1'}); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('value change')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('status change')); g.addControl('two', new FormControl('2'), {emitEvent: false}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '1', 'two': '2'}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); it('should not emit events when `FormGroup.removeControl` is called with `emitEvent: false`', () => { const g = new FormGroup( {'one': new FormControl('1'), 'two': new FormControl('2', Validators.minLength(10))}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '1', 'two': '2'}); expect(g.valid).toBe(false); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('value change')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('status change')); g.removeControl('two', {emitEvent: false}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '1'}); expect(g.valid).toBe(true); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); it('should not emit status change events when `FormGroup.addControl` is called with `emitEvent: false`', () => { const validatorFn = (value: any) => value.controls.invalidCtrl ? {invalidCtrl: true} : null; const asyncValidatorFn = (value: any) => of(validatorFn(value)); const g = new FormGroup({}, validatorFn, asyncValidatorFn); expect(g.valid).toBe(true); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('status change')); g.addControl('invalidCtrl', new FormControl(''), {emitEvent: false}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'invalidCtrl': ''}); expect(g.valid).toBe(false); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('dirty', () => { let c: FormControl, g: FormGroup; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl('value'); g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); }); it('should be false after creating a control', () => { expect(g.dirty).toEqual(false); }); it('should be true after changing the value of the control', () => { c.markAsDirty(); expect(g.dirty).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('touched', () => { let c: FormControl, g: FormGroup; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl('value'); g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); }); it('should be false after creating a control', () => { expect(g.touched).toEqual(false); }); it('should be true after control is marked as touched', () => { c.markAsTouched(); expect(g.touched).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('setValue', () => { let c: FormControl, c2: FormControl, g: FormGroup; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl(''); c2 = new FormControl(''); g = new FormGroup({'one': c, 'two': c2}); }); it('should set its own value', () => { g.setValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); }); it('should set child values', () => { g.setValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(c.value).toEqual('one'); expect(c2.value).toEqual('two'); }); it('should set child control values if disabled', () => { c2.disable(); g.setValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(c2.value).toEqual('two'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'one'}); expect(g.getRawValue()).toEqual({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); }); it('should set group value if group is disabled', () => { g.disable(); g.setValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(c.value).toEqual('one'); expect(c2.value).toEqual('two'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); }); it('should set parent values', () => { const form = new FormGroup({'parent': g}); g.setValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(form.value).toEqual({'parent': {'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}}); }); it('should not update the parent when explicitly specified', () => { const form = new FormGroup({'parent': g}); g.setValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}, {onlySelf: true}); expect(form.value).toEqual({parent: {'one': '', 'two': ''}}); }); it('should throw if fields are missing from supplied value (subset)', () => { expect(() => g.setValue({ 'one': 'one' })).toThrowError(new RegExp(`Must supply a value for form control with name: 'two'`)); }); it('should throw if a value is provided for a missing control (superset)', () => { expect(() => g.setValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two', 'three': 'three'})) .toThrowError(new RegExp(`Cannot find form control with name: three`)); }); it('should throw if a value is not provided for a disabled control', () => { c2.disable(); expect(() => g.setValue({ 'one': 'one' })).toThrowError(new RegExp(`Must supply a value for form control with name: 'two'`)); }); it('should throw if no controls are set yet', () => { const empty = new FormGroup({}); expect(() => empty.setValue({ 'one': 'one' })).toThrowError(new RegExp(`no form controls registered with this group`)); }); describe('setValue() events', () => { let form: FormGroup; let logger: any[]; beforeEach(() => { form = new FormGroup({'parent': g}); logger = []; }); it('should emit one valueChange event per control', () => { form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control1')); c2.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control2')); g.setValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(logger).toEqual(['control1', 'control2', 'group', 'form']); }); it('should not emit events when `FormGroup.setValue` is called with `emitEvent: false`', () => { form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control')); g.setValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}, {emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); it('should emit one statusChange event per control', () => { form.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control1')); c2.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control2')); g.setValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(logger).toEqual(['control1', 'control2', 'group', 'form']); }); it('should not emit events on the parent when called with `emitEvent: false`', () => { form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form value change')); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group value change')); form.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form status change')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group status change')); g.addControl('three', new FormControl(5), {emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); }); }); describe('patchValue', () => { let c: FormControl, c2: FormControl, g: FormGroup, g2: FormGroup; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl(''); c2 = new FormControl(''); g = new FormGroup({'one': c, 'two': c2}); g2 = new FormGroup({ 'array': new FormArray([new FormControl(1), new FormControl(2)]), 'group': new FormGroup({'one': new FormControl(3)}), }); }); it('should set its own value', () => { g.patchValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); }); it('should set child values', () => { g.patchValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(c.value).toEqual('one'); expect(c2.value).toEqual('two'); }); it('should patch disabled control values', () => { c2.disable(); g.patchValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(c2.value).toEqual('two'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'one'}); expect(g.getRawValue()).toEqual({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); }); it('should patch disabled control groups', () => { g.disable(); g.patchValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(c.value).toEqual('one'); expect(c2.value).toEqual('two'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); }); it('should set parent values', () => { const form = new FormGroup({'parent': g}); g.patchValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(form.value).toEqual({'parent': {'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}}); }); it('should not update the parent when explicitly specified', () => { const form = new FormGroup({'parent': g}); g.patchValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}, {onlySelf: true}); expect(form.value).toEqual({parent: {'one': '', 'two': ''}}); }); it('should ignore fields that are missing from supplied value (subset)', () => { g.patchValue({'one': 'one'}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'one', 'two': ''}); }); it('should not ignore fields that are null', () => { g.patchValue({'one': null}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': null, 'two': ''}); }); it('should ignore any value provided for a missing control (superset)', () => { g.patchValue({'three': 'three'}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': '', 'two': ''}); }); it('should ignore a control if `null` or `undefined` are used as values', () => { const INITIAL_STATE = {'array': [1, 2], 'group': {'one': 3}}; g2.patchValue({'array': null}); expect(g2.value).toEqual(INITIAL_STATE); g2.patchValue({'array': undefined}); expect(g2.value).toEqual(INITIAL_STATE); g2.patchValue({'group': null}); expect(g2.value).toEqual(INITIAL_STATE); g2.patchValue({'group': undefined}); expect(g2.value).toEqual(INITIAL_STATE); }); describe('patchValue() events', () => { let form: FormGroup; let logger: any[]; beforeEach(() => { form = new FormGroup({'parent': g}); logger = []; }); it('should emit one valueChange event per control', () => { form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control1')); c2.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control2')); g.patchValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(logger).toEqual(['control1', 'control2', 'group', 'form']); }); it('should not emit valueChange events for skipped controls', () => { form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control1')); c2.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control2')); g.patchValue({'one': 'one'}); expect(logger).toEqual(['control1', 'group', 'form']); }); it('should not emit valueChange events for skipped controls (represented as `null` or `undefined`)', () => { const logEvent = () => logger.push('valueChanges event'); const [formArrayControl1, formArrayControl2] = (g2.controls.array as FormArray).controls; const formGroupControl = (g2.controls.group as FormGroup).controls.one; formArrayControl1.valueChanges.subscribe(logEvent); formArrayControl2.valueChanges.subscribe(logEvent); formGroupControl.valueChanges.subscribe(logEvent); g2.patchValue({'array': null}); g2.patchValue({'array': undefined}); g2.patchValue({'group': null}); g2.patchValue({'group': undefined}); // No events are expected in `valueChanges` since // all controls were skipped in `patchValue`. expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); it('should not emit events when `FormGroup.patchValue` is called with `emitEvent: false`', () => { form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control')); g.patchValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}, {emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); it('should emit one statusChange event per control', () => { form.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control1')); c2.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control2')); g.patchValue({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); expect(logger).toEqual(['control1', 'control2', 'group', 'form']); }); }); }); describe('reset()', () => { let c: FormControl, c2: FormControl, g: FormGroup; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl('initial value'); c2 = new FormControl(''); g = new FormGroup({'one': c, 'two': c2}); }); it('should set its own value if value passed', () => { g.setValue({'one': 'new value', 'two': 'new value'}); g.reset({'one': 'initial value', 'two': ''}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'initial value', 'two': ''}); }); it('should set its own value if boxed value passed', () => { g.setValue({'one': 'new value', 'two': 'new value'}); g.reset({'one': {value: 'initial value', disabled: false}, 'two': ''}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'initial value', 'two': ''}); }); it('should clear its own value if no value passed', () => { g.setValue({'one': 'new value', 'two': 'new value'}); g.reset(); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': null, 'two': null}); }); it('should set the value of each of its child controls if value passed', () => { g.setValue({'one': 'new value', 'two': 'new value'}); g.reset({'one': 'initial value', 'two': ''}); expect(c.value).toBe('initial value'); expect(c2.value).toBe(''); }); it('should clear the value of each of its child controls if no value passed', () => { g.setValue({'one': 'new value', 'two': 'new value'}); g.reset(); expect(c.value).toBe(null); expect(c2.value).toBe(null); }); it('should set the value of its parent if value passed', () => { const form = new FormGroup({'g': g}); g.setValue({'one': 'new value', 'two': 'new value'}); g.reset({'one': 'initial value', 'two': ''}); expect(form.value).toEqual({'g': {'one': 'initial value', 'two': ''}}); }); it('should clear the value of its parent if no value passed', () => { const form = new FormGroup({'g': g}); g.setValue({'one': 'new value', 'two': 'new value'}); g.reset(); expect(form.value).toEqual({'g': {'one': null, 'two': null}}); }); it('should not update the parent when explicitly specified', () => { const form = new FormGroup({'g': g}); g.reset({'one': 'new value', 'two': 'new value'}, {onlySelf: true}); expect(form.value).toEqual({g: {'one': 'initial value', 'two': ''}}); }); it('should mark itself as pristine', () => { g.markAsDirty(); expect(g.pristine).toBe(false); g.reset(); expect(g.pristine).toBe(true); }); it('should mark all child controls as pristine', () => { c.markAsDirty(); c2.markAsDirty(); expect(c.pristine).toBe(false); expect(c2.pristine).toBe(false); g.reset(); expect(c.pristine).toBe(true); expect(c2.pristine).toBe(true); }); it('should mark the parent as pristine if all siblings pristine', () => { const c3 = new FormControl(''); const form = new FormGroup({'g': g, 'c3': c3}); g.markAsDirty(); expect(form.pristine).toBe(false); g.reset(); expect(form.pristine).toBe(true); }); it('should not mark the parent pristine if any dirty siblings', () => { const c3 = new FormControl(''); const form = new FormGroup({'g': g, 'c3': c3}); g.markAsDirty(); c3.markAsDirty(); expect(form.pristine).toBe(false); g.reset(); expect(form.pristine).toBe(false); }); it('should mark itself as untouched', () => { g.markAsTouched(); expect(g.untouched).toBe(false); g.reset(); expect(g.untouched).toBe(true); }); it('should mark all child controls as untouched', () => { c.markAsTouched(); c2.markAsTouched(); expect(c.untouched).toBe(false); expect(c2.untouched).toBe(false); g.reset(); expect(c.untouched).toBe(true); expect(c2.untouched).toBe(true); }); it('should mark the parent untouched if all siblings untouched', () => { const c3 = new FormControl(''); const form = new FormGroup({'g': g, 'c3': c3}); g.markAsTouched(); expect(form.untouched).toBe(false); g.reset(); expect(form.untouched).toBe(true); }); it('should not mark the parent untouched if any touched siblings', () => { const c3 = new FormControl(''); const form = new FormGroup({'g': g, 'c3': c3}); g.markAsTouched(); c3.markAsTouched(); expect(form.untouched).toBe(false); g.reset(); expect(form.untouched).toBe(false); }); it('should retain previous disabled state', () => { g.disable(); g.reset(); expect(g.disabled).toBe(true); }); it('should set child disabled state if boxed value passed', () => { g.disable(); g.reset({'one': {value: '', disabled: false}, 'two': ''}); expect(c.disabled).toBe(false); expect(g.disabled).toBe(false); }); describe('reset() events', () => { let form: FormGroup, c3: FormControl, logger: any[]; beforeEach(() => { c3 = new FormControl(''); form = new FormGroup({'g': g, 'c3': c3}); logger = []; }); it('should emit one valueChange event per reset control', () => { form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control1')); c2.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control2')); c3.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control3')); g.reset(); expect(logger).toEqual(['control1', 'control2', 'group', 'form']); }); it('should not emit events when `FormGroup.reset` is called with `emitEvent: false`', () => { form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control')); g.reset({}, {emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); it('should emit one statusChange event per reset control', () => { form.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control1')); c2.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control2')); c3.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control3')); g.reset(); expect(logger).toEqual(['control1', 'control2', 'group', 'form']); }); it('should emit one statusChange event per reset control', () => { form.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control1')); c2.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control2')); c3.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control3')); g.reset({'one': {value: '', disabled: true}}); expect(logger).toEqual(['control1', 'control2', 'group', 'form']); }); it('should mark as pristine and not dirty before emitting valueChange and statusChange events when resetting', () => { const pristineAndNotDirty = () => { expect(form.pristine).toBe(true); expect(form.dirty).toBe(false); }; c3.markAsDirty(); expect(form.pristine).toBe(false); expect(form.dirty).toBe(true); form.valueChanges.subscribe(pristineAndNotDirty); form.statusChanges.subscribe(pristineAndNotDirty); form.reset(); }); }); }); describe('contains', () => { let group: FormGroup; beforeEach(() => { group = new FormGroup({ 'required': new FormControl('requiredValue'), 'optional': new FormControl({value: 'disabled value', disabled: true}) }); }); it('should return false when the component is disabled', () => { expect(group.contains('optional')).toEqual(false); }); it('should return false when there is no component with the given name', () => { expect(group.contains('something else')).toEqual(false); }); it('should return true when the component is enabled', () => { expect(group.contains('required')).toEqual(true); group.enable(); expect(group.contains('optional')).toEqual(true); }); it('should support controls with dots in their name', () => { expect(group.contains('some.name')).toBe(false); group.addControl('some.name', new FormControl()); expect(group.contains('some.name')).toBe(true); }); }); describe('retrieve', () => { let group: FormGroup; beforeEach(() => { group = new FormGroup({ 'required': new FormControl('requiredValue'), }); }); it('should not get inherited properties', () => { expect(group.get('constructor')).toBe(null); }); }); describe('statusChanges', () => { let control: FormControl; let group: FormGroup; beforeEach(waitForAsync(() => { control = new FormControl('', asyncValidatorReturningObservable); group = new FormGroup({'one': control}); })); // TODO(kara): update these tests to use fake Async it('should fire a statusChange if child has async validation change', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const loggedValues: string[] = []; group.statusChanges.subscribe({ next: (status: string) => { loggedValues.push(status); if (loggedValues.length === 2) { expect(loggedValues).toEqual(['PENDING', 'INVALID']); } async.done(); } }); control.setValue(''); })); }); describe('getError', () => { it('should return the error when it is present', () => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); expect(c.getError('required')).toEqual(true); expect(g.getError('required', ['one'])).toEqual(true); }); it('should return null otherwise', () => { const c = new FormControl('not empty', Validators.required); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); expect(c.getError('invalid')).toEqual(null); expect(g.getError('required', ['one'])).toEqual(null); expect(g.getError('required', ['invalid'])).toEqual(null); }); it('should be able to traverse group with single string', () => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); expect(c.getError('required')).toEqual(true); expect(g.getError('required', 'one')).toEqual(true); }); it('should be able to traverse group with string delimited by dots', () => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const g2 = new FormGroup({'two': c}); const g1 = new FormGroup({'one': g2}); expect(c.getError('required')).toEqual(true); expect(g1.getError('required', 'one.two')).toEqual(true); }); it('should traverse group with form array using string and numbers', () => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const g2 = new FormGroup({'two': c}); const a = new FormArray([g2]); const g1 = new FormGroup({'one': a}); expect(c.getError('required')).toEqual(true); expect(g1.getError('required', ['one', 0, 'two'])).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('hasError', () => { it('should return true when it is present', () => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); expect(c.hasError('required')).toEqual(true); expect(g.hasError('required', ['one'])).toEqual(true); }); it('should return false otherwise', () => { const c = new FormControl('not empty', Validators.required); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); expect(c.hasError('invalid')).toEqual(false); expect(g.hasError('required', ['one'])).toEqual(false); expect(g.hasError('required', ['invalid'])).toEqual(false); }); it('should be able to traverse group with single string', () => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); expect(c.hasError('required')).toEqual(true); expect(g.hasError('required', 'one')).toEqual(true); }); it('should be able to traverse group with string delimited by dots', () => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const g2 = new FormGroup({'two': c}); const g1 = new FormGroup({'one': g2}); expect(c.hasError('required')).toEqual(true); expect(g1.hasError('required', 'one.two')).toEqual(true); }); it('should traverse group with form array using string and numbers', () => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const g2 = new FormGroup({'two': c}); const a = new FormArray([g2]); const g1 = new FormGroup({'one': a}); expect(c.getError('required')).toEqual(true); expect(g1.getError('required', ['one', 0, 'two'])).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('validator', () => { function containsValidator(c: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors|null { return c.get('one')!.value && c.get('one')!.value.indexOf('c') !== -1 ? null : {'missing': true}; } it('should run a single validator when the value changes', () => { const c = new FormControl(null); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}, simpleValidator); c.setValue('correct'); expect(g.valid).toEqual(true); expect(g.errors).toEqual(null); c.setValue('incorrect'); expect(g.valid).toEqual(false); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'broken': true}); }); it('should support multiple validators from array', () => { const g = new FormGroup({one: new FormControl()}, [simpleValidator, containsValidator]); expect(g.valid).toEqual(false); expect(g.errors).toEqual({missing: true, broken: true}); g.setValue({one: 'c'}); expect(g.valid).toEqual(false); expect(g.errors).toEqual({broken: true}); g.setValue({one: 'correct'}); expect(g.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should set single validator from options obj', () => { const g = new FormGroup({one: new FormControl()}, {validators: simpleValidator}); expect(g.valid).toEqual(false); expect(g.errors).toEqual({broken: true}); g.setValue({one: 'correct'}); expect(g.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should set multiple validators from options obj', () => { const g = new FormGroup( {one: new FormControl()}, {validators: [simpleValidator, containsValidator]}); expect(g.valid).toEqual(false); expect(g.errors).toEqual({missing: true, broken: true}); g.setValue({one: 'c'}); expect(g.valid).toEqual(false); expect(g.errors).toEqual({broken: true}); g.setValue({one: 'correct'}); expect(g.valid).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('asyncValidator', () => { it('should run the async validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value'); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}, null!, asyncValidator('expected')); expect(g.pending).toEqual(true); tick(1); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); expect(g.pending).toEqual(false); })); it('should set multiple async validators from array', fakeAsync(() => { const g = new FormGroup( {'one': new FormControl('value')}, null!, [asyncValidator('expected'), otherObservableValidator]); expect(g.pending).toEqual(true); tick(); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'async': true, 'other': true}); expect(g.pending).toEqual(false); })); it('should set single async validator from options obj', fakeAsync(() => { const g = new FormGroup( {'one': new FormControl('value')}, {asyncValidators: asyncValidator('expected')}); expect(g.pending).toEqual(true); tick(); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); expect(g.pending).toEqual(false); })); it('should set multiple async validators from options obj', fakeAsync(() => { const g = new FormGroup( {'one': new FormControl('value')}, {asyncValidators: [asyncValidator('expected'), otherObservableValidator]}); expect(g.pending).toEqual(true); tick(); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'async': true, 'other': true}); expect(g.pending).toEqual(false); })); it('should set the parent group\'s status to pending', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value', null!, asyncValidator('expected')); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); expect(g.pending).toEqual(true); tick(1); expect(g.pending).toEqual(false); })); it('should run the parent group\'s async validator when children are pending', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value', null!, asyncValidator('expected')); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}, null!, asyncValidator('expected')); tick(1); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); expect(g.get('one')!.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); })); it('should handle successful async FormGroup resolving synchronously before a successful async child validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup( {'one': c}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: false})); // Initially, the form control validation is pending, and the form group own validation has // synchronously resolved. Still, the form is in pending state due to its child expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, the form control validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle successful async FormGroup resolving after a synchronously and successfully resolving child validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup( {'one': c}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: false})); // Initially, form control validator has synchronously resolved. However, g has its own // pending validation expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, the form group validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle successful async FormGroup and child control validators resolving synchronously', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup( {'one': c}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: false})); // Both form control and form group successful async validators have resolved synchronously expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle failing async FormGroup and failing child control validators resolving synchronously', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: true})); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: true})); // FormControl async validator has executed and failed synchronously with the default error // `{async: true}`. Next, the form group status is calculated. Since one of its children is // failing, the form group itself is marked `INVALID`. And its asynchronous validation is // not even triggered. Therefore, we end up with form group that is `INVALID` but whose // errors are null (child errors do not propagate and own async validation not event // triggered). expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle failing async FormGroup and successful child control validators resolving synchronously', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: true})); expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle failing async FormArray and successful children validators resolving synchronously', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup( {'one': c}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: false})); const c2 = new FormControl('fcVal', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: false})); const a = new FormArray([g, c2], null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: true})); expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!, a.at(1)!])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Array {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Group p {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control c2 ]); })); it('should handle failing FormGroup validator resolving after successful child validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 2, shouldFail: true})); // Initially, the form group and nested control are in pending state expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, only form control validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, the form group validation fails expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle failing FormArray validator resolving after successful child validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: false})); const a = new FormArray([c], null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 2, shouldFail: true})); // Initially, the form array and nested control are in pending state expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, only form control validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, the form array validation fails expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle successful FormGroup validator resolving after successful child validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup( {'one': c}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 2, shouldFail: false})); // Initially, the form group and nested control are in pending state expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, only form control validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, the form group validation resolves expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle successful FormArray validator resolving after successful child validators', fakeAsync(() => { const c1 = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup( {'one': c1}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 2, shouldFail: false})); const c2 = new FormControl('fcVal', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 3, shouldFail: false})); const a = new FormArray([g, c2], null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 4, shouldFail: false})); // Initially, the form array and the tested form group and form control c2 are in pending // state expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!, a.at(1)!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // g {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // c2 ]); tick(2); // After 2ms, g validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!, a.at(1)!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // g {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // c2 ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, c2 validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!, a.at(1)!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // g {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // c2 ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, FormArray own validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!, a.at(1)!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // g {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // c2 ]); })); it('should handle failing FormArray validator resolving after successful child validators', fakeAsync(() => { const c1 = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup( {'one': c1}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 2, shouldFail: false})); const c2 = new FormControl('fcVal', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 3, shouldFail: false})); const a = new FormArray([g, c2], null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 4, shouldFail: true})); // Initially, the form array and the tested form group and form control c2 are in pending // state expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!, a.at(1)!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // g {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // c2 ]); tick(2); // After 2ms, g validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!, a.at(1)!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // g {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // c2 ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, c2 validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!, a.at(1)!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // g {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // c2 ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, FormArray own validation has failed expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!, a.at(1)!])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // g {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // c2 ]); })); it('should handle multiple successful FormGroup validators resolving after successful child validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}, null!, [ simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 2, shouldFail: false}), simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 3, shouldFail: false}) ]); // Initially, the form group and nested control are in pending state expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, only form control validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, one form async validator has resolved but not the second expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, the form group validation resolves expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle multiple FormGroup validators (success then failure) resolving after successful child validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}, null!, [ simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 2, shouldFail: false}), simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 3, shouldFail: true}) ]); // Initially, the form group and nested control are in pending state expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, only form control validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, one form async validator has resolved but not the second expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, the form group validation fails expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle multiple FormGroup validators (failure then success) resolving after successful child validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}, null!, [ simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 2, shouldFail: true}), simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 3, shouldFail: false}) ]); // Initially, the form group and nested control are in pending state expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, only form control validation has resolved expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // All async validators are composed into one function. So, after 2ms, the FormGroup g is // still in pending state without errors expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, the form group validation fails expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle async validators in nested form groups / arrays', fakeAsync(() => { const c1 = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: false})); const g1 = new FormGroup( {'one': c1}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 2, shouldFail: true})); const c2 = new FormControl('fcVal', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 3, shouldFail: false})); const g2 = new FormArray([c2], null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 4, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup( {'g1': g1, 'g2': g2}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 5, shouldFail: false})); // Initially, the form group and nested control are in pending state expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('g1')!, g.get('g2')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group g {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group g1 {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group g2 ]); tick(2); // After 2ms, g1 validation fails expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('g1')!, g.get('g2')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group g {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group g1 {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group g2 ]); tick(2); // After 2ms, g2 validation resolves expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('g1')!, g.get('g2')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group g {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group g1 {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Group g2 ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, g validation fails because g1 is invalid, but since errors do not cascade, so // we still have null errors for g expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('g1')!, g.get('g2')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group g {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group g1 {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Group g2 ]); })); it('should handle failing FormGroup validator resolving before successful child validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 2, shouldFail: false})); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}, null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: true})); // Initially, the form group and nested control are in pending state expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, form group validation fails expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, child validation resolves expect(currentStateOf([g, g.get('one')!])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); it('should handle failing FormArray validator resolving before successful child validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'fcValue', null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 2, shouldFail: false})); const a = new FormArray([c], null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: true})); // Initially, the form array and nested control are in pending state expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, form array validation fails expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control ]); tick(1); // After 1ms, child validation resolves expect(currentStateOf([a, a.at(0)!])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // FormArray {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control ]); })); }); describe('disable() & enable()', () => { it('should mark the group as disabled', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': new FormControl(null)}); expect(g.disabled).toBe(false); expect(g.valid).toBe(true); g.disable(); expect(g.disabled).toBe(true); expect(g.valid).toBe(false); g.enable(); expect(g.disabled).toBe(false); expect(g.valid).toBe(true); }); it('should set the group status as disabled', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': new FormControl(null)}); expect(g.status).toEqual('VALID'); g.disable(); expect(g.status).toEqual('DISABLED'); g.enable(); expect(g.status).toBe('VALID'); }); it('should mark children of the group as disabled', () => { const c1 = new FormControl(null); const c2 = new FormControl(null); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c1, 'two': c2}); expect(c1.disabled).toBe(false); expect(c2.disabled).toBe(false); g.disable(); expect(c1.disabled).toBe(true); expect(c2.disabled).toBe(true); g.enable(); expect(c1.disabled).toBe(false); expect(c2.disabled).toBe(false); }); it('should ignore disabled controls in validation', () => { const g = new FormGroup({ nested: new FormGroup({one: new FormControl(null, Validators.required)}), two: new FormControl('two') }); expect(g.valid).toBe(false); g.get('nested')!.disable(); expect(g.valid).toBe(true); g.get('nested')!.enable(); expect(g.valid).toBe(false); }); it('should ignore disabled controls when serializing value', () => { const g = new FormGroup( {nested: new FormGroup({one: new FormControl('one')}), two: new FormControl('two')}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'nested': {'one': 'one'}, 'two': 'two'}); g.get('nested')!.disable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({'two': 'two'}); g.get('nested')!.enable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({'nested': {'one': 'one'}, 'two': 'two'}); }); it('should update its value when disabled with disabled children', () => { const g = new FormGroup( {nested: new FormGroup({one: new FormControl('one'), two: new FormControl('two')})}); g.get('nested.two')!.disable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({nested: {one: 'one'}}); g.get('nested')!.disable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({nested: {one: 'one', two: 'two'}}); g.get('nested')!.enable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({nested: {one: 'one', two: 'two'}}); }); it('should update its value when enabled with disabled children', () => { const g = new FormGroup( {nested: new FormGroup({one: new FormControl('one'), two: new FormControl('two')})}); g.get('nested.two')!.disable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({nested: {one: 'one'}}); g.get('nested')!.enable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({nested: {one: 'one', two: 'two'}}); }); it('should ignore disabled controls when determining dirtiness', () => { const g = new FormGroup( {nested: new FormGroup({one: new FormControl('one')}), two: new FormControl('two')}); g.get('nested.one')!.markAsDirty(); expect(g.dirty).toBe(true); g.get('nested')!.disable(); expect(g.get('nested')!.dirty).toBe(true); expect(g.dirty).toEqual(false); g.get('nested')!.enable(); expect(g.dirty).toEqual(true); }); it('should ignore disabled controls when determining touched state', () => { const g = new FormGroup( {nested: new FormGroup({one: new FormControl('one')}), two: new FormControl('two')}); g.get('nested.one')!.markAsTouched(); expect(g.touched).toBe(true); g.get('nested')!.disable(); expect(g.get('nested')!.touched).toBe(true); expect(g.touched).toEqual(false); g.get('nested')!.enable(); expect(g.touched).toEqual(true); }); it('should keep empty, disabled groups disabled when updating validity', () => { const group = new FormGroup({}); expect(group.status).toEqual('VALID'); group.disable(); expect(group.status).toEqual('DISABLED'); group.updateValueAndValidity(); expect(group.status).toEqual('DISABLED'); group.addControl('one', new FormControl({value: '', disabled: true})); expect(group.status).toEqual('DISABLED'); group.addControl('two', new FormControl()); expect(group.status).toEqual('VALID'); }); it('should re-enable empty, disabled groups', () => { const group = new FormGroup({}); group.disable(); expect(group.status).toEqual('DISABLED'); group.enable(); expect(group.status).toEqual('VALID'); }); it('should not run validators on disabled controls', () => { const validator = jasmine.createSpy('validator'); const g = new FormGroup({'one': new FormControl()}, validator); expect(validator.calls.count()).toEqual(1); g.disable(); expect(validator.calls.count()).toEqual(1); g.setValue({one: 'value'}); expect(validator.calls.count()).toEqual(1); g.enable(); expect(validator.calls.count()).toEqual(2); }); describe('disabled errors', () => { it('should clear out group errors when disabled', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': new FormControl()}, () => ({'expected': true})); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'expected': true}); g.disable(); expect(g.errors).toEqual(null); g.enable(); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'expected': true}); }); it('should re-populate group errors when enabled from a child', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': new FormControl()}, () => ({'expected': true})); g.disable(); expect(g.errors).toEqual(null); g.addControl('two', new FormControl()); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'expected': true}); }); it('should clear out async group errors when disabled', fakeAsync(() => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': new FormControl()}, null!, asyncValidator('expected')); tick(); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); g.disable(); expect(g.errors).toEqual(null); g.enable(); tick(); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); })); it('should re-populate async group errors when enabled from a child', fakeAsync(() => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': new FormControl()}, null!, asyncValidator('expected')); tick(); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); g.disable(); expect(g.errors).toEqual(null); g.addControl('two', new FormControl()); tick(); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); })); }); describe('disabled events', () => { let logger: string[]; let c: FormControl; let g: FormGroup; let form: FormGroup; beforeEach(() => { logger = []; c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); g = new FormGroup({one: c}); form = new FormGroup({g: g}); }); it('should emit value change events in the right order', () => { c.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control')); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.disable(); expect(logger).toEqual(['control', 'group', 'form']); }); it('should emit status change events in the right order', () => { c.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); form.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.disable(); expect(logger).toEqual(['control', 'group', 'form']); }); it('should not emit value change events when called with `emitEvent: false`', () => { c.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control')); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.disable({emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); g.enable({emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); it('should not emit status change events when called with `emitEvent: false`', () => { c.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); form.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); g.disable({emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); g.enable({emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); }); }); describe('updateTreeValidity()', () => { let c: FormControl, c2: FormControl, c3: FormControl; let nested: FormGroup, form: FormGroup; let logger: string[]; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl('one'); c2 = new FormControl('two'); c3 = new FormControl('three'); nested = new FormGroup({one: c, two: c2}); form = new FormGroup({nested: nested, three: c3}); logger = []; c.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('one')); c2.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('two')); c3.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('three')); nested.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('nested')); form.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); }); it('should update tree validity', () => { (form as any)._updateTreeValidity(); expect(logger).toEqual(['one', 'two', 'nested', 'three', 'form']); }); it('should not emit events when called with `emitEvent: false`', () => { (form as any)._updateTreeValidity({emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('setControl()', () => { let c: FormControl; let g: FormGroup; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl('one'); g = new FormGroup({one: c}); }); it('should replace existing control with new control', () => { const c2 = new FormControl('new!', Validators.minLength(10)); g.setControl('one', c2); expect(g.controls['one']).toEqual(c2); expect(g.value).toEqual({one: 'new!'}); expect(g.valid).toBe(false); }); it('should add control if control did not exist before', () => { const c2 = new FormControl('new!', Validators.minLength(10)); g.setControl('two', c2); expect(g.controls['two']).toEqual(c2); expect(g.value).toEqual({one: 'one', two: 'new!'}); expect(g.valid).toBe(false); }); it('should remove control if new control is null', () => { g.setControl('one', null!); expect(g.controls['one']).not.toBeDefined(); expect(g.value).toEqual({}); }); it('should only emit value change event once', () => { const logger: string[] = []; const c2 = new FormControl('new!'); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('change!')); g.setControl('one', c2); expect(logger).toEqual(['change!']); }); it('should not emit event called when `FormGroup.setControl` with `emitEvent: false`', () => { const logger: string[] = []; const c2 = new FormControl('new!'); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('value change')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('status change')); g.setControl('one', c2, {emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('emit `statusChanges` and `valueChanges` with/without async/sync validators', () => { const attachEventsLogger = (control: AbstractControl, log: string[], controlName?: string) => { const name = controlName ? ` (${controlName})` : ''; control.statusChanges.subscribe(status => log.push(`status${name}: ${status}`)); control.valueChanges.subscribe(value => log.push(`value${name}: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`)); }; describe('stand alone controls', () => { it('should run the async validator on stand alone controls and set status to `INVALID`', fakeAsync(() => { const logs: string[] = []; const c = new FormControl('', null, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 0, shouldFail: true})); attachEventsLogger(c, logs); expect(logs.length).toBe(0); tick(1); c.setValue('new!', {emitEvent: true}); tick(1); // Note that above `simpleAsyncValidator` is called with `timeout:0`. When the timeout // is set to `0`, the function returns `of(error)`, and the function behaves in a // synchronous manner. Because of this there is no `PENDING` state as seen in the // `logs`. expect(logs).toEqual([ 'status: INVALID', // status change emitted as a result of initial async validator run 'value: "new!"', // value change emitted by `setValue` 'status: INVALID' // async validator run after `setValue` call ]); })); it('should run the async validator on stand alone controls and set status to `VALID`', fakeAsync(() => { const logs: string[] = []; const c = new FormControl('', null, asyncValidator('new!')); attachEventsLogger(c, logs); expect(logs.length).toBe(0); tick(1); c.setValue('new!', {emitEvent: true}); tick(1); expect(logs).toEqual([ 'status: INVALID', // status change emitted as a result of initial async validator run 'value: "new!"', // value change emitted by `setValue` 'status: PENDING', // status change emitted by `setValue` 'status: VALID' // async validator run after `setValue` call ]); })); it('should run the async validator on stand alone controls, include `PENDING` and set status to `INVALID`', fakeAsync(() => { const logs: string[] = []; const c = new FormControl('', null, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: true})); attachEventsLogger(c, logs); expect(logs.length).toBe(0); tick(1); c.setValue('new!', {emitEvent: true}); tick(1); expect(logs).toEqual([ 'status: INVALID', // status change emitted as a result of initial async validator run 'value: "new!"', // value change emitted by `setValue` 'status: PENDING', // status change emitted by `setValue` 'status: INVALID' // async validator run after `setValue` call ]); })); it('should run setValue before the initial async validator and set status to `VALID`', fakeAsync(() => { const logs: string[] = []; const c = new FormControl('', null, asyncValidator('new!')); attachEventsLogger(c, logs); expect(logs.length).toBe(0); c.setValue('new!', {emitEvent: true}); tick(1); // The `setValue` call invoked synchronously cancels the initial run of the // `asyncValidator` (which would cause the control status to be changed to `INVALID`), so // the log contains only events after calling `setValue`. expect(logs).toEqual([ 'value: "new!"', // value change emitted by `setValue` 'status: PENDING', // status change emitted by `setValue` 'status: VALID' // async validator run after `setValue` call ]); })); it('should run setValue before the initial async validator and set status to `INVALID`', fakeAsync(() => { const logs: string[] = []; const c = new FormControl('', null, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: true})); attachEventsLogger(c, logs); expect(logs.length).toBe(0); c.setValue('new!', {emitEvent: true}); tick(1); // The `setValue` call invoked synchronously cancels the initial run of the // `asyncValidator` (which would cause the control status to be changed to `INVALID`), so // the log contains only events after calling `setValue`. expect(logs).toEqual([ 'value: "new!"', // value change emitted by `setValue` 'status: PENDING', // status change emitted by `setValue` 'status: INVALID' // async validator run after `setValue` call ]); })); it('should cancel initial run of the async validator and not emit anything', fakeAsync(() => { const logger: string[] = []; const c = new FormControl('', null, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: true})); attachEventsLogger(c, logger); expect(logger.length).toBe(0); c.setValue('new!', {emitEvent: false}); tick(1); // Because we are calling `setValue` with `emitEvent: false`, nothing is emitted // and our logger remains empty expect(logger).toEqual([]); })); it('should run the sync validator on stand alone controls and set status to `INVALID`', fakeAsync(() => { const logs: string[] = []; const c = new FormControl('new!', Validators.required); attachEventsLogger(c, logs); expect(logs.length).toBe(0); tick(1); c.setValue('', {emitEvent: true}); tick(1); expect(logs).toEqual([ 'value: ""', // value change emitted by `setValue` 'status: INVALID' // status change emitted by `setValue` ]); })); it('should run the sync validator on stand alone controls and set status to `VALID`', fakeAsync(() => { const logs: string[] = []; const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); attachEventsLogger(c, logs); expect(logs.length).toBe(0); tick(1); c.setValue('new!', {emitEvent: true}); tick(1); expect(logs).toEqual([ 'value: "new!"', // value change emitted by `setValue` 'status: VALID' // status change emitted by `setValue` ]); })); }); describe('combination of multiple form controls', () => { it('should run the async validator on the FormControl added to the FormGroup and set status to `VALID`', fakeAsync(() => { const logs: string[] = []; const c1 = new FormControl('one'); const g1 = new FormGroup({'one': c1}); // Initial state of the controls expect(currentStateOf([c1, g1])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control 1 {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Group ]); attachEventsLogger(g1, logs, 'g1'); const c2 = new FormControl('new!', null, asyncValidator('new!')); attachEventsLogger(c2, logs, 'c2'); // Initial state of the new control expect(currentStateOf([c2])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control 2 ]); expect(logs.length).toBe(0); g1.setControl('one', c2); tick(1); expect(logs).toEqual([ 'value (g1): {"one":"new!"}', // value change emitted by `setControl` 'status (g1): PENDING', // value change emitted by `setControl` 'status (c2): VALID', // async validator run after `setControl` call 'status (g1): VALID' // status changed from the `setControl` call ]); // Final state of all controls expect(currentStateOf([g1, c2])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control 2 ]); })); it('should run the async validator on the FormControl added to the FormGroup and set status to `INVALID`', fakeAsync(() => { const logs: string[] = []; const c1 = new FormControl('one'); const g1 = new FormGroup({'one': c1}); // Initial state of the controls expect(currentStateOf([c1, g1])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control 1 {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Group ]); attachEventsLogger(g1, logs, 'g1'); const c2 = new FormControl('new!', null, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: true})); attachEventsLogger(c2, logs, 'c2'); // Initial state of the new control expect(currentStateOf([c2])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control 2 ]); expect(logs.length).toBe(0); g1.setControl('one', c2); tick(1); expect(logs).toEqual([ 'value (g1): {"one":"new!"}', 'status (g1): PENDING', // g1 async validator is invoked after `g1.setControl` call 'status (c2): INVALID', // c2 async validator trigger at c2 init, completed with the // `INVALID` status 'status (g1): INVALID' // g1 validator completed with the `INVALID` status ]); // Final state of all controls expect(currentStateOf([g1, c2])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Control 2 ]); })); it('should run the async validator at `FormControl` and `FormGroup` level and set status to `INVALID`', fakeAsync(() => { const logs: string[] = []; const c1 = new FormControl('one'); const g1 = new FormGroup( {'one': c1}, null, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: true})); // Initial state of the controls expect(currentStateOf([c1, g1])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control 1 {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group ]); attachEventsLogger(g1, logs, 'g1'); const c2 = new FormControl('new!', null, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: true})); attachEventsLogger(c2, logs, 'c2'); // Initial state of the new control expect(currentStateOf([c2])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control 2 ]); expect(logs.length).toBe(0); g1.setControl('one', c2); tick(1); expect(logs).toEqual([ 'value (g1): {"one":"new!"}', 'status (g1): PENDING', // g1 async validator is invoked after `g1.setControl` call 'status (c2): INVALID', // c2 async validator trigger at c2 init, completed with the // `INVALID` status 'status (g1): PENDING', // c2 update triggered g1 to re-run validation 'status (g1): INVALID' // g1 validator completed with the `INVALID` status ]); // Final state of all controls expect(currentStateOf([g1, c2])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Control 2 ]); })); it('should run the async validator on a `FormArray` and a `FormControl` and status to `INVALID`', fakeAsync(() => { const logs: string[] = []; const c1 = new FormControl('one'); const g1 = new FormGroup( {'one': c1}, null, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: true})); const fa = new FormArray([g1], null!, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: true})); attachEventsLogger(g1, logs, 'g1'); // Initial state of the controls expect(currentStateOf([c1, g1, fa])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: false, status: 'VALID'}, // Control 1 {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Group {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // FormArray ]); attachEventsLogger(fa, logs, 'fa'); const c2 = new FormControl('new!', null, simpleAsyncValidator({timeout: 1, shouldFail: true})); attachEventsLogger(c2, logs, 'c2'); // Initial state of the new control expect(currentStateOf([c2])).toEqual([ {errors: null, pending: true, status: 'PENDING'}, // Control 2 ]); expect(logs.length).toBe(0); g1.setControl('one', c2); tick(1); expect(logs).toEqual([ 'value (g1): {"one":"new!"}', // g1's call to `setControl` triggered value update 'status (g1): PENDING', // g1's call to `setControl` triggered status update 'value (fa): [{"one":"new!"}]', // g1 update triggers the `FormArray` value update 'status (fa): PENDING', // g1 update triggers the `FormArray` status update 'status (c2): INVALID', // async validator run after `setControl` call 'status (g1): PENDING', // async validator run after `setControl` call 'status (fa): PENDING', // async validator run after `setControl` call 'status (g1): INVALID', // g1 validator completed with the `INVALID` status 'status (fa): PENDING', // fa validator still running 'status (fa): INVALID' // fa validator completed with the `INVALID` status ]); // Final state of all controls expect(currentStateOf([g1, fa, c2])).toEqual([ {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Group {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // FormArray {errors: {async: true}, pending: false, status: 'INVALID'}, // Control 2 ]); })); }); }); describe('pending', () => { let c: FormControl; let g: FormGroup; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl('value'); g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); }); it('should be false after creating a control', () => { expect(g.pending).toEqual(false); }); it('should be true after changing the value of the control', () => { c.markAsPending(); expect(g.pending).toEqual(true); }); it('should not update the parent when onlySelf = true', () => { c.markAsPending({onlySelf: true}); expect(g.pending).toEqual(false); }); describe('status change events', () => { let logger: string[]; beforeEach(() => { logger = []; g.statusChanges.subscribe((status) => logger.push(status)); }); it('should emit event after marking control as pending', () => { c.markAsPending(); expect(logger).toEqual(['PENDING']); }); it('should not emit event when onlySelf = true', () => { c.markAsPending({onlySelf: true}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); it('should not emit event when called with `emitEvent: false`', () => { c.markAsPending({emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); it('should emit event when parent is markedAsPending', () => { g.markAsPending(); expect(logger).toEqual(['PENDING']); }); }); }); }); })();