/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {ɵgetDOM as getDOM} from '@angular/common'; import {Component, Directive, forwardRef, Input, NgModule, OnDestroy, Type} from '@angular/core'; import {ComponentFixture, fakeAsync, TestBed, tick} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {expect} from '@angular/core/testing/src/testing_internal'; import {AbstractControl, AsyncValidator, AsyncValidatorFn, COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE, ControlValueAccessor, DefaultValueAccessor, FormArray, FormControl, FormControlDirective, FormControlName, FormGroup, FormGroupDirective, FormsModule, MaxValidator, MinValidator, NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, NG_VALIDATORS, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, ReactiveFormsModule, Validator, Validators} from '@angular/forms'; import {By} from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/debug/by'; import {dispatchEvent, sortedClassList} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/browser_util'; import {merge, NEVER, of, Subscription, timer} from 'rxjs'; import {map, tap} from 'rxjs/operators'; import {MyInput, MyInputForm} from './value_accessor_integration_spec'; // Produces a new @Directive (with a given selector) that represents a validator class. function createValidatorClass(selector: string) { @Directive({ selector, providers: [{ provide: NG_VALIDATORS, useClass: forwardRef(() => CustomValidator), multi: true, }] }) class CustomValidator implements Validator { validate(control: AbstractControl) { return null; } } return CustomValidator; } // Produces a new @Directive (with a given selector) that represents an async validator class. function createAsyncValidatorClass(selector: string) { @Directive({ selector, providers: [{ provide: NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, useClass: forwardRef(() => CustomValidator), multi: true, }] }) class CustomValidator implements AsyncValidator { validate(control: AbstractControl) { return Promise.resolve(null); } } return CustomValidator; } // Produces a new @Directive (with a given selector) that represents a value accessor. function createControlValueAccessor(selector: string) { @Directive({ selector, providers: [{ provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, useExisting: forwardRef(() => CustomValueAccessor), multi: true, }] }) class CustomValueAccessor implements ControlValueAccessor { writeValue(value: any) {} registerOnChange(fn: (value: any) => void) {} registerOnTouched(fn: any) {} } return CustomValueAccessor; } // Pre-create classes for validators. const ViewValidatorA = createValidatorClass('[validators-a]'); const ViewValidatorB = createValidatorClass('[validators-b]'); const ViewValidatorC = createValidatorClass('[validators-c]'); // Pre-create classes for async validators. const AsyncViewValidatorA = createAsyncValidatorClass('[validators-a]'); const AsyncViewValidatorB = createAsyncValidatorClass('[validators-b]'); const AsyncViewValidatorC = createAsyncValidatorClass('[validators-c]'); // Pre-create classes for value accessors. const ValueAccessorA = createControlValueAccessor('[cva-a]'); const ValueAccessorB = createControlValueAccessor('[cva-b]'); { describe('reactive forms integration tests', () => { function initTest(component: Type, ...directives: Type[]): ComponentFixture { TestBed.configureTestingModule( {declarations: [component, ...directives], imports: [FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule]}); return TestBed.createComponent(component); } function initReactiveFormsTest( component: Type, ...directives: Type[]): ComponentFixture { TestBed.configureTestingModule( {declarations: [component, ...directives], imports: [ReactiveFormsModule]}); return TestBed.createComponent(component); } // Helper method that attaches a spy to a `validate` function on a Validator class. function validatorSpyOn(validatorClass: any) { return spyOn(validatorClass.prototype, 'validate').and.callThrough(); } describe('basic functionality', () => { it('should work with single controls', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('old value'); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); // model -> view const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); expect(input.nativeElement.value).toEqual('old value'); input.nativeElement.value = 'updated value'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); // view -> model expect(control.value).toEqual('updated value'); }); it('should work with formGroups (model -> view)', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('loginValue')}); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); expect(input.nativeElement.value).toEqual('loginValue'); }); it('should add novalidate by default to form', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('loginValue')}); fixture.detectChanges(); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')); expect(form.nativeElement.getAttribute('novalidate')).toEqual(''); }); it('work with formGroups (view -> model)', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('oldValue')}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); input.nativeElement.value = 'updatedValue'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); expect(form.value).toEqual({'login': 'updatedValue'}); }); }); describe('re-bound form groups', () => { it('should update DOM elements initially', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('oldValue')}); fixture.detectChanges(); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('newValue')}); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); expect(input.nativeElement.value).toEqual('newValue'); }); it('should update model when UI changes', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('oldValue')}); fixture.detectChanges(); const newForm = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('newValue')}); fixture.componentInstance.form = newForm; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); input.nativeElement.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(newForm.value).toEqual({login: 'Nancy'}); newForm.setValue({login: 'Carson'}); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(input.nativeElement.value).toEqual('Carson'); }); it('should update nested form group model when UI changes', () => { const fixture = initTest(NestedFormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup( {'signin': new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl(), 'password': new FormControl()})}); fixture.detectChanges(); const newForm = new FormGroup({ 'signin': new FormGroup( {'login': new FormControl('Nancy'), 'password': new FormControl('secret')}) }); fixture.componentInstance.form = newForm; fixture.detectChanges(); const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); expect(inputs[0].nativeElement.value).toEqual('Nancy'); expect(inputs[1].nativeElement.value).toEqual('secret'); inputs[0].nativeElement.value = 'Carson'; dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(newForm.value).toEqual({signin: {login: 'Carson', password: 'secret'}}); newForm.setValue({signin: {login: 'Bess', password: 'otherpass'}}); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(inputs[0].nativeElement.value).toEqual('Bess'); }); it('should pick up dir validators from form controls', () => { const fixture = initTest(LoginIsEmptyWrapper, LoginIsEmptyValidator); const form = new FormGroup({ 'login': new FormControl(''), 'min': new FormControl(''), 'max': new FormControl(''), 'pattern': new FormControl('') }); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.get('login')!.errors).toEqual({required: true}); const newForm = new FormGroup({ 'login': new FormControl(''), 'min': new FormControl(''), 'max': new FormControl(''), 'pattern': new FormControl('') }); fixture.componentInstance.form = newForm; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(newForm.get('login')!.errors).toEqual({required: true}); }); it('should pick up dir validators from nested form groups', () => { const fixture = initTest(NestedFormGroupComp, LoginIsEmptyValidator); const form = new FormGroup({ 'signin': new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl(''), 'password': new FormControl('')}) }); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.get('signin')!.valid).toBe(false); const newForm = new FormGroup({ 'signin': new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl(''), 'password': new FormControl('')}) }); fixture.componentInstance.form = newForm; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.get('signin')!.valid).toBe(false); }); it('should strip named controls that are not found', () => { const fixture = initTest(NestedFormGroupComp, LoginIsEmptyValidator); const form = new FormGroup({ 'signin': new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl(''), 'password': new FormControl('')}) }); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); form.addControl('email', new FormControl('email')); fixture.detectChanges(); let emailInput = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[formControlName="email"]')); expect(emailInput.nativeElement.value).toEqual('email'); const newForm = new FormGroup({ 'signin': new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl(''), 'password': new FormControl('')}) }); fixture.componentInstance.form = newForm; fixture.detectChanges(); emailInput = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[formControlName="email"]')); expect(emailInput as any).toBe(null); // TODO: Review use of `any` here (#19904) }); it('should strip array controls that are not found', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormArrayComp); const cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY')]); const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray; fixture.detectChanges(); let inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); expect(inputs[2]).not.toBeDefined(); cityArray.push(new FormControl('LA')); fixture.detectChanges(); inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); expect(inputs[2]).toBeDefined(); const newArr = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY')]); const newForm = new FormGroup({cities: newArr}); fixture.componentInstance.form = newForm; fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = newArr; fixture.detectChanges(); inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); expect(inputs[2]).not.toBeDefined(); }); describe('nested control rebinding', () => { it('should attach dir to control when leaf control changes', () => { const form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('oldValue')}); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); form.removeControl('login'); form.addControl('login', new FormControl('newValue')); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); expect(input.nativeElement.value).toEqual('newValue'); input.nativeElement.value = 'user input'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.value).toEqual({login: 'user input'}); form.setValue({login: 'Carson'}); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(input.nativeElement.value).toEqual('Carson'); }); it('should attach dirs to all child controls when group control changes', () => { const fixture = initTest(NestedFormGroupComp, LoginIsEmptyValidator); const form = new FormGroup({ signin: new FormGroup( {login: new FormControl('oldLogin'), password: new FormControl('oldPassword')}) }); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); form.removeControl('signin'); form.addControl( 'signin', new FormGroup( {login: new FormControl('newLogin'), password: new FormControl('newPassword')})); fixture.detectChanges(); const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); expect(inputs[0].nativeElement.value).toEqual('newLogin'); expect(inputs[1].nativeElement.value).toEqual('newPassword'); inputs[0].nativeElement.value = 'user input'; dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.value).toEqual({signin: {login: 'user input', password: 'newPassword'}}); form.setValue({signin: {login: 'Carson', password: 'Drew'}}); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(inputs[0].nativeElement.value).toEqual('Carson'); expect(inputs[1].nativeElement.value).toEqual('Drew'); }); it('should attach dirs to all present child controls when array control changes', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormArrayComp); const cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY')]); const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray; fixture.detectChanges(); form.removeControl('cities'); form.addControl('cities', new FormArray([new FormControl('LA')])); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); expect(input.nativeElement.value).toEqual('LA'); input.nativeElement.value = 'MTV'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.value).toEqual({cities: ['MTV']}); form.setValue({cities: ['LA']}); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(input.nativeElement.value).toEqual('LA'); }); it('should remove controls correctly after re-binding a form array', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormArrayComp); const cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY'), new FormControl('LA')]); const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray; fixture.detectChanges(); const newArr = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY'), new FormControl('LA')]); fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = newArr; form.setControl('cities', newArr); fixture.detectChanges(); newArr.removeAt(0); fixture.detectChanges(); let inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); expect(inputs[0].nativeElement.value).toEqual('NY'); expect(inputs[1].nativeElement.value).toEqual('LA'); let firstInput = inputs[0].nativeElement; firstInput.value = 'new value'; dispatchEvent(firstInput, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(newArr.value).toEqual(['new value', 'LA']); newArr.removeAt(0); fixture.detectChanges(); firstInput = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; firstInput.value = 'last one'; dispatchEvent(firstInput, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(newArr.value).toEqual(['last one']); newArr.get([0])!.setValue('set value'); fixture.detectChanges(); firstInput = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(firstInput.value).toEqual('set value'); }); it('should submit properly after removing controls on a re-bound array', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormArrayComp); const cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY'), new FormControl('LA')]); const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray; fixture.detectChanges(); const newArr = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY'), new FormControl('LA')]); fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = newArr; form.setControl('cities', newArr); fixture.detectChanges(); newArr.removeAt(0); fixture.detectChanges(); const formEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')); expect(() => dispatchEvent(formEl.nativeElement, 'submit')).not.toThrowError(); }); it('should insert controls properly on a re-bound array', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormArrayComp); const cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY')]); const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray; fixture.detectChanges(); const newArr = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY')]); fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = newArr; form.setControl('cities', newArr); fixture.detectChanges(); newArr.insert(1, new FormControl('LA')); fixture.detectChanges(); let inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); expect(inputs[0].nativeElement.value).toEqual('SF'); expect(inputs[1].nativeElement.value).toEqual('LA'); expect(inputs[2].nativeElement.value).toEqual('NY'); const lastInput = inputs[2].nativeElement; lastInput.value = 'Tulsa'; dispatchEvent(lastInput, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(newArr.value).toEqual(['SF', 'LA', 'Tulsa']); newArr.get([2])!.setValue('NY'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(lastInput.value).toEqual('NY'); }); }); }); describe('form arrays', () => { it('should support form arrays', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormArrayComp); const cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY')]); const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray; fixture.detectChanges(); const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); // model -> view expect(inputs[0].nativeElement.value).toEqual('SF'); expect(inputs[1].nativeElement.value).toEqual('NY'); expect(form.value).toEqual({cities: ['SF', 'NY']}); inputs[0].nativeElement.value = 'LA'; dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); // view -> model expect(form.value).toEqual({cities: ['LA', 'NY']}); }); it('should support pushing new controls to form arrays', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormArrayComp); const cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY')]); const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray; fixture.detectChanges(); cityArray.push(new FormControl('LA')); fixture.detectChanges(); const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); expect(inputs[2].nativeElement.value).toEqual('LA'); expect(form.value).toEqual({cities: ['SF', 'NY', 'LA']}); }); it('should support form groups nested in form arrays', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormArrayNestedGroup); const cityArray = new FormArray([ new FormGroup({town: new FormControl('SF'), state: new FormControl('CA')}), new FormGroup({town: new FormControl('NY'), state: new FormControl('NY')}) ]); const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray; fixture.detectChanges(); const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); expect(inputs[0].nativeElement.value).toEqual('SF'); expect(inputs[1].nativeElement.value).toEqual('CA'); expect(inputs[2].nativeElement.value).toEqual('NY'); expect(inputs[3].nativeElement.value).toEqual('NY'); expect(form.value).toEqual({ cities: [{town: 'SF', state: 'CA'}, {town: 'NY', state: 'NY'}] }); inputs[0].nativeElement.value = 'LA'; dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.value).toEqual({ cities: [{town: 'LA', state: 'CA'}, {town: 'NY', state: 'NY'}] }); }); }); describe('programmatic changes', () => { it('should update the value in the DOM when setValue() is called', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const login = new FormControl('oldValue'); const form = new FormGroup({'login': login}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); login.setValue('newValue'); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); expect(input.nativeElement.value).toEqual('newValue'); }); describe('disabled controls', () => { it('should add disabled attribute to an individual control when instantiated as disabled', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl({value: 'some value', disabled: true}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); expect(input.nativeElement.disabled).toBe(true); control.enable(); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(input.nativeElement.disabled).toBe(false); }); it('should add disabled attribute to formControlName when instantiated as disabled', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const control = new FormControl({value: 'some value', disabled: true}); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({login: control}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); expect(input.nativeElement.disabled).toBe(true); control.enable(); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(input.nativeElement.disabled).toBe(false); }); it('should add disabled attribute to an individual control when disable() is called', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('some value'); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); control.disable(); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); expect(input.nativeElement.disabled).toBe(true); control.enable(); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(input.nativeElement.disabled).toBe(false); }); it('should add disabled attribute to child controls when disable() is called on group', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('login')}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); form.disable(); fixture.detectChanges(); const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); expect(inputs[0].nativeElement.disabled).toBe(true); form.enable(); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(inputs[0].nativeElement.disabled).toBe(false); }); it('should not add disabled attribute to custom controls when disable() is called', () => { const fixture = initTest(MyInputForm, MyInput); const control = new FormControl('some value'); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({login: control}); fixture.detectChanges(); control.disable(); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('my-input')); expect(input.nativeElement.getAttribute('disabled')).toBe(null); }); }); describe('dynamic change of FormGroup and FormArray shapes', () => { it('should handle FormControl and FormGroup swap', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class App { showAsGroup = false; form!: FormGroup; useStandaloneControl() { this.showAsGroup = false; this.form = new FormGroup({ name: new FormControl('standalone'), }); } useControlInsideGroup() { this.showAsGroup = true; this.form = new FormGroup({ name: new FormGroup({ control: new FormControl('inside-group'), }) }); } } const fixture = initTest(App); fixture.componentInstance.useStandaloneControl(); fixture.detectChanges(); let input = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input'); expect(input.id).toBe('standalone-id'); expect(input.value).toBe('standalone'); // Replace `FormControl` with `FormGroup` at the same location // in data model and trigger change detection. fixture.componentInstance.useControlInsideGroup(); fixture.detectChanges(); input = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input'); expect(input.id).toBe('inside-group-id'); expect(input.value).toBe('inside-group'); // Swap `FormGroup` with `FormControl` back at the same location // in data model and trigger change detection. fixture.componentInstance.useStandaloneControl(); fixture.detectChanges(); input = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input'); expect(input.id).toBe('standalone-id'); expect(input.value).toBe('standalone'); }); it('should handle FormControl and FormArray swap', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class App { showAsArray = false; form!: FormGroup; useStandaloneControl() { this.showAsArray = false; this.form = new FormGroup({ name: new FormControl('standalone'), }); } useControlInsideArray() { this.showAsArray = true; this.form = new FormGroup({ name: new FormArray([ new FormControl('inside-array') // ]) }); } } const fixture = initTest(App); fixture.componentInstance.useStandaloneControl(); fixture.detectChanges(); let input = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input'); expect(input.id).toBe('standalone-id'); expect(input.value).toBe('standalone'); // Replace `FormControl` with `FormArray` at the same location // in data model and trigger change detection. fixture.componentInstance.useControlInsideArray(); fixture.detectChanges(); input = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input'); expect(input.id).toBe('inside-array-id'); expect(input.value).toBe('inside-array'); // Swap `FormArray` with `FormControl` back at the same location // in data model and trigger change detection. fixture.componentInstance.useStandaloneControl(); fixture.detectChanges(); input = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input'); expect(input.id).toBe('standalone-id'); expect(input.value).toBe('standalone'); }); it('should handle FormGroup and FormArray swap', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class App { showAsArray = false; form!: FormGroup; useControlInsideGroup() { this.showAsArray = false; this.form = new FormGroup({ name: new FormGroup({ control: new FormControl('inside-group'), }) }); } useControlInsideArray() { this.showAsArray = true; this.form = new FormGroup({ name: new FormArray([ new FormControl('inside-array') // ]) }); } } const fixture = initTest(App); fixture.componentInstance.useControlInsideGroup(); fixture.detectChanges(); let input = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input'); expect(input.id).toBe('inside-group-id'); expect(input.value).toBe('inside-group'); // Replace `FormGroup` with `FormArray` at the same location // in data model and trigger change detection. fixture.componentInstance.useControlInsideArray(); fixture.detectChanges(); input = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input'); expect(input.id).toBe('inside-array-id'); expect(input.value).toBe('inside-array'); // Swap `FormArray` with `FormGroup` back at the same location // in data model and trigger change detection. fixture.componentInstance.useControlInsideGroup(); fixture.detectChanges(); input = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input'); expect(input.id).toBe('inside-group-id'); expect(input.value).toBe('inside-group'); }); }); }); describe('user input', () => { it('should mark controls as touched after interacting with the DOM control', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const login = new FormControl('oldValue'); const form = new FormGroup({'login': login}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); const loginEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); expect(login.touched).toBe(false); dispatchEvent(loginEl.nativeElement, 'blur'); expect(login.touched).toBe(true); }); }); describe('submit and reset events', () => { it('should emit ngSubmit event with the original submit event on submit', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('loginValue')}); fixture.componentInstance.event = null!; fixture.detectChanges(); const formEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(formEl, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.componentInstance.event.type).toEqual('submit'); }); it('should mark formGroup as submitted on submit event', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('loginValue')}); fixture.detectChanges(); const formGroupDir = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(FormGroupDirective); expect(formGroupDir.submitted).toBe(false); const formEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(formEl, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroupDir.submitted).toEqual(true); }); it('should set value in UI when form resets to that value programmatically', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const login = new FormControl('some value'); const form = new FormGroup({'login': login}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); const loginEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(loginEl.value).toBe('some value'); form.reset({'login': 'reset value'}); expect(loginEl.value).toBe('reset value'); }); it('should clear value in UI when form resets programmatically', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const login = new FormControl('some value'); const form = new FormGroup({'login': login}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); const loginEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(loginEl.value).toBe('some value'); form.reset(); expect(loginEl.value).toBe(''); }); }); describe('value changes and status changes', () => { it('should mark controls as dirty before emitting a value change event', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const login = new FormControl('oldValue'); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'login': login}); fixture.detectChanges(); login.valueChanges.subscribe(() => { expect(login.dirty).toBe(true); }); const loginEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; loginEl.value = 'newValue'; dispatchEvent(loginEl, 'input'); }); it('should mark control as pristine before emitting a value change event when resetting ', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const login = new FormControl('oldValue'); const form = new FormGroup({'login': login}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); const loginEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; loginEl.value = 'newValue'; dispatchEvent(loginEl, 'input'); expect(login.pristine).toBe(false); login.valueChanges.subscribe(() => { expect(login.pristine).toBe(true); }); form.reset(); }); }); describe('setting status classes', () => { it('should not assign status on standalone
element', () => { @Component({ selector: 'form-comp', template: `
` }) class FormComp { } const fixture = initReactiveFormsTest(FormComp); fixture.detectChanges(); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; // Expect no classes added to the
element since it has no // reactive directives attached and only ReactiveForms module is used. expect(sortedClassList(form)).toEqual([]); }); it('should not assign status on standalone element with form control inside', () => { @Component({ selector: 'form-comp', template: `
` }) class FormComp { control = new FormControl('abc'); } const fixture = initReactiveFormsTest(FormComp); fixture.detectChanges(); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; // Expect no classes added to the
element since it has no // reactive directives attached and only ReactiveForms module is used. expect(sortedClassList(form)).toEqual([]); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-pristine', 'ng-untouched', 'ng-valid']); }); it('should work with single fields', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-untouched']); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-touched']); input.value = 'updatedValue'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-touched', 'ng-valid']); }); it('should work with single fields and async validators', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', null!, uniqLoginAsyncValidator('good')); fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-pending', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-untouched']); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-pending', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-touched']); input.value = 'good'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); tick(); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-touched', 'ng-valid']); })); it('should work with single fields that combines async and sync validators', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required, uniqLoginAsyncValidator('good')); fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-untouched']); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-touched']); input.value = 'bad'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-pending', 'ng-touched']); tick(); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-invalid', 'ng-touched']); input.value = 'good'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); tick(); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-touched', 'ng-valid']); })); it('should work with single fields in parent forms', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('', Validators.required)}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-untouched']); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-touched']); input.value = 'updatedValue'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-touched', 'ng-valid']); }); it('should work with formGroup', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('', Validators.required)}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; const formEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; expect(sortedClassList(formEl)).toEqual(['ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-untouched']); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(formEl)).toEqual(['ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-touched']); input.value = 'updatedValue'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(sortedClassList(formEl)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-touched', 'ng-valid']); }); }); describe('updateOn options', () => { describe('on blur', () => { it('should not update value or validity based on user input until blur', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value).toEqual('', 'Expected value to remain unchanged until blur.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected no validation to occur until blur.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value) .toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected value to change once control is blurred.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected validation to run once control is blurred.'); }); it('should not update parent group value/validity from child until blur', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const form = new FormGroup( {login: new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'blur'})}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.value) .toEqual({login: ''}, 'Expected group value to remain unchanged until blur.'); expect(form.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected no validation to occur on group until blur.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.value) .toEqual({login: 'Nancy'}, 'Expected group value to change once input blurred.'); expect(form.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected validation to run once input blurred.'); }); it('should not wait for blur event to update if value is set programmatically', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); control.setValue('Nancy'); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(input.value).toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected value to propagate to view immediately.'); expect(control.value).toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected model value to update immediately.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected validation to run immediately.'); }); it('should not update dirty state until control is blurred', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.dirty).toBe(false, 'Expected control to start out pristine.'); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.dirty).toBe(false, 'Expected control to stay pristine until blurred.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.dirty).toBe(true, 'Expected control to update dirty state when blurred.'); }); it('should update touched when control is blurred', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.touched).toBe(false, 'Expected control to start out untouched.'); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.touched) .toBe(true, 'Expected control to update touched state when blurred.'); }); it('should continue waiting for blur to update if previously blurred', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('Nancy', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); dispatchEvent(input, 'focus'); input.value = ''; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value) .toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected value to remain unchanged until second blur.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected validation not to run until second blur.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value).toEqual('', 'Expected value to update when blur occurs again.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected validation to run when blur occurs again.'); }); it('should not use stale pending value if value set programmatically', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'aa'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); control.setValue('Nancy'); fixture.detectChanges(); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(input.value).toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected programmatic value to stick after blur.'); }); it('should set initial value and validity on init', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('Nancy', {validators: Validators.maxLength(3), updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(input.value).toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected value to be set in the view.'); expect(control.value).toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected initial model value to be set.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected validation to run on initial value.'); }); it('should reset properly', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'aa'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.dirty).toBe(true, 'Expected control to be dirty on blur.'); control.reset(); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(input.value).toEqual('', 'Expected view value to reset'); expect(control.value).toBe(null, 'Expected pending value to reset.'); expect(control.dirty).toBe(false, 'Expected pending dirty value to reset.'); }); it('should be able to remove a control as a result of another control being reset', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class App implements OnDestroy { private _subscription: Subscription; form = new FormGroup({ name: new FormControl('Frodo'), surname: new FormControl('Baggins'), }); constructor() { this._subscription = this.form.controls.name.valueChanges.subscribe(value => { if (!value) { this.form.removeControl('surname'); } }); } ngOnDestroy() { this._subscription.unsubscribe(); } } const fixture = initTest(App); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({name: 'Frodo', surname: 'Baggins'}); expect(() => { fixture.componentInstance.form.reset(); fixture.detectChanges(); }).not.toThrow(); expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({name: null}); }); it('should not emit valueChanges or statusChanges until blur', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const values: string[] = []; const sub = merge(control.valueChanges, control.statusChanges).subscribe(val => values.push(val)); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual([], 'Expected no valueChanges or statusChanges on input.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( ['Nancy', 'VALID'], 'Expected valueChanges and statusChanges on blur.'); sub.unsubscribe(); }); it('should not emit valueChanges or statusChanges on blur if value unchanged', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const values: string[] = []; const sub = merge(control.valueChanges, control.statusChanges).subscribe(val => values.push(val)); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( [], 'Expected no valueChanges or statusChanges if value unchanged.'); input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual([], 'Expected no valueChanges or statusChanges on input.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( ['Nancy', 'VALID'], 'Expected valueChanges and statusChanges on blur if value changed.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( ['Nancy', 'VALID'], 'Expected valueChanges and statusChanges not to fire again on blur unless value changed.'); input.value = 'Bess'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( ['Nancy', 'VALID'], 'Expected valueChanges and statusChanges not to fire on input after blur.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( ['Nancy', 'VALID', 'Bess', 'VALID'], 'Expected valueChanges and statusChanges to fire again on blur if value changed.'); sub.unsubscribe(); }); it('should mark as pristine properly if pending dirty', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const control = new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'aa'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); control.markAsPristine(); expect(control.dirty).toBe(false, 'Expected control to become pristine.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.dirty).toBe(false, 'Expected pending dirty value to reset.'); }); it('should update on blur with group updateOn', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const formGroup = new FormGroup({login: control}, {updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value).toEqual('', 'Expected value to remain unchanged until blur.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected no validation to occur until blur.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value) .toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected value to change once control is blurred.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected validation to run once control is blurred.'); }); it('should update on blur with array updateOn', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormArrayComp); const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const cityArray = new FormArray([control], {updateOn: 'blur'}); const formGroup = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value).toEqual('', 'Expected value to remain unchanged until blur.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected no validation to occur until blur.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value) .toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected value to change once control is blurred.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected validation to run once control is blurred.'); }); it('should allow child control updateOn blur to override group updateOn', () => { const fixture = initTest(NestedFormGroupComp); const loginControl = new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'change'}); const passwordControl = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const formGroup = new FormGroup( {signin: new FormGroup({login: loginControl, password: passwordControl})}, {updateOn: 'blur'}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const [loginInput, passwordInput] = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); loginInput.nativeElement.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(loginInput.nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(loginControl.value).toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected value change on input.'); expect(loginControl.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected validation to run on input.'); passwordInput.nativeElement.value = 'Carson'; dispatchEvent(passwordInput.nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(passwordControl.value) .toEqual('', 'Expected value to remain unchanged until blur.'); expect(passwordControl.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected no validation to occur until blur.'); dispatchEvent(passwordInput.nativeElement, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(passwordControl.value) .toEqual('Carson', 'Expected value to change once control is blurred.'); expect(passwordControl.valid) .toBe(true, 'Expected validation to run once control is blurred.'); }); }); describe('on submit', () => { it('should set initial value and validity on init', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const form = new FormGroup({ login: new FormControl('Nancy', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'submit'}) }); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(input.value).toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected initial value to propagate to view.'); expect(form.value).toEqual({login: 'Nancy'}, 'Expected initial value to be set.'); expect(form.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected form to run validation on initial value.'); }); it('should not update value or validity until submit', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const formGroup = new FormGroup( {login: new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'submit'})}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.value) .toEqual({login: ''}, 'Expected form value to remain unchanged on input.'); expect(formGroup.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected form validation not to run on input.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.value) .toEqual({login: ''}, 'Expected form value to remain unchanged on blur.'); expect(formGroup.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected form validation not to run on blur.'); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.value) .toEqual({login: 'Nancy'}, 'Expected form value to update on submit.'); expect(formGroup.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected form validation to run on submit.'); }); it('should not update after submit until a second submit', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const formGroup = new FormGroup( {login: new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'submit'})}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); input.value = ''; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.value) .toEqual({login: 'Nancy'}, 'Expected value not to change until a second submit.'); expect(formGroup.valid) .toBe(true, 'Expected validation not to run until a second submit.'); dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.value) .toEqual({login: ''}, 'Expected value to update on the second submit.'); expect(formGroup.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected validation to run on a second submit.'); }); it('should not wait for submit to set value programmatically', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const formGroup = new FormGroup( {login: new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'submit'})}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); formGroup.setValue({login: 'Nancy'}); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(input.value).toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected view value to update immediately.'); expect(formGroup.value) .toEqual({login: 'Nancy'}, 'Expected form value to update immediately.'); expect(formGroup.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected form validation to run immediately.'); }); it('should not update dirty until submit', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const formGroup = new FormGroup({login: new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'submit'})}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.dirty).toBe(false, 'Expected dirty not to change on input.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.dirty).toBe(false, 'Expected dirty not to change on blur.'); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.dirty).toBe(true, 'Expected dirty to update on submit.'); }); it('should not update touched until submit', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const formGroup = new FormGroup({login: new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'submit'})}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.touched).toBe(false, 'Expected touched not to change until submit.'); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.touched).toBe(true, 'Expected touched to update on submit.'); }); it('should reset properly', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const formGroup = new FormGroup( {login: new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'submit'})}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); formGroup.reset(); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(input.value).toEqual('', 'Expected view value to reset.'); expect(formGroup.value).toEqual({login: null}, 'Expected form value to reset'); expect(formGroup.dirty).toBe(false, 'Expected dirty to stay false on reset.'); expect(formGroup.touched).toBe(false, 'Expected touched to stay false on reset.'); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.value) .toEqual({login: null}, 'Expected form value to stay empty on submit'); expect(formGroup.dirty).toBe(false, 'Expected dirty to stay false on submit.'); expect(formGroup.touched).toBe(false, 'Expected touched to stay false on submit.'); }); it('should not emit valueChanges or statusChanges until submit', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const control = new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'submit'}); const formGroup = new FormGroup({login: control}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const values: any[] = []; const streams = merge( control.valueChanges, control.statusChanges, formGroup.valueChanges, formGroup.statusChanges); const sub = streams.subscribe(val => values.push(val)); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual([], 'Expected no valueChanges or statusChanges on input'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual([], 'Expected no valueChanges or statusChanges on blur'); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( ['Nancy', 'VALID', {login: 'Nancy'}, 'VALID'], 'Expected valueChanges and statusChanges to update on submit.'); sub.unsubscribe(); }); it('should not emit valueChanges or statusChanges on submit if value unchanged', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const control = new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'submit'}); const formGroup = new FormGroup({login: control}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const values: (string|{[key: string]: string})[] = []; const streams = merge( control.valueChanges, control.statusChanges, formGroup.valueChanges, formGroup.statusChanges); const sub = streams.subscribe(val => values.push(val)); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( [], 'Expected no valueChanges or statusChanges if value unchanged.'); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual([], 'Expected no valueChanges or statusChanges on input.'); dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( ['Nancy', 'VALID', {login: 'Nancy'}, 'VALID'], 'Expected valueChanges and statusChanges on submit if value changed.'); dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( ['Nancy', 'VALID', {login: 'Nancy'}, 'VALID'], 'Expected valueChanges and statusChanges not to fire again if value unchanged.'); input.value = 'Bess'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( ['Nancy', 'VALID', {login: 'Nancy'}, 'VALID'], 'Expected valueChanges and statusChanges not to fire on input after submit.'); dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(values).toEqual( [ 'Nancy', 'VALID', {login: 'Nancy'}, 'VALID', 'Bess', 'VALID', {login: 'Bess'}, 'VALID' ], 'Expected valueChanges and statusChanges to fire again on submit if value changed.'); sub.unsubscribe(); }); it('should not run validation for onChange controls on submit', () => { const validatorSpy = jasmine.createSpy('validator'); const groupValidatorSpy = jasmine.createSpy('groupValidatorSpy'); const fixture = initTest(NestedFormGroupComp); const formGroup = new FormGroup({ signin: new FormGroup({login: new FormControl(), password: new FormControl()}), email: new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'submit'}) }); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); formGroup.get('signin.login')!.setValidators(validatorSpy); formGroup.get('signin')!.setValidators(groupValidatorSpy); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(validatorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(groupValidatorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should mark as untouched properly if pending touched', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const formGroup = new FormGroup({login: new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'submit'})}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); formGroup.markAsUntouched(); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.touched).toBe(false, 'Expected group to become untouched.'); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(formGroup.touched).toBe(false, 'Expected touched to stay false on submit.'); }); it('should update on submit with group updateOn', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const formGroup = new FormGroup({login: control}, {updateOn: 'submit'}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value).toEqual('', 'Expected value to remain unchanged until submit.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected no validation to occur until submit.'); dispatchEvent(input, 'blur'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value).toEqual('', 'Expected value to remain unchanged until submit.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected no validation to occur until submit.'); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value).toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected value to change on submit.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected validation to run on submit.'); }); it('should update on submit with array updateOn', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormArrayComp); const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const cityArray = new FormArray([control], {updateOn: 'submit'}); const formGroup = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value).toEqual('', 'Expected value to remain unchanged until submit.'); expect(control.valid).toBe(false, 'Expected no validation to occur until submit.'); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.value).toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected value to change once control on submit'); expect(control.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected validation to run on submit.'); }); it('should allow child control updateOn submit to override group updateOn', () => { const fixture = initTest(NestedFormGroupComp); const loginControl = new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required, updateOn: 'change'}); const passwordControl = new FormControl('', Validators.required); const formGroup = new FormGroup( {signin: new FormGroup({login: loginControl, password: passwordControl})}, {updateOn: 'submit'}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.detectChanges(); const [loginInput, passwordInput] = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input')); loginInput.nativeElement.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(loginInput.nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(loginControl.value).toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected value change on input.'); expect(loginControl.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected validation to run on input.'); passwordInput.nativeElement.value = 'Carson'; dispatchEvent(passwordInput.nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(passwordControl.value) .toEqual('', 'Expected value to remain unchanged until submit.'); expect(passwordControl.valid) .toBe(false, 'Expected no validation to occur until submit.'); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(passwordControl.value).toEqual('Carson', 'Expected value to change on submit.'); expect(passwordControl.valid).toBe(true, 'Expected validation to run on submit.'); }); }); }); describe('ngModel interactions', () => { let warnSpy: jasmine.Spy; beforeEach(() => { // Reset `_ngModelWarningSentOnce` on `FormControlDirective` and `FormControlName` types. (FormControlDirective as any)._ngModelWarningSentOnce = false; (FormControlName as any)._ngModelWarningSentOnce = false; warnSpy = spyOn(console, 'warn'); }); describe('deprecation warnings', () => { it('should warn once by default when using ngModel with formControlName', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupNgModel); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl(''), 'password': new FormControl('')}); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); expect(warnSpy.calls.count()).toEqual(1); expect(warnSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]) .toMatch( /It looks like you're using ngModel on the same form field as formControlName/gi); fixture.componentInstance.login = 'some value'; fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); expect(warnSpy.calls.count()).toEqual(1); })); it('should warn once by default when using ngModel with formControl', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlNgModel); fixture.componentInstance.control = new FormControl(''); fixture.componentInstance.passwordControl = new FormControl(''); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); expect(warnSpy.calls.count()).toEqual(1); expect(warnSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]) .toMatch( /It looks like you're using ngModel on the same form field as formControl/gi); fixture.componentInstance.login = 'some value'; fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); expect(warnSpy.calls.count()).toEqual(1); })); it('should warn once for each instance when global provider is provided with "always"', fakeAsync(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [FormControlNgModel], imports: [ReactiveFormsModule.withConfig({warnOnNgModelWithFormControl: 'always'})] }); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(FormControlNgModel); fixture.componentInstance.control = new FormControl(''); fixture.componentInstance.passwordControl = new FormControl(''); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); expect(warnSpy.calls.count()).toEqual(2); expect(warnSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]) .toMatch( /It looks like you're using ngModel on the same form field as formControl/gi); })); it('should silence warnings when global provider is provided with "never"', fakeAsync(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [FormControlNgModel], imports: [ReactiveFormsModule.withConfig({warnOnNgModelWithFormControl: 'never'})] }); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(FormControlNgModel); fixture.componentInstance.control = new FormControl(''); fixture.componentInstance.passwordControl = new FormControl(''); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); expect(warnSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); })); }); it('should support ngModel for complex forms', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupNgModel); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl(''), 'password': new FormControl('')}); fixture.componentInstance.login = 'oldValue'; fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(input.value).toEqual('oldValue'); input.value = 'updatedValue'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); tick(); expect(fixture.componentInstance.login).toEqual('updatedValue'); })); it('should support ngModel for single fields', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlNgModel); fixture.componentInstance.control = new FormControl(''); fixture.componentInstance.passwordControl = new FormControl(''); fixture.componentInstance.login = 'oldValue'; fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; expect(input.value).toEqual('oldValue'); input.value = 'updatedValue'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); tick(); expect(fixture.componentInstance.login).toEqual('updatedValue'); })); it('should not update the view when the value initially came from the view', fakeAsync(() => { if (isNode) return; const fixture = initTest(FormControlNgModel); fixture.componentInstance.control = new FormControl(''); fixture.componentInstance.passwordControl = new FormControl(''); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'aa'; input.setSelectionRange(1, 2); dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); // selection start has not changed because we did not reset the value expect(input.selectionStart).toEqual(1); })); it('should work with updateOn submit', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupNgModel); const formGroup = new FormGroup( {login: new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'submit'}), password: new FormControl('')}); fixture.componentInstance.form = formGroup; fixture.componentInstance.login = 'initial'; fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; input.value = 'Nancy'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); expect(fixture.componentInstance.login) .toEqual('initial', 'Expected ngModel value to remain unchanged on input.'); const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form')).nativeElement; dispatchEvent(form, 'submit'); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); expect(fixture.componentInstance.login) .toEqual('Nancy', 'Expected ngModel value to update on submit.'); })); }); describe('validations', () => { it('required validator should validate checkbox', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlCheckboxRequiredValidator); const control = new FormControl(false, Validators.requiredTrue); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); const checkbox = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); expect(checkbox.nativeElement.checked).toBe(false); expect(control.hasError('required')).toEqual(true); checkbox.nativeElement.checked = true; dispatchEvent(checkbox.nativeElement, 'change'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(checkbox.nativeElement.checked).toBe(true); expect(control.hasError('required')).toEqual(false); }); // Note: this scenario goes against validator function rules were `null` is the only // representation of a successful check. However the `Validators.combine` has a side-effect // where falsy values are treated as success and `null` is returned from the wrapper function. // The goal of this test is to prevent regressions for validators that return falsy values by // mistake and rely on the `Validators.compose` side-effects to normalize the value to `null` // instead. it('should treat validators that return `undefined` as successful', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const validatorFn = (control: AbstractControl) => control.value ?? undefined; const control = new FormControl(undefined, validatorFn); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(control.status).toBe('VALID'); expect(control.errors).toBe(null); }); it('should use sync validators defined in html', () => { const fixture = initTest(LoginIsEmptyWrapper, LoginIsEmptyValidator); const form = new FormGroup({ 'login': new FormControl(''), 'min': new FormControl(''), 'max': new FormControl(''), 'pattern': new FormControl('') }); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); const required = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[required]')); const minLength = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[minlength]')); const maxLength = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[maxlength]')); const pattern = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[pattern]')); required.nativeElement.value = ''; minLength.nativeElement.value = '1'; maxLength.nativeElement.value = '1234'; pattern.nativeElement.value = '12'; dispatchEvent(required.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(minLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(maxLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(pattern.nativeElement, 'input'); expect(form.hasError('required', ['login'])).toEqual(true); expect(form.hasError('minlength', ['min'])).toEqual(true); expect(form.hasError('maxlength', ['max'])).toEqual(true); expect(form.hasError('pattern', ['pattern'])).toEqual(true); expect(form.hasError('loginIsEmpty')).toEqual(true); required.nativeElement.value = '1'; minLength.nativeElement.value = '123'; maxLength.nativeElement.value = '123'; pattern.nativeElement.value = '123'; dispatchEvent(required.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(minLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(maxLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(pattern.nativeElement, 'input'); expect(form.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should use sync validators using bindings', () => { const fixture = initTest(ValidationBindingsForm); const form = new FormGroup({ 'login': new FormControl(''), 'min': new FormControl(''), 'max': new FormControl(''), 'pattern': new FormControl('') }); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.componentInstance.required = true; fixture.componentInstance.minLen = 3; fixture.componentInstance.maxLen = 3; fixture.componentInstance.pattern = '.{3,}'; fixture.detectChanges(); const required = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[name=required]')); const minLength = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[name=minlength]')); const maxLength = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[name=maxlength]')); const pattern = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[name=pattern]')); required.nativeElement.value = ''; minLength.nativeElement.value = '1'; maxLength.nativeElement.value = '1234'; pattern.nativeElement.value = '12'; dispatchEvent(required.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(minLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(maxLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(pattern.nativeElement, 'input'); expect(form.hasError('required', ['login'])).toEqual(true); expect(form.hasError('minlength', ['min'])).toEqual(true); expect(form.hasError('maxlength', ['max'])).toEqual(true); expect(form.hasError('pattern', ['pattern'])).toEqual(true); required.nativeElement.value = '1'; minLength.nativeElement.value = '123'; maxLength.nativeElement.value = '123'; pattern.nativeElement.value = '123'; dispatchEvent(required.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(minLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(maxLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(pattern.nativeElement, 'input'); expect(form.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('changes on bound properties should change the validation state of the form', () => { const fixture = initTest(ValidationBindingsForm); const form = new FormGroup({ 'login': new FormControl(''), 'min': new FormControl(''), 'max': new FormControl(''), 'pattern': new FormControl('') }); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); const required = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[name=required]')); const minLength = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[name=minlength]')); const maxLength = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[name=maxlength]')); const pattern = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[name=pattern]')); required.nativeElement.value = ''; minLength.nativeElement.value = '1'; maxLength.nativeElement.value = '1234'; pattern.nativeElement.value = '12'; dispatchEvent(required.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(minLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(maxLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(pattern.nativeElement, 'input'); expect(form.hasError('required', ['login'])).toEqual(false); expect(form.hasError('minlength', ['min'])).toEqual(false); expect(form.hasError('maxlength', ['max'])).toEqual(false); expect(form.hasError('pattern', ['pattern'])).toEqual(false); expect(form.valid).toEqual(true); fixture.componentInstance.required = true; fixture.componentInstance.minLen = 3; fixture.componentInstance.maxLen = 3; fixture.componentInstance.pattern = '.{3,}'; fixture.detectChanges(); dispatchEvent(required.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(minLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(maxLength.nativeElement, 'input'); dispatchEvent(pattern.nativeElement, 'input'); expect(form.hasError('required', ['login'])).toEqual(true); expect(form.hasError('minlength', ['min'])).toEqual(true); expect(form.hasError('maxlength', ['max'])).toEqual(true); expect(form.hasError('pattern', ['pattern'])).toEqual(true); expect(form.valid).toEqual(false); expect(required.nativeElement.getAttribute('required')).toEqual(''); expect(fixture.componentInstance.minLen.toString()) .toEqual(minLength.nativeElement.getAttribute('minlength')); expect(fixture.componentInstance.maxLen.toString()) .toEqual(maxLength.nativeElement.getAttribute('maxlength')); expect(fixture.componentInstance.pattern.toString()) .toEqual(pattern.nativeElement.getAttribute('pattern')); fixture.componentInstance.required = false; fixture.componentInstance.minLen = null!; fixture.componentInstance.maxLen = null!; fixture.componentInstance.pattern = null!; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.hasError('required', ['login'])).toEqual(false); expect(form.hasError('minlength', ['min'])).toEqual(false); expect(form.hasError('maxlength', ['max'])).toEqual(false); expect(form.hasError('pattern', ['pattern'])).toEqual(false); expect(form.valid).toEqual(true); expect(required.nativeElement.getAttribute('required')).toEqual(null); expect(required.nativeElement.getAttribute('minlength')).toEqual(null); expect(required.nativeElement.getAttribute('maxlength')).toEqual(null); expect(required.nativeElement.getAttribute('pattern')).toEqual(null); }); it('should support rebound controls with rebound validators', () => { const fixture = initTest(ValidationBindingsForm); const form = new FormGroup({ 'login': new FormControl(''), 'min': new FormControl(''), 'max': new FormControl(''), 'pattern': new FormControl('') }); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.componentInstance.required = true; fixture.componentInstance.minLen = 3; fixture.componentInstance.maxLen = 3; fixture.componentInstance.pattern = '.{3,}'; fixture.detectChanges(); const newForm = new FormGroup({ 'login': new FormControl(''), 'min': new FormControl(''), 'max': new FormControl(''), 'pattern': new FormControl('') }); fixture.componentInstance.form = newForm; fixture.detectChanges(); fixture.componentInstance.required = false; fixture.componentInstance.minLen = null!; fixture.componentInstance.maxLen = null!; fixture.componentInstance.pattern = null!; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(newForm.hasError('required', ['login'])).toEqual(false); expect(newForm.hasError('minlength', ['min'])).toEqual(false); expect(newForm.hasError('maxlength', ['max'])).toEqual(false); expect(newForm.hasError('pattern', ['pattern'])).toEqual(false); expect(newForm.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should use async validators defined in the html', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(UniqLoginWrapper, UniqLoginValidator); const form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('')}); tick(); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.pending).toEqual(true); tick(100); expect(form.hasError('uniqLogin', ['login'])).toEqual(true); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); input.nativeElement.value = 'expected'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); tick(100); expect(form.valid).toEqual(true); })); it('should use sync validators defined in the model', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('aa', Validators.required)}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.valid).toEqual(true); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); input.nativeElement.value = ''; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); expect(form.valid).toEqual(false); }); it('should use async validators defined in the model', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required, uniqLoginAsyncValidator('expected')); const form = new FormGroup({'login': control}); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); expect(form.hasError('required', ['login'])).toEqual(true); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); input.nativeElement.value = 'wrong value'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); expect(form.pending).toEqual(true); tick(); expect(form.hasError('uniqLogin', ['login'])).toEqual(true); input.nativeElement.value = 'expected'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); tick(); expect(form.valid).toEqual(true); })); it('async validator should not override result of sync validator', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required, uniqLoginAsyncValidator('expected', 100)); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'login': control}); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); expect(control.hasError('required')).toEqual(true); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); input.nativeElement.value = 'expected'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); expect(control.pending).toEqual(true); input.nativeElement.value = ''; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); tick(110); expect(control.valid).toEqual(false); })); it('should handle async validation changes in parent and child controls', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); const control = new FormControl( '', Validators.required, asyncValidator(c => !!c.value && c.value.length > 3, 100)); const form = new FormGroup( {'login': control}, null, asyncValidator(c => c.get('login')!.value.includes('angular'), 200)); fixture.componentInstance.form = form; fixture.detectChanges(); tick(); // Initially, the form is invalid because the nested mandatory control is empty expect(control.hasError('required')).toEqual(true); expect(form.value).toEqual({'login': ''}); expect(form.invalid).toEqual(true); // Setting a value in the form control that will trigger the registered asynchronous // validation const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); input.nativeElement.value = 'angul'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); // The form control asynchronous validation is in progress (for 100 ms) expect(control.pending).toEqual(true); tick(100); // Now the asynchronous validation has resolved, and since the form control value // (`angul`) has a length > 3, the validation is successful expect(control.invalid).toEqual(false); // Even if the child control is valid, the form control is pending because it is still // waiting for its own validation expect(form.pending).toEqual(true); tick(100); // Login form control is valid. However, the form control is invalid because `angul` does // not include `angular` expect(control.invalid).toEqual(false); expect(form.pending).toEqual(false); expect(form.invalid).toEqual(true); // Setting a value that would be trigger "VALID" form state input.nativeElement.value = 'angular!'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); // Since the form control value changed, its asynchronous validation runs for 100ms expect(control.pending).toEqual(true); tick(100); // Even if the child control is valid, the form control is pending because it is still // waiting for its own validation expect(control.invalid).toEqual(false); expect(form.pending).toEqual(true); tick(100); // Now, the form is valid because its own asynchronous validation has resolved // successfully, because the form control value `angular` includes the `angular` string expect(control.invalid).toEqual(false); expect(form.pending).toEqual(false); expect(form.invalid).toEqual(false); })); it('should cancel observable properly between validation runs', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); const resultArr: number[] = []; fixture.componentInstance.control = new FormControl('', null!, observableValidator(resultArr)); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(100); expect(resultArr.length).toEqual(1, `Expected source observable to emit once on init.`); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); input.nativeElement.value = 'a'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); input.nativeElement.value = 'aa'; dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(100); expect(resultArr.length) .toEqual(2, `Expected original observable to be canceled on the next value change.`); })); describe('min and max validators', () => { function getComponent(dir: string): Type { return dir === 'formControl' ? MinMaxFormControlComp : MinMaxFormControlNameComp; } // Run tests for both `FormControlName` and `FormControl` directives ['formControl', 'formControlName'].forEach((dir: string) => { it('should validate max', () => { const fixture = initTest(getComponent(dir)); const control = new FormControl(5); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'pin': control}); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; const form = fixture.componentInstance.form; expect(input.value).toEqual('5'); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); input.value = 2; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); expect(form.value).toEqual({pin: 2}); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); fixture.componentInstance.max = 1; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.valid).toBeFalse(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toEqual({max: {max: 1, actual: 2}}); }); it('should apply max validation when control value is defined as a string', () => { const fixture = initTest(getComponent(dir)); const control = new FormControl('5'); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'pin': control}); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; const form = fixture.componentInstance.form; expect(input.value).toEqual('5'); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); input.value = '2'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); expect(form.value).toEqual({pin: 2}); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); fixture.componentInstance.max = 1; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.valid).toBeFalse(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toEqual({max: {max: 1, actual: 2}}); }); it('should validate min', () => { const fixture = initTest(getComponent(dir)); const control = new FormControl(5); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'pin': control}); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; const form = fixture.componentInstance.form; expect(input.value).toEqual('5'); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); input.value = 2; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); expect(form.value).toEqual({pin: 2}); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); fixture.componentInstance.min = 5; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.valid).toBeFalse(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toEqual({min: {min: 5, actual: 2}}); }); it('should apply min validation when control value is defined as a string', () => { const fixture = initTest(getComponent(dir)); const control = new FormControl('5'); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'pin': control}); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; const form = fixture.componentInstance.form; expect(input.value).toEqual('5'); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); input.value = '2'; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); expect(form.value).toEqual({pin: 2}); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); fixture.componentInstance.min = 5; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(form.valid).toBeFalse(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toEqual({min: {min: 5, actual: 2}}); }); it('should run min/max validation for empty values', () => { const fixture = initTest(getComponent(dir)); const minValidateFnSpy = spyOn(MinValidator.prototype, 'validate'); const maxValidateFnSpy = spyOn(MaxValidator.prototype, 'validate'); const control = new FormControl(); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'pin': control}); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; const form = fixture.componentInstance.form; expect(input.value).toEqual(''); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); expect(minValidateFnSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(maxValidateFnSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should run min/max validation when constraints are represented as strings', () => { const fixture = initTest(getComponent(dir)); const control = new FormControl(5); // Run tests when min and max are defined as strings. fixture.componentInstance.min = '1'; fixture.componentInstance.max = '10'; fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'pin': control}); fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; const form = fixture.componentInstance.form; expect(input.value).toEqual('5'); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); input.value = 2; // inside [1, 10] range dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); expect(form.value).toEqual({pin: 2}); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); input.value = -2; // outside [1, 10] range dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); expect(form.value).toEqual({pin: -2}); expect(form.valid).toBeFalse(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toEqual({min: {min: 1, actual: -2}}); input.value = 20; // outside [1, 10] range dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); expect(form.valid).toBeFalse(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toEqual({max: {max: 10, actual: 20}}); }); it('should run min/max validation for negative values', () => { const fixture = initTest(getComponent(dir)); const control = new FormControl(-30); fixture.componentInstance.control = control; fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'pin': control}); fixture.componentInstance.min = -20; fixture.componentInstance.max = -10; fixture.detectChanges(); const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; const form = fixture.componentInstance.form; expect(input.value).toEqual('-30'); expect(form.valid).toBeFalse(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toEqual({min: {min: -20, actual: -30}}); input.value = -15; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); expect(form.value).toEqual({pin: -15}); expect(form.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toBeNull(); input.value = -5; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); expect(form.value).toEqual({pin: -5}); expect(form.valid).toBeFalse(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toEqual({max: {max: -10, actual: -5}}); input.value = 0; dispatchEvent(input, 'input'); expect(form.value).toEqual({pin: 0}); expect(form.valid).toBeFalse(); expect(form.controls.pin.errors).toEqual({max: {max: -10, actual: 0}}); }); }); }); }); describe('errors', () => { it('should throw if a form isn\'t passed into formGroup', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()) .toThrowError(new RegExp(`formGroup expects a FormGroup instance`)); }); it('should throw if formControlName is used without a control container', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent(FormGroupComp, { set: { template: ` ` } }); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()) .toThrowError( new RegExp(`formControlName must be used with a parent formGroup directive`)); }); it('should throw if formControlName is used with NgForm', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent(FormGroupComp, { set: { template: `
` } }); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()) .toThrowError( new RegExp(`formControlName must be used with a parent formGroup directive.`)); }); it('should throw if formControlName is used with NgModelGroup', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent(FormGroupComp, { set: { template: `
` } }); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()) .toThrowError( new RegExp(`formControlName cannot be used with an ngModelGroup parent.`)); }); it('should throw if formGroupName is used without a control container', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent(FormGroupComp, { set: { template: `
` } }); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()) .toThrowError( new RegExp(`formGroupName must be used with a parent formGroup directive`)); }); it('should throw if formGroupName is used with NgForm', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent(FormGroupComp, { set: { template: `
` } }); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()) .toThrowError( new RegExp(`formGroupName must be used with a parent formGroup directive.`)); }); it('should throw if formArrayName is used without a control container', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent(FormGroupComp, { set: { template: `
` } }); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()) .toThrowError( new RegExp(`formArrayName must be used with a parent formGroup directive`)); }); it('should throw if ngModel is used alone under formGroup', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent(FormGroupComp, { set: { template: `
` } }); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({}); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()) .toThrowError(new RegExp( `ngModel cannot be used to register form controls with a parent formGroup directive.`)); }); it('should not throw if ngModel is used alone under formGroup with standalone: true', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent(FormGroupComp, { set: { template: `
` } }); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({}); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()).not.toThrowError(); }); it('should throw if ngModel is used alone with formGroupName', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent(FormGroupComp, { set: { template: `
` } }); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({person: new FormGroup({})}); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()) .toThrowError(new RegExp( `ngModel cannot be used to register form controls with a parent formGroupName or formArrayName directive.`)); }); it('should throw if ngModelGroup is used with formGroup', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent(FormGroupComp, { set: { template: `
` } }); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({}); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()) .toThrowError( new RegExp(`ngModelGroup cannot be used with a parent formGroup directive`)); }); it('should throw if radio button name does not match formControlName attr', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent(FormGroupComp, { set: { template: `
` } }); const fixture = initTest(FormGroupComp); fixture.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'food': new FormControl('fish')}); expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()) .toThrowError(new RegExp('If you define both a name and a formControlName')); }); }); describe('IME events', () => { it('should determine IME event handling depending on platform by default', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); fixture.componentInstance.control = new FormControl('oldValue'); fixture.detectChanges(); const inputEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); const inputNativeEl = inputEl.nativeElement; expect(inputNativeEl.value).toEqual('oldValue'); inputEl.triggerEventHandler('compositionstart', null); inputNativeEl.value = 'updatedValue'; dispatchEvent(inputNativeEl, 'input'); const isAndroid = /android (\d+)/.test(getDOM().getUserAgent().toLowerCase()); if (isAndroid) { // On Android, values should update immediately expect(fixture.componentInstance.control.value).toEqual('updatedValue'); } else { // On other platforms, values should wait for compositionend expect(fixture.componentInstance.control.value).toEqual('oldValue'); inputEl.triggerEventHandler('compositionend', {target: {value: 'updatedValue'}}); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.componentInstance.control.value).toEqual('updatedValue'); } }); it('should hold IME events until compositionend if composition mode', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent( FormControlComp, {set: {providers: [{provide: COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE, useValue: true}]}}); const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); fixture.componentInstance.control = new FormControl('oldValue'); fixture.detectChanges(); const inputEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); const inputNativeEl = inputEl.nativeElement; expect(inputNativeEl.value).toEqual('oldValue'); inputEl.triggerEventHandler('compositionstart', null); inputNativeEl.value = 'updatedValue'; dispatchEvent(inputNativeEl, 'input'); // should not update when compositionstart expect(fixture.componentInstance.control.value).toEqual('oldValue'); inputEl.triggerEventHandler('compositionend', {target: {value: 'updatedValue'}}); fixture.detectChanges(); // should update when compositionend expect(fixture.componentInstance.control.value).toEqual('updatedValue'); }); it('should work normally with composition events if composition mode is off', () => { TestBed.overrideComponent( FormControlComp, {set: {providers: [{provide: COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE, useValue: false}]}}); const fixture = initTest(FormControlComp); fixture.componentInstance.control = new FormControl('oldValue'); fixture.detectChanges(); const inputEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')); const inputNativeEl = inputEl.nativeElement; expect(inputNativeEl.value).toEqual('oldValue'); inputEl.triggerEventHandler('compositionstart', null); inputNativeEl.value = 'updatedValue'; dispatchEvent(inputNativeEl, 'input'); fixture.detectChanges(); // formControl should update normally expect(fixture.componentInstance.control.value).toEqual('updatedValue'); }); }); describe('cleanup', () => { // Symbol that indicates to the verification logic that a certain spy was not expected to be // invoked. This symbol is used by the test helpers below. const SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED = Symbol('SHOULD_NOT_BE_INVOKED'); function expectValidatorsToBeCalled( syncValidatorSpy: jasmine.Spy, asyncValidatorSpy: jasmine.Spy, expected: {ctx: any, count: number}) { [syncValidatorSpy, asyncValidatorSpy].forEach((spy: jasmine.Spy) => { spy.calls.all().forEach((call: jasmine.CallInfo) => { expect(call.args[0]).toBe(expected.ctx); }); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(expected.count); }); } function createValidatorSpy(): jasmine.Spy { return jasmine.createSpy('asyncValidator').and.returnValue(null); } function createAsyncValidatorSpy(): jasmine.Spy { return jasmine.createSpy('asyncValidator').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(null)); } // Sets up a control with validators and value accessors configured for a test. function addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control: AbstractControl, fromView: any = {}): void { const validatorSpy = createValidatorSpy(); const asyncValidatorSpy = createAsyncValidatorSpy(); const valueChangesSpy = jasmine.createSpy('controlValueChangesListener'); const debug: any = { validatorSpy, asyncValidatorSpy, valueChangesSpy, }; if (fromView.viewValidators) { const [syncValidatorClass, asyncValidatorClass] = fromView.viewValidators; debug.viewValidatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(syncValidatorClass); debug.viewAsyncValidatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(asyncValidatorClass); } if (fromView.valueAccessor) { debug.valueAccessorSpy = spyOn(fromView.valueAccessor.prototype, 'writeValue'); } (control as any).__debug__ = debug; control.valueChanges.subscribe(valueChangesSpy); control.setValidators(validatorSpy); control.setAsyncValidators(asyncValidatorSpy); } // Resets all spies associated with given controls. function resetSpies(...controls: AbstractControl[]): void { controls.forEach((control: any) => { const debug = control.__debug__; debug.validatorSpy.calls.reset(); debug.asyncValidatorSpy.calls.reset(); debug.valueChangesSpy.calls.reset(); if (debug.viewValidatorSpy) { debug.viewValidatorSpy.calls.reset(); } if (debug.viewAsyncValidatorSpy) { debug.viewAsyncValidatorSpy.calls.reset(); } if (debug.valueAccessorSpy) { debug.valueAccessorSpy.calls.reset(); } }); } // Verifies whether spy calls match expectations. function verifySpyCalls(spy: any, expectedContext: any, expectedCallCount?: number) { if (expectedContext === SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED) { expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } else { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedContext); if (expectedCallCount !== undefined) { expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(expectedCallCount); } } } // Verify whether all spies attached to a given control match expectations. function verifySpies(control: AbstractControl, expected: any = {}) { const debug = (control as any).__debug__; const viewValidatorCallCount = expected.viewValidatorCallCount ?? 1; const ownValidatorCallCount = expected.ownValidatorCallCount ?? 1; const valueAccessorCallCount = expected.valueAccessorCallCount ?? 1; verifySpyCalls(debug.validatorSpy, expected.ownValidators, ownValidatorCallCount); verifySpyCalls(debug.asyncValidatorSpy, expected.ownValidators, ownValidatorCallCount); verifySpyCalls(debug.valueChangesSpy, expected.valueChanges); if (debug.viewValidatorSpy) { verifySpyCalls(debug.viewValidatorSpy, expected.viewValidators, viewValidatorCallCount); } if (debug.viewAsyncValidatorSpy) { verifySpyCalls( debug.viewAsyncValidatorSpy, expected.viewValidators, viewValidatorCallCount); } if (debug.valueAccessorSpy) { verifySpyCalls(debug.valueAccessorSpy, expected.valueAccessor, valueAccessorCallCount); } } // Init a test with a predefined set of validator and value accessor classes. function initCleanupTest(component: Type) { const fixture = initTest( component, ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA, ViewValidatorB, AsyncViewValidatorB, ViewValidatorC, AsyncViewValidatorC, ValueAccessorA, ValueAccessorB); fixture.detectChanges(); return fixture; } it('should clean up validators when FormGroup is replaced', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormGroupWithValidators, ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA); fixture.detectChanges(); const newForm = new FormGroup({login: new FormControl('NEW')}); const oldForm = fixture.componentInstance.form; // Update `form` input with a new value. fixture.componentInstance.form = newForm; fixture.detectChanges(); const validatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(ViewValidatorA); const asyncValidatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(AsyncViewValidatorA); // Calling `setValue` for the OLD form should NOT trigger validator calls. oldForm.setValue({login: 'SOME-OLD-VALUE'}); expect(validatorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(asyncValidatorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Calling `setValue` for the NEW (active) form should trigger validator calls. newForm.setValue({login: 'SOME-NEW-VALUE'}); expectValidatorsToBeCalled(validatorSpy, asyncValidatorSpy, {ctx: newForm, count: 1}); }); it('should clean up validators when FormControl inside FormGroup is replaced', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlWithValidators, ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA); fixture.detectChanges(); const newControl = new FormControl('NEW')!; const oldControl = fixture.componentInstance.form.get('login')!; const validatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(ViewValidatorA); const asyncValidatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(AsyncViewValidatorA); // Update `login` form control with a new `FormControl` instance. fixture.componentInstance.form.removeControl('login'); fixture.componentInstance.form.addControl('login', newControl); fixture.detectChanges(); validatorSpy.calls.reset(); asyncValidatorSpy.calls.reset(); // Calling `setValue` for the OLD control should NOT trigger validator calls. oldControl.setValue('SOME-OLD-VALUE'); expect(validatorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(asyncValidatorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Calling `setValue` for the NEW (active) control should trigger validator calls. newControl.setValue('SOME-NEW-VALUE'); expectValidatorsToBeCalled(validatorSpy, asyncValidatorSpy, {ctx: newControl, count: 1}); }); it('should keep control in pending state if async validator never emits', fakeAsync(() => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlWithAsyncValidatorFn); fixture.detectChanges(); const control = fixture.componentInstance.form.get('login')!; expect(control.status).toBe('PENDING'); control.setValue('SOME-NEW-VALUE'); tick(); // Since validator never emits, we expect a control to be retained in a pending state. expect(control.status).toBe('PENDING'); expect(control.errors).toBe(null); })); it('should call validators defined via `set[Async]Validators` after view init', () => { const fixture = initTest(FormControlWithValidators, ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA); fixture.detectChanges(); const control = fixture.componentInstance.form.get('login')!; const initialValidatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(ViewValidatorA); const initialAsyncValidatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(AsyncViewValidatorA); initialValidatorSpy.calls.reset(); initialAsyncValidatorSpy.calls.reset(); control.setValue('VALUE-A'); // Expect initial validators (setup during view creation) to be called. expectValidatorsToBeCalled( initialValidatorSpy, initialAsyncValidatorSpy, {ctx: control, count: 1}); initialValidatorSpy.calls.reset(); initialAsyncValidatorSpy.calls.reset(); // Create new validators and corresponding spies. const newValidatorSpy = jasmine.createSpy('newValidator').and.returnValue(null); const newAsyncValidatorSpy = jasmine.createSpy('newAsyncValidator').and.returnValue(of(null)); // Set new validators to a control that is already used in a view. // Expect that new validators are applied and old validators are removed. control.setValidators(newValidatorSpy); control.setAsyncValidators(newAsyncValidatorSpy); // Update control value to trigger validation. control.setValue('VALUE-B'); // Verify that initial (inactive) validators were not called. expect(initialValidatorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(initialAsyncValidatorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Verify that newly applied validators were executed. expectValidatorsToBeCalled(newValidatorSpy, newAsyncValidatorSpy, {ctx: control, count: 1}); }); it('should cleanup validators on a control used for multiple `formControlName` directives', () => { const fixture = initTest(NgForFormControlWithValidators, ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA); fixture.detectChanges(); const newControl = new FormControl('b')!; const oldControl = fixture.componentInstance.form.get('login')!; const validatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(ViewValidatorA); const asyncValidatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(AsyncViewValidatorA); // Case 1: replace `login` form control with a new `FormControl` instance. fixture.componentInstance.form.removeControl('login'); fixture.componentInstance.form.addControl('login', newControl); fixture.detectChanges(); // Check that validators were called with a new control as a context // and each validator function was called for each control (so 3 times each). expectValidatorsToBeCalled(validatorSpy, asyncValidatorSpy, {ctx: newControl, count: 3}); validatorSpy.calls.reset(); asyncValidatorSpy.calls.reset(); // Calling `setValue` for the OLD control should NOT trigger validator calls. oldControl.setValue('SOME-OLD-VALUE'); expect(validatorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(asyncValidatorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Calling `setValue` for the NEW (active) control should trigger validator calls. newControl.setValue('SOME-NEW-VALUE'); // Check that setting a value on a new control triggers validator calls. expectValidatorsToBeCalled(validatorSpy, asyncValidatorSpy, {ctx: newControl, count: 3}); // Case 2: update `logins` to render a new list of elements. fixture.componentInstance.logins = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']; fixture.detectChanges(); validatorSpy.calls.reset(); asyncValidatorSpy.calls.reset(); // Calling `setValue` for the NEW (active) control should trigger validator calls. newControl.setValue('SOME-NEW-VALUE-2'); // Check that setting a value on a new control triggers validator calls for updated set // of controls (one for each element in the `logins` array). expectValidatorsToBeCalled(validatorSpy, asyncValidatorSpy, {ctx: newControl, count: 6}); }); it('should cleanup directive-specific callbacks only', () => { const fixture = initTest(MultipleFormControls, ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA); fixture.detectChanges(); const sharedControl = fixture.componentInstance.control; const validatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(ViewValidatorA); const asyncValidatorSpy = validatorSpyOn(AsyncViewValidatorA); sharedControl.setValue('b'); fixture.detectChanges(); // Check that validators were called for each `formControlName` directive instance // (2 times total). expectValidatorsToBeCalled(validatorSpy, asyncValidatorSpy, {ctx: sharedControl, count: 2}); // Replace formA with a new instance. This will trigger destroy operation for the // `formControlName` directive that is bound to the `control` FormControl instance. const newFormA = new FormGroup({login: new FormControl('new-a')}); fixture.componentInstance.formA = newFormA; fixture.detectChanges(); validatorSpy.calls.reset(); asyncValidatorSpy.calls.reset(); // Update control with a new value. sharedControl.setValue('d'); fixture.detectChanges(); // We should still see an update to the second . expect(fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('#login').value).toBe('d'); expectValidatorsToBeCalled(validatorSpy, asyncValidatorSpy, {ctx: sharedControl, count: 1}); }); it('should clean up callbacks when FormControlDirective is destroyed (simple)', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formControl] *ngIf const control = new FormControl(); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: ` ` }) class App { visible = true; control = control; } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); resetSpies(control); // Case 1: update control value and verify all spies were called. control.setValue('Initial value'); fixture.detectChanges(); verifySpies(control, { ownValidators: control, viewValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Initial value', valueChanges: 'Initial value', }); // Case 2: hide form control and verify no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) were invoked. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(control); control.setValue('Updated Value'); // Expectation: // - FormControlDirective was destroyed and connection to default value accessor and view // validators should also be destroyed. verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated Value', }); // Case 3: make the form control visible again and verify all callbacks are correctly // attached. fixture.componentInstance.visible = true; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(control); control.setValue('Updated Value (v2)'); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Updated Value (v2)', valueChanges: 'Updated Value (v2)', }); }); it('should clean up when FormControlDirective is destroyed (multiple instances)', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formControl] *ngIf // [formControl] const control = new FormControl(); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: ` ` }) class App { visible = true; control = control; } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); // Value accessor for the second without *ngIf. const valueAccessorBSpy = spyOn(ValueAccessorB.prototype, 'writeValue'); // Reset all spies. valueAccessorBSpy.calls.reset(); resetSpies(control); // Case 1: update control value and verify all spies were called. control.setValue('Initial value'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(valueAccessorBSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Initial value'); verifySpies(control, { ownValidators: control, viewValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Initial value', valueChanges: 'Initial value', }); // Case 2: hide form control and verify no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) were invoked. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. valueAccessorBSpy.calls.reset(); resetSpies(control); control.setValue('Updated Value'); // Expectation: // - FormControlDirective was destroyed and connection to a value accessor and view // validators should also be destroyed. // - Since there is a second instance of the FormControlDirective directive present in the // template, we expect to see see calls to value accessor B (since it's applied to // that directive instance) and validators applied on a control instance itself (not a // part of a view setup). expect(valueAccessorBSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Updated Value'); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated Value', }); }); it('should clean up callbacks when FormControlName directive is destroyed', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formGroup] // formControlName *ngIf // formControlName const control = new FormControl(); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `
` }) class App { visible = true; group = new FormGroup({control}); } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); // DefaultValueAccessor will be used for the second where no custom CVA is defined. const valueAccessorBSpy = spyOn(ValueAccessorB.prototype, 'writeValue'); // Reset all spies. valueAccessorBSpy.calls.reset(); resetSpies(control); // Case 1: update control value and verify all spies were called. control.setValue('Initial value'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(valueAccessorBSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Initial value'); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Initial value', valueChanges: 'Initial value', }); // Case 2: hide form control and verify no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) were invoked. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. valueAccessorBSpy.calls.reset(); resetSpies(control); control.setValue('Updated value'); // Expectation: // - `FormControlName` was destroyed and connection to the value accessor A and // validators should also be destroyed. // - Since there is a second instance of `FormControlName` directive present in the // template, we expect to see see calls to the value accessor B (since it's applied to // that directive instance) and validators applied on a control instance itself (not a // part of a view setup). expect(valueAccessorBSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Updated value'); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated value', }); }); it('should clean up callbacks when FormGroupDirective is destroyed', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formGroup] *ngIf // [formControl] const control = new FormControl(); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); const group = new FormGroup({control}); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(group, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorB, AsyncViewValidatorB], }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `
` }) class App { visible = true; control = control; group = group; } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); resetSpies(group, control); // Case 1: update control value and verify that all spies were called. control.setValue('Initial value'); fixture.detectChanges(); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Initial value', valueChanges: 'Initial value', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Initial value'}, }); // Case 2: hide form group and verify that no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) are invoked when we set control value later. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, control); control.setValue('Updated value'); // Expectation: // - `FormGroupDirective` and `FormControlDirective` were destroyed, so connection to value // accessor and view validators should also be destroyed. // - Own validators directly attached to FormGroup and FormControl should still be invoked. verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated value', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Updated value'}, }); // Case 3: make the form control visible again and verify all callbacks are correctly // attached and invoked. fixture.componentInstance.visible = true; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, control); control.setValue('Updated value (v2)'); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Updated value (v2)', valueChanges: 'Updated value (v2)', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Updated value (v2)'}, }); }); it('should clean up when FormControl is destroyed (but parent FormGroup exists)', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formGroup] // [formControl] *ngIf const control = new FormControl(); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); const group = new FormGroup({control}); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(group, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorB, AsyncViewValidatorB], }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `
` }) class App { visible = true; control = control; group = group; } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); resetSpies(group, control); // Case 1: update control value and verify that all spies were called. control.setValue('Initial value'); fixture.detectChanges(); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Initial value', valueChanges: 'Initial value', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Initial value'}, }); // Case 2: hide form group and verify that no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) are invoked when we set control value later. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, control); group.setValue({control: 'Updated value'}); // Expectation: // - `FormControlDirective` was destroyed, so connection to value accessor and view // validators should also be destroyed. // - Own validators directly attached to FormGroup and FormControl should still be invoked. // - `FormGroupDirective` was *not* destroyed, so all view validators should be invoked. verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated value', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Updated value'}, }); }); it('should clean up controls produced by *ngFor', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formGroup] // [formControl] *ngFor const control = new FormControl(); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); const group = new FormGroup({control}); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(group, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorB, AsyncViewValidatorB], }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `
` }) class App { visible = true; control = control; group = group; logins = ['a', 'b', 'c']; } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); resetSpies(group, control); // Case 1: update control value and verify that all spies were called. control.setValue('Initial value'); fixture.detectChanges(); verifySpies(control, { viewValidatorCallCount: 3, // since *ngFor produces 3 [formControl]s valueAccessorCallCount: 3, // since *ngFor produces 3 [formControl]s ownValidatorCallCount: 1, viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Initial value', valueChanges: 'Initial value', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Initial value'}, }); // Case 2: update the list of logins which would result in cleanups for no longer needed // (thus destroyed) directives. fixture.componentInstance.logins = ['c', 'd']; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, control); control.setValue('Updated value'); verifySpies(control, { viewValidatorCallCount: 2, // since now we have 2 items produced by *ngFor valueAccessorCallCount: 2, // since now we have 2 items produced by *ngFor ownValidatorCallCount: 1, viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Updated value', valueChanges: 'Updated value', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Updated value'}, }); // Case 3: hide form group and verify that no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) are invoked when we set control value later. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, control); control.setValue('Updated value (v2)'); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated value (v2)', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Updated value (v2)'}, }); }); it('should clean up when FormArrayName is destroyed (but parent FormGroup exists)', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formGroup] // formArrayName // formControlName *ngIf const control = new FormControl(); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); const arr = new FormArray([control]); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(arr, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorB, AsyncViewValidatorB], }); const group = new FormGroup({arr}); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(group, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorC, AsyncViewValidatorC], }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `
` }) class App { visible = true; group = group; } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); resetSpies(group, arr, control); // Case 1: update control value and verify that all spies were called. control.setValue('Initial value'); fixture.detectChanges(); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Initial value', valueChanges: 'Initial value', }); verifySpies(arr, { viewValidators: arr, ownValidators: arr, valueChanges: ['Initial value'], }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {arr: ['Initial value']}, }); // Case 2: hide form group and verify that no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) are invoked when we set control value later. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, arr, control); control.setValue('Updated value'); // Expectation: // - `FormControlDirective` was destroyed, so connection to value accessor and view // validators should also be destroyed. // - Own validators directly attached to FormGroup, FormArray and FormControl should still // be invoked. // - `FormArrayName` was *not* destroyed, so all view validators should be invoked. verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated value', }); verifySpies(arr, { viewValidators: arr, ownValidators: arr, valueChanges: ['Updated value'], }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {arr: ['Updated value']}, }); }); it('should clean up when FormArrayName is destroyed (but parent FormGroup exists)', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formGroup] // formArrayName *ngIf // formControlName const control = new FormControl(); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); const arr = new FormArray([control]); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(arr, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorB, AsyncViewValidatorB], }); const group = new FormGroup({arr}); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(group, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorC, AsyncViewValidatorC], }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `
` }) class App { visible = true; group = group; } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); resetSpies(group, arr, control); // Case 1: update control value and verify that all spies were called. control.setValue('Initial value'); fixture.detectChanges(); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Initial value', valueChanges: 'Initial value', }); verifySpies(arr, { viewValidators: arr, ownValidators: arr, valueChanges: ['Initial value'], }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {arr: ['Initial value']}, }); // Case 2: hide form group and verify that no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) are invoked when we set control value later. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, arr, control); control.setValue('Updated value'); // Expectation: // - `FormArrayName` was destroyed, so connection to view validators should be destroyed. // - Own validators directly attached to FormGroup, FormArray and FormControl should still // be invoked. verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated value', }); verifySpies(arr, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: arr, valueChanges: ['Updated value'], }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {arr: ['Updated value']}, }); // Case 3: make the form array control available again and verify all callbacks are // correctly attached and invoked. fixture.componentInstance.visible = true; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, arr, control); control.setValue('Updated value (v2)'); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Updated value (v2)', valueChanges: 'Updated value (v2)', }); verifySpies(arr, { viewValidators: arr, ownValidators: arr, valueChanges: ['Updated value (v2)'], }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {arr: ['Updated value (v2)']}, }); }); it('should clean up all child controls when FormGroup is destroyed', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formGroup] *ngIf // formArrayName // formControlName const control = new FormControl(); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); const arr = new FormArray([control]); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(arr, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorB, AsyncViewValidatorB], }); const group = new FormGroup({arr}); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(group, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorC, AsyncViewValidatorC], }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `
` }) class App { visible = true; group = group; } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); resetSpies(group, arr, control); // Case 1: update control value and verify that all spies were called. control.setValue('Initial value'); fixture.detectChanges(); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Initial value', valueChanges: 'Initial value', }); verifySpies(arr, { viewValidators: arr, ownValidators: arr, valueChanges: ['Initial value'], }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {arr: ['Initial value']}, }); // Case 2: hide form group and verify that no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) are invoked when we set control value later. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, arr, control); control.setValue('Updated value'); // Expectation: // - `FormArrayName` was destroyed, so connection to view validators should be destroyed. // - Own validators directly attached to FormGroup, FormArray and FormControl should still // be invoked. verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated value', }); verifySpies(arr, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: arr, valueChanges: ['Updated value'], }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {arr: ['Updated value']}, }); // Case 3: make the form group available again and verify all callbacks are correctly // attached and invoked. fixture.componentInstance.visible = true; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, arr, control); control.setValue('Updated value (v2)'); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Updated value (v2)', valueChanges: 'Updated value (v2)', }); verifySpies(arr, { viewValidators: arr, ownValidators: arr, valueChanges: ['Updated value (v2)'], }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {arr: ['Updated value (v2)']}, }); }); it('should clean up all child controls (with *ngFor) when FormArrayName is destroyed', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formGroup] // formArrayName *ngIf // formControlName *ngFor const controlA = new FormControl('A'); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(controlA, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); const controlB = new FormControl('B'); // Note: since ControlA and ControlB share the same set of validators and value accessor, we // add spies just ones while configuring ControlA (it's not possible to add spies multiple // times). addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(controlB, {}); const arr = new FormArray([controlA, controlB]); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(arr, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorB, AsyncViewValidatorB], }); const group = new FormGroup({arr}); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(group, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorC, AsyncViewValidatorC], }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `
` }) class App { visible = true; group = group; ids = [0, 1]; } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); resetSpies(group, arr, controlA, controlB); // Case 1: update control value and verify that all spies were called. controlA.setValue('Updated A'); fixture.detectChanges(); verifySpies(controlA, { viewValidators: controlA, ownValidators: controlA, valueAccessor: 'Updated A', valueChanges: 'Updated A', }); verifySpies(controlB, { // ControlB is a sibling to ControlA, so updating ControlA has no effect on ControlB. viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, }); verifySpies(arr, { viewValidators: arr, ownValidators: arr, valueChanges: ['Updated A', 'B'], }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {arr: ['Updated A', 'B']}, }); // Case 2: remove ControlA from the view by updating the list of ids. // Verify that ControlA is detached from the view, but ControlB still works. fixture.componentInstance.ids = [1]; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, arr, controlA, controlB); controlA.setValue('Updated A (v2)'); verifySpies(controlA, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: controlA, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated A (v2)', }); verifySpies(controlB, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, }); verifySpies(arr, { viewValidators: arr, ownValidators: arr, valueChanges: ['Updated A (v2)', 'B'], }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {arr: ['Updated A (v2)', 'B']}, }); // Case 3: hide form group and verify that no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) are invoked when we set control value later. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(group, arr, controlA, controlB); controlB.setValue('Updated B'); // Expectation: // - `FormArrayName` was destroyed, so connection to view validators should be destroyed. // - Own validators directly attached to FormGroup, FormArray and FormControl should still // be invoked. verifySpies(controlA, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, }); verifySpies(controlB, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: controlB, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated B', }); verifySpies(arr, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: arr, valueChanges: ['Updated A (v2)', 'Updated B'], }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {arr: ['Updated A (v2)', 'Updated B']}, }); }); it('should clean up all child controls when FormGroupName is destroyed', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formGroup] // formGroupName *ngIf // formControlName const control = new FormControl(); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); const group = new FormGroup({control}); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(group, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorB, AsyncViewValidatorB], }); const root = new FormGroup({group}); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(root, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorC, AsyncViewValidatorC], }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `
` }) class App { visible = true; root = root; } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); resetSpies(root, group, control); // Case 1: update control value and verify that all spies were called. control.setValue('Initial value'); fixture.detectChanges(); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Initial value', valueChanges: 'Initial value', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Initial value'}, }); verifySpies(root, { viewValidators: root, ownValidators: root, valueChanges: {group: {control: 'Initial value'}}, }); // Case 2: hide form group and verify that no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) are invoked when we set control value later. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(root, group, control); control.setValue('Updated value'); // Expectation: // - `FormGroupName` was destroyed, so connection to view validators should be destroyed. // - Own validators directly attached to FormGroups and FormControl should still // be invoked. verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated value', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Updated value'}, }); verifySpies(root, { viewValidators: root, ownValidators: root, valueChanges: {group: {control: 'Updated value'}}, }); }); it('should clean up all child controls when FormGroup is destroyed', () => { // Scenario: // --------- // [formGroup] *ngIf // formGroupName // formControlName const control = new FormControl(); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(control, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorA, AsyncViewValidatorA], valueAccessor: ValueAccessorA, }); const group = new FormGroup({control}); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(group, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorB, AsyncViewValidatorB], }); const root = new FormGroup({group}); addOwnValidatorsAndAttachSpies(root, { viewValidators: [ViewValidatorC, AsyncViewValidatorC], }); @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `
` }) class App { visible = true; root = root; } const fixture = initCleanupTest(App); resetSpies(root, group, control); // Case 1: update control value and verify that all spies were called. control.setValue('Initial value'); fixture.detectChanges(); verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: control, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: 'Initial value', valueChanges: 'Initial value', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: group, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Initial value'}, }); verifySpies(root, { viewValidators: root, ownValidators: root, valueChanges: {group: {control: 'Initial value'}}, }); // Case 2: hide form group and verify that no directive-related callbacks // (validators, value accessors) are invoked when we set control value later. fixture.componentInstance.visible = false; fixture.detectChanges(); // Reset all spies again, prepare for next check. resetSpies(root, group, control); control.setValue('Updated value'); // Expectation: // - `FormGroup` was destroyed, so connection to view validators should be destroyed. // - Own validators directly attached to FormGroups and FormControl should still // be invoked. verifySpies(control, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: control, valueAccessor: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, valueChanges: 'Updated value', }); verifySpies(group, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: group, valueChanges: {control: 'Updated value'}, }); verifySpies(root, { viewValidators: SHOULD_NOT_BE_CALLED, ownValidators: root, valueChanges: {group: {control: 'Updated value'}}, }); }); // See https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/40521. it('should properly clean up when FormControlName has no CVA', () => { @Component({ selector: 'no-cva-compo', template: `
` }) class NoCVAComponent { form = new FormGroup({control: new FormControl()}); } const fixture = initTest(NoCVAComponent); expect(() => { fixture.detectChanges(); }).toThrowError('No value accessor for form control with name: \'control\''); // Making sure that cleanup between tests doesn't cause any issues // for not fully initialized controls. expect(() => { fixture.destroy(); }).not.toThrow(); }); }); }); } /** * Creates an async validator using a checker function, a timeout and the error to emit in case of * validation failure * * @param checker A function to decide whether the validator will resolve with success or failure * @param timeout When the validation will resolve * @param error The error message to be emitted in case of validation failure * * @returns An async validator created using a checker function, a timeout and the error to emit in * case of validation failure */ function asyncValidator( checker: (c: AbstractControl) => boolean, timeout: number = 0, error: any = { 'async': true }) { return (c: AbstractControl) => { let resolve: (result: any) => void; const promise = new Promise(res => { resolve = res; }); const res = checker(c) ? null : error; setTimeout(() => resolve(res), timeout); return promise; }; } function uniqLoginAsyncValidator(expectedValue: string, timeout: number = 0) { return asyncValidator(c => c.value === expectedValue, timeout, {'uniqLogin': true}); } function observableValidator(resultArr: number[]): AsyncValidatorFn { return (c: AbstractControl) => { return timer(100).pipe(tap((resp: any) => resultArr.push(resp))); }; } function loginIsEmptyGroupValidator(c: FormGroup) { return c.controls['login'].value == '' ? {'loginIsEmpty': true} : null; } @Directive({ selector: '[login-is-empty-validator]', providers: [{provide: NG_VALIDATORS, useValue: loginIsEmptyGroupValidator, multi: true}] }) class LoginIsEmptyValidator { } @Directive({ selector: '[uniq-login-validator]', providers: [ {provide: NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, useExisting: forwardRef(() => UniqLoginValidator), multi: true} ] }) class UniqLoginValidator implements AsyncValidator { @Input('uniq-login-validator') expected: any; validate(c: AbstractControl) { return uniqLoginAsyncValidator(this.expected)(c); } } @Component({selector: 'form-control-comp', template: ``}) class FormControlComp { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. control!: FormControl; } @Component({ selector: 'form-group-comp', template: `
` }) class FormGroupComp { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. control!: FormControl; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. form!: FormGroup; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. event!: Event; } @Component({ selector: 'nested-form-group-comp', template: `
` }) class NestedFormGroupComp { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. form!: FormGroup; } @Component({ selector: 'form-array-comp', template: `
` }) class FormArrayComp { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. form!: FormGroup; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. cityArray!: FormArray; } @Component({ selector: 'form-array-nested-group', template: `
` }) class FormArrayNestedGroup { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. form!: FormGroup; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. cityArray!: FormArray; } @Component({ selector: 'form-group-ng-model', template: `
` }) class FormGroupNgModel { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. form!: FormGroup; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. login!: string; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. password!: string; } @Component({ selector: 'form-control-ng-model', template: ` ` }) class FormControlNgModel { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. control!: FormControl; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. login!: string; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. passwordControl!: FormControl; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. password!: string; } @Component({ selector: 'login-is-empty-wrapper', template: `
` }) class LoginIsEmptyWrapper { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. form!: FormGroup; } @Component({ selector: 'validation-bindings-form', template: `
` }) class ValidationBindingsForm { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. form!: FormGroup; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. required!: boolean; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. minLen!: number; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. maxLen!: number; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. pattern!: string; } @Component({ selector: 'form-control-checkbox-validator', template: `` }) class FormControlCheckboxRequiredValidator { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. control!: FormControl; } @Component({ selector: 'uniq-login-wrapper', template: `
` }) class UniqLoginWrapper { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. form!: FormGroup; } @Component({ selector: 'form-group-with-validators', template: `
` }) class FormGroupWithValidators { form = new FormGroup({login: new FormControl('INITIAL')}); } @Component({ selector: 'form-control-with-validators', template: `
` }) class FormControlWithAsyncValidatorFn { control = new FormControl('INITIAL'); form = new FormGroup({login: this.control}); constructor() { this.control.setAsyncValidators(() => { return NEVER.pipe(map((_: any) => ({timeoutError: true}))); }); } } @Component({ selector: 'form-control-with-validators', template: `
` }) class FormControlWithValidators { form = new FormGroup({login: new FormControl('INITIAL')}); } @Component({ selector: 'ngfor-form-controls-with-validators', template: `
` }) class MultipleFormControls { control = new FormControl('a'); formA = new FormGroup({login: this.control}); formB = new FormGroup({login: this.control}); } @Component({ selector: 'ngfor-form-controls-with-validators', template: `
` }) class NgForFormControlWithValidators { form = new FormGroup({login: new FormControl('a')}); logins = ['a', 'b', 'c']; } @Component({ selector: 'min-max-form-control-name', template: `
` }) class MinMaxFormControlNameComp { control!: FormControl; form!: FormGroup; min: number|string = 1; max: number|string = 10; } @Component({ selector: 'min-max-form-control', template: `
` }) class MinMaxFormControlComp { control!: FormControl; form!: FormGroup; min: number|string = 1; max: number|string = 10; }