load("//tools:defaults.bzl", "ng_module", "ng_package", "ts_api_guardian_test_npm_package") package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) ng_module( name = "platform-webworker", srcs = glob( [ "*.ts", "src/**/*.ts", ], ), # Disable building with strict compatibility as the platform-webworker package is # deprecated and therefore it is not needed to make it compatible with --strict. tsconfig = "//packages:tsconfig-build-no-strict", deps = [ "//packages:types", "//packages/common", "//packages/compiler", "//packages/core", "//packages/platform-browser", "@npm//rxjs", ], ) ng_package( name = "npm_package", srcs = ["package.json"], entry_point = ":index.ts", tags = [ "release-with-framework", ], # Do not add more to this list. # Dependencies on the full npm_package cause long re-builds. visibility = ["//integration:__pkg__"], deps = [ ":platform-webworker", ], ) ts_api_guardian_test_npm_package( name = "platform-webworker_api", actualDir = "angular/packages/platform-webworker/npm_package", data = [ ":npm_package", "//goldens:public-api", ], goldenDir = "angular/goldens/public-api/platform-webworker", )